A Perfect Chance (10 page)

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Authors: Becca Lee

Tags: #love, #police, #MC, #Humor, #Motorcycle romance, #Australian Romance, #phobias, #Contemporary, #cop romance

BOOK: A Perfect Chance
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"Erm"—Lena glanced at me wide-eyed before focusing on Jo—"sure."

Jo's mouth curved into a grin and she nodded in approval. "Thank Christ for that. I freakin' hate cooking, plus I'm pretty crap at it. No more filling up your freezer, Mace."

I snorted. "Will you kick me or some shit if I tell you I'm relieved by that news?"

Throwing me a mock scowl, she then addressed Lena. "I'll let you take it from here then. Awesome."

Bewildered, Lena opened her mouth a couple of times before saying to me, "You don't cook? What grown-arse man doesn't cook?"

"Hey, I cook," I defended myself. "I just have better things to do than spend time in the kitchen, is all."

"It's true." Jo sounded exasperated. "He's a lazy shit at times."

"Hey!" I protested.

"What? It's true. You'd live on takeout every day of the week if you could."

I didn't dare tell her that sometimes I threw her food away and did just that. "I'm busy running my business, and shit."

"And shit!" she bit back. "Anyhow, Liam and I will stop by next Saturday night then, and you can cook for us for a change." Her small smile quickly shifted into something much more sinister. "Hell, scrap that. You can both have Abi overnight next Saturday instead. Cook yourselves something while I get down and dirty with your brother."

I could already see her planning it all out in her head.

"Bloody hell, I don't want to hear it. But sure, yeah, we'll have Abi for the night, right, Lena?" I glanced over at her to double-check. Pink coloured her cheeks, her eyes bright and wide. Fuck, she was damn beautiful. I had to kiss her. How could I not when she looked so at ease and relaxed? I planted a kiss on her unsuspecting mouth, not missing her gasp at the contact. I kept it gentle and short, aware that my growing cock while in the same room as Jo and my niece was not something I wanted.

Pulling away, Lena lazily opened her eyes. Her cheeks were even pinker, and it took everything in me not to demand another kiss.

Clearing her throat, Lena said, "Sure, we can do that."

"Brilliant." Jo's response drew my attention. She looked far too happy with herself and my newfound situation. I knew she was relieved, that she worried about me too damn much. I simply nodded at her, a silent gesture to let her know everything was coming together and I was good. I didn't miss her eyes glistening or her swallowing. She stood abruptly. "Okay," she all but squeaked, not sounding at all Jo-like. "Me and this munchkin are going to get out of your hair, and I'll see you during the week, right, Mace?"

She posed it as a question, but I knew she expected me to get my arse to her house as soon as possible. I nodded.

"It was so lovely to meet you, Lena. You guys have a great weekend."

I stood and headed to Abi, unfastening her from her seat. Lifting her out, I kissed her cheek and whispered that I loved her before passing her to her mum. Jo planted a kiss on my cheek and squeezed me into a hug around Abi.

"Love you." I nodded at her words. "I expect you for dinner on Tuesday. Jo and Preston are coming by too."

"Righto. Love you, too." I made a mental note to prepare Lena to meet Jo's brother, Preston, and her best friend, Ella. She's need all the preparation she could get meeting the whole damn family.

Releasing me, Jo waved at Lena, shouted goodbye, and breezed out the door, leaving me crazy exhausted. I turned to Lena, aiming for a look of apology. "So, that's Jo."

"That's Jo." She laughed. "I like her."

"She'll do," I agreed.

"Your brother." She snorted at her own joke.

"Seriously, woman. Not you too." I strode towards her, pulled her from her chair, and lifted her so her arse perched on the table. "Now, no more fucking talking." Standing between her legs, I pressed my mouth against hers and released a moan, sure there wasn't a better place I wanted to be. 


Chapter Ten




I'd been able to spend just one more night with Mace before Diesel had returned and told me it was safe to go home. While relief swept through me at seeing my brother greet me at the club door, hesitancy made my feet feel like lead.

Mace held my hand walking towards Diesel. While this had become the norm over the last month, his finger caressing my palm was not. I had no idea how Diesel would react and foolishly I hadn't even thought to discuss it with Mace prior to him taking me home. I couldn't imagine Diesel would be pleased about my and Mace's relationship, but I would fight for it if I needed to.

I was also stupidly sad that I’d only managed two nights of bliss with Mace. It had been pretty damn perfect being locked away, wrapped up in each other. I was reluctant to let it go.

Diesel embraced me once I was within reach. I made to release Mace's hand, but he held firm. Kissing my head, Diesel asked if I was okay. I nodded. "You?" I asked, stepping back.

My brother returned my nod. "Yeah, all good, sis." He paused a moment, looking over both of us, while I held my breath, my heart rate picking up speed under his observant stare. "Mace." He sent Mace a chin lift, stepped forward and embraced him, patting him on the back. Moving away again, he squinted at the two of us, then focused on Mace. "Is it like that?"

Mace's response was immediate. "Yeah, it is." Surprising the hell out of me, Mace released my hand and threw his arm around me, pulling me close.

"You claiming her?"

Holy crap. Hell no!

"Hey, dickwad," I addressed my Neanderthal brother. "I'm your baby sister. Don't confuse me with anything else in the club. Mace is also
a part of Deadwood either."

Before I could continue, Mace chuckled, tugging me even closer to his side. "Yeah, she's mine."

I threw Mace an irritated glare, which I knew I didn't pull off considering my inner cheerleader was shaking her pompoms and doing cartwheels. I half expected Mace to be grinning, all smug-like, similar to the patched-in members when they took women. Instead, his eyes were fierce, determined, letting me know 100 percent that what was happening between us was real.

Unable to speak, afraid I'd blurt out something stupid like professing myself to be his, I remained silent. I cleared my face of my frown, letting him know everything I was too afraid to voice.

We were each other’s.

"Okay." Diesel's voice was laced with humour. "Nothing like keeping your distance, right, Mace? Tell me how that worked out for you again?" He chuckled as he turned, holding the door open for us as Mace nudged me to follow.

"Piss off, Diesel."

Diesel's laugh rang loud when we entered the main bar, pulling people's gazes towards us. I scanned the room, taking comfort in Mace's warmth and strength. Releasing a breath once I’d noted I knew everyone in the room, I placed my hand in Mace's back pocket, revelling in the contact.

As we sat, I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't privy to something that may have passed between Mace and Diesel. My brother was being unbelievably calm about this whole situation. I knew he liked and respected Mace, but I'd never known Diesel to behave like this around me. Although, admittedly, over the last few years I'd never been remotely ready to date a guy.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mace scooted up close to me on the bench seat, his thigh brushing against mine. His arm circled the back of the bench, and his hand rested on my neck, a gesture I was becoming familiar with. A bottle appeared before Mace and a glass before me. Diesel then sat opposite us.

Before I had the chance to ask my brother if he was okay with me and Mace, Diesel started speaking. "Riots having been pulling shit with the Drifters. Planting stuff in their businesses, calling in the law." Mace's hand stilled against my skin, and his muscles became taut. "They've never pulled this shit before, especially getting involved in any way with the police."

"Did you not think I could have helped find shit out for you? Fuck, Diesel—"

"No. I needed you with Lena." He glanced at me.

While there was a heap of club business I had no clue about, Diesel always told me as much as he could. It helped my stress levels to be in the loop and not be taken by surprise.

"But," my brother continued, "I need you to help out now, make a few calls."

"Done," Mace said, his voice hard.

There was something else wrong, something Diesel was building up to. A frown dipped his brow, and his jaw ticked. I knew his tells. And whatever it was, it was clear Mace was at the centre of it and wouldn't like it.

Mace was moving to pull his phone from his pocket when Diesel stopped him. "Just wait, brother. There's more."

I moved my hand and rested it on Mace's thigh. Above the table, he gave no outward sign of my gesture, but his tight muscle relaxed a little.

"Nox is trying to make a deal for early release by giving up some serious intel."

Even though Mace and I had yet to talk about his history with Nox, I knew the name, and I knew the bare-bones story of the tragedy surrounding his fiancée's death. I remained still, trying to stay calm while waiting for the explosion.

"Over my dead body."

Hearing Mace's deadly calm voice speak with such conviction sent a chill through me. He was serious. Closing my eyes, I took the time to count my breaths, having no clue how to process this conversation. Mace shifting and moving away from me snapped my eyes open. He stood abruptly, his face devoid of emotion.

"I have to go." He nodded at the table and walked away without a backward glance.

What the fuck!

My eyes widening in a combination of hurt and disbelief, I clambered off the bench. Diesel reached out and grabbed my arm. "Just leave him to get his shit together, Lena."

I snatched my arm away, my disbelief transferring to my brother. I had to wonder why men thought they could sort shit out on their own, because it never fucking worked. And there was no way Mace was dismissing me like that.

I raced after him and called out when my feet hit the tarmac. He stopped outside his car and angled his head low. He remained in that position, waiting for me.

"Care to tell me why you thought it was okay to leave me like that?"

He turned, surprise etched on his face. While we'd known each other for years, and had had forty-eight hours of “get to know me” time, he'd never seen me pre-attack before. It seemed my inner diva was itching to get out and eager to find her voice.

"Because I have to wonder, Mace, whether I need to call you on your shit and put you in place or kick you in the balls until you start begging for my forgiveness." My voice held a slight waver on the last word, but I was determined to stay strong and hold true.

His eyes flashed with heat, and he took a large stride towards me, putting us almost toe to toe. I angled my head to look at him. Emotions flashed across his face, many I couldn't even begin to decipher. Just as I was about to tell him to choose one, his lips crashed down on mine. He took my lips in a fierce kiss. My mouth opened immediately for him, allowing him to take what he needed. He was in pain. He needed to let go and let me in. Deepening the kiss, he coaxed my tongue with his, allowing a slight caress.

His mouth was perfect. His kiss sinful and delicious.

The pounding of my pulse flooded my ears, almost mimicking the tempo of our lips moving against each other’s. Trailing a hand up my back, he stopped midway and pulled me tighter against him. Repositioning my head, I embraced every stroke, every caress. A wanton groan escaped into his mouth when I settled against his straining cock.

Breathless, I eased the kiss, allowing it to slow, before leaning my head away.

Mace rested his forehead against mine and tugged me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I just reacted, and then thought I was protecting you."


"What, protect you?" he questioned.

I sighed. "You can protect me. That's not the problem. It's the shutting me out that I won't allow." Pressing my face tightly against his shirt, I inhaled his scent, smiling at the mixture of soap and Mace.

A deep sigh escaped him. "I won't. I promise, but I just need time."

"Okay," I agreed. I stepped out of his embrace. "But tomorrow we need to talk about this."

He cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch and smiled. "Bring a change of clothes to work tomorrow."

I raised my brows in question.

"I want you back in my bed tomorrow. Hell, I want you to come home with me now." I was so tempted to shove him in the car and plant myself down in the passenger seat, but I restrained myself. "I know I won't sleep well tonight, and I have some calls to make. Okay?"

I nodded reluctantly, keeping my smile fixed in place.

"And I promise we'll talk tomorrow." Placing a chaste kiss on my lips, he took my hand in his, led me back to the club entrance, opened the door, and walked me inside. My eyes connected with Diesel's and he threw me a wink. Mace turned me in his arms when we reached Diesel's table and kissed me gently. While it wasn't passionate or hungry, it told me I'd be on his mind. I could live with that.

I reluctantly sat down, my cheeks warm when I glanced around the room to see a whole heap of smirks.

"Lena will come home with me tomorrow, and I may need Kid to stop by for a couple of hours at the office."

"Just let him know what you need." Diesel stood and pulled Mace into a man hug. I noticed the nod Mace gave to something that was whispered in his ear. Diesel sat back down, and Mace threw me a faint smile.

"See you in the morning, Lena. Call me if you need me, okay?"

"Will do." I watched him leave, wishing I could follow. When the door closed behind him, I rested my head against the tabletop. "I'm so screwed."

Diesel laughed. "I think you both are, princess."


It was late by the time we went home. I’d expected Diesel to grill me a little, but he was exhausted. He'd managed to simply grunt at me once he'd locked the front door, set the alarm, and kiss me on the head, before disappearing to his bedroom.

That left me edgy. Pent-up energy travelled through my limbs. The past forty-eight hours had left me tired but crazily wired. From me and Mace forming our relationship—after wild, hot monkey sex—to my meeting some of his family, to then discovering my brother approved, while the ghosts of Mace's past had come knocking on the door, it was no wonder my mind was buzzing.

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