A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix) (21 page)

BOOK: A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)
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Before William passed out, Sharon’s brother attacked her. He’d tried to get up, but his limbs refused to move, as if an invisible presence penned him to the floor. Melissa stood in the doorway, laughing. She’d actually laughed.

He’d struggled to move while she held up a doll that looked like him. He hadn’t realized the significance then. The rumors had been true. Her nanny had been from the Caribbean and practiced voodoo and taught Melissa dark spells.

But what he remembered about that night most was Sharon’s screams for help.   

Kane frowned. “What’s the matter?”

“I need to get off the ship,” William said.

“What? Why?” Kane asked.

Hannah’s brows furrowed. “What happened?”

“I spoke to the dragon.”

Kane brushed his hand over the butt of his pistol. William lifted his eyebrow. Did his brother plan on shooting him?

“What do you mean you spoke to the dragon?” Kane asked.

Refusing to wait for his brother to shoot him, William grabbed Kane’s arm and jerked him away from Hannah. He couldn’t bring himself to explain about the dragon’s essence without Mariah or Hannah finding out. He didn’t trust Hannah not to reveal his secret of casting a spell unknowingly onto Mariah. She meant well, but ’twas mortifying. 

Hannah clenched her fists. “William.” She marched after them.

Kane stopped. “What can’t you say in front of Hannah?”

“Kane, I need to talk to you now.” He glowered at Hannah. “Alone.”

Kane studied him. “Hannah, wait here.”


He and Kane headed away. “Kane, the dragon told me—”

“William,” Mariah called. She darted between crewmen and headed for them. The wind blew her dark hair behind, and her dress molded to her luscious body. 

William groaned. She was beautiful. Lust gripped him, and he wanted her, not just kissing her, but to hear her moan, calling out his name. 

Mariah hurried toward them. “Will you not listen?”

Hannah narrowed her eyes. “Yes, what

,” Mariah said, “he’s refusing to allow me to teach him how to control the dragon.”

Kane cocked his eyebrow. “Is this true?”

“No, I told you I could talk with the beast,” William said. “He said I could summon him.”

“Summon him?” Kane frowned. “You mean transform into the beastie?”

“Aye,” William nodded. 

,” Mariah said. “But he must summon him without giving into his angry emotions.”

Kane studied William. “What does she mean?”

William stared out across the ocean and wished there was a nearby island. He’d transform into the dragon and fly away. Never to be seen by another human.

“Are we not heading for Zuto’s island,

“Aye, we are,” Kane answered.

“Mariah,” William warned.

,” Mariah said. “If William is angry or fearful, Drakon will be twice as deadly—”

“Drakon is the name of the dragon,” William said.

Kane looked between them. “The dragon has a name?”

,” Mariah said. “He is a dragon spirit, possessing William.”

Kane clasped William’s shoulder and squeezed. “Bloody hell, brother.”

He didn’t have to say it, but his sympathetic tone said it all. William’s curse was worse than his.

, if William is angry, then it will be easier for Natasa to control him, and he will put you and everyone else in danger.”

Kane glanced at Hannah. His face softened, worry lines disappeared. He tilted his head at Mariah, his eyes fierce. “You shall follow her lead, William.”

William couldn’t believe it. “But Kane…”

“I’ve given you an order. Obey it.”

William folded his arms and glared at Mariah.

She didn’t wilt beneath his cold stare. Instead, she reached for him and stuck out her arm. “Shall we?”

He marched past her. “You’re playing with fire.”













Chapter Fourteen


Mariah led William back to her canvas cabin. His scowl could have boiled water in a cauldron. “
Mon Dieu
, you do not have to be so glum.” She gestured toward the floor. “Please sit down.”

He gripped the flap of the canvas door, and his knuckles turned white. “’Tis not proper for us to be alone in your cabin.” His voice was tense.

They had been alone in her cabin before. What was the difference now? The man could be so damn annoying. “William, we do not have time to be proper. Once my spell reaches Lark, Natasa will feel its presence and attack. You need to learn some of your powers.”

“I don’t need to learn any of Drakon’s powers. I’m an excellent swordsman and marksman. I can defend myself without magic.”

Mariah sat on the floor. “Swords and pistols are useless against a demon. Natasa is cunning, and she will find a way to use Drakon’s powers against you.” She gestured toward the floor. “Sit.
S’il vous plaît

He yanked the drape aside, creating an opening about a foot and half wide. “This is more proper.”

She arched her eyebrow. “What are you afraid of? You did not seem to have any difficulty wanting to be alone with me earlier. Or kissing me for that matter,

“I’m afraid of nothing. I’m in control of my emotions and promise I will not accost you again.”

“I was not complaining,” she said, her voice husky. She liked kissing him and knew he liked kissing her. Why the pretense?

“Let’s get this lesson over with.” He plopped onto the floor and glared.

How was she ever going to get this headstrong man to listen? He was more stubborn than any mule
had on their farm. “You need to get in touch with your dragon again.”

“Mariah, I can’t fight a demon.”

, you can. Dragons have many powers, William, and we need to discover which ones Drakon possesses. For instance, some can change sizes.”

“Change size?”

,” she said. “Some dragons manifest the ability to help people feel less fear in times of danger, giving them courage. Or they can suck away a person’s courage, making them so fearful that they cannot think straight and are liable to make mistakes. Still others can exhale a black fog that can immobilize any living thing. The list goes on and on.”

William shifted. “Why don’t I just ask him what my so-called powers are?”

“Dragons are tricky regarding their powers,” Mariah said. “He might not be forthcoming. He will want to show you what you can do. I need you to transform.”

“No, I’m not going to transform.”

Mariah clasped his arm. “
Écoutez! S’il vous plaît!
You are the only one who has the ability to help defeat Natasa.”

“I’m sorry. I—”

“If you do not learn your specific powers and how to control them, Natasa will know your abilities and use them against you. She will force you to kill those who you love.”

William glared. “How do you know I even have any powers?”

“All dragons possess powers. Now, transform into Drakon.”

He glanced around the cabin. “’Tis too small in here.”

“You might have to crouch a little, but it will work. Transform.”

“No, I will not.”

Mariah cupped his cheeks between her palms and pressed her nose against his, forcing him to look at her. She ignored the compulsion to kiss her reluctant dragon.

“You are worse than Lark was when
taught him the craft. She had to slap his bottom with a mango branch more than once to get him to listen to her. He was seven years old. Do I need to use something of Amadi’s to get you to learn? His whip for instance?”

“Do not threaten me, witch.”

She bristled at his arrogant tone. “Why not?”

“I will not do it alone with you.”

“Meaning you will transform up on deck?”

“Aye. We need to go now. Come on.”

Mariah did not understand why suddenly he wanted to be up on deck. She trailed him into the campionway. The ship rocked, and she stumbled, crying out.

William caught her before she hit the floor. The corridor spun around, and she found herself pinned between the wall and his hard body. She breathed in William’s masculine scent of burning wood. In the darken corridor, his eyes glowed gold, and the dark centers dilated. Anticipation gripped her.

Afraid he’d pull away, she ran her finger through his thick locks and whispered, “Kiss me. Please.” 

She indulged in his kiss, tasting salt on his lips. Their tongues intertwined and explored each other’s mouth. His kiss was ravenous, the raw, biting edge of a brewing storm, loaded with dark passions. A man consumed with hunger. Hunger for her. He bit her lower lip and tugged gently, taking her breath away. He kissed down her neck, licking her pulse and kindling a wicked fervor. How could a simple kissing turn her body into liquid, fiery heat?

He slipped his fingers inside her bodice, and his calloused thumb brushed against her budded nipple. She clutched his shoulders, afraid she would melt away. He kneaded her aching breast. His shaft pushed against her thigh, and any doubt that he did not want her vanished. Hidden feelings ignited deep within her, feelings too scary to name, feelings that pushed her to do something she did not want to do. Or did she?
Mon Dieu!

Need burned deep within her, but she did not know what she desired. No, ’twas not true. She burned for him. Lust flamed inside her, demanding she take forbidden risks, wanting William to take liberties with her and to stop being the gentlemen.

As if reading her thoughts, he unfastened her dress, unlaced her stays, then pushed her bodice past her shoulders, freeing her heavy breasts. He bent his dark head, and his hot lips captured her nipple, sucking hard, stealing any rational thought.  Arching her back, she groaned and threaded her fingers through his locks, cradling his head next to her breast.
Mère de Dieu
, she did not want him to stop. 

Stimulated beyond her wildest dreams, Mariah could not believe the sensations buzzing through her. His lips on her nipple set every square inch of her flesh on fire, and her heart pumped pleasure through her blood. She swallowed hard, not believing what she was doing. She was in the middle of the companionway, allowing a man to suckle her breast while his hand played and toyed with her other breast. Someone could walk in on them, see her being a harlot, accuse her again of casting a spell on him.

He bunched her dress to her waist, slid his calloused hand up her leg, then cupped her between her thighs. No man had ever touched her so intimately, and erotic heat pulsed in her inner core. “I cannot breathe,” she panted.

Heavy footsteps stomped above on the deck.

She stiffened, heat staining her cheeks. “William.”

He sucked harder.

“William? Mariah?” Ronan called. “Where are you?”

The footsteps grew louder, and Mariah quaked. 

s`il vous plaît
.” She pushed on his shoulders, trying to get him to stop, but she was too weak, too aroused, too mortified.

Panting, he stopped suckling and gazed up at her, his eyes heavy-lidded, burning gold with hunger and arousal. Menacing and hungry—starved for her. “When I’m around you, I lose control,” he said, his voice taut and heavy. “You need to stay away from me. I’m too dangerous.”







Chapter Fifteen


William released Mariah, grimacing at her disheveled state—chaffed skin, crumpled hair, breasts bared with her dress dropped to her waist. What had he’d been doing—seducing an innocent? He was supposed to be a gentleman, not a libertine.

“Take her now,”
Drakon urged.

William focused on his honor, ignored Drakon and pushed back his lust. God, he wanted Mariah. Wanted her now, to show her the delights of passion, to hear her soft whimpers.

“What the hell is going on?”

William whirled around. Ronan clutched his fists, and his mouth was clamped shut. His eyes blazed.

He avoided Ronan’s accusatory glare. Could he blame him? He’d ravished Mariah like a common whore. She deserved better than a man possessed by a pining dragon. Behind him, Mariah’s clothes rustled.

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