A Perfect Chance (13 page)

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Authors: Becca Lee

Tags: #love, #police, #MC, #Humor, #Motorcycle romance, #Australian Romance, #phobias, #Contemporary, #cop romance

BOOK: A Perfect Chance
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"And you're going." It wasn't a question. She already knew me well enough to know I'd be all over him.

"He's saying he's got the name of the rat in the department. The one who warned them of the sting."

"And you believe him?"

"I believe he knows who it was since he was no doubt the one dealing with it all. But do I think he's going to give it up? No chance. I just need to work out what his angle is."

Leaning back from me slightly and rising to lean her head on her hand and perch on her elbow, Lena looked down at me, her eyes filled with concern. "Can I ask you something, about that day?"

I nodded.

"I don't understand why he did it, what he was hoping to achieve." She blanched. "That sounds so callous. I'm so sorry." Panic flashed across her face.

I reached up and stroked her cheek. "It's okay, baby, I get what you're saying. Why'd he take the shot knowing he'd go down for life?"

Giving a slow nod, she opened her mouth to speak but held back.

"What're you thinking?"

"It's just, I've heard so many stories about Nox. Even met him a couple of times by happenstance when I was younger, which was enough for me to know he was dangerous. But I also know from Diesel that he's smart. By taking Abigail's life"—I clenched my jaw on instinct, only to ease up when she cupped my face, her eyes pleading—"he would have known he'd either end up in prison for life or dead if you'd been able to get to him first, right?"

It was true. For such a sadistic piece of shit, I also knew Nox graduated at the top of his class from university fifteen years earlier in engineering.

"So why do it?" she pressed.

Tugging her down to me so her cheek rested on my chest, I sighed and eased my fingers over the soft skin on her back. "I don't fucking know, baby. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to find out that exact thing over the years. Hell, maybe next week I'll find out." I really hoped so. I needed answers and closure, just as desperately as I needed to rip his rotten heart out of his chest.

She relaxed into me and sighed. The small sound eased my heart. I still struggled to get my head around Lena's ability to help me cope. I had no idea how she did it, but lying with her in my arms, her warm skin pressed against my own, a semblance of peace worked its way into my system, a huge fucking miracle considering how emotionally spent I was.

"Always, baby." I angled my head to press my lips against her forehead before relaxing and closing my eyes.

I didn't miss her mumbled, "Always," before I drifted off to sleep.


The next day I headed into Maxi's Diner. It was a nice joint, but I wasn't there for food. I'd spotted McKenny's car there and simply couldn't resist heading inside.

Entering the establishment, I spotted him immediately. He had papers on the table next to a steaming mug, and sat alone. I headed straight towards him with no preamble and sat on the empty bench of his booth.

His gaze met mine, only a slight frown marring his over-tanned skin before his face smoothed out to impassive. In his late forties, I begrudgingly knew he looked young for his age. He worked out so he was fit too. "Ah, Mace, what can I do for you?" He eased back against the booth and picked up his drink. "Coffee, or are you not staying?" McKenny asked before taking a gulp.

"How's business?" My question didn't throw him. We'd had enough run-ins over the years that he wouldn't expect anything less. It just riled me that I couldn't get any of his shit to stick. But one day I would.

Placing his mug down, he smiled, linking his fingers together before him. "Good, thanks for asking. I'm actually due to be meeting a client about a build over in Coolum."

It amazed me he still played the architect game. I knew full well his main business was meth. I was yet to fucking prove it. "New meth lab, or a new place for your junkies to buy and hang out?" My gaze was unwavering, hard, yet my tone conversational.

"Now, now, Mace, you know such things are somewhat slanderous. And I'm not sure you have many friends left in the force these days, do you? Not sure how easily you'd be able to get yourself off the hook if I decided to press charges." He tilted his head. "Why exactly are you here? I would hate to think that you're here to have a chat with me. Unless of course you're looking for business advice, maybe needing a decent architect?"

"They have great pie here," I said. "Have you tried it?" He raised his brows but I didn't give him the chance to respond. "You know, you're pretty good. I'm sure if you asked for a side serve of bullshit they'd happily give it to you. Keep you stocked up."

When his jaw clenched, I smiled inside in victory. One day this fucker would break, and I'd try my hardest to be there to watch it. "You know, I heard Riots were looking for a new supplier. Heard their current provider was trying to rip them off by asking too much for shit meth." I was bullshitting completely. Other than knowing Riots did drug runs, and a few of their guys had been busted a few times, there was not one link to be found between Riots and McKenny. But the two had fingers in lots of bullshit pies, so the link, while still unknown, would soon reveal itself. With a little push over time.

"Meth you say? Isn't that something you know a lot about? Your father was resentenced, right, with meth charges as well as a whole plethora of offences, from what I read in the papers."

I smiled, loving that he was trying to get personal. It screamed he was pissed and trying to get me off track. My smile stretched into a full grin, teeth and all when he narrowed his eyes at me and my reaction. My dad had no power over me, and that included his past sins and fuck-ups. The only thing I waited daily to hear was the news that he was dead. I knew Liam and Jo waited for the same call.

"I appreciate your concern," I said, still grinning like an idiot. "You know what was interesting about that time just before he was sentenced?" I paused, seeing if he'd give me anything. Seemingly, he'd regained his composure, his expression void of emotion. "He decided to open up to me a little. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a heartfelt father-son chat, but what he chose to share was interesting nonetheless. You want to know what he said?"

McKenny rolled his eyes. "Sure, why not. I love to be entertained before a client meeting. What did your meth-head father tell you?"

My smile dropped. "McKenny." The table stilled and it seemed as if the whole room paused around us. "Just that, your name. Don't you think that's curious?"

Watching his jaw clench and the vein in his temple throb, I half expected him not to answer. He then cleared his throat. "So, your father, who was high, said my name, and now, what, months later you tell me this bedtime story. Any particular reason, Mace?" he sneered the word and once again I felt myself grinning.

"Nope. No reason. Just something I've been carrying and thinking about for a while. Now seemed as good a time as any to tell you all about it."

His eyes dragged away from me, and he looked towards the opening door. I followed his gaze to see a suited middle-aged guy heading towards the table. Balding and smiling and stinking of innocence. He had no idea he was getting into bed with the devil. Poor shmuck.

"Okay, good talk. I'll let you get on with it. Take it easy, Marshall." I slid out of the booth, nodding to the guy almost at the table, and walked out of the place whistling. It was a good question he'd asked about why now. I'd had no idea I was going to share it with him, but his reaction to Riots egged me on, demanded that I pushed for more. Taking down McKenny and Riots in one swoop would be a fucking dream. I just hoped that whatever crap Nox was going to spout would be at least a fraction of good news pointing me in the right direction. I doubted it though. Life just wasn't that kind, plus Nox was a psychotic bastard.

Chapter Twelve




I pulled out three beers for the guys at the bar and then headed over to Diesel. Mace had brought me to the club prior to leaving to visit Nox. I was a mess of nerves as I waited to hear the result of the conversation; my brother had attempted to get me to sit and have a drink while I waited, but I couldn't. Instead, I'd started cleaning the damn bar and serving drinks, hoping to be distracted.

Mace's visit hadn't been until four that afternoon, and with the few hours' drive needed to get there, I wasn't expecting him back till about eight or so. By 9:00 p.m., after listening to Diesel talking nonsense to me, trying to distract me, I'd pulled out the tequila and poured myself a few shots, chasing them down one after another, before opening a beer and taking a long pull. When my gaze settled on my brother, he looked back with wide-eyed concern.

"Get your arse around here now and sit."

I nodded, albeit reluctantly, and made my way around. Warmth filled my stomach from the alcohol, and I staggered a few times. Admittedly, I was a lightweight. After the shit from uni, it was rare I touched booze. Being drunk combined with my anxiety was not a good match as a rule. But my nerves were all over the place as I waited for Mace, and the hazy, numbing pull of the tequila was a better alternative than pacing a hole in the floor. Plus, virtually everyone in the bar was reacting to the nervous energy I was kicking out. It was as though the whole club was on high alert. In reality, they were looking on, waiting to see if I lost my shit.

My comfort levels over the weeks had been off-the-charts improved. What was even better in many ways was that my stress level and ability to cope with my anxiety had shifted. My new way of coping included two extremes; okay, possibly three. Silence, talking a ridiculous amount, and then my new favourite, getting down and dirty with Mace.

In the past, part of me shutting down was silence, but with that I'd blocked everything else, not even able to process people talking to me. With my growing ease and control, my silence was not so extreme. I found removing myself completely from a situation, being alone, was really helping, and I was so bloody relieved as I was pretty sure that everybody coped that way in moments when they needed space.

With booze fuelling my mouth, it seemed my chatterbox self was in overdrive. I sat next to Diesel and Cole and proceeded to tell them all about the benefits of squats. This then quickly morphed into a play-by-play of how to make the best brownies, followed by a rundown of the dangers of filing and paper cuts. "That reminds me, have you ever used a cock ring? I was just thinking—"

Diesel choked on his beer and Cole released a deep laugh. The welcome sound reverberated around the bar, making me smile.

"Lena, what the fuck? Stop already." My gaze cut to Diesel and the horrified expression plastered on his face.

I tilted my head and squinted at him, closing my left eye. I could almost see his expression clearly if I closed it completely, my focus sharpening. "What?"

He shook his head, stood, and headed towards the other end of the bar.

"Something I said?" I asked Cole, genuinely bemused.

Cole grinned. "Maybe, darlin'."

"I was just asking as I have no one else to ask this shit."

Nodding, grin still firmly in place, Cole said, "I get it, but somehow I don't think your brother wants to think about you fucking someone."

My mouth gaped. Shit, I really needed to stop drinking. I hadn't even realised what I'd asked Diesel. "Right, erm… shit." Heat flushed my cheeks. "And I don't fuck."

Cole lifted a brow. "You don't?"

I clamped my mouth shut, wishing above all else I'd have a silent bloody moment rather than spouting my mouth off. "Well, yeah, I do, but it's, you know…"

Waiting for me to continue, Cole brought his beer to his mouth, looking every bit entertained.

"It's more than simply fucking." I pressed my lips between my teeth, just wishing I would stop talking already. "Don't get me wrong, Mace fucks hard. Hell, if I told you what he gets up to with his tongue before he makes me scream—" I clamped my hand over my mouth.

Cole burst out laughing, again, at which point I placed my head on the bar, humiliated. Stupid bloody alcohol.

"I think it's probably a good thing Diesel left when he did, Lena. Damn, I'm half wishing I had too, but I've gotta say, seeing your embarrassment is pretty much worth listening to your dirty talk. Just wish I had my camera on."

I glanced up at him. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this, Cole, or I swear to God, I'll tell Diesel about the time you stole my panties and threatened to spank me."

A throat cleared behind us. I sat bolt upright, eyes still on Cole. I was pretty sure the look on his face mirrored my own. His jaw was clenched, and he wore a slight grimace. I would have preferred the presence behind me to be that of my brother, but I knew it wasn't. I also knew by the fact that he hadn't scooped me in his arms immediately, or placed a kiss against my neck, that Mace had at least heard the tail end of our conversation.

Heart rate spiking, I swallowed and knew I had to face Mace, hoping that he would be smiling in amusement.

He wasn't.

He looked pissed and tired. With my eyes firmly fixed on his, I offered a tentative smile that I was sure made me look like I had trapped wind. "You're back."
Way to state the obvious, dick.
"Do you want a drink or would you prefer to head home?" I ended with an awkward laugh. I had no idea how to handle this situation, whether I should address the big fucking elephant, or just plead ignorance.

"Err, okay. I'm outta here." Cole stood and darted away.

My gaze didn't waver from Mace's when Cole left or when he stepped closer and stood between my legs. My breath hitched, and I refocused on his eyes, ensuring I didn't go cross-eyed at our close proximity.

His hands came to my waist and he dragged me forward so I pressed hard against him. I reached out to steady myself, my hands landing on his arms. His muscles were taut against my fingers. Lowering his head, he brushed his lips across my cheek, travelling to my ear. "My hand on your arse while I fuck you tonight is going to be the biggest scream yet."

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