A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians (14 page)

BOOK: A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians
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Ben was waiting in the kitchen with his frying pan ready. He had fresh coffee, juice, toast, and bacon. He asked her how she liked her eggs. "Once over" Lara replied smiling. Things seemed to be normal again, but Ben knew it was only day one, "Lara, I'd like to join you to hone my shooting skills, can I tag along to Rusty's on Saturdays?" Lara was thrilled with the idea and added. "Would you tag along to the dojo, too?" Ben nodded, "Consider it done." The events of the past twenty-four hours only served to solidify her respect for Ben. He wasn't just another married guy trying to get her into the sack. He knew Lara better than she knew herself. He was sincere and honest and she trusted him. Fried eggs never tasted so good.



Watching her eat breakfast, Ben was assured that she felt better. He could tell by the glint in her emerald eyes and she smiled twice. "Ben, I'm so grateful for last night…" her voice trailed off. "You needed someone to lean on, and I'm happy you chose me for the job." He never took his eyes off Lara as she ate. Not wanting to push her, but also not wanting to let her go just yet, Ben asked if he could see her in the evening. He offered to cook dinner for her. "I just got off the phone with Eliot. I think we need to have a chat about this Bill Stephens guy. He's got to be removed from the firm immediately. Eliot suggested we meet to go over the details, for the record." For the record, Ben thought, Eliot wanted nothing more than to see the bruises on her lovely body. He cringed as he thought of that worm gawking at his sweet innocent Lara. He hoped Lara knew she was going into a spider's web. "I'll text you when you return?" Ben persevered. "Sure." Lara's eyes met his. It was decided, then.

Ben felt uncomfortable about Eliot Stone and his clandestine relationship with Lara. He didn't trust the guy. "Call or text me if you need anything. I'll drop everything…and, I mean that." Ben said sweetly. Lara hugged him and thanked him for the robe, his bed, the wonderful food, but mostly for his kindness. Ben listened as she made her way back to her apartment. Einstein whined to go outside. He took his faithful dog outside and sat in the porch glider sipping a lukewarm cup of coffee. He had two classes to teach today and lots more work involving Dark Horse. However, he would find it difficult to concentrate completely on work. Today Lara would occupy his thoughts.


Lara dressed quickly in her apartment and bumbled her way through the day. She found her classes tedious but sat through them in a vapid state. She wore a conservative charcoal suit with a fitted jacket and a long skirt with a modest slit. She was all business as she walked through the front door at Stone and Associates. The rumor mill had already been bubbling with various versions of what happened to her at the Williams Street project. She held her head high and spoke to everyone she met as if it was just another day. Waving to Eliot, she entered her glass office and closed the door leaving the din of the office gossips behind her. She smiled as she saw the huge arrangement of flowers sitting on her desk. Opening the sealed envelope she read the note, "Thinking of you…Ben". They were long-stemmed pink roses, two dozen. They took up half of her office and they served the purpose: they made her smile. Ben was on her mind all day as she returned phone calls and e-mails to clients. Eliot had his secretary bring in the forms to fill out regarding the incident. It was standard operating procedure. Lara painstakingly recalled every detail and made reference to the police report and Officer Bettencourt.

At the end of the day, she was drained. As the other employees started to filter out of the building, Eliot tapped on her glass door. She looked up and waved him in. "Lara, I want you to know I have spoken with the police and I have a pretty good idea of what happened yesterday. I am so very sorry…" His brown eyes were filled with concern. He sat in the chair across from her and touched her hand. "I survived it, Eliot, and that's all that really matters in the end, isn't it." Her green eyes met his with intensity. Eliot withdrew his hand and stood, "I'll see you later for dinner then. Charles will prepare something delicious for us." Lara saw his eyes sweep over the flowers in her office; he was curious, but didn't mention them. She watched as the white Bentley picked him up in the parking lot. She finished answering a few more e-mails and drove to the campus to meet Ben for Einstein's walk.



Einstein heard her first. He bolted toward Ben's office door to welcome Lara. Ben was pleasantly surprised she kept her informal dog walking appointment today. Ben knew she was meeting with Eliot Stone and he didn't expect to see her. He missed Lara even though he last saw her in his kitchen that morning. Although smiling, she was subdued, "Thank you so much for the gorgeous roses today…they made me smile." Ben was surprised when Lara embraced him. She appeared to be tired and hungry. "You didn't eat today, did you?" Instinctively, Ben set out a can of mixed nuts that he kept in his desk. They shared a few handfuls and two cold bottles of water. She changed into a T-shirt and yoga pants in his office bathroom. He knew she was seeking normalcy. They made small talk about the events of the day. Ben spoke about teaching. "The students are a refreshing change of pace, not yet filled with cynicism. I think I'll enjoy working here at the university. It's important for me to communicate the significance of 9/11 and all that led up to it. My challenge as a professor will be to keep the subject matter interesting. I don't want students falling asleep in my class."



Lara imagined there would be no one falling asleep in Ben's class. The females would be eyes forward riveted on the handsome dark-haired Irishman with the gorgeous blue eyes. The guys would look up to him, especially with his military honors. Ben would be a role model for all of his students. Their discussion turned to the décor of Ben's office. Lara had a final design element to ask Ben about. "I almost forgot, what would you like hanging above your new fireplace mantle?" He answered without hesitation, "a portrait of you." Lara stopped in her tracks and pondered Ben's request. "That would be impossible…" she suddenly felt embarrassed. "Ben, you're a professor. It's against the rules…well, you know…I don't want people at the campus to think we're involved as a couple…" her words trailed off faintly. "Aren't we?" Ben was now teasing. "We can't be involved in that way, Ben, until you are a single man, available, legally." Lara spoke with certainty, but her mind felt the slightest twinge of reservation. They were a couple – a couple of friends. She had already clarified her stance on this detail with him earlier. Lara would not be physically intimate with Ben until he was divorced. Even then, it would have to be within the confines of marriage. She had too much self-respect to have it any other way.

After a short discussion about the mantle, they both decided upon a few photos of his son, William, and the Prince Edward Island cottage. "You have a cottage at Prince Edward Island?" Lara feigned surprise, but it prompted Ben to talk. "Yes, you've got to see it. You and I share the same love of nature. I think you would enjoy the rustic beauty of the place; it is tucked into a private cove with a sunset view… rural and remote; there are nine acres of privacy. I have daydreamed about you there with me, Lara, in that cottage. I can tell you the details of my dream, if you'd like." Ben's blue eyes were on her and she smiled, "Please tell me." He continued. "I see you there in my dream wearing shorts and a T-shirt standing in the kitchen drinking coffee. The windows are open and it is a beautiful sunny day in July. In this dream, I am cooking eggs for you in the cast iron frying pan. Einstein is with us. The beach is warming up, and after a hearty breakfast we toss the ball around the waters edge for Einstein. Then we put a blanket on the sand and get comfortable."

Ben was flirting shamelessly with her. But as he confessed his most intimate daydream, Lara felt her heart melt. It was impossible for her to hide her growing affection for Ben, especially when he said things like that. She was surely blushing. If he was trying to get to her, he was doing a good job. "I would love to visit your cottage some day, Ben." Lara said as she gathered stunning photos of the craftsman bungalow on the beach. Looking at the photos closely, she entered his daydream. She was envisioning herself with Ben there.

Ben talked more about the Prince Edward Island retreat on their campus walk with Einstein. "It's not far from where I found Einstein as a puppy. It's a special place for me, Lara." She enjoyed hearing him talk about the place and the way his face lit up. Lara wanted to know much more about Ben, including his most private and personal thoughts about her. After walking Einstein, she excused herself as she had to get ready for dinner with Eliot. Lara reluctantly walked to her condo and took a long hot shower. She was hungry and looked forward to discovering what Eliot's chef, Charles, would cook for them tonight. He was a creative artist in the kitchen. He could take the most basic ingredients, add a sauce and the right spices and voila, it was a gourmet meal. She marveled at such talent. Ben had the gift, too.

Wearing dark green slacks and a white blouse with a single ruffle down the front, she slipped into her boots and brushed her long black wavy hair. She wrapped herself in a deep purple cashmere cardigan and matching purple gloves. She wore beaded earrings and pinned her hair into a loose side twist. The driver arrived at precisely 6:00 and she hurried out to the Bentley. As she slid into the seat, she thought she saw Ben in his parlor window. But maybe it was Einstein. She took a deep breath. The driver told Lara the champagne in the back was chilled for her. She had only sipped champagne once for New Years Eve and didn't care for it. But tonight she was reliving the stressful event of the previous day. She poured the bubbling concoction into a long stemmed glass and sipped it slowly as the Bentley made its way to Falmouth Foreside. Her phone vibrated with another text from Eric. "Where are you?" She messaged back, "In a meeting, talk later." Eric would text or e-mail her daily in an attempt to stay plugged into her life.  She was greeted at the stately Tudor's door by Raphael, Eliot's house manager. A small older Italian gentleman, Raphael had many duties at the Eliot Stone estate. Raphael left her in the library as he disappeared to fetch Eliot. Looking around the room, Lara noticed a large vase filled with fresh long stemmed white roses and leaned over to inhale the fresh aroma of summer captured in the perfect blossoms.

Eliot entered the room. "Thanks for coming…aren't those beautiful, Lara?" He embraced her warmly and encouraged her to remove her cashmere cardigan. But she insisted on keeping it on. "I saw some beautiful flowers in
office today, Lara, – a secret admirer? Come, sit with me. I want to know about what happened with Stephens, although the police were quite graphic." Lara joined Eliot on the settee and relived every detail of the attack at the worksite. He listened intently asking a few questions. Finally, when she had recounted it completely, Eliot asked, "Are you badly bruised?" He gasped when she removed the cardigan and stared at the bruises on her neck and arms. "Oh god, Lara, he must have hit you with tremendous force. The police officer said you had bruises on your back, too. I'm so sorry this happened. Are you in pain?" Eliot's hand touched hers. "Yes, it does hurt, but I feel lucky to have gotten away from him when I did." Raphael announced dinner was ready.

Eliot took her hand and led her to the dining room. Charles did not disappoint. The meal was wonderful consisting of Maine lobster pie and warm apple crisp for dessert. She took a few drafts of champagne and felt the tension of talking about the attack wash away. Eliot's brown eyes looked deeply into hers and he shared a tender moment. "I was so worried when I heard what happened. You mean so much to me, Lara. I can't wait to see you every day at the firm. I look forward to seeing your car pull into the parking lot each afternoon. I walk by your office when you're there just to catch a glimpse of you. Working with you on projects has filled me with a renewed energy. I'd like to see more of you, in a personal sense, if you'll
let me." Lara remained poised and polite, "I didn't know you felt so strongly, Eliot. I enjoy your company and appreciate all that you have done for me. But, in regards to a personal relationship with you, I thought we already had one." She watched as disappointment registered on his face. Then he seemed to reframe the question. "I was hoping you would join me for dinner and more social events. I'd love to take you sailing this spring." Lara smiled politely. "I would accompany you to dinner and any social event. And, yes, I'd love to go sailing." Eliot seemed pleased with her answer and smiled. "Charles made us a wonderful dessert. Would you like to sit by the fire in the parlor?" She thought for a moment, hoping she said the right thing and averted his gaze. "That sounds great."

Few women had ever said no to Eliot Stone. For the first time, Lara realized he wanted more out of life than being a wealthy playboy and sailing. It occurred to her that Eliot Stone was a very lonely man. They retired to the parlor and enjoyed the roaring fire. Eliot asked Raphael to bring them champagne and a delicately layered cream cake. When Raphael left the room, Lara stood in front of the fireplace enjoying the warmth. Eliot lightly embraced her from behind. His arms held her gently as he brushed his lips against the nape of her neck. "Lara, you smell delicious." Lara moved as Raphael returned to the room and she found a comfortable spot on the settee. While they enjoyed the cake and champagne, Lara put her feet up on the settee so Eliot could not sit next to her. Eliot encouraged her to have another glass of champagne. As she stood to leave, her cardigan loosely wrapped around her shoulders, slipped to the floor. Eliot retrieved the sweater and helped her back into it. Surprising her, Eliot pulled Lara to his chest and kissed her with an intensity that she didn't think he had. Lara pushed him away and whispered, "Please, Eliot…" Raphael was not in the room. "I'll walk you to the car." For the first time, Lara was a bit uneasy with Eliot Stone, especially since the event with Bill Stephens. She was still shaken from the ugly incident and a bit surprised Eliot could be so insensitive.

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