A Patriot's History of the Modern World (89 page)

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Authors: Larry Schweikart,Dave Dougherty

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Senghor, Lamine, 37

Serbia, and Austria-Hungary, 82, 83

Sergi, Giuseppe, 190

Seversky, Alexander de, 174

Sex education, 193

Sexual dysfunction, Freud's theories of, 63

Shafter, William, 27

Shaw, George Bernard, 150, 243–44

Sherman Antitrust Act, 46, 240

Sherriff, R.C., 78

Shintoism, 207–8, 300, 302

Shirer, William, 76

Shlaes, Amity, 252

Shonts, Theodore, 55

Short, Walter, 308

Showa Restoration, 302

Sicily, invasion of, 400

Sinclair, Upton, 113, 124

Singapore, 348, 362

Singer, Kurt, 303–4

Singer Sewing Machines, 205, 234

Sino-Japanese War, 304

Slave labor, in Nazi Germany, 360, 383, 384–86

Slayden, James, 396

Sledge, E.B., 416

Slovakia, 334

Smith-Dorrien, Horace, 100

Smith, Walter Bedell, 405

Smoot-Hawley Tariff, 217, 218, 226, 240, 245, 299, 311

Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 158

Sobibor extermination camp, 387

Social Darwinism, 186

Social Gospel movement, 117, 226

Social hygiene movement, in Germany, 182–83, 192–96

Socialism, 117, 124, 125

Social Security Act of 1935, 253

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 242

Somme, Battle of, 105

Soto, Hernando de, 39, 211

Sousley, Franklin, 415

South Africa, in World War I, 100

South Pole, expeditions to, 2, 61, 62

Soviet Union

and African nationalists, 202

agricultural collectivization, 242–43, 244

constitution of, 154

declaration of war on Japan, 418

de-Stalinization, 148

famine in, 149, 150, 242, 243, 244

German invasion (Eastern Front), 337–41, 343–47, 369–73, 380, 382, 397–400, 403–4, 410

Hitler-Stalin nonaggression pact, 295–97, 337

Lend-Lease aid to, 341–42, 402–4

military production of, 343, 356

in Spanish Civil War, 285, 286

succession to Lenin, 148–49

wartime alliance with U.S., 421

in wartime conferences, 402–3

See also
Bolsheviks; Stalin, Joseph

Spaatz, Carl, 382


anarchist faction in, 279, 282, 283

Civil War, 278, 281–86

outbreak of Civil War, 280–81

republican government in, 278–80

under Franco, 165

Spanish-American War, 8, 15–30

in Cuba, 25–28

and Cuban reform policies, 28–30

European misjudgments about, 21–25

naval deepwater fleet in, 17–20

outbreak of, 16–17

in Philippines, 17, 26, 30–31, 107

Rough Riders, 26, 27, 29

Speculative fever, 234–35

Speer, Albert, 292, 339, 359, 370, 382

Spooner Act of 1902, 53

Spruance, Raymond, 367–68, 396, 397

SS (
), 257

Stalin, Joseph, 11, 12

background of, 148

and Casablanca Conference, 401, 403

–Churchill talks, 403, 410–11

and de-Stalinization, 148

–Hitler nonaggression pact, 295–97, 337

purges of, 286, 340, 347, 398

state control under, 149, 150

succession to Lenin, 148–49

at Tehran Conference, 402, 403

wartime leadership of, 343, 346, 347, 398

Western supporters of, 149–50, 243–44

Stalingrad, Battle of, 347, 373, 398–99

Standard Oil Trust, 46

Stark, Harold, 307–8

Stauffenberg, Claus von, 413

Stavisky Crisis, 294–95

Steffens, Lincoln, 244

Steinberg, Isaac, 146

Stekel, Wilhelm, 62

Sterilization programs, eugenic, 181–82, 183, 192–93, 195

Steuben, Baron von, 380

Stevens, John Frank, 54, 55, 56

Stimson, Henry, 227, 333

Stock market crash, 217–18, 240

Stock market speculation, 234–35

Stoddard, Lothrop, 184–85

Strank, Michael, 415

Strasser, Gregor, 265

Stravinsky, Igor, 68–69

Stresemann, Gustav, 216, 217, 256, 258

Strong, Benjamin, 249

Submarine warfare

in World War I, 110–11, 115, 116, 120, 169–70, 171

in World War II, 313, 331, 349, 369

Sudan, Britain in, 1–2, 37–38

Sudetenland, 286

Suez Canal, 50, 79, 200, 375

Suicide tactics, Japanese, 416–17

Sullivan, Louis, 65

Sullivan & Cromwell, 52

Sumner, William Graham, 186

Sun Yat-sen, 208–9

Suzuki, Kantaro, 418

Switzerland, 165

Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916, 199

Taft, William Howard, 32, 49, 106, 113

Taisho, Emperor (Prince Yoshihito), 207

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 347–48

Tanaka, Taro, 302

Tandler, Julius, 188

Tannenberg, Battle of, 106, 140

Tarbell, Ida, 112

Tariff barriers (Smoot-Hawley), 42, 43, 49, 217, 218, 226, 240, 245

Tax policy

Harding/Coolidge cuts, 215, 236

Hoover increases, 241, 250

New Deal increases, 253

Progressive, 48–49, 118–19

in World War I, 123

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 250

Taylor, Zachary, 137

Tehran Conference, 402–3

Temple, William, 361

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 38

Ten-year rule, 277, 329

Thoma, Ludwig, 77–78

Thoma, Wilhelm von, 285

Thomas, Georg, 270, 339, 372

Thomas, Lowell, 133

Thomson, J. Edgar, 19

Timoshenko, Semyon, 369

Tirpitz, Alfred von, 23

Tobruk, siege of, 375

Todt, Fritz, 270

Togo, Heihachiro, 59

Tojo, Hideki, 349, 350, 416

Tolstoy, Leo, 73

Tooze, Adam, 217, 255, 259

Toynbee, Arnold, 197

Tracy, Benjamin F., 17, 20


colonial, 311

for raw materials, 268, 304, 311

restriction (Smoot-Hawley), 217, 218, 226, 240, 245, 299, 311

Trans-Siberian Railroad, 72

Treaty of Paris, 31

Treblinka extermination camp, 387

Trench warfare, 102–4

Tresckow, Henning von, 413

Tripartite Pact, 297, 331, 334, 335

Trotsky, 146, 148, 149

Truman, Harry S., 11, 158, 413, 417, 418

Trusts, regulation of, 45–47, 240

Tsurumi, Kazuko, 300

Tuchman, Barbara, 142

Tucker, Preston, 354


Arabs in, 198

and Armenian massacre, 220–22

and Germany, 114

postwar boundaries of, 220

Tuskegee syphilis experiments, 182, 183

Tuttle, Ted, 415

Submarine warfare

Udet, Ernst, 314

Umm Diwaykarat, Battle of, 38–39

Unamuno, Miguel de, 283

Unemployment, during Great Depression, 242, 250, 253, 254

United Fruit Company, 227

United States

air power of, 315, 358–59

anti-Semitism in, 187

aviation development in, 174–77

Caribbean interventions of, 33–34, 223

casualties of, 414

in Civil War.
Civil War

and colonial period land ownership, 210–11

cultural influence on Europe, 176–77, 228–30, 231–34

cultural influence on Latin America, 233–34

economy/economic policy.
Agriculture; Business and industry; Great Depression; Tax policy

eugenics movement in, 179–87

and German reparations, 216, 217, 257

Hitler's views of, 216–17, 292, 315–17

Indian policy of, 211–12

–Japan relations, 210, 305–8, 348–50, 421

Latin American interventions, 223–24

in Mexican War, 106–10, 118, 127

in Nicaragua, 224

See also
Spanish-American War

Latin American investments, 224, 226–27

Lend-Lease aid to Britain, 331, 347

Lend-Lease aid to Soviets, 341–43, 402–3

military preparedness of, 293, 331–34

Panama Canal project, 51–58

Pearl Harbor attack, 308, 349, 350–51, 396

Philippine intervention, 30–33, 127, 223

raw materials needs of, 304

and Spanish Civil War, 284–85

trade restrictions of (Smoot-Hawley), 217, 218, 226, 240, 245, 299, 311

in World War I.
World War I, United States in

in World War II

air war, 358-59, 381–84

in D-Day invasion, 409

Japanese-American internment, 370, 419, 420

military capability of, 379–81

military production of, 353–56

North African campaign, 377–78

Western Front, 412–13

See also
Pacific War

See also
American exceptionalism; Progressivism

United States Army

African American regiments, 107–8

buildup of, 332–33

lack of unit cohesion, 333–34, 379

mentality of soldiers, 380

post-World War I, 8

replacement system in, 334, 379–80, 410

in Spanish-American War, 8, 26–28, 31

draftee, 125

in World War I, 126–38

in World War II, 377–78, 379–81, 391–92, 401, 409–10

United States Navy

Aeronautics Bureau, 175

buildup of, 170–71, 332

deepwater fleet, 17–20

Dewey's command, 15–16

Newport sex scandal, 250–51

Nimitz's command, 395–97

Pacific bases, 172

in Pacific War, 376, 416–17

Pearl Harbor attack, 308, 349, 350–51, 396

rising presence of, 356–57

in Spanish-American War, 8, 25–26

and Washington Naval Conference, 8–9, 170

Soviet Union

Valenti, Jack, 233

Valera, Éamon de, 42

Vandegrift, Alexander, 368

Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne, 52

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 177

Van Hise, Charles, 180

Vélez, Lupe, 234

Vemork hydroelectric plant, 319

Venezuela, 226

Verdun, Battle of, 104–5

Verne, Jules, 50

Versailles Conference

British position, 155, 159, 160, 161, 164

colonial issues at, 162, 198, 199

differences among European leaders, 156–57, 159, 161–62

failure of collective security, 167–69

failure of democratic goals, 165–67

and Fourteen Points, 153–56

French position, 155, 159–61, 164

and German reparations, 161, 169

Hitler's “stab-in-the-back” theory of, 136, 260

and League of Nations, 158

national boundary readjustments of, 154, 155, 163–65, 218–19

Palestine issue at, 201

Parisian social backdrop to, 162–63

and Polish independence, 154–55, 312

unintended consequences of, 214

Wilson at, 157–59, 161–62, 163–64

Veterans, of World War I, 137–38, 395

Vichy France, 326, 336, 348, 377

Vidor, King, 137

Villa, Francisco “Pancho,” 106–7, 108–10, 116, 127

Wagemann, Ernest, 179

Wages, minimum, 180, 181, 253

Wake Island, 362

Wallace, Henry, 245, 402

Walsh, David, 304

Wal Wal Incident, 273

USS, 18

Wanamaker, John, 112

Wannsee Conference, 388, 389

War bonds, 123

Warburg, Paul, 249

War crimes

Holocaust, 329, 360, 383, 384, 387–90

Japanese, 391, 421–22

Nazi slave labor, 360, 383, 384–86

in World War I, 88–90


chemical, 101–2

in democratic societies, 419–20

future of, 75–77

guerrilla, 127

obsolescence theory of, 69–70, 75

sanctity of life concept in, 134

and social change, 117–18

ten-year rule, 277, 329

total air war, 357–58

trench, 102–4

Western way of, 38, 39–40, 92, 134, 380, 391–92

See also
specific wars

War Finance Corporation, 123

War Industries Board (WIB), 121

War production.
Military production

Warren, Francis E., 108

Warsaw Ghetto, 387

Warsaw Uprising, 389

Washington Naval Conference, 8–9, 170–71, 173

Wavell, Archibald, 374

Wealth, redistribution of, 119


atomic bomb, 417–18, 419, 421

bayonet charge, 75, 92, 129, 131

chemical, 101–2

and disarmament, 167–68

long-range bombers, 174

in Spanish-American War, 27, 28

Weimar rearmament, 169, 258–59

See also
Military production

Webb, Sidney, 179, 180

Wedemeyer, Albert, 333, 402

Weeks, John, 174

Weinberg, Gerhard, 256

Weindling, Paul, 195

Weizmann, Chaim, 162, 200, 390

Welfare state, 360–61

Wells, H.G., 179

Wengeroff, Vladimir, 233

Wever, Walther, 314

Weygand, Maxime, 324–25, 326

Wheeler, Joseph, 27

White, Henry, 158, 162

White, Henry Dexter, 402

White, William Allen, 47

Whittlesey, Charles, 104, 137–38

Wilde, Oscar, 18

Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 21, 23, 76, 77, 78, 80, 112, 136

Williams, Oscar F., 20

Wilson, Henry, 84, 85

Wilson, Woodrow, 8, 49

eugenics theory of, 180

Fourteen Points of, 153–56, 159, 161

and League of Nations, 157, 158, 199

and McAdoo, 123

and Mexican War, 106, 107–8, 109

on national self-determination, 154, 163, 218

presidential election of 1916, 115

Progressivism of, 116–19, 120, 143

relationship with European leaders, 156–57

at Versailles Conference, 157–59, 161–62, 163–64, 218

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