Read A Stormy Knight Online

Authors: Amy Mullen

A Stormy Knight (8 page)

BOOK: A Stormy Knight
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He put a strong arm around her waist and lifted her up so she was face to face with him, her feet far from the floor. His breath was sweet and warm against her skin.
Angrily, she
kicked but did no real damage.

Little one, you are a handful. You have five days to prepare. We will marry. You will share the marriage bed
and you will give me sons.

I hate you,
she said between clenched teeth. His body was solid and unyielding. She had never been this close to a grown man other than her father. This was a different experience all together. It was exhilarating and frightening at the same time.

So be it,
he said, his eyes shining. He threw her to her bed and pinned her down.
t fight me. I only wish a taste.

As if in a trance, Gemma stared as his mouth came closer to hers. She
to bite him, but something else took over. No matter how much hatred she felt for him, there was something else. Perhaps left over feelings from long ago were coming to the surface. Her stomach felt warm and her hands were shaking, but she stayed still. He was too strong
and he would not let her go. To her chagrin, a small part of her did not want him to release her. An odd curiosity bloomed. She wanted to see what would happen next.

His lips touched hers. The kiss was light, not the attack she was expecting.
As h
is lips parted hers
his tongue swept into her mouth so quickly she wondered if it
strange sensation
settled in her stomach and grew as he continued. U
sing more pressure, his warm lips linger
on hers.
was warm and inviting but had a raw power that le
ft her unable to think clearly.

At a leisurely pace, his
lips left hers and th
ey wandered down her neck
, as if he was searching for something. It was like a question without an answer. She gasped as her body responded against her will. Her breath quickened
and she felt a need for something she could not explain.

Suddenly, he was gone from her. He was standing over her looking down with an odd expression on his face. Cool air washed over her where his warmth once was.
Twould seem this part of our relationship will not be a problem. If only I can find a way to keep you out from under my feet otherwise, this will do.

Gemma, trembling and shocked at her response to his kiss, sat up. She grabbed her other boot and threw it at him. It sailed over his head and joined the other, landing harmlessly on the
floor near the wall behind him.

And we will have to do something about that temper of yours.

She said nothing. He walked calmly out of the room, leaving her to her thoughts and to catch her breath.

Chapter Six

Nicholas was short on men he trusted until more of his own arrived. He had to settle with putting his best men on watch and on patrol throughout the castle in key spots. No one was immune from scrutiny. Someone employed by the de Vere family
poisoned Blaise de Vere himself, and h
e had to be wary of everyone.

Exploring the castle, he
himself with the layout. He needed to know where all the outbuildings were, which towers were used for watch, and where someone
step in undetected. It was now dark
and he
was weary, but there was much to be done.
Memories from long ago when he had been inside
walls were dim,
but it was much as he remembered.

There were more private chambers in the solar than there were in other castles
and the layout was bigger than most. He understood why Phillip Bigod was pressing Gemma for marriage. With her father out of the way and her brother missing and by all accounts dead, Phillip would be free to take over.
That one
should be studied more carefully.

He tried to keep his mind on the matter at hand, even as the fresh memory of kissing Gemma distracted him. It lacked nothing.
She stirred him as no other woman before her had done
It was vital that he hold her at bay lest she
put a spell on him
something els
e befe
ll his family because of her.
As surely as he wanted her then,
he wanted her now.

His stomach twisted as he
how young and foolish he had been all those years ago. She was so beautiful. Her flowing brown hair, kissed by the sun, fell to her waist in waves. The brilliant green of her eyes was the first thing anyone noticed about her, even by the dim light of the moon.
When younger, she was cute and sweet,
and she had grown into a great beauty. Even her nose was straight and pert. Marriage to her seemed a better proposition th
an it had just a few hours ago.

She put on a good show back then
had believed she
cared for him. He vividly remembered the night they came to take his family away, accusing them of being spies for the Empress Matilda. His mother
s screams still echoed in his mind. Henry released them from servitude and granted
them a small manor near London
just recently
and they had been momentarily reunited

At first he had feared the worst
he and his family would be put to death. Instead, his parents were forced into slavery
and Nicholas was sent elsewhere. Stephen saw something else in him, however, as he was quickly plucked from service and fostered with a wealthy family at Chepstow Castle. Nicholas saw his chance at freedom. He worked as hard as he could to gain respect and skill, all of which ha
served him well. It
those things that would now help him with his current endeavor.

He groaned as he remembered the fire in her eyes just moments ago. The swing of her hips and the way her dress, as simple as it was, showed off just how desirable a woman she had become. Her lips were pink and plump, her cheekbones high yet delicate, and she was every bit the lady he always imagined she would be.
It was as if he
could still taste her, as if he had never stopped kissing her.

She barely came up to his shoulders, but her presence was full of energy
, like a
reckless fireball streaking across the sky. The vitality he had seen in her years ago had grown into a passion not unlike the pain he had
all these years. It was that pain
made him a valuable knight, not caring for his own well-being. He often charged in where even the
bravest of his peers faltered.

His true passion was to avenge his parents and to make Gemma feel the same pain he had
lived with
all these years. Truth be told, after seeing her today, it would seem someone had beat him to it. Her life had not been an easy one.

He strode into the inner bailey, searching for the positions of the wells, learning quickly the best ways to move about the keep and the many outbuildings
housed the smith, the laundry, the ale house, the chapel, stables
and others he could not yet identify. There were barracks for the men-at-arms, the last being something not all castles could accommodate. This stronghold was impressive and secure. What was he missing?

The serene facade around him hid a terrible secret. He vowed to solve it
restore his life along the way.
Now, he was
in control of adversaries both known and unknown.

Was Gemma his enemy?
His urge was to
conquer her. Their kiss had proven that. She evoked feelings within him so strong he was overcome
but he
not submit to them. He
give in to the lust as she would soon be his wife, but he would never allow her to reach his heart again. That part of his life was over.
The woman
would bear his children. Otherwise, she meant nothing to him.

He tried to focus on the task at hand. He had to find the tunnel Gemma had used to meet him. He decided to block it off but changed his mind. Perhaps someone was gaining entry that way. He
would have it watched instead.

Blaise was a fool if he left it open. It was a getaway for the family within the walls during times of war but
if discovered, was a
could easily see the castle fall into the wrong hands. He knew where it came out
, as he
had watched Gemma emerge from it many times. The boulders and trees hid the exit from view. One would never know it was there.
However, h
e had to find where in the castle it began. Everything within Nicholas told him the tunnel was the answer.

He just had to wait for someone to use it.

Chapter Seven

The silence was deafening after he left her room. Gemma remained where she was on her bed. The situation
dismal. After their conversation and the kiss, it was obvious he hated her
and there was nothing about this marriage that was going to be pleasant.
It became apparent he
was going to demand everything she had to give. She still had five days, and she was going to try to find a way out before it was too late to turn back.
It was time
to go see her father. He
responded to anyone, but perhaps this news would rouse him out of his deep slumber.

She stood and ran her fingers through her long hair and tied it back with a bit of ribbon
smoothed out her dark kirtle with shaking hands, and left her quarters to go see her father.
The priest
was sitting with him, deep in prayer. Gemma hesitated and then waited until
was done. Within a minute, the prayer session was over
beckoned her to her father
s bedside.

I have not seen much improvement
I fear,
he said as he patted her father
s hand and gestured for her to sit on the stool placed on the other side of the bed.
Hesse has been by with Isabel, who seems
agitated and
Tis understandable, as she is not sure what to make of your father
s current state. You should see her next, Gemma. It is well past when she should be sleeping
so mayhap you can calm her fears so she may rest.

Isabel! In the confusion, she had forgotten about her little sister. She must go see her and try to soothe her worries. In the meantime, she wanted some private time with her father.
May I be alone with Father? Just for a few moments. I know
tis late,
she said.

Of course,
the priest said as he rose and ambled
the door.
I will be in the hall. Hopefully Leda has food left over for my meal so I may bring it here. I fear I have not eaten much at all today. I did not want to leave your father. Everyone else has eaten, though I hear you were not there for the evening meal.

Take your time. There are two men outside the door
can watch over Father if you have not yet returned when I am done,
Gemma said softly, ignoring his statement about missing the meal. She took her father
s hand and turned her attention toward the large man in the bed. He
weaker than he did earlier in the day.

Father Darius, wait,
Gemma said before he could exit,
are you sure
twas poison?

BOOK: A Stormy Knight
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