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Howard Zinn
A People's History of the United States
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Connery, William P., 384â85, 395
Conot, Robert, 459
Constitution, 9, 10, 46, 90â91, 98â101
, 633, 676
adoption of, 70, 86, 91, 96, 98â99
Bill of Rights, 99
1st Amendment 100
13th Amendment, 192, 198, 204
14th Amendment, 198, 204, 260â61, 449, 526
15th Amendment, 198, 449
16th Amendment, 349
17th Amendment, 349
19th Amendment, 384
22nd Amendment, 675
constitutions, state, 83, 110, 291
Continental Congress, 71, 81
contras, 585â87, 613
Conwell, Russell, 262
Cooke, Marvel, 404
Coolidge, Calvin, 387
Cooper, Richard, 590
Copeland, John, 186
Corbin, Margaret, 110
Cornbury, Lord, 48
Cornell, Ezra, 262
corporate executives, income of, 581
corporations, multinational, 568â69
Cortés, Hernando, 11â12, 14, 17, 18
Cott, Nancy, 111, 114, 115, 117
Cotton, John, 108
cotton, 89, 125, 129, 171, 219, 274, 283, 284, 285, 301, 301, 408, 459
Coulter, E. Merton, 237
Council for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze, 603
Cox, Archibald, 549
“Coxey's Army,” 260, 294
Crafts, Thomas, 75
Crane Stephen, 237
Cranston, Alan, 546
Crawford, James, 454â55
Creek Indians, 54, 55, 126, 127â28, 129, 132, 134â35, 141â43
Creel, George, 364, 365, 369
Crevecoeur, Hector St. Jean, 53â54
crime, 637, 665
Crockett, Davy, 136
Croly, Herbert, 350â51
Cuba: Castro, Fidel, 439â41, 554, 634
Spain and, 3, 5â7, 301, 302, 303
Spanish-American war and independence of, 309â13, 318, 408, 439
U.S. and, 297, 299, 302â03, 439, 647, 657
Cullen, Countee, 444
Curti, Merle, 383
Czechoslovakia, 429, 592
Daly, Marcus, 289
Darrow, Clarence, 365
D'Aubuisson Roberto, 590
Davidson, Basil, 27
Davis, Angela, 542
Davis, Benjamin 448
Davis, Hugh, 30
Dawley, Alan, 232â33
Day, Luke, 92, 93
death penalty, 574, 645
Debs, Eugene, 278, 279, 281, 330, 339â41, 347â48, 367â68
Declaration of Independence, 70â75
, 558, 665, 674, 682
Degler, Carl, 85
Deloria, Vine, Jr., 525â26, 527
Denison, George, 539
Depew, Chauncey, 273
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 472, 473, 474â75
Dix, Dorothea, 121
Dole, Robert, 643
Dole, Sanford B., 299
Dole family, 300
Dominican Republic, 408, 592
Donnelly, Ignatius, 288â89
Dorr, Thomas, 214â16
Dorr's Rebellion, 215â16
Dos Passos, John, 374, 391
Douglas, William O., 435
Douglass, Frederick, 157â58, 180â81, 182â83, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 209
Dreiser, Theodore, 322, 383
Dresden, bombing of, 421
Drew, Charles, 415
Drew, Elizabeth, 595
Drinan, Robert, 553
Du Bois, W. E. B., 23, 175, 185â86, 192, 193, 210, 328â29, 348â49, 363, 448, 686
Dukakis, Michael, 583, 611
Duke, James, 254, 262
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 445
Dunmore, Lord, 82
Dylan, Bob, 537, 538
Earth Summit (1992), 577
Easley, Ralph, 352, 353
Eastern Europe, 591â92
East Germany, 591
Eastman, Crystal, 343
Eastman, Max, 370â71
East Timor, 567, 595, 655â56
Eaton, John, 133, 139
ecological crisis, 576
Edelman, Marian Wright, 571, 610
Edelman, Peter, 649
Edison, Thomas, 254
education, 9, 21, 111, 118, 556, 574, 651
blacks, 89, 198, 199, 202, 208, 450, 466, 467
colleges, 219, 262, 263
public schools and high schools, 263â64
women, 110, 115, 118, 123, 509
Ehrlichman, John, 543, 544
Eisenhower, Dwight, 391, 435, 439, 440, 473, 474, 475, 560, 583, 643, 661
Elders, Jocelyn, 645
election of 2000, 675â77
Elkins, Stanley, 33â34
Ellsberg, Daniel, 470, 487â88, 543, 544
El Mozote massacre, 591
El Salvador, 572, 589â91, 606â07, 608, 648
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 146â47, 156, 186, 221
Engel, George, 271
Engerman, Stanley, 173
environmental movement, 575
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 576, 613
Ethiopia: Italian invasion, 409, 410, 421
Ettor, Joseph, 331, 335, 336, 337
Evans, George Henry, 222
Evans, Rowland, 498
Everett, Edward, 146, 219
Evers, Medgar, 538
Fair Employment Practices Commission, 415
Fairfax, Lord, 84
“fairness doctrine,” 564
Farmer, James, 464
Farmers Alliance, 283â94
farming, 84, 197, 206
Depression (1930s), 392, 397
farmers' movements (19th century), 264, 282â95
grain, 253, 261, 283, 286, 287, 301
mechanization of, 219, 253, 283
Shays' Rebellion, 91â95, 98
tenants and rebellions (Colonial era and 18th century), 47, 62â65, 84, 85â86, 91â95, 211, 212â14
see also
cotton; land; slavery; tobacco
farm workers, 614, 615
Faulkner, Harold, 350
Faulkner, William, 283â84
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 433, 434, 462, 463â64, 489, 490, 534, 544, 554â55, 556, 645â46
Federalist Papers,
Federal Reserve System, 651
Feingold, Henry, 415
feminist movements: 19th century, 117, 119â24
, 184â85, 202
early 20th century, 342â46, 349
1960s and 1970s, 504â14
1980s and 1990s, 616
Fine, Sidney, 400
Firestone, Shulamith, 511, 513
Firestone company, 399
Fischer, Adolph, 271
Fiske, John, 82
Fite, Emerson, 233
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 383
Flagler, H. M., 207
Fletcher, Benjamin, 48
Flexner, Eleanor, 115, 122, 384
Florida: acquisition of, 129, 685
election of 2000 and, 676â77
Seminole Indians, 127, 128, 129, 141, 143â46
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 334, 336, 344, 347, 436
Fogel, Robert, 173
Foner, Eric, 80
Foner, Philip, 159, 223, 244, 303â04, 308, 309â10, 317, 328, 372, 431
Food Not Bombs, 617
Ford, Ford Madox, 374
Ford, Gerald, 544, 545, 546â47, 549, 550, 551, 552, 556
Ford, Henry, 324, 387
Ford Motor Company, 387, 401
foreign aid, 426â27, 429, 438
Foreman, Grant, 147â48
Forsberg, Randall, 603
Fortune, Thomas, 208â09
Foster, William Z., 381
France, 2, 9, 87, 80, 438
Indochina, 412, 429, 469â71, 472
Seven Years' War, 53, 59, 60, 61, 87
slavery, 28
World War I, 359â60, 361
World War II, 409, 412, 417, 424
Franklin, Benjamin, 44, 80, 85, 91, 107
Franklin, George, 560
Franklin, John Hope, 172
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 138
Fremont, John C., 189
French and Indian War (Seven Years' War), 53, 59, 60, 61, 77, 87
Frick, Henry Clay, 260, 276, 277
Friedan, Betty, 505, 506
Friend, Isaac, 45
Fuentes, Carlos, 607
Fugitive Slave Act, 181, 186, 188
Fuller, Margaret, 120
Fussell, Paul, 361
Gage, Nicholas, 572
Gage, Thomas, 65
Galbraith, John, 386
Garland, Hamlin, 282â83
Garner, Deborah Sampson, 110
Garner, Lloyd, 413, 414
Garrison, William Lloyd, 122, 187, 190
The Liberator,
157, 182, 184
Garvey, Marcus, 382
Gary, Elbert, 350
Gatewood, William, 318, 319
Gaylin, Willard, 516
gay movements, 616â17, 645
General Motors, 400
Genovese, Eugene, 175, 176, 177, 194
George, Henry, 264, 272, 273
Georgia, 82, 83
Indians, 52, 126, 127, 128, 133, 134â35, 136, 137, 139, 140â41, 146
German immigrants, 43, 46, 49, 160, 226, 265, 279
socialism, 244, 249, 268, 270, 340
Germany, 409
Spanish Civil War, 409, 421
World War I, 359â60, 361â62
World War II, 17, 407, 410, 411, 412â13, 415, 421, 424
Germany, East, 429
Gerry, Elbridge, 91
Gettleman, Marvin, 214
Giddings, Joshua, 154
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 342
Ginsburg, Ruth, 645
Giraud, Henri, 412
global warming, 577
Gold, Harry, 433â34
gold, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 18, 134, 139
Golden, John, 352
Goldman, Emma, 272, 277â78, 321, 345, 372, 375, 503
Gompers, Samuel, 306, 308, 328, 352, 365, 380, 381
Gonzalez, Henry, 587
Goodman, Andrew, 456
Goodwyn, Lawrence, 284â85, 286, 288, 289, 290â91, 292, 293
Goodyear company, 400
Gould, Jay, 254, 255, 258
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 591
Gore, Albert, 675â77
Grady, Henry, 207
Graham, Billy, 538
Grant, Ulysses, 199, 204, 242
Grantham, Thomas, 41
Great Britain, 2, 9, 10, 12, 42, 183, 425, 426, 470
King George's War, 52
parliamentary government setup, 73, 74
private property, 16, 27, 42
Queen Anne's War, 52
Seven Years' War, 53, 59, 60, 61, 87
slavery, 28, 29
War of 1812, 127
World War I, 359â60, 361, 362
World War II, 17, 407, 410, 411, 413, 414, 417, 421, 424
see also
American colonies; Revolutionary War
Greece, 425â27, 429, 551
Greek immigrants, 265
Greeley, Horace, 159, 190â91
Green, James, 340
Greene, Jack, 59
Greene, Nathanael, 83
Greenglass, David, 433
Greenspan, Alan, 651
Greider, William, 580, 581
Grenada, 588â89, 685
Grenville, Richard, 12
Grimké, Angelina, 120, 121
Grimké, Sarah, 120â21
Grover, William, 575â76
Groves, Leslie, 423
Guam, 312, 408
Guatemala, 439, 586, 648
Guinier, Lani, 645
Gulf War, 594â600, 618â25, 652, 653â54
Gutman, Herbert, 173, 178, 229
Gwertzman, Bernard, 588â89
Haig, Alexander, 546, 605
Haig, Douglas, 360â61
Haiti, 303, 408
Haldeman, Robert, 543
Hall, Bolton, 307, 308
Haligren, Mauritz, 389â90
Hamby, Alonzo, 428
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 505
Hamilton, Alexander, 77, 95â96, 97, 98, 101, 219, 417
Hamilton, Richard F., 492
Hammond, James, 174
Hampton, Fred, 463, 555
Hancock, John, 85
Haney, Evan, 531
Hanna, Mar, 351
Harburg, Yip, 390â91
Harding, Warren, 368, 384
Harlan, Jobe, 204, 205
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 202
Harriman, Averell, 414
Harriman, E. H., 351
Harris, Joel Chandler, 208
Harris, Patricia, 566
Harrison, Benjamin, 259, 260
Harrison, William Henry, 126, 132
Harte, Bret, 265
Havel, Vaclav, 592
Hawaii, interest in and annexation of, 297, 299, 300, 302, 306, 312, 408
Hay, John, 309
Hayes, Rutherford, 205, 246, 258
Hays, Samuel, 353
Haymarket affair, 272, 321
Haywood, Big Bill, 330, 335, 336, 337â38, 340, 341, 373
Headley, Joel Tyler, 236
health and safety, 111, 117, 118â19, 662, 663
in business and industry, 230, 239, 241, 242, 246, 254, 255, 256, 278, 325, 326, 327, 338â39, 346
disease and epidemics, 40, 218, 221, 240
Indians, 16, 87
insurance and compensation, 349, 352â53, 651, 664
and nuclear development, 441
railroads, 245â46, 255, 256, 278
health care coverage, 611, 612
health degradation, 638
Hearst, William Randolph, 294, 390
Heller, Joseph, 418
Helms, Richard, 548
Hemingway, Ernest, 374
Henretta, James, 57
Henry, Patrick, 68â69, 126
Herndon, Angelo, 447
Hersh, Seymour, 479, 573
Hertsgaard, Mark, 591, 594
Hiatt, Howard, 603
Hill, Anita, 574
Hill, Christopher, 74
Hill, James J., 351
Hill, Joe, 334â35
Hiroshima, bombing of, 9, 17, 422
Hispaniola, 3, 4, 7, 32, 685
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 149, 150, 151, 166
Hitler, Adolf 407, 409, 410, 415
Ho Chi Minh, 469, 470, 472
Hoerder, Dirk, 66, 67
Hoffman, Abbie, 613
Hoffman, Ronald, 82, 83
Hofstadter, Richard, 57, 187, 189, 192, 351, 361, 362, 563
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 366, 368
Homestead strike, 276â77, 294, 321
Honduras, 585
Hoover, Herbert, 387, 392, 563
Hopi Indians, 19, 529â30
Hopkins, Harry, 414
Horwitz, Morton, 239, 239â40
House of Representatives, election of, 96
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