A Question of Trust (10 page)

BOOK: A Question of Trust
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“Hold her. Tight,” one of the men ordered.

The walls of her pussy and her ass clenched around their dicks, grasping them, holding, squeezing. Spasms of delight—of unrivaled pleasure—demanded, commanded.

Connor roared and pushed deeper, harder than before.

She couldn’t take all the pleasure. Couldn’t not. She screamed and sobbed, tears poured from her eyes. She bit Connor’s shoulder.

“Baby. Fuck—” Gabe was in so deep his balls touched her pussy lips.

God. They must have touched Connor’s testicles too.

Her climax intensified, stretched out, encompassed first Gabe’s wild release and then Connor’s as well.

And when, at last, the blinding ecstasy of her orgasm subsided, and her legs had no strength to hold Connor’s waist any longer, she collapsed, boneless against him.

Gabe was the first one to pull out of her. His withdrawal was equivalent to Chinese torture against the walls of her ass and she whimpered.

“Lean back, baby. I’ll catch you.”

With the last drop of energy she contained, she obeyed. Gabe caught her as Connor slipped out of her pussy. She cried out as violent tremors wracked her body again.

“I’ve got you, baby,” Gabe told her, his voice a gruff whisper. “We both have.”

Chapter Five

Maddie lay on Connor’s bed. Her breathing had finally normalized and her body had relaxed almost to the point of slumber. Her limbs were heavy, sedate, as though she were asleep, but she wasn’t. Her mind was far too active to allow her the oblivion of sleep.

Behind her, Gabe shifted and snored. His arm tightened reflexively, pulling her back flush against his chest. She cuddled into him, enjoying his warmth.

Connor smiled. “Never fails to amaze me how he can lose consciousness like that. My mind is buzzing. No way I could sleep now.”

Maddie smiled back. They lay on their sides facing each other. “Same here. I have a million thoughts racing through my head.”

Connor reached over and tenderly ran his thumb over her cheek. “Want to share them?”

She frowned. Could she voice her thoughts, her questions out loud? Sure, they’d just shared an intensely personal experience, but did that give her the right to probe into his life, his psyche? Did that give her the right to expose her own?

“I do,” she admitted. “But I don’t want to pry and anything I say now would be a question.” Either that, or admit to the plethora of unexpected emotion twirling in her belly.

He smiled wryly. “It’s a bit late to clam up on me, wouldn’t you say?”

Oh, she’d say. “Okay, then, I’m curious,” she confessed. “About you and Gabe.”

“You want to know about our threesomes.”

“Is it that obvious?” Were the rest of her thoughts that obvious?

“You’ve just had sex with both of us, Maddie, at the same time. I’m guessing it’s a first for you. You know it’s not for Gabe and me. You want to know more.”

She nodded. “Do you mind?”

“That depends on the questions. Ask away. If I’m not comfortable answering I’ll let you know.”

She nodded. That was fair enough. “Mind if I start with the one that baffles me the most?”

“’Course not.”

“See, I don’t get how two men, best friends at that, could gain mutual satisfaction from one woman at the same time without wanting to kill each other in the process. Or compete for possession.” Weren’t men territorial by nature? Didn’t they protect what was theirs—fiercely? “Do you and Gabe truly feel comfortable sharing one woman?”

Connor nodded. “We do. I know. It seems weird, but there are times, with the right woman, when sharing isn’t just fun. It intensifies the pleasure dramatically.” His voice deepened. “You noticed that, didn’t you?”

She did. The experience had been so profound because it wasn’t just her and Gabe. Connor’s presence had increased the pleasure and the emotion exponentially. “Yes. Having both of you inside me at the same time…it was…powerful. In the extreme.”

“For us too, sweetheart. But it’s not just the sex itself. Watching you masturbate on Gabe’s dick? Fuck Maddie, that was about the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

The appreciation evident in Connor’s face stopped any embarrassment his comment might have provoked. “But, it was Gabe’s dick, not yours. Wouldn’t you have preferred it if it were you? Uh, your dick?” Would she have preferred it?

His eyes gleamed. “I would have loved it if it was my dick,” he said in a voice that sent a billion goose bumps scuttling over her skin. “But if you’d done that with me I wouldn’t have been able to see a damn thing. The very act of watching you—Christ, it’s making me hard just thinking about it.”

“Down, boy,” she teased. “I don’t have the strength for anything more right now.” Her joke was all bravado and brave front. Watching him watching her had not only made her belly lurch. It had made her heart flutter too.

“Know what? I don’t think I do either.” He grinned. “You wiped me out, Maddie.” Then he added as though as an afterthought, “Me and Gabe both.”

Somewhere between her legs something flickered. “You’re distracting me,” she chided. “I haven’t finished asking my questions.”

“Sorry. I’ll behave,” he promised.

The light in his eyes made Maddie wish he wouldn’t. “How did it start? How did you know you’d enjoy a…ménage?”

“Physiology, my dear. Eighteen-year-old boys will enjoy anything, as long as it means they’re going to get laid.”

“Eighteen? You were that young?”

He grinned at her. “Oh, we were very mature for our age, I assure you. That, and we just wanted to get laid.”

She shook her head in amusement. Connor made her laugh. “Was it your idea? The first time? Or Gabe’s?”

“Actually it was the girl I was dating. Gabe and I shared a place after school, and the first time I brought her home, she made no bones about…wanting him as much as she wanted me. She initiated us.”

Maddie frowned. “You were okay with that? Hell, if I brought home a date who wanted my best friend, I’d boot him out the front door.”

He winked. “I got laid, Maddie. Of course I was okay with it. Look, I won’t lie. The first time was awkward—for Gabe and for me. But then isn’t any first teenage sexual experience awkward? Fortunately, Sally didn’t mind the red faces and the clumsy groping. She hung around for a while, taught us well. After four months, there were no more inept moments.”

“She certainly did a good job,” Maddie agreed. “Neither of you fumbled at all,” she praised him with a teasing smile.

“We aim to please,” he smiled back.

Oh, Lord, and their aim had been perfect. She bit back a moan. Perfect. “How many…” Her voice stuck and she had to clear it. Connor was doing funny things to her insides, making her belly twist and her heart pound.

“Maddie?” Connor asked with his wicked smile. “Are you getting turned on again?”

“No,” she answered indignantly, as moisture gathered between her legs.

Connor raised a knowing eyebrow.

“Okay, yes,” she confessed. “But it doesn’t mean anything. Like I said, I’m too tired to act on it.”

His eyes turned a midnight blue. “You won’t need to move a muscle, sweetheart.” Connor shuffled a little closer, ran his hand down her side, and rested it below Gabe’s arm, in the dip between her hip and her ribs. “Just lie back and I’ll do all the work.”

She stared at him, wordless. She could not possibly be considering this. Not after the evening she’d just had. Yet, the weight of Connor’s hand, the heat that pulsed from it, straight through her flesh and into her bones, had her tingling all over.

“Lean into Gabe,” Connor said, “let him take your weight.”

“But…but it’s not fair. He’s sleeping.” Her chest tightened. Gabe was unconscious, and she was aroused. Aroused and considering Connor’s suggestion. Hell, she was aroused because of Connor. Gabe did not feature in the equation at all.

“If things get interesting, we’ll wake him,” Connor promised.

She didn’t want to wake Gabe. “I can’t handle interesting,” she told him. Or was it both of them she couldn’t handle? “I can barely spread my thighs I’m so tired.” Maybe for Connor she’d make the effort.

“That’s okay. I can’t handle another erection. Not after what you did to me.”

“Then…?” Was that disappointment echoing through her chest?

“My hand still functions, Maddie.” To prove his point he slipped it down over her belly.

Her heart tripped. Liquid dripped between her legs. She looked into Connor’s eyes.

He gazed back into hers.

Silence filled the air.

Her breath caught. It was all there, in his gaze. Everything she felt. “Connor—”

“Tuck your foot over Gabe’s calf,” he said, his voice lower, rougher than she’d heard it before.

Yep, probably better not to question what she’d seen in his eyes. She obeyed, leaving herself open to, and anticipating his exploration. When Connor’s finger glided over her clit and around her slick folds, a jolt went through her body.

Home, she thought.

“Home,” he muttered, and leaned in and kissed her.

Maddie dissolved.

Their lips clung, their tongues explored, their hearts banged in time, and when he pulled away Connor’s eyes glowed. “Home,” he growled.

Maddie’s eyes welled with tears. As intense as the night had been so far, this was perhaps the most intimate moment of all. “Home,” she agreed, and for long minutes neither of them spoke.

Then Connor inhaled, exhaled, and inhaled again. “Was there something else you wanted to know? About me and Gabe?”

How did he do that? Seduce her, make her fall in love with him, and then pick up the thread of their conversation as if nothing life changing had just occurred? As if his hand was not delving between her legs, or his heart not stealing hers?

She could barely breathe, could barely focus on anything but the exquisite vibrations of his finger caressing her pussy, and his eyes adoring her face.

But damn it, if he could pretend the air did not stir between them, so could she. There were more questions, and she still wanted the answers, so she nodded, and asked in a stilted voice, “How…m-many women have there been?”

His gaze searched hers. “Over the last twelve years? More than five. Less than ten.”

“Oh, very specific, Regan.” She tried for sarcasm, but the way she felt, the sensations Connor evoked in her, her words came out like a whisper.

He grinned and rubbed tiny circles around her clit. “You’re number seven, Maddie.”

Was it possible to trap his finger? To keep it right where it was for, oh, another week or so? Was it possible to trap Connor, to keep him with her, oh another lifetime or so? “Did you know about me? I mean before you got here?” She held her breath, nervous to hear the answer. Had Gabe prepared Connor, told him he’d found number seven? How did she feel about that?

“Gabe phoned me the day he met you. He knew right off you were…my type. He was right.”

“So you came to Sydney expecting this?”

“Christ, no.” He moved back to her pussy lips, caressing her lightly, but not pushing inside her. Thank heavens. After the double penetration, she wasn’t sure she could endure anything more inside her right now. “I came to Sydney wondering what to do with my life. You were an added bonus.” He frowned, touched his lips to hers, drew her breath away. “Gabe and I might enjoy the same woman every now and again. That doesn’t mean we take every relationship for granted, or assume every woman will want to be shared. It also doesn’t mean I want to sleep with every woman Gabe dates, or vice versa.” His eyes took on an odd gleam, and his finger seduced, caressed. “You were different, Madeline. The first time I saw you I knew Gabe was right. I liked you. Very much.” He closed his eyes. “Perhaps more than Gabe bargained on.”

Maddie’s heart leapt into her throat. “I like you too, Connor.”

He smiled, kept his eyes closed. “You have to say that. Your next orgasm depends on it.” He drew his finger backwards, found the bud between her ass cheeks and stroked it.

She gasped. “No. I don’t. I said it because I mean it, not because you have your hand between my legs.”

“I like having my hand between your legs,” he said softly and opened his eyes to look into hers again.

“I like having your hand there too.” She shuddered. “Perhaps more than I’d bargained on.”

He kissed her. Small, gentle kisses on her mouth. Using similar small, gentle strokes, he moved his finger from her ass, over her pussy lips and to her clit, then back again. Over and over he did it. Kissed her and stroked her. Never demanding, just giving and giving.

Her orgasm started slowly, building up at the same speed as he moved his finger. It did not explode inside her. It simply, gently overwhelmed her, sending sweet tingles flowing through every nerve cell she possessed. For an eternity it continued, with Connor’s warm mouth just the right complement.

She sighed against his lips, melted into the mattress and just felt. And when it was over, and Connor withdrew his finger, it took several moments before she floated back to him. Several moments before she could focus on his face. His beautiful, precious face.

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