A Scandalous Arrangement (9 page)

BOOK: A Scandalous Arrangement
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“I am sure we will manage. Your home is close by, I believe.”

“Yes, but I have work to finish. I cannot possibly…”

“We are done for today. Let’s go enjoy the hospitality of your mother’s parlour, shall we?” When he offered his elbow a second time, he was gratified when she accepted it. He led the way across the courtyard in the direction of the mill gates.


* * *


Adam was uncertain what reception to expect from the Wynne family as he entered their elegant home. In the event, he found Hester Wynne quite charming. The lady had been surprised to come downstairs having heard the commotion in her front hallway to find him filling her elegant vestibule and handing his hat and cane to her maid. However, she had recovered herself admirably. Introductions performed, and a maid was dispatched upstairs to ready their best guest room. Hester had directed that Adam be shown to her parlour and offered refreshment. He was soon ensconced on her chintz sofa, surrounded by Hester’s fine French cabinets and occasional tables, admiring the delicate and expensive porcelain Victoria’s mother had spent her life collecting. It was clear the Wynnes were prosperous. If anything, Victoria had played down her success.

Adam declined more tea, having consumed quite sufficient of the stuff in Victoria’s office, but felt welcome in her mother’s home even so. Victoria excused herself as soon as they arrived and trotted off upstairs to change. Adam might have found her absence galling, but Hester made up for it amply. He might have wished the daughter’s manners more reminiscent of her mother’s, but took comfort in the belief that her charms most probably lay in other directions. He would soon know.

“We were most grateful for your understanding, in the matter of notice, Mr. Luke. It is so difficult to find just the right property.” Hester sipped her tea and smiled at him. “There are a number of suitable locations in the vicinity, however, and I am sure we will be in a position to vacate the house well before the three months are up. You must be keen to progress the sale.”

“No, Mrs. Wynne, I am not. Indeed, had Miss Wynne been less intent on her wardrobe, she might have remained downstairs long enough to tell you that there is no longer any requirement for you to move house at all. I am intending to transfer ownership of this charming home of yours to her, as soon as that might be accomplished.”

His hostess blinked at him in surprise. “Oh, Mr. Luke, that is most unexpected. How generous of you.”

“Not at all, Mrs. Wynne. I was quite persuaded by your daughter’s arguments as to the injustice of the situation. I am happy to be in a position to restore equity in this matter.”

“I see. Even so, you were under no obligation to do so if I have understood the situation correctly. We appreciate your kindness. And, if I may ask, what are your intentions with regard to the mill?”

“As to that, I am here to discuss the terms of our partnership with Miss Wynne. I am optimistic that we will find ourselves in agreement.”

“Excellent. That is such a relief. She has been quite stressed, you know, positively peaky with it. My daughter works much too hard, taking responsibility for everyone and everything. Perhaps you can persuade her to lighten her load somewhat. She is still a young woman, after all.”

“Quite. You have my absolute assurance, Mrs. Wynne, that I intend to try.”


* * *


Dinner that evening was a pleasant enough affair, if he could manage to disregard the silence emanating from Victoria. She was not surly exactly, more preoccupied. He had given her plenty to consider, certainly, but he did not believe it was his unorthodox business proposition that occupied her thoughts. Or, perhaps not entirely.

Hester Wynne and her younger daughter, Georgina, did a fine job of filling any gaps in the conversation. He was entertained by tales of local life, the social events dominating the West Yorkshire summer season, the weather at this time of year, the difficulties inherent in securing beef of adequate quality. The latter was not a problem he felt their cook encountered on a regular basis if the fine braised steak he was enjoying was any indication. The food was exquisite, and the company effervescent.

As soon as dessert was over Victoria excused herself.

“But, my dear, we have a guest. Surely you can remain with us a little longer.” Hester fixed her daughter with what seemed to Adam a particularly pointed look, but to no avail.

Victoria smiled at the assembled company as she folded her napkin. “I am tired, mama. I will see you at breakfast.” She bent to kiss her mother’s cheek, then Georgina’s. She bestowed a cool smile on Adam as she left the room.

Hester shook her head. “She may be tired, but she’ll still spend the next three hours in the library, poring over her accounts, checking invoices, studying her order books. She really does too much, Mr. Luke. I worry about her.”

Adam smiled and nodded. He could find nothing in Hester’s statement with which to disagree.

Thirty minutes and a fine port later, the remaining three left the table. Hester declared herself ready to retire to her room, and urged Georgina to do the same in readiness for some charitable function the following day. They both bid him goodnight.

Adam waited until their footsteps faded on the upper floor, then he made his way along the ground floor hallway. He could eliminate the parlour and the dining room, so located the library without difficulty. The door was ajar. As he had expected, Victoria was there, her back to the door as she bent over a large desk that was scattered with papers. The faint scratching of her pen across the surface of the document she worked on could be heard as he stood in silence for few moments, taking in the sight of her. She really was lovely. A trifle prim in her attitudes perhaps, and definitely sharp-tongued. Independent too, but he admired that and could deal with the rest.

Starting here.

“Victoria, I thought I made it clear that work was concluded for the day.” His stern tones rang out across the quiet room.

Her pen clattered to the desk, leaving a delicate spray of ink across the page. He could have sworn she muttered an oath to herself as she reached for her blotter. Victoria turned to scowl at him.

“You did. And I told you I had paperwork to finish, especially having spent most of the afternoon showing you around the mill. They are routine matters, and I did not wish to trouble you further this evening, so I will see you in the morning, Mr. Luke. Do you require help to find your room?”

“I do not. I do, however, require help in understanding why you have chosen to disobey me so early in our relationship. Could you enlighten me at all, Victoria?” He deliberately softened his voice.

“Disobey you? Please do not be ridiculous, I did not disobey you. I simply came to the library to finish off my work, as I do most evenings.”

“So I am given to understand. Your mother is concerned that you work too hard. I suspect she may be right.” He chose to ignore her comment about his being ridiculous, but made a mental note to deal severely with any repetition of such rudeness. For now, he had much to address with her and the situation was quite delicate enough.

“There is no need for concern, I assure you.”

Adam entered the library, closing the door behind him. He turned the key in the lock, then slipped it from the door and pocketed it. She saw what he did and gasped, but he ignored her. In the absence of further protest from Victoria he strolled across the room to position himself beside her desk. He picked up a sheet of paper, perused it, then laid it back down. He picked up another, then another as Victoria watched him. Her irritation was evident, though she wisely refrained from snapping at him again. Even so, she had much to learn. He would start her education here and now.

“Victoria, please be under no illusion. When I tell you we are finished for the day, we are indeed finished. I do not expect to find you sneaking away, secreting yourself somewhere to continue working. Your diligence is commendable, but in this instance it is misplaced and will be punished. Stand up, please.”

It was all he could do to retain his stern demeanour when her beautiful face registered the import of his words. Her jaw dropped, her eyes widened, and the blue darkened to a deep violet. She was speechless, though that state of affairs did not last.

“I beg your pardon.”

“I asked you to stand. I do not appreciate having to repeat myself.”

“Why? Why do I need to stand?” Her voice was shaking now. He was pleased; it denoted a more proper appreciation of the situation.

“Because I am going to require you to lean across your desk, raise your skirts, and accept a decent spanking. I trust that will be sufficient to get my point across, though I will be happy to repeat the lesson should it be necessary. Then, when I am satisfied we are done here, you will take yourself off to bed. Your bottom will be sore, you may not find sleep so easy, but you will do your best.”

“You cannot. I will not allow it. This is my home, my library. You can’t just walk in here and, and…”

“At the risk of being tedious, may I remind you that until I complete the legal requirements this house remains mine, though I accept it is your home. Even so, I think you will find I can walk in here and spank you if you require such chastisement. And Victoria, you definitely do. So if you would be so good as to present yourself as directed, we can get on with it.”

Victoria stood and backed away from him toward the door. He found her obvious fear discomfiting, but understandable in the circumstances. They would soon move beyond that. By way of a reminder as to the truth of her situation, he pulled the key from his pocket and tossed it among the paperwork on her desk.

“You are going nowhere. Now unless you intend to rouse the entire household with your screams and fussing, I suggest you get back here, clear a space among all this, and bend over.”

His tone was icy. He watched as her colour faded.

She returned his gaze, chewing on her lower lip as though considering her next move. She appeared to come up with nothing decisive, so remained where she was. Adam rummaged among her papers and picked up a ruler she had been using to set out her ledgers in perfect order. A foot long, made of smooth cherry wood, it would do nicely.

“Ten strokes, five on each buttock. Your bottom will be bare, of course. It will hurt, a lot I expect since you are new to this. You
new to spanking, I assume?” He paused, one eyebrow raised, but no response was forthcoming. “I thought so. But you will survive. If there is any danger that you might attempt to cover your sweet derrière with your hands, I will have to tie your wrists to prevent that. I do not wish to injure you.”

Her complexion paled yet more. Humiliation would be a part of the cause, embarrassment too, and fear too of course. But did he detect a flicker of something more in her lovely, startled eyes? Desire? Arousal? Excitement?

He needed to move this on, and quickly.

“Victoria, I do not intend to debate this matter further with you. Bend over the desk and lift your skirts. Now.”

“But, what if someone should come in? They might hear. It will be—noisy.”

No longer refusing then, merely questioning the practicalities. His cock twitched in anticipation.

“No one is coming in. The door is locked and the household are in bed. You may well squeal a little, but for myself I do not mind that. If you find yourself unnerved at the prospect of any of the servants hearing your screams and knowing what is happening to you, I am prepared to gag you if you wish. Or you could concentrate on remaining reasonably quiet. Which is it to be, Victoria?”

“I, I will be quiet.”

He nodded his approval and gestured to the untidy table top. “Do you need me to help you clear some of this away?”

“No. I know where everything is to go.” She stepped forward and gathered several sheets into a pile, then organised the rest in similar fashion. She replaced her pen and inkwell in a small drawer before turning to eye the ruler with distaste. He held it between his two hands, flexing the length of it.

“Will you always insist on using something like that? If I do agree to the arrangement you have in mind?”

“No, Victoria, not always. Though you will find yourself truly astonished at what I can make you feel with just my hands.” He lifted an eyebrow, and tilted his head at the table. “Please do not procrastinate. For every thirty seconds you delay now I will add one stroke to your tally. Just how sore would you like me to make your lovely bottom, Victoria, before I finally allow you to leave this room and go to bed? “

She tilted her chin in what he hoped would be her last attempt at defiance. “You have no right.”

He stepped in close to her, leaning down to murmur in her ear. “Oh, but I do, sweet lady. By not screaming the place down when I locked the door, by not ringing the bell to summon your servants, by remaining here in this room with me, you have given me that right. You will not regret it.” He kissed her hair, already beginning to dislodge from her loose chignon. On impulse he grasped the clip that restrained her dark locks and released it. Her hair tumbled down her back in a dark, rippling wave. He leaned in a fraction more to inhale the delicate aroma of apples and wondered how she achieved that. He gave himself a quick shake. They had business to conclude here.

“Eleven, Victoria, and counting.”

She gave a little sob and pushed past him to lean on the table. She hesitated there for just a few moments, then leaned further to press her upper body against the cleared surface. “Do it then. Just do it.”

“Your skirt, Victoria. I require your bottom to be bared for me, and if you would lift yourself up onto your toes ever so slightly I would appreciate that also.”

He smiled to himself as she reached back to grab two handfuls of fine bronze-coloured satin and dragged them up around her waist. The hem of her skirts and petticoats still obscured his view of her drawers, but he felt she had done as much as she could to cooperate. He slid his fingers under the fabric and pushed it up onto her back. Now only her drawers remained to obstruct him. He loosened the tie at the waist. Victoria stiffened as he did so, but did not protest. He lowered them to her knees to fully expose her to him. And to his ruler.

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