A Secret Fate (19 page)

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Authors: Susan Griscom

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal

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“Can we take this off?” he asked as he tugged up her shirt.

“Yes.” Addison raised her arms and he slid the soft cotton over her head, revealing a sexy purple lace bra. Not wanting to spoil the view, he simply slipped his hand into the cup and pulled the material down to expose her breast. He tasted, gently at first, sliding his tongue over the tip, then taking the nipple in his mouth, he sucked, flicking his tongue intermittently as his hand continued to work through her jeans.

“Maybe we should go upstairs,” he said, “before I end up ripping the rest of your clothes off down here and taking you on the sofa.”

“Do it. I want you to. I want you inside me, now. It’s been so long.”

He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised but glad she was so willing to take out her sexual frustrations on him. What the hell was wrong with Aiden? The guy clearly didn’t know what he had. Cael quickly unfastened her pants, tugging them down her long silky legs so she could step out of them. Just as he’d hoped, the slim, barely there v-shaped lace covering her privates, matched the sexy bra. He actually took a step back to admire her. “You’re so beautiful.” Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of light pink, making her look even more enticing in the soft golden glow of the room.

She smiled as her eyes traveled to his erection, still imprisoned inside his pants. He unbuckled his belt, and shoving the restricting fabric of his jeans to the floor, he stepped out of them, setting the prisoner free. It pointed directly at Addison as if to say, “It’s you I want.” He hadn’t worn any boxers or briefs today, a habit he’d recently acquired in Bora Bora. With little or no clothing required there and the lack of a washing machine at the resort, Cael had resolved the issue by simply going without underwear. The freedom of going commando made him feel less restricted, but he had to be careful where and how he placed himself.

He reached for Addison, and pulling her against him, led her to the sofa. He’d rather have taken her upstairs, but it was Aiden’s bed and that seemed a little too bold. He laid her down and positioned himself on top, wanting so badly to be inside her just as she requested. He didn’t want to rush things the first time with her. She might be starving for sex, but he still wanted it to be memorable. There was something about this woman that made him think he might want a repeat of tonight’s activities, so making the first time special was important to him. He trailed his forefinger over her skin above the lace of her panties and watched as her eyes closed. She inhaled deeply before her body shuddered. Slipping his hand inside the purple lace, he splayed his fingers over the small, soft mound of hair. His thumb finding her clit, he massaged gently while keeping his eyes focused on hers. Without warning, he slipped two fingers inside and her hips rose in acceptance, moving slightly in rhythm with the action of his fingers and thumb.

“Cael, please. Please don’t make me wait any longer. I want to feel you inside of me, taking me, pleasuring me. It’s been so long since we’ve … I mean, since I’ve had someone like you.”

For a second, just a second, he thought she might have mistaken him for Aiden, but she had said his name. It was music to his ears the way it flowed with ease from her lips, full of expectancy and desire. “I want to taste you. Will you allow me to pleasure you that way first?”

“Oh, God, yes.”

He quickly unhooked the back of her bra, releasing her perfect breasts. Taking care with the delicate lace panties, he slipped them down her slender legs. Splaying his hand across her stomach, he licked his lips. “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered again at the marvelous sight of her naked body. Catching his breath, he returned his attention to her core. Placing both hands under her perfectly round buttocks he lifted her slightly and tasted the sweet nectar of her essence. She moaned and filled him with more as her body quivered under him.

He wanted this woman for his own. She was perfect in every way. He wouldn’t need to keep his abilities a secret from her, as he’d always had to do with other women. Addison had to be his. There had to be a way to make her want to leave Aiden because now she meant more to him than anyone or anything ever had before in his life.




It was too much. Unable to contain herself as the organism shot forth, Addie screamed and panted Cael’s name. He kissed his way up her stomach until he reached her neck and sent her into ecstasy once again. It was almost as if no time had been lost. He knew exactly what she loved. She angled her hips up, accepting him, needing him so much. She pulled his face to hers, the spell of his kisses rendering her helpless just the way they used to. His hands, still so sure and possessive, caressed and tantalized her, just when she was beginning to believe she’d never get the chance to feel them on her again. But here they were, and just like the first time, he took her to the place where she’d most recently only been able to dream about. Her body tingled and pulsed, pounding with pleasure, hot and sexy under his command once again.

She wondered if he would ever remember the first time they made love and what she’d said to him—what she wanted to say now, and did. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?” she whispered between panted breaths.

“Oh, I think I do. I can tell by the way you’re breathing, and your skin is glistening with heated sweat,” he groaned, crushing her mouth with his as she arched her body up against him.

“And I love the way you taste. Touch me, Addison, now. Take me into your hands.”

Caressing her fingers around him, she rubbed her thumb over the slick tip. He tensed and quivered. “You feel so good, guide me inside now.” The familiar huskiness of his voice and heated breath against her neck brought tears to her eyes. Tears of joy and relief.




As she slipped him inside, he teased her with slow short pulses. She pulled him down to her and he sank in the rest of the way, gently. He was thick with heat and didn’t want to hurt her, but when she locked her legs around him and raised her hips to meet his, he pushed in deeper and deeper. She took him all the way.

They moved together in harmony as though they’d done it a million times before. Her eyes watched him with such reverence he thought maybe … was that love in her eyes? But that was irrational thinking on his part. She hardly knew him. Although he knew he was already gone, madly in love with her.

She begged for more when he pulled up and out slowly, teasing and rubbing her clit with his tip. As he entered her again with slow, deep strokes, she shivered under him and his movements intensified. She erupted with a wave of orgasmic pleasure as he exploded with her.

He lay half on top of her, their legs tangled together on the sofa as their rapid heartbeats slowly returned to normal. He didn’t want to move or let her go, but he’d have to. He needed to get up and leave. How would he ever look Aiden in the eye again? What a mess he’d gotten himself into this time.

She sighed. “That was amazing.” Resting her head on his chest, she leaned her face to his and kissed him, gently, softly, then closed her eyes and rested her head. They stayed that way, silent, for a while.

Chapter 15



The flames had dwindled to burning embers and the room became dark. Addie reached out and splayed her fingers toward the fireplace, igniting it into a nice warm fire, bringing the room back to the cozy cottage atmosphere once again. Addie didn’t think she could ever relive the very first time she’d made love to Cael, but this was pretty close. At least her feelings were the same. She only hoped they were the same for him as they’d been back then on that chilly November day. Addie wanted to stay in Cael’s arms forever. And why couldn’t she? All she had to do was tell him about their past. Surely now, after making love to her he must have the same feelings he’d had before.

“Are you cold?” he asked after she’d lit the fire.

“No.” She snickered. “Not after how hot you made me, but I like the way the fire dances and creates shadows on the wall.” And for the first time since Cael’s disappearance at Maia and Gerry’s wedding, she became conscious of another feeling. “I think I’m hungry.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. One of the reasons I came over—I brought you dinner.”

She smiled. “Really? What did you bring?”

“Nothing fancy, I’m afraid. Just Bart’s version of Italian cuisine—premade frozen meatballs and spaghetti with his famous sauce from a jar.”

“Sounds wonderful, actually. Any chance of garlic bread with it?”

“But of course. What’s spaghetti and meatballs without garlic bread?”

“My feelings exactly.” They laughed.

Addie pulled on the sweatshirt Cael had been wearing and he slipped back into his jeans. They sat on the floor in front of the fireplace eating Bart’s semi-home-cooked meal. The spaghetti and meatballs weren’t as bad as he’d made them sound. As they ate, Cael filled Addie in on his time in Bora Bora with Finn and the snorkeling they’d done there. The resort he described sounded similar to the one she and he had stayed at during their time there and she wished she could share the wonderful experiences they’d had together.

“So tell me, what other abilities do you have besides lighting candles and making fireplaces blaze with awesome fires?”

Addie glanced at his tattoo and wanted to ask what possessed him to get it? She simply smiled. “Don’t you know already? You knew my father; you must know what he could do.”

“Yes, but sometimes powers can lay dormant in one generation and show up in the next.”

“Right. I remember now.”

“Remember what?”

She stared at him, recalling how he’d explained the way their genetics worked when they’d first met and now she searched her mind for a quick answer.

“Oh, I remember your mother telling me.” She covered her tracks on that one. Keeping this insane secret was getting harder and harder. Wanting to quickly change the subject, she said, “Well …” then hesitated. Tilting her head, feeling a bit impish, she stared at his crotch and licked her lips as the waistband on his jeans unsnapped and the zipper went down all on its own. He watched with a sexy grin, which turned into a full-on smile when the zipper on the sweatshirt she wore also went down, revealing her naked breasts.

Cael glanced around the room, still mostly dark except for the light of the fire and the two candles. His smiled slowly disappeared. “This is kind of dangerous, don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged as though she should know.

“Are you talking about the crystal? I agree. It is dangerous that someone has it and we need to get it back, but I don’t see what that has to do with what we are doing now.”

“No, Addison. I’m not talking about the crystal. I’m talking about your fiancé … or husband.”

“My what?”

“Aiden. Okay, maybe you’re not married to the guy yet, but I don’t like the idea that I’m treading on someone else’s property.”

Addie stood, arms by her side, fists clenched. “Aiden? Property? First of all, I’m
, nor will I ever be anybody’s property.” How dare he talk to her that way, comparing her to a piece of real estate? She loved him with all her soul, but this did not sound like the same man she’d known before.

“Calm down. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply
were property. I’m talking about his house and the fact that I just made love to you—the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever known—his wife or fiancée or whatever you are, inside it.”

“Oh,” was all she managed, suddenly at a loss for words. She sank to her knees. He thought she was married or engaged to Aiden and that this was Aiden’s home? How could he mistake that?
Oh my God.
The ring. He had seen it that night in the bar. Now, he probably considered her dirty or slutty because he thought she cheated on Aiden. Then again, he’d just said she was sexy and beautiful. She almost laughed at his ability to take something so horrible and sordid and turn it into a compliment. Finding her voice, she said, “I’m not.”


“I’m not. I’m not engaged or married to him and this is
his house.”

Cael laid his head back, resting his neck on the edge of the sofa. His naked, chiseled pecs rose as he took in a deep breath then slowly exhaled. “Thank God. I thought I was going to have to rethink my values just to be with you again.”

“Why did you think that?” Addie asked, sitting back down on the carpet in front of him.

“It looked like you two were a couple at Breena’s party and then I saw you dancing with him. You were wearing a ring, although now it’s gone. Was that taken at the same time as the crystal?”

How was she supposed to explain about the ring? There were no second chances; she couldn’t tell him about their relationship until she was sure how he felt about her. The attraction and chemistry were most definitely there, but lust and love were very different.

She decided one little white lie on top of all the others wouldn’t hurt. She’d do anything to make sure their chances for a future together weren’t ruined. “I use the ring you saw at work occasionally to help ward off the male prowlers. It can get rather difficult in there sometimes, particularly at night.” Oh boy, that was the last thing she should have said, knowing how jealous he used to get, which was silly because no man could ever hold a candle to Cael. “I mean, it’s just easier than being approached and having to say no. This way they see the ring and don’t bother me.”

“I see. That’s pretty smart. Well, I have to say, that’s a relief. I’ve wanted you … I mean I’ve been wanting to be with you … Oh Christ, this is not coming out right. I’m just so fucking glad you’re not married or engaged to Aiden or anyone for that matter. Are you his girlfriend?”

“No, and he doesn’t live here. This is yo… this is my home.”

“I’m relieved. So very relieved.”

“Well, now that you know all that, what are you going to do about it?”

He stood and pulled her up with him. “I’m going to take you to bed and show you the proper way to make love.”

“And what was wrong with the way we just did it?”

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