A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians (25 page)

BOOK: A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians
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Her original plan for this evening was to go into the bedroom to slip into her comfortable floral pajamas. She had been expecting a quiet night alone, padding around in wool slippers, cooking and listening to Christmas music on the radio, which only served to sink her into a deeper melancholy. It was not uncommon for her to feel this way around the holidays. But her yearning for companionship somehow made it worse. But tonight her plans had changed. She had Eric there to keep her company. He rushed up the stairs with Einstein and embraced her, "Merry Christmas! He stood underneath the mistletoe, "I have a little something for you…." Eric sounded breathless. "What are you doing?" she giggled. His face was flushed with color and his blue eyes twinkled as he spoke. He pulled her beneath the mistletoe and kissed her lips quickly. She laughed at the silliness of Eric's gesture. Holding her hands in his, Eric's eyes met hers, "Lara, let me stay until midnight…for Christmas Eve." Eric's dark blue eyes were persuasive. She was moved by his endearing kiss and sensitive to the fact that he was going to spend Christmas Eve with Don and Olivia, feeling like a tag-along. Finally, Lara spoke, "You can stay, Eric. How about helping me finish the cookies tonight?" she asked, thinking the activity in the kitchen would give them a fun project to do. He jumped at the chance. They lined up the ingredients on the kitchen counter and spent a few hours baking and talking. Eric was gregarious and talkative as he finished a few beers. He mentioned he was planning a tropical get away for February winter break. His job was filled with pressure and deadlines and he was looking forward to the vacation. The more beer he consumed, the more he told Lara about himself. Lara was wrapped up in his funny stories. Eric was one of most entertaining guys she had ever met.

Eric had confided to Lara that his greatest fear was being married to a woman who did not really love him. "All of my friends are already married with children." he said. "I
will confess, I envy them." He then turned his conversation to the upcoming February winter break. "I've made reservations to go to Aruba and stay at a fun resort. Would you consider going with me? You would have your own room, of course." Lara's calendar did not have a winter break on it let alone Aruba. "Gosh, I've never
to the Caribbean, she said naively. What is it like there?" Eric gave her a vivid description of Aruba. "It is twelve degrees north of the equator, very hot, ninety degrees in the daytime, but dry and breezy. The beach is fine white sand. It would be the perfect escape from the harsh Maine winter for four days." he tempted her. "But what about my projects at the firm…" Lara started to put up roadblocks. "Your projects will be completed by then." He said correctly. "I am sure the firm would give you a week off, Lara, you're an intern, they don't even pay you." He made a good point. She was sure the firm would give her the time off, especially with graduation right around the corner. "I will think about it." she said softly.

Eric took her hand in his and she felt something drop into her
palm. His eyes were warm, genuine, and sincere. "It's a little something for you." As he spoke Lara looked down at Eric's hand. He had pressed a small white box into her palm. "Go ahead. Open it." It was a beautiful sea glass pendant. "Oh, how did you know I love these?" Lara squealed. "I know you love the ocean." Eric took the pendant and slipped it over her head. "Merry Christmas, Lara. It matches your green eyes." Eric said softly as he held her hand and gazed into her eyes. "It's my symbol of friendship." Eric wrapped her in a warm embrace, "Now let me stay until midnight. And, think about the Aruba trip. What better way to get to know one another than to travel to Aruba together?"

Lara had met many men in her lifetime; none of them except for a select few, ever got as close to her as Eric had. And, none of them had the incredible perseverance that he had. She enjoyed his companionship, and felt she had a real friend, of her age, for the first time in her life. At midnight, she gently ushered him toward the door and held his coat. Eric brushed her hair back with his hand and kissed her cheek. Lara smiled. "Thank you, Eric, for a wonderful Christmas eve. I didn't give you a Christmas gift." Eric smiled. "Yes, you did."



Elated, nearly walking on air, Eric floated out of Lara's apartment. He had hoped to surprise her with the pendant and she loved it. Although he suspected she was still pining away for Ben. However, Ben was still married and unavailable. He knew Lara would not give herself to a married guy. It was against her rules. This made Eric want her even more. He felt he had made great strides in a relationship with her the past few days. He wanted more than her friendship and affection. The trip to Aruba was still on the table, and he planned to focus all of his efforts on getting her to go on the vacation with him. He would make sure she had her own room. He would conduct himself as a perfect gentleman. He knew that was the only way Lara would go. He had to gain her trust. While driving to Uncle Don's farmhouse, Eric was formulating the plan in his mind in great detail. He would not give up. Eric was the type of guy that would not take no for an answer if he had an agenda. And, he had an agenda when it came to Lara.


~Lara: Christmas Morning~

Early on Christmas morning, Lara slipped out of bed to take Einstein outside. The morning was cold and a snow squall had left a two-inch dusting of snow. The sun was rising and the landscape looked like Antarctica. Her thoughts lingered on the night before. She replayed the events of the
day with Eric. He was so patient and kind with her while ice skating. And, the hot tub was so relaxing and enjoyable with him. She did not feel self-conscious when he made her laugh. The look on his face was full of joy as he slipped the pendant on her and he pulled her long hair back to admire it. She touched the sea glass pendant now sitting on the side table in the parlor. In the morning sunlight, the simplicity of the piece was lovely. She glanced outside at the sun glistening on the newly fallen snow and thought about Ben. She wondered where he was and if it was snowing. The thought of seeing Ben again thrilled her.

While in a hot, steamy shower, Lara focused her attention
on Ben's arrival. As usual, it took a long time to dry her thick wavy hair. She thought about the first time Ben touched her hair and how he constantly ran his fingers through it. She longed for his touch. She busied herself feeding Einstein and taking him outside; the dog did not like the snow and wanted to come right back in. She absent-mindedly ate a piece of toast as her phone vibrated with a text from Ben. He expected to arrive home at 10:00 that morning and would take a cab from the airport.

Dressing in the holiday clothing she had selected on her shopping trip she hoped
Ben would like it as well seeing it the second time. An hour passed as Lara brewed a fresh pot of coffee and carefully applied lipstick. Einstein was whining and his tail wagged a moment before she heard the cab pull up. She watched from the parlor window as Ben jumped out and approached the porch heading directly for her staircase. Lara's heart was pounding. She ran down the stairs to the porch door to unlock it as a gust of freezing cold air swept in with Ben. He hugged Lara so tightly he lifted her off her feet. "Lara, I've missed you so much." he laughed, "You look great in this outfit, haven't I seen this before?" Einstein cried out for his master. Ben kneeled and hugged his devoted canine. He was in a good mood. They ran upstairs to get out of the drafty hallway and into the parlor near the fireplace.

Ben was now before her, so incredibly handsome. He embraced her with tremendous strength and kissed her passionately. Then, he buried his face in her hair. "Oh god, Lara, I've missed you so much. You have no idea.
I love you." She knew he was emotionally invested in her, but she never expected she would fall so hard for him. She inhaled his familiar scent as tears formed in her eyes. "I have missed you, too, Ben." But, she couldn't say the words he longed to hear. She pulled away to get him a coffee. As she placed the steaming mug of coffee in front of him, he grasped her hand, "I couldn't stop thinking of you, Lara." His eyes met hers and she realized how much she missed him. As he drank his coffee, she noticed Ben's eyes scanning her apartment and he immediately noticed the empty beer cans tucked beside the sofa. Abruptly his demeanor changed. "Eric…that's who I heard in the background on the phone last night…" Lara told him Eric spent Christmas Eve with her ice skating, had brunch with Don and Olivia, and baked Christmas cookies, not knowing her words would open up a Pandora's Box with Ben.



Ben already knew Lara was friendly with Eric but he was not aware of how deeply invested Eric was in pursuing her. Ben was protective when it came to Lara. She was
girl and everyone in their circle of acquaintance knew this as an unspoken rule. But, Eric was not part of their world. Ben's first reaction was anger. It wasn't a blow-up in your face type of anger. There was a simmering rage in his blue eyes that frightened Lara even more.

Ben was shocked that Lara's relationship with Eric had moved so quickly. "He took you ice skating?" Ben was now in interrogation mode. Lara attempted to reason with someone who was now irrational, "You baked cookies? How long did he stay here last night?" Lara felt she had to assure him that Eric was a friend, an important friend who had been there for her when she was lonely. "Eric is a platonic relationship…we had brunch at Don and Olivia's and used the hot tub; we wore bathing suits. It's not what you think." But, Ben wasn't buying her story. "How far have you gone with this guy? Has he kissed you? He was here last night with you…correct?" Ben was now holding the empty beer cans in his hand asking her direct questions. Lara could not lie to Ben. "He was here last night but left at a decent hour. Nothing happened, Ben." He continued pressing her, "What did he give you for a Christmas gift? It had to be something…" He was now tuned into every movement Lara was making. He was trained to detect lies by reading body language. Lara glanced momentarily at the pendant on the table next to the sofa and avoided his eyes. "Okay, he gave you a necklace. And, you are telling me this guy is just a friend? Lara, you've got to wake up. Eric is trying to have more than a friendship with you."

Ben was seething inside and hated the feeling in his gut. The fact that Lara was not making eye contact was not good. Ben pressed her further not able to stop himself, "So, are you going out with this guy? Has he kissed you? Are you getting into a relationship with him? Oh god, Lara. Tell me you haven't let this bastard touch you." Lara sat in the corner of the sofa and completely avoided Ben's piercing stare. All at once, Ben realized he had gone too far. He had no right to verbally attack her. He loved her beyond reason and had just spent the past week obsessing about their reunion today, Christmas Day, and how happy it would be. It had gone terribly wrong. Lara was now crying.

Finally, looking beaten, overcome with jealousy, Ben sank into the sofa next to Lara with his head in his hands. Einstein came to him and nuzzled his hand for affection. Ben's large strong hands gently massaged the dog's ears. The room was silent. Finally, Ben spoke without looking at Lara. He struggled to get the words out, "You are right, Lara. I have no claim on you. Eric is a young single guy and he is doing what any young single guy would do. I cannot ask you to eliminate him from your life. I have no right to tell you what to do. I have no right to be filled with envy and resentment. I'm sorry."

Moving toward Lara, Ben gently scooped her into his strong arms. He stroked her hair softly for a moment waiting for her tears to subside. Then he held her at arms length searching her face intently and spoke from his heart with his Irish inflection, "I have been working twenty-four hours a day for the past week, all the while obsessed with the thought of spending Christmas Day with you…Lara, I wanted
more than anything …for Christmas. And, I find out about this Eric guy who…spent Christmas Eve with you…gave you a gift. I thought you missed me." Ben looked like he just received a kick in the gut. There was an awkward pause as he struggled to articulate his deepest feelings for her.



Lara listened as
Ben spoke in a calm measured voice, "I'm working on the divorce. While away on the trip, I was on the phone with my attorney day and night in an attempt to get the divorce agreement finalized. In the meantime, I was meeting with secret operatives in five different countries. It was my original intent to hand you the final divorce decree today, asking you to give me a chance…to allow me to
really date you
. However, the divorce paperwork is still pending Sienna's signature. Throughout the trip I just got more frustrated while Sienna held up the process.

I'll be honest
. I worried that you might forget about me. You know that old saying,
out of sight, out of mind
. I know you're seeing Eliot Stone and this Eric guy. I wanted more than anything to come here on Christmas Day and tell you that I'm free of Sienna, legally divorced. I thought about you constantly while away. I had an opportunity in Israel to search in a few small shops between meetings and I came upon this. I knew it was right for you." There was a pause, as he handed Lara a small silver box. She looked at Ben, then back at the box in her hand, unable to comprehend for a moment. "Please open it, it's a Christmas gift." Ben insisted. He was holding his breath. Gasping as she opened the box, Lara could hardly believe what she was seeing: the most exquisite circa 1900 diamond Edwardian cluster, 1.5 carat. It was a large perfect vintage diamond in the middle with smaller diamonds surrounding it. The design created an old European flower motif: a one-of-a-kind antique ring. "It's beautiful!" Lara whispered breathlessly. "I hoped you'd like it." Ben exhaled. His words were genuine and Lara sensed the pain Ben was expressing.

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