A Scandalous Arrangement (12 page)

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“You did, and I am relieved.”

“So, you agree to my terms then?”

He met her eyes, and held her gaze as though searching for some inner truth. Perhaps he found it, because at last he inclined his head in a slow nod. “I do, if this is what you truly want.”

“Thank you. Oh, thank you.” She knew she was beaming, a silly joyous grin plastered across her face, but she could not help it. Her dream was coming true. It really, really was. She stood, and on impulse threw her arms around his neck.

He closed his arms around her, his hands on her bottom. He squeezed, reminding her of last night’s events in her library. Victoria winced.

“Still sore?” He nuzzled her neck, murmuring the words into her ear.

“Yes, but it’s fine.”

“Is it? I know I hurt you, shocked you a little.”

“More than a little, but I am quite recovered now. Apart from the bruises, of course.”

“Of course. And after your spanking, how do you feel this morning about what happened next?”

Victoria stepped away to look up at him. She did not feign any confusion as to his meaning. “I feel perfectly wonderful, Mr. Luke. Adam.”

He smiled. “Then I believe we have a deal, Miss Wynne. Victoria.”

He held out his hand, and Victoria took it. “We do.”


* * *


“You intend to return to London today then?”

“Yes. In fact, I must leave for the station within the next few minutes.” Adam consulted his pocket watch then helped himself to a third salmon sandwich from the delicate arrangement supplied by Mrs. Bridger. Victoria had insisted he return to Wynne House with her to take a light lunch before his journey. Since he had agreed to her somewhat unorthodox arrangement, she felt more pleasantly disposed to him. With each hour she spent in his company she found her new business partner more attractive, more charismatic. Indeed, she could not recall having ever liked a gentleman so much as she did Mr. Adam Luke, despite the circumstances.

She should loathe and resent him for having acquired her mill from under her, then proposing a personal arrangement that might ruin her. Instead, she realised she had no desire to see him leave, and more than a passing wish to be ruined without further delay.

“You are welcome to remain with us another day or so.” She swallowed, then continued her campaign. “Now that we have the nature of our relationship clarified, there is merit, surely, in wasting no time. We could… we could…”

“You are inviting me to sleep with you, Miss Wynne?” He took a sip of his tea as he fixed his amused emerald gaze on her.

Victoria felt her face reddening, but could not fault his deduction. Well, not entirely.

“I do not believe you were considering sleep exactly. Did you not make that most clear?”

“Ah, yes. You are correct. Are you inviting me to fuck you, Victoria? Here, in your mother’s parlour perhaps?”

“No, of course not. Somewhere more—suitable could be found, I am convinced of it. Somewhere discreet and private.”

“Your bedroom then? Mine?”

Victoria could only nod, her present supply of boldness quite exhausted.

Adam smiled at her. “How hospitable of you, Miss Wynne. And I might be tempted too, but I am afraid I have pressing affairs to attend to back in the city. I really must take my leave of you. Until the weekend.”

“I… see.” She did not know whether to be relieved or insulted. She hovered between the two for a few moments, then settled on disappointed.

Adam leaned forward to cup her chin in his hand. He lifted her face to his so she had no choice but to meet his eyes.

“This is your reflection period, Victoria. You may yet change your mind. I do most sincerely hope that you will not, and that in just three days you will board a train to London ready to spend a most interesting weekend with me. But I am no sexual predator, Victoria. This is your choice and I want to be sure you have had an opportunity to properly consider your options.”

“I have decided. I will not change my mind now.”

“Excellent. Than you may spend the time between now and Saturday in eager anticipation of your deflowering. I assume you
a virgin, unmarried lady of good upbringing and all that.”

“Of course, sir. But—”

“The wait will do you good, Victoria.” He leaned in and brushed her lips with his. “Now, I really must be leaving. I have a train to catch.”

Chapter Seven



“I am expecting a companion to join me. Please direct the lady to my private lounge when she arrives.” Adam issued his instructions to the middle-aged doorman, slipping a folded one-pound note into the breast pocket of the butler’s jacket. The man tipped his hat in polite agreement. Adam reflected that the haughty major-domo might disapprove of ‘companions’ who met gentlemen in hotels, Adam had no doubt he did, but a generous tip would invariably assuage such sensibilities. He thanked the man and strolled across the foyer of The Ritz hotel in the direction of the corridor leading to the more secluded waiting areas where he intended to await the arrival of the truly delightful Victoria Wynne.

He had reserved a private lounge for their immediate use, and a rather splendid suite on the second floor for later. He settled himself in a comfortable winged chair and contemplated the events of the last few days. When he made the journey to Hebden Bridge to present his terms personally, he had believed the odds to be about even that Victoria would agree to his outrageous suggestion, but she had truly astonished him with her even more scandalous counterproposal. He had agreed to what she wanted but felt a degree of discomfort with it. There was no certainty of a baby resulting from their union, but he felt the prospect to be a likely one if he took no steps to minimise that risk. He was not a man to shirk his responsibilities, so the notion of leaving a woman pregnant and alone when their relationship came to an end did not sit well with him, even though he found he understood Victoria’s dilemma and sympathised with her cause. And she would not be alone exactly. He would ensure her wellbeing and that of any child, and he would insist that the infant’s paternity be recorded. He did not intend to intrude, nor would he interfere, but he would be there in the background. Somewhere.

He checked his watch again, and calculated that she should be here within the next thirty minutes or so. She had sent him a brief note the day after he arrived back in Knightsbridge informing him of her intention to take the train that left Hebden Bridge at eight thirty-five on Friday evening and would then take a sleeper train from Leeds, in accordance with his instructions. She anticipated being in Kings Cross at approximately two o’clock on Saturday afternoon.

Adam had checked the rail schedules himself and finding that he concurred with her, he had made arrangements for Victoria to be picked up at the station and brought to the Ritz. She would be tired from the journey, despite having slept on the train.

He knew she would expect to be spending the weekend at his home, but the hotel seemed more appropriate. Not exactly neutral ground, but The Ritz offered a degree of anonymity that she might appreciate. And luxury of course. He intended to make sure his latest submissive was very well cared for.

Adam liked to think of himself as a generous and patient, if demanding, dominant. He would require absolute submission, eventually, but he was prepared to take his time getting there. He had a suspicion that Victoria would struggle to comply with all his requirements, especially those concerned with obedience, and he had no desire to scare her off by pushing her too hard, too soon. Yes, the elegant surroundings of The Ritz would create the right ambiance, instilling a degree of normality and respectability to the proceedings. Once she experienced some of what he could offer her, he had little doubt Victoria’s own sensual nature would be more than sufficient to anchor her to him. She would be begging him for the rest, pleading with him to satisfy her curiosity and her lust.

He suspected the presence of a seriously sweet slut under Victoria’s prim and efficient exterior. He intended to make the acquaintance of that slut as quickly as that happy state of affairs might be achieved. He would start by offering her a nice if belated lunch since he suspected Victoria would appreciate that after her journey. Yes, refreshments here in the lounge on arrival, and a tray to be delivered upstairs.

He checked his watch. Where the hell was she? He calculated another twenty minutes at least. He glanced at the small pile of papers he had placed on the table. Their contents were perfectly familiar to him so he saw no need to refresh his memory. Instead, he unfurled the newspaper he had brought with him and resigned himself to the wait.

Twenty-five minutes later he dragged out his watch again. She was late. He glanced toward the door, which remained firmly closed. Surely she had not changed her mind, right at the last minute. He doubted that, she would have telegraphed him. She would be here.

He reapplied his attention to the previous week’s events in the House of Lords, as reported by the illustrious political journalists employed by
The Times,
as several more minutes ticked by.

The soft knock at the door came not a moment too early. He was on the point of leaving to patrol the hotel reception area, convinced the doorman must have pocketed his note and sloped off for a sly break. Relief flooded Adam, and he let out a breath he had not realised he was holding.

“Come in.” He refolded his newspaper and leaned back in his chair to survey the slender woman who entered the room.
Christ, she was lovely.

“I am late. I apologise. The train arrived ten minutes after it should have, then the traffic across London was heavy…” She paused, remaining by the door, which was ajar at her rear. “Thank you for sending a carriage for me though. That helped a great deal.”

“Not at all. You have been travelling since yesterday evening, it was the least I could do.” He admired her soft blue travelling attire, a fitted jacket and skirt made of a fine wool cloth, trimmed in velvet of a darker hue. She looked elegant, smart, the perfect lady. His cock started to harden as he contemplated the pleasures to come, commencing when he would watch her peel off those demure and oh-so-respectable clothes. But, first things first, he had business to conclude with his guest.

“Please be seated, Victoria. I have ordered a tray of tea… ah, yes, here it is.” He paused to allow her to take the armchair opposite his, and for the liveried footman who had appeared in the doorway to enter and lay their tray on the table beside his papers. Adam handed the man a few coins, which he seemed pleased with as he pocketed them on his way out. Adam returned his full attention to Victoria. She was doing a fine job of feigning poise and confidence, but the barely discernible shaking of her hands betrayed her as she removed her delicate white gloves. That and the dilated pupils that darkened her cobalt blue eyes.

Adam approved of her nervousness; it showed a proper appreciation of her situation.

“Would you pour, please?” He gestured to the teapot, then smiled to himself when she spilled a few drops into his saucer as her hands shook even more. She peeped at him under her lashes. Now she knew he knew, and would become even more flustered.


He sat back and waited until she had finished, then he pushed the stack of documents across the table to her. “I thought we might conclude our paperwork down here, then retire to our suite.”

“Paperwork?” She tilted her chin at him. “What paperwork is that?”

“The fine businesswoman that you are, I thought you might like to inspect your contract before we proceed. If you are happy with it, you can sign now and I will instruct my lawyer accordingly.”

“Contract? Why do we need a contract? I thought we had agreed all that needed to be settled in this arrangement of ours, that there would be no requirement for further negotiation.”

“This is your contract of employment, Victoria. And the papers setting out the terms of our business partnership. The principal terms are indeed settled, but the details still required to be set out in writing. I hope you find the remuneration I have suggested acceptable.”

She appeared to visibly relax, on familiar territory again. Adam was amused, and it endeared her to him all the more.

“I see. Of course, the business partnership.” She picked up the papers and started to read.

“I could have contracts drawn up relating to the more personal aspects of our future dealings but I doubt they would be enforceable in law. We will have to rely on our integrity. This is a matter of trust, would you not agree?”

“I, yes, I suppose that is the best description.” She shot him a surprised glance. “Mr. Luke, this cannot be correct. No manager in my acquaintance is paid such a sum.”

“I am a generous employer, and you have been at pains to assure me your credentials are impeccable. Are you not worth such a salary, Victoria?”

“Of course, yes, but… it is a great deal of money. Especially as I will have to take at least one day a week off to travel around the kingdom for our assignations.”

“Ah, yes, I had meant to talk to you about that. I appreciate your efforts in presenting yourself here, today, as instructed. In the future though our liaisons will take place either in Yorkshire, or at my home in Liverpool. I trust those arrangements will be easier to make, and less tiring for you.”

“Yorkshire? You cannot mean to come to Wynne House?”

He grinned. What a delightful notion, but he supposed it would not do. “I was thinking more of a hotel, perhaps Leeds. Or Bradford. Do you have a preference?”

“No, not really, I suppose. You have a home in Liverpool? I had been under the impression you lived either here in London, or Portsmouth.”

“My family live in Portsmouth, but it is generally more convenient for me to move between London and Liverpool. I maintain an apartment there. Not as grand as my townhouse in Knightsbridge, but perfectly acceptable, I’m sure you’ll find.”

His family? That would be the widowed sister-in-law then.
“I see. Yes, Liverpool will be more accessible. Thank you.”

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