Read A Stormy Knight Online

Authors: Amy Mullen

A Stormy Knight (15 page)

BOOK: A Stormy Knight
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I found a large bruise on her belly as well as the one on her cheek, milord,
Leda said as she shook her head.
It also feels like there be a bump on the back of her skull. Her back be scraped up a bit, but I cleaned it up and removed the pebbles
dug into her skin. I cannot say fer sure, but it does not appear she be otherwise harmed. If she fainted like ye said she did, she should awaken easily enough, but it might be best to let her sleep.

Thank you, Leda,
he said, feeling his pulse race as he imaged what Bigod
have done to her.
Can you
stay with her until I return?

As she nodded, Nicholas marched out of the room. He went down to bid farewell to his guests and left the hall.
Pulling a dagger out of his boot, he
went straight for the northeast tower. His need to see
Bigod and his desire for answers could wait no longer.

He entered the tower to find Willis and Oliver de Toeni talking quietly. Oliver was holding something to his head. His gray hair was now hued red and he

What do you have to say, de Toeni?
Nicholas demanded.

Milord, my deepest apologies. I heard the same scream you heard
and when you waved
I knew to watch over Gemma. I was going to get her to escort her back to the hall but

Nicholas said.

I do not know,
he said and shrugged.
That is the last thing I remember. All I know is I have a large lump on my head
and I am bleeding. Someone must have hit me.

Nicholas felt ill. He instinctively knew Oliver was telling the truth
and someone else was s
till at large within the walls.

I shall find out soon enough,
he said with a nod to each of the men
Willis, I need someone to take me to where Bigod is held and to stay with me. I fea
r I will kill him unless I have
a witness there to keep me honest. He will talk before I send him off to London in shackles.

Within minutes Willis had rounded up a few of his most trusted men
and he left them at the door. He escorted Nicholas to see the prisoner. The dungeon was below them.

he pointed to a man he had trained in London
Please take Oliver to the keep and find someone to help him.

With that order, he
to follow Willis down the spiral, stone steps to the chamber below. Willis lit a torch and they peered in at Phillip. The layer of dust on the floor indicated no one had been in there for quite some time. He was sitting on the cot with his head in his hands. Willis unlocked the door
lifted his head to watch Nicholas enter. The door closed behind him with a sharp slam.

Bigod cowered as Nicholas entered.
What a pathetic man you are,
Nicholas said through clenched teeth. His temper slipped away from him as he pulled back and punched Phillip square in the face. Blood shot from his nose.
shrieked as his hands flew up to feel the blood pouring out.

What did you do to my wife?
Nicholas roared. There was no answer
He paced the room from one wall to the other.
I have little patience for simpering fools. If you do not start telling me what I want to know, I will kill you with my bare hands. If you tell me what I want, you will live to see the morrow.

put his head
up, his hand over his throbbing nose.
If you harm me, my father will come.
The words sounded funny. Nicholas had knocked out a few teeth as well as bloodied his nose.

Your father is of no concern to me. You will already be dead. I hate to kill a man not armed and engaged in battle, but rape is not something I take lightly, my friend
e stopped pacing in front of Phillip, standing dangerously close to him as he cowered even more.

he continued,
I want to know who helped you and to what aim? What do you know about the deaths happening here? You are in a lot of trouble
twould be in your best interest to start talking. I cannot say I can hold my temper much longer.

ran his long fingers through this dark hair as he waited for Phillip to speak. He stood with his legs apart, ready to pounce at the slightest provocation.

Phillip let out a loud sigh and then spoke quietly,
Aye, I hurt yer wife. I only meant to take what was mine. I was promised the lady in exchange for information. I did not have my way with her, for she fought me off afore I could do the deed. She hit me in the head. I only meant to see my heir growing in her belly so I could claim her as wife and claim Blackstone as mine.

Nicholas could hardly believe what he was hearing. This man was admitting to attempted rape in a voice one would use to discuss the weather.
Is that all you have to say for yourself?
he demanded, becoming even more impatient.

With a shrug,
A few fortnights ago, a man approached me about Blackstone. He said he needed to get in without detection so he could take something stolen from him by the de Veres. He told me I could have Gemma if I wished, for she was nothing but a spoiled brat in the way of his goal. He would take over the castle for a while to get what he needed
and then he would leave it and her to me. You ruined the plan by arriving to wed the girl. No one thought she would be smart enough to send for help.

Nicholas started pacing again as he tried to digest what he was telling him.
Who is this man?
he asked.

I dunno,
Phillip said lamely
I met him at a dinner after my
s wedding
. He had an air about him he did, as if he were a king or something. He came with a woman. She
s a lusty gal, that one.

What did you tell him?
Nicholas strode over to the cot and grabbed him by the neck
hat did you tell him?

I told him about the tunnel.

The tunnel?
Nicholas said, feigning shock
hich tunnel?
He let go of his neck and pushed him back onto the cot.

The one yer lady wife used to meet you in the night years ago,
he said, as he squared his shoulders and tried to sit up straight.
Did you think you were alone? I saw you there one night and I knew. I watched her come from the tunnel.

You were there?
he said, his mind whi

I was. I was ready to ask for her hand
and she was meeting some young buck out in the wood. My father said I could not marry a
, but I still wanted her I did
Phillip gulped as he saw the rage renew in Nicholas
s features.
I just told the
about the tunnel and that he could come and go without anyone knowing. After that
I do not know. I have no part in what happened to Gemma
s father. You may think me a dishonorable man, but I give you my word on that.

Nicholas walked
the door. He had heard enough. The man did not succeed in raping Gemma, or so he had said.
his vision, but he could not let it consume him.
He would send him off to Henry as threatened.
However, h
e had one last question before he went back to his wife.

When you spied on us like a knave in the night all those years ago, did you tell anyone? Is that why your fat
her called her nasty names

Phillip said nothing.

He went to the door
and Willis opened it to let him out.
Give him water and bread. Or do not
I do not care. On the morrow, he is to be shackled and taken to Henry under heavy guard. I shall see to his farewell. Get me out of here before I change my mind and kill him myself!
He ran up the steps and out into the bailey.
door slam and the met
al clanking behind him assured
him Willis had done as he wished. There was much to think about now, and maybe some new answers had just come to light. He had to get to Gemma before she awoke.

Chapter Thirteen

When Gemma woke
the sun had just set. She was not sure where she was or why she was there. She did not want to open her eyes. Every inch of her
sore. She let out a groan and tried to roll over.

said Nicholas.
Can you hear me?

She was naked under her sheet
and she did not know how long she had slept or what day it was. As she lay there, she began to fully remember what had happened to her, and as it rushed back
hot tears once again raced down
her temples and over her ears.

Nay, my love,
he said with a tenderness she had never heard in his voice.
Do not move too much. You have some healing to do. Leda will be up with some food as soon as I send for some. Are you hungry?

She opened her eyes. He was sitting beside her bed. He
concerned. She
for signs of anger but found none.

I am confused,
she admitted as she tried to sit up.

Stay put
e gently touched her arm so she would obey.
You will find movement to be painful right now. You have bruises all over your body
and there were pebbles in your back.

She paused and stared wide-eyed at him.
Did you

Leda cared for your wounds. Isabel and Hesse have been sitting with you. They are out so I may have some time with you, but your sister is eager to return. I told her she must sleep
but she refused. She finally relented when I told her she and Hesse could occupy your brother
s old quarters next to us for just one night so she may be near you.

After an uncomfortable silence, Nicholas asked her what he knew she did not want to discuss,
Did he harm you, Gemma
Did he succeed in his quest?

She shook her head.
Nay. I cannot seem to remember it all now, but I remember him falling from me after I hit him. Then I remember you coming and then nothing.

You fainted. I suspect from the terror of that brute trying to have his way with you,
Nicholas said.
You stopped him. I may have never found you. There was a scream, remember? I ran up to see. It turned out Isabel had sneaked away
and Hesse could not find her. She screamed to get help. We found her, down at the s
tables viewing the foal
born just yesterday. When I came back to find you, both you and Oliver were missing. I feared the worst. Then I heard you scream.

BOOK: A Stormy Knight
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