A Question of Trust (8 page)

BOOK: A Question of Trust
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When Gabe kissed her she could barely wait for him to rip off her clothes. When Connor kissed her she was content to stay there in his arms, oh, for about the rest of her life or so.

With Gabe, the need to fuck him kicked in about three seconds after his lips touched hers. With Connor, desire seeped languidly through her bones, starting in her belly and rippling gradually outwards. His touch was no less lethal than Gabe’s, it was just different.

When he unwrapped her towel so she stood naked in his arms, he did not make wicked promises of what was to come, he simply adored her—with his mouth and with his words. Between drawing her heaving, sensitive nipples between his lips and dragging his tongue over the hardened peaks, he whispered of her beauty and her magnetism and her appeal.

As he feathered his lips across her shivery belly, he adored her in silence, choosing instead to cover every inch of flesh with butterfly kisses that both aroused and awakened. On his knees, he dropped his head lower, ceasing his tantalizing kisses as his mouth found her essence.

For several seconds he did nothing, simply knelt where he was, with his eyes closed, and breathed. He rested his forehead against her mound, and the warm air from his mouth blew lower, stirring the sensations between her legs.

“Connor, please…” Liquid heat gathered, slipped past her lips, trickled onto her thigh.

Connor shuddered. “Madeline. God, you smell like heaven.” He inhaled. “So wet, so ready.”

Maddie struggled to find words. She’d made a promise to Gabe, had to keep it. “Gabe,” she said on a moan and realized immediately that had come out wrong, like she was moaning Gabe’s name. The last thing she wanted was for Connor to think she’d confused the two of them.

She couldn’t. Neither of them was the type of man you could confuse with another. “Gabe sent me here…wet. He told me to tell you…when you…you see how aroused I am, that both of you have done this to me.” His hot breath burned her clit. “You and Gabe…you’ve both made me wet.”

Connor groaned and touched the tip of his tongue to her engorged bud, licking it once. “Did Gabe do this to you, Madeline?” His breath was hot. “Did he lick you here?” The growth of his unshaven beard scraped her hip.

Her eyelids drooped. Lord, she couldn’t keep them open. All the pleasure his tongue stirred made thought impossible. Blinking was out of the question. “Y…yes.”

He drew his tongue over her again. “So I’m placing my mouth where Gabe’s was only moments ago?”

“Y…yes.” More liquid leaked from her. Gabe and Connor’s mouths, right there, only minutes apart. Gabe’s cheeks had been smooth, hairless against her thighs. Connor’s whiskers abraded the sensitive flesh there. It was sinful. And decadent. And delicious. So very delicious. Even Connor moaned.

He kept his tongue relaxed, licked at her like she was an ice cream, building the mood, increasing the sensation, slowly bringing her to the brink. Gabe usually tensed his tongue, kept it focused, made her come within seconds. Now seconds passed, minutes, days. She lost track of time, her only conscious thought was the sweet ecstasy that Connor’s tongue built in her as he drank his fill.

Her orgasm was inches away, sensation built, grew. Connor licked, sucked. He inhaled, moaned. “Connor, I’m going to…”

He withdrew his tongue. “No, Madeline.” His voice was hoarse. “You’re not.”

Maddie cried out. God, so close. So, so close. “Connor, please,” she begged.

He shifted back on his haunches and looked up at her, his blue eyes determined and filled with lust. Drops of her desire glistened on his half-beard. “Not yet, Madeline. Not without me.” Then he raised his hand and drew his finger through her slick folds. “Not without Gabe.”

She shook her head, desperate for relief. “You don’t understand, Connor, please, I need…” She needed to come, needed to quell the maddening frustration.

“You will,” he promised, and slipped his finger between her lips. “In good time.”

She clamped her inner muscles around his finger. God, it felt good there. Good, but not enough, not what she needed. Her clit throbbed, ached for fulfillment, and he would not give it.

“Please, Connor… Gabe… I need Gabe.” He’d help her. He’d give her an orgasm. He liked watching her come. Liked making her climax several times before taking his own release.

Connor added another finger, pumping his digits in and out of her as she stood shaking. “Gabe will be here soon,” he soothed.

“Not soon enough,” she ground out. Christ, he was ruthless.

“Shhh. Relax, Maddie, enjoy.” Three fingers now, and to her surprise, Maddie found she did enjoy. A lot. The ache in her clit receded gradually. Not altogether, but enough that she could relish the pleasure his skilled fingers provided.

Gabe would have gone straight for her G-spot, manipulated it until she writhed on his hand. Connor titillated, delighted, pleasured, but did not push. Again, sensation began to build, her pussy started to pulse. Slowly but surely, every nerve ending responded to the hand that caressed, cried out for more. She rode his fingers, pushing down hard on his hand. God, she was close. So close her legs trembled. She cried out.

Connor put his arm around her hips, held her upright and withdrew his hand

” her voice was a strangled plea.

“I told you, sweetheart. Not without me.”

Fuck, she’d never been this close before, never been this deprived. Connor was dementing her. Driving her slowly insane.

“Not without Gabe.” His fingers were between her legs, drawing her cream across her pussy lips, and backwards.

“Gabe would let me come,” she moaned. She felt physically bereft. Empty. Cheated. Desperate.

“Gabe will let you come,” Connor assured her. “When he gets here.” He played with the crease of her ass, wetting it with her juices. “We both will.”

Sweet Lord, he wasn’t going to go there too, was he? He wasn’t going for a hat trick. He couldn’t. He’d drawn her to the edge with his tongue, left her pussy stranded on the verge of surrender, and now he was tormenting her ass.

Ah, fuck. He was. A billion tingles shot down her legs as he found her bud, tickled, stroked. She couldn’t stop herself, she wanted him to have better access. Lifting her leg, she draped it over his shoulder, steadying herself by grasping his other shoulder.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he urged. “Open yourself up to me.” As his finger, wet from her cream, probed and gained entry, his tongue darted out and tasted her clit again. It took no time before she felt the tension mount again, before a thunderous orgasm threatened to rip through her.

The shivers began deep in her ass and rippled outward into her pussy. Her clit ached and swelled. It was happening, starting, relief was a heartbeat away. Finally.

Connor closed his mouth and removed his finger.



“No. Fuck, Connor, no. Let me come,” she howled.

He removed her leg from his shoulder, waited until he was sure she was balanced, and stood up. “You will come. I promise.” Then he kissed her again.

She was horny, she was frustrated, she was hot, she was dripping and she wanted to come. She did not want to be kissed. She did not want Connor’s lips on hers, she wanted them on her clit. She wanted his fingers in her pussy and in her ass and she wanted them there now.

So why did she melt into his arms again? Why did she plaster herself against his chest and hold onto him as though she would never let go? Why, if the only thing she could think about was finding relief, was she suddenly content to kiss him until tomorrow morning at least?

“What have you done to me, Connor?” she asked when they came up for air, when he looked at her with eyes filled with amazement. “You’ve taken me to the edge three times and I’m happy just to let you kiss me. Forever.”

He shook his head. “I have no idea, sweetheart. But whatever it is, you’re doing it to me too. Christ, I never want to stop kissing you.”

“Then don’t.” Their lips met again. They clung, they kissed, they caressed.

Maddie ached for him. She wanted him, wanted everything. She’d ached for Gabe, but that was different. That was a physical pull, a hunger to mate, to fuck. With Connor it went deeper. The ache was a longing, a yearning for something more—not just sex.

Closer. She needed to be closer to him, needed for him to feel the same way she did. Needed for him to teeter on the edge, yet long for her kiss. How? What could she do? How could she make him ache for her the way she ached for him?

“More,” she murmured into his mouth.

“Hmmm?” He toyed with her tongue.

“More.” At least that’s what she tried to say. It was impossible to speak clearly when she refused to pull her lips away from his.

She used sign language instead—or she used her hands at any rate, tearing Connor’s towel off. His erection sprang free between them, poking into her belly. Finally, she had reason to break the kiss.

“My turn,” she gasped and pulled away from him.

She could have started on his chest, like he had, nibbling happily on his nipples. She could have moved down to his stomach, become intimately acquainted with every muscle there. She could have, but she didn’t. She chose instead to head straight for the heart of the matter, to bring him to the brink, to make him as achy and as needy as he had made her, and when she was done—and he had found no relief whatsoever—she would kiss him again. And again and again, and maybe not stop until tomorrow morning. Anything so she could show him just how much he had affected her.

Could he see the picket fence, the delightful cottage behind it?

Like Connor had done minutes ago, she dropped to her knees and took his cock in her hand. It was longer than Gabe’s and thinner but no less impressive. It was also slightly curved. Maddie’s mouth watered. She rested her head on Connor’s stomach and inhaled deeply.

Lord, he smelled good. Like Gabe. Man and musk and sex. But there was something more. Something familiar. Home?

His dick lurched in her hand.

Maddie leaned forward and, placing her tongue beneath his balls, licked upward, laving first one testicle then the other, then started on his shaft, encompassing every last inch, from his base to his tip. By the time she withdrew her tongue, pearly beads glistened on the head of Connor’s penis.

“Oh, Jesus… Maddie…”

She suspected Connor would have said more if she hadn’t repeated her actions. This time she only stopped when she’d swallowed the tasty drops Connor had produced—for her.

Did he still feel it? The magic that crackled between them? The connection. It was there. As sure as she held him in her hand, it was there. She ducked lower, pushed his legs apart and licked the tender spot between his testicles and his ass.

Connor groaned her name.

With Gabe, she could never reach there. His thighs were too wide, she had to stop at his balls. With Connor she kept on, licking and feeding, teasing with tiny dips of her tongue between his ass cheeks, but never going further.

Connor groaned and twisted.

Two could play at the same game. Just like he had brought her to the edge and stopped, she could torment him. She did. In one full, long sweep, she brought her tongue back up to the tip of his cock, and swallowed down the new drops he’d left for her. Then slowly, slowly, she drew him between her lips, taking him inch by glorious inch, until her mouth was full.

Apple pie and man. With cream on the side. If his mouth had been intoxicating, his dick tasted like paradise. Maddie lost herself to the fantasy that was Connor. She loved him with her mouth and with her hand, wrapping her fingers around his base, ensuring that all parts of him were taken care of. Using her other hand, she caressed his balls and the sweet area beneath them.

Pleasuring him was no less erotic, no less arousing then his teasing had been for her. Maddie’s pussy hummed, yearned. Damn Connor. He might be able to withhold her pleasure, but he couldn’t prevent her from touching herself.

She released his balls and lowered her hand until she found her pounding clit. Such was the level of her arousal, it almost hurt to touch it. She winced before sighing around his cock. It wouldn’t take long. A little quick, focused circling, apply some pressure, and she’d have her orgasm.

“Don’t.” Connor’s voice was strained. “Shite, Maddie, if you touch yourself, I won’t be able to hold back.” His dick twitched in her mouth. “Not…fair to…Gabe.” He grabbed her head, stilled it and reluctantly, Maddie let her hand drop away. So much for self satisfaction.

He was right though. This was Gabe’s pajama party too. Instead she focused on providing him with the sweetest head imaginable.

“Stop!” It wasn’t an order, but a plea, wrenched from somewhere deep in Connor’s body. “Gabe… Not…fair,” he panted, and tugged on her hair, urging her up.

Maddie released him with a pop and rose to stand face to face. Her jaw tingled, her lips felt swollen.

“You…made your point.” Connor’s eyes were tiny slits, his chest heaved. “Very effectively.” And he kissed her.

This time when Maddie found home, there were no towels between them. There was nothing but Connor’s naked flesh flush against hers, his damp cock pressing into her belly, his chest squashing her breasts. Maddie wondered if it were possible to climb into someone, to become part of him. She wanted him so bad she couldn’t get close enough. She didn’t just want his body, she wanted all of him—his soul, his affection, his love.

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