A Scandalous Arrangement (16 page)

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He squeezed the distended nubs and twisted them between his fingers. Victoria let out a yelp, her chin tipping up. Her face was tilted towards him so he could see that her lips were flattened against her teeth, her face screwed into a grimace. He was hurting her, but there was no mention of childhood ponies. Not yet.

He released her nipples and smiled at the immediate slackening in her stiff body. She had been tensed for more pain, more torture, but he intended to keep her guessing.

He stepped back, noting the frantic swivelling of her head. She appeared to be looking for him, seeking him out in her darkness.

In silent bare feet he stalked around the bed to face her. She was trembling, her head cocked to one side, listening.

“Sir? Sir…?”

“I am here, little one.”

She turned in the direction of his voice, and he saw her lips move though no words came out. She seemed to be heeding his instructions, at least for now. It was of course just a matter of time. All this was new to her. She would slip up and earn a disciplinary spanking at some stage this afternoon, and he would enjoy administering it.

He sat beside her on the bed and trailed the tips of his fingers along her thigh. “Open your legs, Victoria.”

“Sir? Why? What do you intend to do?”

He chuckled. “You know what I intend to do. Your role is to obey. And to remain silent. No more questions, Victoria, or I will spank you again as I did before, in your library. Just do as you’re told, please.”

He was gratified by her compliance. She shifted her knees to position them as wide apart as she could. Her cooperation suggested she was not entirely opposed to this turn of events.

Her pussy lips were swollen, very pink, and the sheen of moisture was apparent. Oh, yes, she might be scared, but she was very aroused too. She would be a lot more excited by the time he was done with her.

He drew his palm along her inner thigh, stopping just a fraction short of her moist core. He squeezed, and she flinched.

“What is the matter, Miss Wynne? Ticklish?”

She shook her head.

“No? Why so jumpy then?”

“I don’t know, I…”

“You must answer truthfully, Victoria, or accept the spanking you will earn. Be warned, I will not go so easy on you next time.”

ticklish, sir. A little, just there.”

“You would like me to touch you in some other way then? Somewhere else, perhaps?”

She chewed on that lip again, so he repeated the pressure on her inner thigh. She jumped this time and tried to pull away. He tightened his grip. “Answer me, Victoria.”

“Yes, sir. My quim, please. I, I liked what you did, that other time.”

“Indeed? You mean me to touch you here, Miss Wynne?” He palmed her pussy, caressing her from anus to clit.

“Oh, God, yes!”

“Not ticklish there then?” He stroked her again as she thrust her hips forward to welcome his touch. “Or here?” He rubbed her clitoris with the heel of his hand.

“Sir, I… oh.” She moaned as he increased the pressure, her head thrashing from side to side. “Sir, that feels wonderful.”

“Good. And this?” He slid his middle finger into her wet channel.

Her inner walls contracted to squeeze the digit and she moaned again. “Yes, sir, that too.”

“If you climax without my permission, I will punish you. Have a care, Miss Wynne.” He withdrew his finger, then thrust it back inside her. “Keep still, please.”

“I can’t, not if you—”

“That was an instruction, not a question. No talking, Victoria.” He introduced a second finger and slid the pair in and out several times. He loved the way her mouth flattened as she concentrated on suppressing her response. Her inner turmoil was pasted across her face as arousal warred with the desire to avoid punishment. Her features contorted, her breathing shortened to a rapid panting. She pressed her shoulders against the bedpost, which had the delightful effect of presenting her breasts to him, begging for further attention.

He delivered another long, slow thrust, then another. She squirmed, her pussy clenching hard around his fingers. Judging her to be on the brink of thoroughly disgracing herself, he withdrew and cupped her chin with his free hand. The other hand, still wet with her juices, he trailed across her mouth. “Open, please.”

Victoria gasped, but obeyed him. He slid the slick digits between her lips.

“Do you like the taste of you, sweet Victoria?” He pulled his fingers out and licked them himself. “Mmm, a truly exquisite flavour, my slut. Quite unique, would you not agree?”

She ran her tongue over her lips, but did not answer. It had been a direct question; he might have insisted but decided to let that minor slip go.

“One moment, please.” He stood and walked away, leaving her to cast her head around wildly, seeking him out. He retrieved what he needed from the pocket of his trousers, still lying where he left them on the floor. A strip of narrow red ribbon, perhaps a couple of feet in length. He returned to sit beside her, and stroked her cheek to indicate that he was back. She relaxed straight away, turning her face towards the caress.

He ran his hand down her face to her neck, then along her shoulder. He brought it lower, to cup her right breast again.

“So pretty, so sensitive. Did you know your nipples were so responsive, Victoria?”

“I… are they?”

“I would say so. They swell when I touch them, like this.” He pinched the tip between his fingers, maintaining a light, even pressure.

Victoria swallowed hard. “No, sir. I did not know.”

“A learning experience for both of us then. I believe we can do better than this though. Do you trust me, little one?”

“Yes, sir.” Her reply was immediate and unequivocal. He was gratified by that.

Adam lowered his face to her breast, then took the engorged nipple between his teeth. He held it firm as he flicked it with his tongue, loving the way she wriggled and squirmed under his ministrations. Shifting his attention to the other breast, he subjected that to the same treatment. He hollowed out his cheeks to apply suction, and was rewarded by a low, keening moan from his lovely, confused little slut.

Might she actually orgasm from this?
Now that would be interesting. For another occasion perhaps, but not his primary purpose today.

He stopped only when he was satisfied both nubs were as hard and swollen as he could make them. He sat up to cast an admiring glance over the wet, slick peaks before reaching for the ribbon.

He looped one end around Victoria’s left nipple and tied a knot. Slowly, he tightened it, all the while watching her face, looking for the moment when the discomfort became too much. There! She opened her mouth, and he knew the next word she would utter would be ‘dancer.’ He stopped.

“Enough. Now the other one.”

She was calmer as he repeated the action on her right nipple, and he noted she allowed the ribbon to be tightened a little more this time, as though she trusted him to know when to stop. A good sign.

The excess ribbon hung between her bound nipples in a shallow loop. Adam curled his finger around it and gave a light tug.

“Oh! Aagh.” She let out a scream, but offered no further protest. Adam did it again.

“Sir, that hurts. Please don’t.”

“I beg your pardon, Victoria. Did you say something, despite all my warnings and leniency up to now?”

“No, sir, I just—”

He tugged again, more sharply this time. She let out a low whimper. Adam was pleased; it showed she was acclimatising to the pain. He reached for his trousers again, and this time retrieved a key from his pocket. It was heavy and usually secured his wine cellar. It would do well as a weight.

He tied the key to the centre of the loop of ribbon, then let it go. It hung suspended, swinging slightly, applying gentle, continuous pressure to Victoria’s tortured peaks.

“If you remain absolutely still, the pain is manageable, yes?”

Victoria nodded.

“But if you wriggle around as you have been, it will hurt a lot more. You might end up needing your safe word, and we don’t want that, do we? Neither of us.”

“No, sir.”

He thought he detected the first hint of a sob in her voice. He needed to conclude this soon and release her nipples. A few minutes at most would be ample for the first time.

“Open your legs again. Wide.”

She had closed her thighs in her wriggling as she tried to find a comfortable position. He thought the action subconscious. If he had believed she had done so deliberately he might have punished her for that. She spread them at once.

Adam caressed her weeping pussy again. If anything she was wetter than before, her clit plumper. She might whimper and moan, but there could be no doubt that she was a slut who responded beautifully to pain. There was so much he could, and would, show her over the coming weeks and months, however long this pleasant liaison between them might last.

He flicked her clit with his fingertip, then pressed on the swollen bud. Her body jerked, sending the key swinging. She moaned, and he suspected there would be tears on the inside of her blindfold. He wanted to know, needed to know how she was coping.

The knot securing the silk kerchief loosened under his deft fingers and the fabric fell away. She opened her eyes, blinking in the sudden light. Her eyelashes were spiky and wet. She looked adorable and he could not resist leaning in to kiss her.

Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue inside to taste, to explore. He swirled his tongue around hers, loving the soft roughness of it before he broke the kiss. She was actually suckling his tongue as he withdrew.

“You’ve done so well, sweetheart. I’m proud of you. Now, look at me. Don’t close your eyes, and don’t look away. I want to watch you as you climax. I want to see your release in your eyes and know I put it there.”

She said nothing, but he knew she would obey.

Her eyes widened as he massaged her clit. They were darker now, a deep cobalt colour. She yelped when he slid two fingers deep into her cunt.

“Sir, I…”

“Come for me, Victoria. Now.”

“I don’t, I can’t…”

“Now.” He injected all the sternness and authority he could muster into that one word. It worked. Her pupils dilated and her pussy contracted. Harsh shudders shook her body, and though the key swung crazily she seemed oblivious to it as her orgasm built and crested. She fixed her gaze on his and held it, allowing him to peer right into her soul as her release claimed her.

Chapter Nine



Victoria’s head was reeling, even as her heartbeat returned to normal. Her body felt strange, alien almost, as though it no longer belonged to her. Perhaps it did not. Perhaps she now belonged to this strange, powerful, charismatic man who had taken mere moments to free her from the bedpost and was now loosening the ribbon wound tightly around her throbbing nipples.

“This will hurt, just for short time.” He glanced up at her as he murmured the words, momentarily before her breast seemed to explode in a burst of agony.

Victoria screamed and tried to clutch at her searing nipple. Adam stopped her by the simple expedient of pinning both her hands above her head on the pillow.

“Be still, it will pass.”

He was right, it did, but it still brought fresh tears to her eyes. She tensed as he went to work on the second nipple.

A couple of minutes later, when the fresh wave of pain had receded, she glared balefully at the innocuous-looking length of ribbon.

“Is that all it was? It hurt so much, I thought… I do not know what I thought, precisely.”

“That’s why I blindfolded you. Your imagination did most of the work.” He stretched out alongside her, his erection nudging her hip. “You will not be imagining what comes next though. This is real.”

She turned to face him. “I know. And I’m glad. It’s time. I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

“I think I can promise you that much.” He shifted to position himself between her thighs, the head of his cock nudging her entrance.

Victoria flexed her hips, lifting her pelvis in an instinctive movement to ease his entry. She still retained some lingering doubt that he would be able to enter her without splitting her wide open, but had already seen, and felt, enough at his hands to trust his judgement. If Adam said this would be fine, she believed him. She looked up into his eyes and said the first thing that entered her head. “Thank you, sir.”

He smiled at her, and he winked. She was still processing that when he surged forward, filling her with one long stroke. There was a flash of white-hot pain as her hymen snapped, then—nothing.

Well, not nothing exactly, but certainly not pain. She felt full, stretched, uncomfortable certainly, but nothing more remarkable than that. She had dreaded this moment, convincing herself she would need to be brave and stoical, that losing her virginity would be a necessary evil to overcome in her quest for a baby of her own. It was none of that. The best description she could find for the sensation was sudden. And now, it was done.

“Are you still alive, Miss Wynne?” His low rumble concealed a chuckle, she suspected. She might have punched his shoulder if he did not still have her wrists secured in his iron grip.

“I believe so, Mr. Luke. Is that it? Are we done?”

“Not quite. I paused for a moment to allow you a chance to catch your breath.”

“I see. So…?”

“So, lift your legs and cross your ankles behind my back if you would, please. And hang on.”

Bemused, Victoria did as he instructed. The new position felt less strained, as though the angle was perhaps preferable. As she pondered the choreography of all this, he withdrew his cock from her, almost entirely. He held that pose for a few seconds, then drove it slowly back in. This time the thrust was deep, straight, unhurried. And it brought with it no rush of pain, no burst of discomfort to make her shriek or cling to him in fear. Instead, the sensation was one of sweet friction as his cock stroked against her inner walls. He was large, she had known that much, and the fit was tight. Her body was stretching though, reshaping to surround him, clinging to him, already convulsing around his erection in a manner she could not control.

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