A Playboy's Love Affair (13 page)

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Authors: Emily Quinn

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: A Playboy's Love Affair
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Carly angled her head giving him a curious look. “Ooh a condition huh? All right, shoot… Tell me.”

“It’s simple. We take your clothes to my place where you’ll stay all this week.” His upper lip curled, dazzling her with his infamous St. Jones’ smile.

Carly playfully rolled her eyes at him. “Do I have a choice?”

There she went again with a question. “No. Not really.” Alex sprang to his feet and pulled her to him, snaking an arm around her waist. His other hand stroked her back, tangling his fingers in her hair, forcing her to look at him.

“Tell you what. I’ll think about that too.” Carly rose to her toes and brushed her lips over his.

That wasn’t a flat out ‘no’ but it meant all the same. “How about I bring some of my clothes? No. You can’t think about that.” Alex said against her lips.

“Fine. Only for this week.”

He lifted her off of her feet swirling her around a bit. “Thank you darling.”

Carly pushed away from him twisting in the direction of her buzzing phone. She back stepped, forcing Alex to follow her to the couch where her phone sat. “Stop,” she said playfully, then her smile left her face the moment she read the message on her screen.

“What’s the matter?” Alex asked concerned.

Carly freed herself from his grasp and turned on her TV to Celebrity News. “No, this isn’t happening again. Come on!” She sat unflattering on her couch.

Alex faced the TV propping his arms on his waist. “They gotta be fucking kidding me,” he muttered.


Celebrity News!

Identity of mystery woman revealed!

“Breaking news… Mystery solved. Remember this gorgeous backside?” the blonde entertainment television anchor said, and paused. “Everyone’s been wondering the identity of the mystery woman stealing Alex St. Jones’ attention. Wonder no more,” the woman added with a secret telling smile on her face. “The mystery woman is none other than Carly Mitchell.”

Carly’s picture was prominently displayed on the TV monitor.


“Oh no!” Carly exclaimed. “I’m sure they had a better picture than that.” Her gaze was glued to the picture displayed on her TV monitor. Carly was positive the entertainment anchor had many to choose from, yet she’d chosen the one when Carly called Alex an asshole, right when he got on his motorcycle at the club.

Alex walked to the couch and sat next to her. “That’s their job, sweetheart. They’re leeches.” He put an arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him, and directed his attention back to the breaking news and cursed under his breath. Alex didn’t even consider himself newsworthy but the media begged to differ. Apparently a sixteen-year-old walking out on his family in a court of law was something to announce to the world. What did they care? They’d kept tabs on him since, he’d bet anything the media did it to piss off his stepfather more than an interest in himself.

The woman continued with what had to be an ‘I found you out’ evil grin in Carly’s opinion. “For those who may not know, Carly Mitchell is Matthew Bolerjack’s, the mall tycoon’s, ex-fiancée. Word on the street has it Carly caught him with his pants down with none other than his own personal assistant. Imagine that!” the woman continued, “What a rebound too. Look at you, go girl healing your wounds with our playboy. Sorry ladies, this last bit about our bad boy is not a rumor, it’s a fact.”


Alex took the remote control and shut off the TV. He didn’t want to hear anything more about it, he’d hear a whole lot from his dad soon enough. The brawl at the club wouldn’t go unnoticed. “I’m sorry, gorgeous,” he said comfortingly. “About that trip, do you still need a week to think it over?”


Carly was mesmerized by the breathtaking view as they traveled down the coast along the French Riviera. She’d never thought this would be her final destination. Thirty minutes later the chauffer turned the pearl white Mercedez onto a gravel path leading to a secluded chateau overlooking the blue Mediterranean Sea.

, Mademoiselle,” Blanche, the housekeeper, greeted her with a warm smile.

“Thank you,” Carly replied as she stepped over the threshold. She followed Alex into a chic living room as he chatted in perfect French with Blanche and Leo, the chauffer. Was there anything Alex couldn’t do? Carly wandered around the stylish room and pulled open the French doors leading up to a terrace that overlooked the sea. “This place is beautiful.” A light breeze caressed the loose curls that had escaped their hold on her hair.

“I’m glad you like my hideaway.” Alex’s voice came from behind, his arms circled her waist. She rested her head back on his strong chest, allowing the warmth radiating from his body to envelop her from head to toe. Already she was too used to him. Carly hoped this bliss would last longer than the month they’d be at his hideaway. She had no idea what if anything would change when they were back in the States, but she didn’t wish to think about that now or during her stay for that matter.

She was exhausted by the time Alex finished giving her a tour of the house. Carly thanked Blanche for readying the bathtub for her. Gosh she could get used to this luxury. The last time anyone readied a bathtub for her was when she was seven years old. Suddenly she felt home sick and made a mental note to call her parents to check how they were doing, in her haste to leave with Alex it didn’t cross her mind to let her parents know she’d be out of the country for a few weeks.

The heat of the hot water traveled up her legs the moment she stepped in the large tub. Carly was jet lagged but that was the least of her worries. She was glad for the time alone, not that she minded spending time with Alex, Carly loved every moment of it. But she was treading dangerous waters, how long would this last? This could end as fast as it started and there’d be nothing she could do about it. The thought of it alone pained her. It made her already miss him even though it hadn’t yet happened, at least for the time being.

When Alex asked her to come with him, she immediately wanted to say aloud yes but enjoyed giving him a hard time making him doubt himself. She closed her eyes; her lips curled into a smile at the memory. Alex looked as adorable as a little kid every time she did something he didn’t expect. It was her goal to live every minute of the next month to its maximum. Carly didn’t want to miss a thing.

Alex was her worst best mistake, and it was already too late for regrets. She’d steered onto the point of no return where he was concerned. “Alex, what have you done to me?” Her body slid under the lavender scented bubbles, sinking to the bottom of the tub. Carly held her breath for a minute before emerging back up to find brown eyes staring back at her. Her gaze traveled down his length appreciating the way his slacks hugged his hips.

“What are you doing here?” she asked surprised.

“I heard you talking I thought maybe you needed something.” Alex moved to the other end of the tub and sat on the corner. His hand slid in the hot water finding her feet, and pulled one foot out.

“Goodness. Mmm…yes, right there,” she purred, closing her eyes, enjoying the way his practiced fingers put the correct amount of pressure just in the right places as he massaged it.

Alex reached for her other foot and his expert hands kneaded it the same way. She’d been in massage heaven for God only knew how long, when the water shifted under her and Alex’s strong hands pulled her to him, gripping her hips to straddle him.

“When did you get undressed?”

Alex nuzzled her neck as his hands cupped her ass. “When you weren’t looking.” He captured her mouth in a kiss filled with desire. Carly kissed him with the same urgency, wrapping her arms around his neck, rocking herself against the erection between her thighs teasing her folds.

Carly threw her head back allowing his tongue to trace a path to her soft mounds. His hands cupped and squeezed her breasts. The hotness of his mouth closed over one tight nipple then the other, sucking each gently. She slid her hand until she found his engorged shaft, and closed her fingers around it, circling the tip with her thumb.

“Hmmm, baby,” he groaned. His hand reached between them, his fingers tracing the inside of her folds, playing with her clit.

“Please don’t stop,” Carly whispered, jerking at the intrusion of his fingers stretching her entrance thrusting into her.

Alex captured her lips. “I promise you I’m not stopping,” he murmured, and broke the contact, turning her body around, splashing water on the floor. She was no longer facing him. Her backside was to him now. From the corner of her eye, she watched him pull out a condom from his discarded pants and sheath himself. The anticipation was killing her. She wanted him to finish what he’d started. Her body was on fire and needed release. He grasped her hips and entered her from behind in one full thrust. His hand found her bud, his fingers teasing it. His hips moved, stretching, filling her with each of his thrusts, commanding her body to take his full length. He increased the pressure on her clit flickering it faster with his fingers, bringing Carly closer to her release.

“A-Al.” Carly couldn’t make the words come out closing her eyes she gave into her orgasm. Alex sank into her two more times, and his body shuddered against her back.

After a few moments Alex sat back pulling her with him. “I’m glad you agreed to come away with me.” He kissed her temple.

Carly snuggled closer to him. “I didn’t have much choice.” Her fingers stroked his arm. Truth be told, Carly hadn’t wanted to have a choice.

“Nope, you didn’t.” He tightened his hold, pulling her closer to him, if that were possible. “I would’ve had to resort to using all my charms and you would’ve said yes anyway.” His lips curled into a wicked grin.

She splashed water back at him. “You’re such a—”

“A conceited ass,” he filled in for her. “Darling, this is me being modest, I swear.” A hearty laugh escaped his throat.

“Oh please!” She rested her head on his chest.

“Babe, I’ll be working on a very important project the next couple of weeks, and I’ll have some evening engagements on and off from now until we leave.” He paused as he regarded her.

“I understand.” Suddenly her throat went dry.

He smirked, lifting her chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Darling, I don’t think you understand. I’d like you to come with me to my evening affairs as my date.” He inclined his head and brushed the tip of his nose against hers.

“All right.” Carly closed her eyes allowing his lips to claim hers once more.

Alex shifted under her. “Come on, let’s get dried or we’ll end up looking like raisins,” he teased, pulling her up and out of the tub. Carly was too dazed for coherent thoughts after the bit he’d shared with her a moment ago, and didn’t quite know what to make of it.

Later that night, she met Alex at the terrace for an intimate dinner. Dinner was delectable, who needed to go to a five star restaurant when one had a cook like Blanche? The chocolate torte with raspberry sauce was to kill for, she wondered if Blanche had any leftovers. “What’s this big project you’re working on?” she asked, breaking the silence.

Alex eased back in his chair, swirling his glass of wine with one hand. “The owner of a large hotel chain is here on vacation. He’s agreed to meet with me and others to discuss a concept my staff and I have been working on.” He paused as if considering what to share. “This deal would put my firm and my partners in an extremely competitive advantage position.”

“Wow. That’s excellent,” Carly said.

“Yes, it is. Paul and Dominic will be overjoyed if I can close this.” He sipped from his wine. “I’ll show you the concept once it’s finalized, I’d love to hear what you think.” His eyes met hers.

“Yes, of course. I’d love to see it when it’s ready for primetime.” How was she supposed to react to that—or better yet, what was she supposed to say?

Alex placed his glass back on the table. “I forgot to mention, there’s a credit card on the nightstand on your side of the bed. Darling…” His tone was serious. “Please use it for anything you need. Also, I don’t want you driving around so Leo will take you into town every time you need something.” He placed his napkin on the tabletop.

Carly finished her wine without uttering a word, her silence being her response to his demands. In her short time together with him she’d learned it was useless to argue about money, or his over-protection of her. For starters, Carly wouldn’t use his credit card. She’d dip into her savings if it came to that, but taking his money was a no-no. There were lines Carly never crossed, and that was one. Now, about her new personal chauffer, yeah that wasn’t happening. She was dying to take a ride along the coastline and without Leo, even if that meant renting her own car.

Alex rose to his feet and offered her his hand. “Come on babe, tomorrow will be a big day.”

Carly placed her hand in his allowing him to lead her back to their bedroom. Being there with him felt like a honeymoon—everything about the place was magical. Carly wanted to remain in honeymoon paradise for as long as she could, even if it wasn’t a true honeymoon.

Chapter Sixteen

Alex paced his office. He’d been immersed in work the last couple of weeks and hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time with Carly except in bed at night and outside on business venues. Soon, he’d be able to take a break and spend quality time with her. For now his focus had to be on this business deal as it meant a lot to his firm. His initial meeting with Paolo Sabatini, the hotel magnate, went better than expected. His firm landed a contract with the monster of all hotel chains. Take that Matt Bolerjack. Alex’s architectural firm was stronger than ever, and thriving. Matt’s business most certainly wouldn’t be missed.

As a result of this new deal, Alex was busy making adjustments to the resorts’ concept, while Paul and Dominic were back in the States working with their lawyers on the final terms of their new deal. This new contract required his attendance at additional lunches, dinners and other such nonsense, after all he wasn’t just an up and coming new money Architect. He was the infamous Alex St. Jones, the famous St. Joneses’ black sheep.

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