A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians (38 page)

BOOK: A Sense of Duty: A Former Navy SEAL Falls in Love and Begins a New Journey with his Private Consulting Company: Dark Horse Guardians
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St. John was a tonic for both of them. She had never seen Ben so calm and happy. Lara felt it was a miracle that she felt so relaxed and anxiety-free. As they swam everyday, Lara marveled at Ben's physical abilities and she was taken with his boyish charm. But living with Ben she learned he had a dazzling mental acuity, too. But, above all, Lara's favorite quality of Ben's was his sensitivity and patience, especially with her. As they lie in the surf naked, Ben kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, "I'll wait until we are married …I just wanted you to know that." Lara blushed and kissed him.



Enthralled with her feminine trappings, Ben examined Lara's items in an attempt to understand everything about her. Finding her favorite hair brush, he used it to brush her long tresses. Using the vanilla musk oil, he massaged her shoulders before bedtime. He noticed the smallest details about her. He loved how she stirred her coffee and sipped it in a feminine dainty way. He observed her as she cut up fruit into tiny bite-sized pieces on her breakfast plate. One night he peered into the outdoor shower and watched with rapt attention as she shaved her long legs. She was civilized but not pampered; feminine but athletic and graceful.

He couldn't wait to accompany Lara on a shopping trip. He knew few men would make that statement. But he genuinely enjoyed every moment with her, even shopping. They took the shuttle to the town lined with tiny shops filled with jewelry, clothing and unique art pieces. Ben insisted that Lara try on clothing as he sat in a comfortable chair. He thoroughly enjoyed watching her as she gave him a personal fashion show. She must have donned twenty ensembles and she looked prettier in each one as she did a runway strut just for him. It wasn't the clothing he focused on, but her demeanor. It was the first time Ben had seen Lara carefree and happy. He wanted her to feel like this all of the time. But, life had a way of intervening posing unforeseen challenges and decisions. He wanted to be the guy she turned to for every challenge and every decision. She popped out of the dressing room with a white halter top and long soft pink cotton skirt that
floated to her ankles. The skirt was embellished with multi-colored beads.
She looked angelic as the pink in the skirt matched her pink lipstick. For a moment his heart nearly stopped beating as he was struck by her extraordinary beauty. She twirled around with the grace of a ballerina, her long dark hair and skirt flying softly around her. Lara's skin had color and her green eyes were even more beautiful today. "Yes, that one," Ben said. Lara squealed and put it in the pile. Ben paid for everything with a wad of cash and carried her bags as they moved into the jewelry shops. She loved the handmade pieces created by the local island artists. Ben bought her whatever she wanted.

Both laden with bags, they hailed a cab back to the bungalow. Ben told her before they landed in St. John that he had a surprise planned for her that would blow her mind. She had assumed it was the vacation itself; then the massage, or the shopping trip, but he told her there was something more. She begged for a hint. All he said was that he was taking her dancing tonight at Danny's Love Shack, a short distance from the bungalow. It was known for great food and a fun dance crowd. Ben dressed in a comfortable white cotton shirt and matching pants. Lara asked him which outfit he wanted her to wear. "That last one you tried on, the pink skirt with the white top…" Ben smiled. When she emerged from the bedroom in the white halter top and pink skirt she took his breath away. To Ben, she was the picture of feminine beauty in the soft full pink skirt. Lara was a beautiful woman with a touch of innocence. Ben wolf whistled, "Every guy is going to wish they were



About a mile into the beach walk, Lara noticed a lovely pergola set up on the beach covered with white flowers. There was a large group of people dressed in white. "Look, Ben, there's a wedding taking place right here on the beach." As Lara got closer to the group, she recognized her mother and Rusty, Don and Olivia, and a group of young men and women. She ran to embrace her mother. "Have you figured it out yet?" Lara's mother asked with tears in her eyes. Rusty hugged her tightly. "I'm giving you away." he said with a shaky voice. Lara's eyes were filled with surprise, "Oh god, it's us! We're getting married, aren't we…?" Lara could not believe what was happening as she turned to Ben. Don and Olivia embraced Lara. A cabana off to the side of the beach had a full bar set up. Ben took her hand and led her to meet his brothers, the Navy SEALs he had spent the past decade of his life with.

Lara said hello to Tom Wilson and his wife Amanda. "Do you know what you're in for?" Tom joked. "Actually, Lara he has been a changed man in the past eight months. We can't keep him focused on work. He talks non-stop about you." Amanda smiled. At this, Lara blushed. Tom's step-brother, Jake, shook Lara's hand. "Welcome to the family. You're even more gorgeous than the pictures he showed us!" Then, Ben introduced Lara to his brother Elvis, who once carried him to safety in a very dark moment. Another dark haired SEAL, Elvis Shaw was six feet, six inches tall. He described himself as a Ninja SEAL, as he had a fourth degree black belt in mixed martial arts. His black hair was longer than the others and he wore it slicked straight back. He actually bore resemblance to Elvis Presley. His wife, Jessica said, "Elvis has some funny stories to tell you about Ben." Then Nate pushed Elvis out of the way and introduced himself to Lara. Nate O'Neal looked so similar to Ben they could have been from the same family. He had Irish roots with black hair and blue eyes. Smaller than Ben, Nate stood only five nine and was lightweight compared to the others; the guys referred to him as "shrimp." Gus took Lara's arm and introduced his wife, Linda. Gus Jorgenson was a six-foot four inch former football player and solid. With blonde hair shaved close to his head, he was incredibly handsome. His wife, Linda, was six feet tall and a former professional volleyball player. Gus had kind brown eyes and said, "We are all so happy for both of you. You're getting a pretty boy here, Lara, but he has a lot of scars, too."

Lara smiled as she listened to their colorful descriptions of Ben.
His brothers were accurate in their portrayal of him:
a pretty boy with a lot of scars
. She sensed she would learn so much more about Ben through them and looked forward to many future meetings. These men did not resemble the preconceived notion she had in her head. Before meeting them, she had a myth in her mind that Navy SEALs were big, narcissistic, loud, obnoxious guys, sort of like the ones on the football team in high school. She couldn't have been more wrong. These men were polite, friendly, warm, engaging, and humorous and they came in all shapes and sizes. She felt like she was at a family reunion and they were graciously accepting her into their family. There was one thing that all of these men had in common: a quiet dignity. They all carried themselves a certain way. It wasn't cockiness. They exuded confidence, responsibility, masculinity, strength, intelligence, and a sense of duty.

Lara was led by Ben to meet the patriarch of his family, now 65 years old, his father Jonathan Keegan. Tall, dark and handsome with more silvery hair than black, Jonathan Keegan had those amazing blue eyes. Lara immediately recognized the origin of Ben's genes. It was as if she was looking at a future version of Ben. Jonathan Keegan embraced Lara with affection. His voice was identical to Ben's with the same Irish inflection. He introduced his wife, Catherine. Ben's mother was a pretty blonde with soft brown eyes. She spoke quietly with a subtle Irish brogue as she introduced Ben's four sisters, Grace, Anna, Mary, and Megan and their respective husbands. Then, Ben's one surviving brother, Seamus, gave her a hug. All of Ben's siblings were older than him. The girls all had blonde hair and brown eyes. Seamus was dark, like Ben, but had brown eyes. Ben's family was thrilled to meet Lara and immediately made her feel accepted.

After about thirty minutes of meeting and greeting, Ben led Lara to a separate cabana on the beach. He closed the curtain and took her hands. "We have some business to finish." With tears streaming down her face Lara threw her arms around Ben's neck. She could not stop weeping. She couldn't believe this was happening. There was a government official in the cabana and Lara provided her passport photo as the man handed Ben a document. "Our marriage license, you signed for it in my office over a week ago. They needed a photo identification to make it legal, and now it is." Ben peeled off several hundred dollar bills and the official left. Ben turned to Lara. "You need to change into your wedding dress." he smiled as he gestured behind her. There was a tiny Asian woman in the cabana standing behind a table with the most beautiful wedding dress lying atop it. "Oh Ben, it's beautiful." Lara choked up. "One more thing," Ben said as he handed her a black velvet box. "What's this?" Lara asked with disbelief. "Ben smiled. This is for you." Gasping as she opened the box her eyes fell upon the most beautiful vintage engagement ring she had ever laid eyes on. It was a 2.0 carat oval cut Victorian diamond, set in antique gold. "Don't cry now, you can save that for later." Ben soothed her. He left her alone in the cabana with the Asian woman. Lara slipped into the off-the-shoulder chiffon gown with a fitted bodice and beaded accents. The gown had been handmade for her, selected by Ben, the Asian lady explained. It fit Lara perfectly. Then the lady placed a flower in Lara's hair with a few diamond hair pins. Lastly, the small Asian woman handed Ben's wedding ring to her. "Keep this safe…you need it for the ceremony." Lara applied a fresh coat of soft rose lipstick. She still couldn't believe this was happening. Ben wasn't kidding when he said he was going to blow her mind!

As Lara emerged from the cabana, Rusty was waiting and took her arm. Choking back tears, he guided her to Ben standing beneath the pergola with a priest. The anxiety melted away as Lara faced Ben and their eyes met. He was smiling with his whole face. The fragrance of the blossoms was intoxicating as a soft trade wind blew over them. Everyone was dressed in white. The guests were seated in white chairs on each side of the pergola. There were two photographers. The backdrop was the beautiful turquoise ocean and the sun as it moved toward the horizon. The priest said a prayer and read traditional wedding vows. Lara looked into Ben's blue eyes as she slipped the wedding band on his finger. She was not nervous. There was no anxiety as she said, "I do," and she kissed Ben with great enthusiasm. Nothing in her life ever felt so right. The sunset spread along the horizon into a blend of gold and pink. The whole group, barefoot in the sand, walked a short distance down the beach to Danny's Love Shack for an evening of dancing and fun.



Danny's Love Shack was a mid-sized place, more intimate than most. Ben made arrangements ahead of time for the food, which was particularly good, and accommodations for the wedding party. Ben and Lara sat at a table often reserved for honeymooners. The group of family and friends surrounded them. Ben held Lara's face and kissed her, as Nate made a heartfelt toast to his SEAL brother. Lara was a vision of feminine loveliness in the chiffon wedding dress. As his eyes met hers in the candlelight, Ben thought her face was exquisitely framed with her long dark hair. He could not wait to finish the meal and hold her in his arms on the dance floor. The food was delicious and Lara allowed Ben to slip a bite or two between her lips a few times during the meal. Photographs were taken. Ben's brothers tapped their forks to the glassware beckoning the groom to kiss the bride again and again. Ben was enjoying this. Lara no longer felt shy kissing him.

Ben expertly swept Lara onto the dance floor once the music started. He tenderly placed his strong arms around her as they slowly moved to one of his favorites, the Tim Halperin song, "Think I'm in Love." Lara rested her beautiful head on his chest and all was right with the world. Ben was filled with pride to have her in his arms. Lara was now his wife. He sensed the eyes of every man in the place giving her the once over. Good. Let them gawk. Even he was amazed that he had this stunning beauty in his arms. The trade wind blew Lara's dark hair and he drew in a breath inhaling the soft coconut scent lingering on her skin. Ben wanted to remain suspended in the moment for eternity. He closed his eyes attempting to keep the image of Lara at that instant in his memory.

After dancing for two hours, they finally stopped and enjoyed the wedding cake. Family and friends stayed at a nearby resort and as the festivities ended they drifted off to their respective rooms, promising to meet at the bungalow for breakfast and a swim in the morning. Ben and Lara took a cab back to the bungalow and decided to enjoy a late night swim. Ben was eager to get back into the warm tranquil water with her. He loved swimming at night, but especially on
night, their wedding night.
It was dark and deserted on the beach. The water had cooled to eighty degrees. In the bungalow, Ben unzipped Lara's beautiful chiffon wedding dress slowly. They slipped into spa robes.

Ben took Lara's hand and walking down to the water's edge
. The couple simultaneously dropped their robes in the sand. T
he water felt deliciously warm and sensual as they entered and the heat of the day melted away. Light from the terrace and stars above illuminated their bodies with a soft glow. Taking the lead, Lara wrapped herself around Ben's naked body beneath the tranquil warm water. Ben was beaming. "We're married…"He could not restrain his happiness. He ran his hand through her thick dark hair shining in the moonlight. His blue eyes met Lara's. "At last," he said breathlessly, "I have you exactly where I want you." With unbridled enthusiasm, Ben kissed her as a happy groom would kiss his new wife. They innocently swam in the warm water and ended up on the wet sand at the water's edge. Ben slipped a towel beneath her body. Lara relaxed as Ben's body covered hers. He felt the warmth of Lara's wet skin against his, the water moving over them, between them. Ben French kissed her as his hands caressed her body. The trade wind blew lightly on their skin and Ben noticed her beautiful form in the moonlight. He was captivated and focused on one thing: making love to his wife. Thoughtfully putting Lara's wants and needs before his, Ben did not rush into intimacy. It was most important for him to create a feeling of complete trust and relaxation for Lara.

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