A Sprinkle of Magic (A Sugarcomb Lake Cozy Mystery Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: A Sprinkle of Magic (A Sugarcomb Lake Cozy Mystery Book 4)
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Chapter 11

Clarissa was relieved to see that Vinnie was still seated at the bar.  He was slouched over on his stool with a drink in his hand.  Parker sat to his immediate right, casually sipping a soft drink.  The two men appeared to be deep in conversation.

When Clarissa walked up, Parker glanced over at her.  Their eyes met and they exchanged a look.  She was pretty sure she knew what he was trying to tell her.  He was saying “let me handle this” – so she did.

Like Clarissa, Parker was a journalist.  They shared a passion for telling stories.  They both loved investigating, interviewing and reporting.  It was the very thing that had initially pitted them against each other as professional rivals.  It was also what had ultimately brought them together.

But now Parker was set to take over his father’s media empire. 

While it sounded great on the surface, Clarissa knew it wasn’t what her boyfriend wanted.  These days he was mostly confined to the office where he spent long hours pushing paper and doing management type things.  He was exhausted, bored and overworked. 

Though he had never admitted it out loud, she suspected that Parker missed investigating leads.

Clarissa decided to let her boyfriend have this one.  If he wanted to interview Vinnie, so be it.

Not wanting to interrupt, Clarissa decided to simply sit at the bar and listen in.  Clarissa took a seat on the stool to Vinnie’s left.  He glanced over at her briefly, but she pretended not to notice.  In fact, she went out of her way to ignore the two men. 

She picked up her handbag and rifled around.  To a casual observer, it probably looked as though she was in search of a tube of lipstick or her cell phone.  What she was really doing was waiting for an opportunity to use the truth serum she had stowed away inside her bag!

“So my old man dies and my good-for-nothing sister doesn’t even tell me,” Vinnie ranted, obviously inebriated.  “No phone call.  No text.  Nothing!  Can you believe it?  I had to hear about it second hand from my aunt.”

“That’s a shame,” Parker said sympathetically. 

He glanced over at Clarissa. 

She caught his eye and motioned for him to keep talking. 

“Do you have a sister?” Vinnie asked Parker.

“I do,” he confirmed.

“Would your sister keep something like that from you?” Vinnie demanded.

“No, I don’t think she would.”

“See?” Vinnie nodded.  “My family is all kinds of messed up.  I don’t suppose you’re estranged from your father, either.  You probably have a perfect family,” he predicted, seeming equal parts sad and envious. 

“No family is perfect,” Parker said quietly.  “You have to take the good with the bad.  I have a great sister, but my father isn’t so easy to get along with.”  He thought for a moment.  Then, apparently wanting to lift Vinnie’s spirits, he said, “I take it your aunt is okay, though?”

“Yeah, she’s alright,” Vinnie shrugged.  “She left me a voicemail telling me she was sorry to hear about my father.  I didn’t return her call.  I’m not sure I will…I don’t really know what to say to her.  To tell you the truth, I was surprised she called me.”


“I haven’t spoken to anyone in the family in a really long time,” he admitted.  “We didn’t exactly part ways on good terms.  My father and I never saw eye to eye, and my sister was always his favorite.  The last time I saw my dad, I punched him out.”

That got Clarissa’s attention.  Vinnie had punched his father out?  So he didn’t just have a bad temper; he was also prone to being violent.  She sat up straighter.  She and Parker exchanged A Look behind Vinnie’s back. 

Clarissa was, in fact, so focused on her eavesdropping that she nearly forgot to slip the truth serum into Vinnie’s drink.  It wasn’t until Vinnie motioned for the bartender to come over that she remembered what she needed to do.

“Two more beers,” Vinnie said, slurring his words ever so slightly.

“Right away,” the bartender replied.

“My father’s funeral is tomorrow,” Vinnie told Parker.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

Vinnie shrugged.  “My father was a jerk.  But I still feel like I should go pay my respects, you know?  But the way my sister was talking, it sounds like she doesn’t want me there.  I’m half expecting her to have me thrown out if I do show up.”

The bartender set two beers down in front of Vinnie.  But he was so busy ranting that he didn’t seem to even notice.  His body was turned toward Parker – and away from Clarissa.  The perfect opportunity had presented itself!

She quickly pulled the truth serum from her purse. 

Its consistency was that of fine, white powder.  It would probably dissolve rather quickly in liquid.  She glanced over her shoulder to make sure nobody was watching her.  Then she carefully dumped the magic potion into one of the beers.

Phew!  It was done! 

Clarissa hurriedly deposited the now-empty canister into her handbag.  She looked around and was relieved to see that nobody seemed to be paying any attention to her.  Her mission had been carried out, and it had gone off without a hitch! 

Feeling very proud of herself for being so stealthy, Clarissa took a few deep, calming breaths.  Then she turned her attention back to the conversation her boyfriend was having with Vinnie Moreno.

“Should I try to go to the funeral?” Vinnie wondered aloud.

“That’s a tough call,” Parker replied.  “All I can say is if you do decide to go, you should try to keep the peace.  Don’t get into it with your sister, not there.  It’s already a stressful time for everyone.  The last thing you want or need is for things to get ugly.”

Vinnie mulled that over for a second and then nodded.  “You’re right, man.  Hey, thanks for listening.  You’re alright, you know that?”  He picked up both of the beers he had ordered.  “Here,” he said, thrusting one of them toward Parker. “Drink up.”

Parker looked like he was going to protest.  But then he seemed to think better of it.  Clarissa could tell he didn’t want to offend Vinnie.  So he politely accepted the beer and took a swig. 

Vinnie, meanwhile, was scanning the bar.

“There are some good looking ladies in here,” he drunkenly declared.

“Mmhmm,” Parker murmured, taking another sip of the beer Vinnie had bought him.  “I know I’ve had my eye on one woman in particular all night,” he added, shooting a subtle, flirtatious wink at Clarissa. 

“What do you say we go chat a couple of ‘em up?” Vinnie suggested as he looked around.  “I’ll be your wingman, you be mine?”

“I’m taken,” Parker smiled.

“Aww man, you’ve got a ball and chain?” Vinnie complained.  “That’s too bad!”

“Nah,” Parker told him.  “Actually it’s pretty great.”

Clarissa perked right up at that.  In fact, now that she was being talked about she was pretty sure her ears were burning!  She snuck a sly sideways glance over at Parker and was overcome by how handsome and wonderful and perfect he was. 

Her infatuation with her boyfriend seemed to be growing by the day!

Vinnie thought for a moment. “I guess your old lady can’t be all that bad if she let you come out to the bar tonight, huh?  Or does she even know you’re here?” he laughed. 

“Oh, she definitely knows I’m here,” Parker replied somewhat mischievously.  “Actually, she’s sitting right beside you.”  He leaned forward so that he could see around Vinnie.  “Clarissa, this is Vinnie.  Vinnie, meet my girlfriend Clarissa.”

Vinnie turned and looked at Clarissa as though he had only just noticed her.  “Hey.”

“Hi,” Clarissa replied, offering a slight smile. 

She still didn’t know if Vinnie was a murderer, so she wasn’t about to be
friendly!  Then again, her mother had taught her to always be polite.  Clarissa liked to adhere to that advice at least some of the time.  After all, being nice boosted karma.

“How’s it going?” Vinnie asked.

“It’s going fine, thanks.  I’m sorry about your father,” Clarissa said.

“Thanks.  I’m sorry I called you a ball and chain.”

Clarissa laughed.

So did Parker.

After a moment Vinnie joined in too.  But he was drunk, so he’d probably laugh at anything.

When the laughter died down, Clarissa mustered up her courage.  Then she decided to just go for it.  Who cared if Vinnie thought her question was suspicious, invasive or in poor taste?  He seemed intoxicated enough that he may not even remember it in the morning anyway.

“Do you have any idea who killed your father?” she asked.  She couldn’t bring herself to ask if Vinnie himself had done the deed.  That seemed way more forward – and ruder – than she was comfortable with.

“No, but a lot of people probably wanted him dead,” Vinnie snorted.

“Why do you say that?” she asked immediately.

“Just trying to be funny,” he replied.  “I bet a lot of people want
dead too,” he added.


“It’s okay, you’re allowed to laugh at that,” Vinnie said before chugging the rest of his beer.

She grinned in response – but then the grin suddenly disappeared from her face.

Whose beer had she poured the truth serum into, Vinnie’s or Parker’s? 

She had been so distracted by her eavesdropping that she hadn’t noticed which beer Vinnie had offered to her boyfriend.  What if she had accidentally administered the potion to Parker instead of her intended target?

Horror washed over her.

The truth serum was basically harmless, of course.  Well, it might give Clarissa some nasty side effects, if her aunt’s cautions were to be believed.  But it wouldn’t actually hurt the person who consumed it in any way, shape or form.  Matilda had confirmed that.

“Oh no,” Clarissa muttered under her breath. 

Everything had been on track and going well.  Her plan was supposed to be foolproof.  But trust her to act like a fool and find a way to mess it up!  She was so irritated with herself that she could have screamed.

Meanwhile, the two men were still talking.

“Sometimes I think I should have settled down,” Vinnie told Parker.  “I was…well, I was pretty wild in my youth.  But I’m not so young anymore.  I’m starting to understand why being a lone wolf is a bad idea.  I get it now.  You’re a lucky guy.”

“I am,” Parker agreed at once.

“Your girlfriend is very pretty.  I don’t suppose she has a sister?”

“She does,” Parker chuckled.  “But her sister doesn’t live here.”

“Aww, just my luck,” Vinnie joked.  “Are you two serious?” he asked curiously.  The conversation was getting pretty personal now.  Either Vince was too drunk to remember that Clarissa was within earshot or he simply didn’t care. 

“You could say that,” Parker replied.  He lowered his voice.  “Honestly?  I’m falling for her.”

Clarissa’s eyes widened at that. 

She wanted to jump to her feet and do a cartwheel right there in the middle of the bar!  But her body was frozen in place.  She was far too shocked – and thrilled – by Parker’s admission to so much as move a single muscle.

Honestly, she didn’t know
to react.  Should she say something sweet in response?  Or should she pretend she hadn’t heard anything at all?  After all, Parker hadn’t been talking to
And furthermore, he may have been under the influence of a spell!

Had Parker meant to say what he’d said, or had the truth serum forced him to blurt it out?


Chapter 12

“So what do you think?” Parker asked as he and Clarissa left the bar.

“What do you mean?” she replied, her face burning. 

She was still reeling from overhearing Parker say that he was falling for her. 

Sure, it wasn’t
much of a surprise.  After all, they had been together for a while and he was always so good to her.  Clarissa certainly knew how she felt about him.  But hearing him say it out loud was something else!

“Do you think Vinnie is our guy?” Parker rephrased as they got into his car.

“I don’t know,” she replied with a shrug.  And she didn’t.  She had no idea what she thought.  Truthfully, after overhearing how Parker felt about her, finding Al Moreno’s killer wasn’t her top priority.  Her wonderful, sweet, amazing boyfriend was.

“Well he drives a motorcycle,” Parker pointed out.  “That couldn’t have been the vehicle used to hit Al in the alley behind the donut shop.  You said yourself that you saw tire tracks.  They weren’t the tires of a motorcycle.”

“Yes, but Morris Norman’s jeep was in the area the day Al died.  Morris told us he left his keys in the ignition, and someone took the jeep for a joyride,” Clarissa reminded Parker.

“Oh that’s right,” Parker nodded.  “So in theory, Al could have stolen the jeep.”  He pulled his keys out of his pocket and looked at them thoughtfully.  “I can’t believe people in Sugarcomb Lake just leave their keys in their cars!” he remarked with a shake of his head.

“Welcome to small town life,” Clarissa said wryly.

“I hope
don’t leave your keys in your car?”

“Only the people who have nice vehicles have to worry about car theft.  Nobody wants to steal my old beater,” she joked.  “It’s not a shiny new sports car like yours!  But for the record, I always take my keys with me.”

“Good.  And I happen to like your car,” Parker insisted. 

“The engine sputters sometimes,” she reminded him.

“It’s got character,” he replied.

“It also has a dent in the side.”

“Is that from the shopping cart incident Liana teases you about every so often?”

“No, that’s a different dent,” Clarissa replied.

“Ah.  Do tell.”

“One time when I was in Green City I tried to park in front of a fire hydrant,” Clarissa recalled sheepishly.  “I hate parallel parking.  That’s why I like living in a small town:  no parallel parking is required!  Just circle the block a few times until a space becomes available!”

Parker stared at her incredulously.  “Are you joking?”


“You really shouldn’t park in front of fire hydrants,” he pointed out.

“Mmhmm, I found that out the hard way!  And just to be clear, I didn’t do it on purpose.  I didn’t see the fire hydrant.  I was in a hurry because I had gotten lost on my way to an appointment,” she explained.

Parker was still staring at her as though she had sprouted a second head.  Apparently bad driving was something he couldn’t wrap his head around because he was A Good Driver. 

It was time to change the subject, Clarissa decided.

“Are you okay to drive?” she asked.

“I drank a third of a beer,” he replied.

“So…that’s a yes?”

“That’s a yes.”

“Surely someone must have noticed who was driving the red jeep?” Clarissa reasoned, her thoughts returning to the mystery she was determined to solve.  “I mean, it’s Sugarcomb Lake.  Everybody is obsessed with knowing what everyone else is up to!”

“That’s true,” Parker agreed as he began to drive them back to Clarissa’s house.

“Maybe we can find someone who actually saw Vinnie driving Morris’s jeep,” Clarissa said hopefully.  “I know it’s a long shot, but stranger things have happened, right?  I’ll ask around tomorrow.”

“If Vinnie killed his father, then why is he so determined to go to his father’s funeral?  He didn’t like the guy.  He didn’t exactly make a secret of that,” Parker mused.  “Don’t you think if he was guilty of murder, he’d stay as far away as possible?”

“Maybe,” Clarissa admitted.  She thought for a moment.  “Then again, if Vinnie is a cold-blooded killer then who says he’s rational?  Murdering someone – especially one’s own father – is a pretty irrational thing to do!”

Parker stifled a yawn.

Clarissa smirked.  “Am I boring you?” she teased.

“No, not at all,” he assured her.  “I’m just really, really tired.  Sorry.”  He pulled up outside her house.  “Do you mind if we call it a night?” he asked apologetically.  “I still have to drive all the way back to the city, and I have an early day tomorrow…”

“You should go,” Clarissa agreed, even though she really wasn’t ready to say goodnight yet.  “Drive safe.”

“So…don’t do anything you would do?” he translated.

“Watch it!” Clarissa laughed.  She leaned over to give him a kiss.  “Goodnight.”


Clarissa got out of Parker’s car.  Then, remembering she hadn’t checked for mail lately, she walked over to her mailbox.  It was located at the very end of her long and somewhat dark driveway. 

She pulled out several envelopes and stood there flipping through them, unimpressed. 

It was just bills and junk mail.  Boring! 

She plucked a flyer for a local pizza joint out of the junk mail pile.  There might be some good specials in there.  She would have to look at it more closely later.  Clarissa glanced up from her mail then, realizing it was odd that she could read the flyer at all in the moonlight.

That was when she realized Parker was still sitting there in his car, idling on the driveway.  His headlights were acting as a sort of reading light for her. 

She walked over to the window and motioned for him to roll it down.

“What are you doing?” she asked once he had complied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, is there something wrong?  You haven’t left yet.”

“Nothing is wrong,” Parker explained.  “I’m just waiting to make sure you get inside safely.”


Being from Sugarcomb Lake, Clarissa wasn’t used to that.  Normally it was a very safe place to live.  But then again, there was a murderer on the loose.  Besides, it was sweet that Parker was so concerned about her safety.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes,” Clarissa replied, snapping out of her daze.

“Well, goodnight again,” Parker said.

“Goodnight,” she smiled, leaning down to give him a kiss through the open car window.

Clarissa hurried up the front steps and onto the porch so that Parker could get on the road before he fell asleep.  She unlocked the door and then turned to wave at him.  He waved back and backed out of the driveway.

She stood there watching him drive off.  She missed him already!

“I love you,” she whispered once he was most definitely out of earshot. 


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