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Howard Zinn
A People's History of the United States
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Miller, Arthur, 487
Miller, Douglas, 216â17, 429
Miller, Samuel, 261
Miller, William 218, 219, 220, 323
Millis, Walter, 309
Mills, C. Wright, 438
Mills, Sid, 526â27
Milosevic, Slobodan, 660â61
Minear, Richard, 411
minerals and mining, 207, 242, 253, 306â07, 395
gold, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 18, 134, 139
strikes, 235, 243â44, 275, 354â56
United Mine Workers, 307, 330, 354, 355
Mississippi, Indians in, 127, 128, 133, 138â39
Mitchell, John, 543, 544
Mitford, Jessica, 538
Mittelberger, Gottlieb, 43
Mohawk Indians, 86â87
Akwesasne Notes,
527, 532, 534, 535â36
see also
“Molly Maguires,” 243â44
Mondale, Walter, 611
Monroe, James, 97
Monroe Doctrine, 297, 408
Montezuma, 11, 12
Montgomery, David, 226
Mooney, Tom, 359
Moore, Ely, 227
Morgan, Edmund, 13, 25, 37â38, 56, 84
Morgan, J. P. (and companies), 207, 242, 246, 255â56, 257, 258, 305, 323, 350, 351, 362â63, 618
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 7â8, 17
Morris, Gouverneur, 81, 84
Morris, Richard, 44â45, 46, 50, 84, 308
Morris, Robert, 70, 80, 81
Morris, William, 271
Moses, Bob, 453
Mott, Lucretia, 122
Moundbuilders, 19
Moylan, Mary, 489â90
Muhammad Ali, 485
Mullen, Peg, 623
Mullin, Gerald, 33, 34, 36
Multiculturalism, 629
multinational corporations, 568â69
Mumford, Lewis, 383
Munsey, Frank, 353
Murrin, John, 84
Mussolini, Benito, 409
Muste, A. J., 420, 424
Myers, Gustavus, 238, 255â56
My Lai, 478â79, 667
Nader, Ralph, 676
Nagasaki, bombing of, 422, 423â24
Nardella, Luigi, 385
Nash, Gary B., 20, 21, 50, 54, 60, 61, 62
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 348â49, 382, 447, 464
National Civic Federation, 352â53, 354, 364
National Labor Relations Board, 401, 402, 574
National Labor Union, 240, 241â42
National Recovery Act (NRA), 392â93
National Resources Defense Council, 576
Native Americans see Indians, North American
Navajo Indians, 529
Navasky, Victor, 454
Neblett, Carver, 455
Nelson, Gaylord, 553
Netherlands: exploration and colonization, 23, 26, 48, 211
slave trade, 28, 29
New Deal, 392â93, 395, 397, 403â04, 414, 417, 425, 649, 650
New Jersey: Colonial era, 51â52, 62, 81
labor, 230, 247
New Mexico, 149, 164, 169
Newton, Huey, 461
Newton, John, 27â28
New York: Colonial era, 35â36, 37, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 68, 83, 110
Indians, 54, 86â87, 130;
see also
Iroquois; Mohawk Indians
landholding and tenants, 62, 63, 84, 85â86, 211, 212â14
New York City: Colonial era, 48â49, 50, 57, 60, 61â62, 67
blacks (1930s), 404
labor: 18th century, 50, 57, 99; 19th century, 117, 223, 224â25, 227â28, 234, 235, 240, 242â43, 251, 266, 267, 268, 270, 273, 278; 20th century, 324â27
poverty, 48â49, 60, 218, 240, 385, 647, 650
Niagara movement, 348, 349
Nicaragua, 298, 408, 567, 572, 585, 608
9/11 terrorist attacks, 677â82
Nixon, E. D., 451
Nixon, Richard, 464, 526, 529, 575, 605, 633
Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 479, 483â84, 491, 497, 500, 501
see also
Noriega, Manuel, 593â94
Norris, Frank, 322
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 658
North Carolina, 128, 200
Colonial era, 47, 50, 54, 63â65, 68, 71, 73, 82, 83
North, Oliver, 586, 587, 593
Novak, Robert, 498
Nowack, Marion, 429
nuclear energy, 566
armament and World War II, 9, 17, 422â24, 432, 434, 437, 441
protests against, 613, 667
Nunn, Sam, 587
Oakes, Richard, 528
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 575
Offner, Arnold, 409
Oglethorpe, James, 109
O'Hare, Kate Richards, 342, 343, 372
oil, 253, 256â57, 301
Cuba, 439, 440
Middle East, 413â14, 426, 439, 439, 549
Oliver, Andrew, 61
Oliver, Peter, 78
Olney, Richard, 279
Open Door Policy, 298, 408, 410, 413
Operation Desert Storm, 594â97
Operation Urgent Fury, 588
Organization of American States, 440
Osceola Indians, 145, 146
O'Sullivan, John, 151
Otis, James, 57, 60, 61, 66
Ottley, Roi, 404
Page, Thomas Nelson, 208
Paine, Robert Treat, 168
Paine, Thomas, 62, 69, 70, 111
Pal, Radhabinod, 411
Palestine, 414
Panama/Panama Canal, 408
U.S. military invasion (1989), 593â94, 685
Pankhurst, Christabel, 512
Parker, Theodore, 156â57, 221
Parks, Rosa, 450â51
Parsons, Albert, 249, 268, 270, 271
Paterson, Matthew, 85
Patterson, Ben 290
Patton, George S., 391
peace dividend, 625
Pennsylvania: Colonial era, 57â58, 62, 70, 83
labor and strikes, 226, 230, 243â44, 247, 306
see also
Philadelphia; Pittsburgh
Pentagon Papers,
412, 461, 472, 473, 474, 476, 481, 488, 499, 500, 543, 566, 567
Peoples Party,
Populist party
Pequot Indians 14â15
Perkins, George W., 350, 351
Perot, Ross, 643
Peru, 12
Pessen, Edward, 218, 222
Philadelphia, 88, 254
Colonial era, 49â50, 60, 70, 80, 111
labor, 221, 226, 233, 266
poor, 49â50, 218, 221
Philippines, 300
U.S. and, 10, 312â20, 567
rebellions against 10, 313, 408, 429
Phillips, Kevin, 579â80, 582
Phillips, Ulrich, 34, 174â75, 176
Phillips, Wendell, 188, 189â90
Physicians for Social Responsibility, 603
Picasso, Pablo, 435
Pike, Douglas, 473
Pilgrims, 13, 21
“Pitcher, Molly,” 110
Pittsburgh: labor and strikes, 243â44, 246â48, 276â77, 294
Piven, Frances, 402, 457â58
Pizarro, 12, 17, 18
Plains Indians, 104
Plowshares Eight, 602
Poindexter, John, 587
Poland, 426, 592
“Political correctness,” 629
Polk, James, 150, 151â52, 158, 159, 411
Polk, Leonidas, 289, 290
Pollack, Norman, 293
Polo, Marco, 2
“Pontiac's Conspiracy,” 87
Popper, David, 554
Populist Party, 283, 286â95
, 301
Portugal, 2, 26, 27, 29
Powell, Colin, 593, 652
Powderly, Terence, 269
Powhatan, 12, 13
Pratt, Julius, 302
President, election of, 96
Prison conditions and reform, 119, 121, 124, 514â24
, 616, 646â47
convict labor, 209, 275, 292
Progressive period and reforms, 349â54
Prosser, Gabriel, 171
Puerto Rico, 32, 312, 408
Puritans, 14, 15â16, 17, 40
railroads, 205, 206, 207, 218, 219, 220, 227, 238, 239, 259, 261, 323
Cuba, 310
land acquired by, 220, 238, 239, 283
regulation, 349, 351
safety, 246, 255, 256, 278
unions and strikes, 235, 245â51, 260, 269, 270, 278, 279â81
see also
Ramusio, Giambattista, 26
Randolph, A. Philip, 404, 458, 464
Randolph, Edmund, 68
Rankin, Jeannette, 371â72
Rantoul, Robert, 218
Rather, Dan, 598
Rawick, George, 177â78, 193
Reagan, Ronald, 564, 573â74, 577, 578, 580, 581, 611, 633, 645, 661
arms race and, 604
bombing of Libya, 591
budget cutbacks, 609â10
Grenada invasion, 588â89, 685
intervention in Central America, 585â87, 605â08
Record, George L., 374
Redding, J. Saunders, 23
Reed, John, 373
Rehnquist, William, 574
religion: conflicts and controversies, 221, 226, 265
Constitutional guarantees, 83, 99
women, 108â09, 117, 118, 120
Remarque, Erich Maria, 360
Remini, Robert, 217
Reno, Janet, 645â46
Reston, James, 441, 442, 553
Revolutionary War, 50, 58â85, 492, 633
events leading to, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65â75
hostilities, 71, 85, 88
Indians, 77, 80, 87, 125, 126
Reynolds, Malvina, 537â38
Rhode Island: Colonial era, 14, 48, 54, 67, 91, 93
Dorr's Rebellion, 214â16
labor, 230, 235, 241, 397
Rich, Adrienne, 512â13
Robeson, Paul, 448
Robinson, John, 20â21
Robinson, Patricia, 465, 508â9
Rockefeller, David, 465, 560, 561, 565
Rockefeller, John D., 242, 255, 256, 257, 258, 262, 356
Rockefeller, Nelson, 521
Rockefeller, William, 305
Rockefeller family, 301, 323, 351, 354â56, 464â65, 570
Rogin, Michael, 125, 128, 134
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 409, 415, 439, 631, 643
Middle East, 413â14
New Deal, 392â93, 395, 397, 403, 403â04, 414, 417, 425, 441
World War II, 410, 411, 412, 415, 416, 420
Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D., 403
Roosevelt, James, 435
Roosevelt, Theodore, 208, 273, 297, 298, 300, 300, 301, 312, 341, 346, 347, 369
reform and big business, 349, 350, 351, 353
Root, Elihu, 273, 316, 351, 368
Romero, Archbishop Oscar, 590
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 432â35
Rosengarten, Theodore, 397â98
Rositzke, Harry, 583
Rossi, Alice, 504
Rostow, Eugene V., 416
Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre, 193
Rumania, 426
Rusk, Dean, 298, 366, 476, 499
Russett, Bruce, 410, 411
Russia, 598, 657,
see also
Soviet Union
Russian immigrants, 226, 265, 375, 382
Russo, Anthony, 470, 487, 488
Rwanda, 655
Ryan, Jack, 618
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 305
Sacco and Vanzetti case, 376
Safe Water Drinking Act, 576
Sage, Russell, 207, 305
Salsedo, Andrea, 375â76
Sampson, Anthony, 413â14
Sanders, Bernie, 622
Sandinistas, 585, 593
Sandford, Mrs. John, 112
Sanger, Margaret, 343
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 166, 167â68
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 435
Sasway, Benjamin, 606
Saudi Arabia, 413â14, 623, 678, 681
Savak, 573
savings and loan scandal, 582â83
Schell, Jonathan, 477, 604
Schenck, Charles, 365â66
Schlesinger, Arthur, 130, 352, 441, 458
Schlesinger, James, 550, 552, 566, 619
“School of the Americas,” 569, 667
Schroeder, John, 152, 153, 158
Schutz, Carl, 301
Schwerner, Michael, 456
Scotch immigrants, 49
Scott, Dred, 187, 198
Scott, William, 78
Scott, Winfield, 10, 145, 147, 157, 166
Scottsboro Boys, 398, 444, 447
Seaton, Esta, 511
Seeger, Pete, 537
Seminole Indians, 127, 128, 129, 141, 143â46
Seminole War, 143â46
Senate, election of, 96, 349
Seneca Indians, 526;
see also
Seven Years' War (French and Indian War), 53, 59, 60, 61, 77, 87
Shah of Iran 572, 573
Shalom Stephen, 589, 591
Shattuci, Job, 92
Shaw, George Bernard, 271
Shaw, Irwin, 374
Shaw, Nate, 178â79, 397â98
Shays, Daniel, 93â94, 95
Shays' Rebellion, 91â95, 98
Sherman, William T., 197
Sherman Anti-Trust act, 259â60, 351
Sherwin, Martin 422, 423, 424
Shy, John, 77, 78, 79
Simon, William, 558
Sinclair, Upton, 322, 365
Sioux Indians, 104, 524
Slater, Samuel, 115
slavery/slave trade, 12, 28â29, 30â31
abolitionists, 117, 120, 121, 122, 124, 155, 181â90
African states, 27â28
Colonial era, 23, 27â38
, 43, 46, 49, 50, 53â58
, 72, 103, 105â06; rebellions, 32â38
, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 72
Constitution, 13th Amendment, 192, 198, 204
Declaration of Independence 72â73
Dutch, 28, 29
18th century, 33, 58, 88, 89, 91, 98
English, 28, 29
French, 28
Indians, 3â7
, 32
19th century, 171â94; Fugitive Slave Act, 181, 186, 188; rebellions and conspiracies, 171, 174, 175, 183
, 194;
see also
Civil War
Portuguese, 25, 29
Spanish, 3â7
, 25, 32
Smith, Abbot, 43, 45, 46â47, 53
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