A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1)

BOOK: A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1)
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A Summer To Remember


By C.L. Richards




Copyright 2016 C.L. Richards


This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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Cover design by
Hilda Reyes -
Dalliance Designs

Cover Image Copyright 2016



Isabelle Taylor’s world is tipped on its axis when she loses her high school sweetheart. Leaving her wracked with guilt and determined not to hurt anyone else. She does everything in her power to keep everyone at arm’s length. But one insanely hot American pushes his way through the solid walls Isabelle has built. Isabelle is left asking herself one question, Is it possible to love twice in one lifetime? 

Xavier is visiting the UK for the summer but what he isn’t expecting is to meet someone who draws him in. Making him crave for more. Xavier Harrison doesn't date. He's the man your parents tells you to avoid, yet he can’t resist her?






To a very special lady, thank you for all the advice and encouragement you’ve given me. Even when I wanted to give up.

Thank you Kathryn Kelly.



A massive shout out to my boys and partner, thank you for letting me follow my dream.

I Love you loads.


A massive thank you to Sally Parker.

Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me not to give up. You helped me no end.

I’m proud to call you my bestie.

Chapter One




“Isabelle, come on, girl; three months have passed. You miss him, I get it, we do too. But, he'd want you to take care of yourself.”

I stay nestled in my bed with my back facing Nikki, my best friend since preschool. We met on our first day of pre-school. Being the shy girl and not having the courage to befriend anybody. Nikki instantly befriended me, we've been inseparable ever since. 

“I’ve booked you a doctor’s appointment. We leave in the hour. I'm not taking no for an answer,” Nikki declares.

  I've been tired since Josh's funeral, and the sudden bouts of sickness are not helping my case. I put the symptoms down to grieving but my subconscious is telling me something more is causing them.

I'm not ready to face the possible outcome of the doctor’s appointment. Josh should be with me. If only I could release the musings of him from my brain. It's less demanding to breathe when I'm numb.

“Don't ignore me, Izzy.” Nikki, yells.  Knowing there's no way of escaping her, I drag myself out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. I catching my reflection in the mirror, a stranger gazes back at me with a haunted expression. Helping to remind me of what I did.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes. I try to dismiss the memories of Josh spinning through my mind. But one word continues to niggle at my conscience.


“Izzy, are you okay?” Nikki calls through the wooden door.  Before I mumble a response, she barges in. “Oh, chick. Come here.” She whispers while pulling me into her arms.

Unable to hold the tears any longer, loud sobs causes my breathing to come in short bursts, “I miss him, Nikki. I want him back.”

Nikki remains quiet, an excruciating silence extending between us. Not that I can blame her, there's nothing she can say to ease the pain or the guilt developing inside me. 

“Have a shower. We leave in forty minutes.” She turns on the shower and heads for the door. "I'll lay your clothes out for you," she states before closing the door behind her.

I shake my head at Nikki's bossiness. A grin graces my lips, for the first time in what feels like forever.

After a quick wash, I wrap myself in a towel and discover my clothes  stacked in a neat pile on the vanity.

"You ready to go?" Izzy calls from my room. "We're leaving in five."

I assemble my hair into a messy bun, with one last look at my haunted expression, I make my way downstairs.

"I want to drive," I explain. "It will give me something to concentrate on," hoping she will accept my feeble excuse. The real reason I want my car is in case I need to make a quick getaway. With her hands planted on her hips, Nikki yells, "why won't you let me be there for you? I want to help you, Isabelle." I flutter my eyelashes, in a try to distract her. "That shit doesn't work with me, Missy." Nikki's expression masks with anger, "everybody's worried about you." That's the problem, I don't care about anyone or life in general, I haven't since Josh died. He was my life, the reason for living. Nikki surrenders, agreeing we to go in separate cars. Unsure what changed her mind, yet I'm glad. I can't take the risk of someone else getting hurt because of my mistakes.

I pull to a stop outside the doctor's surgery and step out of the car onto my jellified legs. Nerves make it impossible to take a step towards the exit. Nikki pulls alongside me seconds later, stepping out of her car, strolls in my direction.  "You know I'm here for you, right?!" She asks

with a gentle tone, sending her a nod of acknowledgment. I pray for my tears not to show, not here.

Nikki follows me into the waiting room. Twenty minutes passes before I'm called in to see the doctor. Minutes later the doctor requests I consider the outcome I'm fearing. "Miss Taylor, is there a possibility you could be pregnant?"

  No… No… please! No. I would prefer not to face reality. Especially when it should be both mine and Josh's special moment.

The doctor clarifies what to expect next, “the lab will test your urine. The results can take up to four days to return.”

Four long days for the results. How am I going to survive? I left Nikki calling after me from the waiting room. I can't talk to her, not yet, at least, I need to deal with the possibility of being pregnant or come to turns with it. I scramble towards my car, ignoring the calls from behind me. I need the safety of my bed.

  I arrive home in a condition of frenzy. My hands clenched into fists, in a try to delay the trembles running through them. My unsteady breathing is difficult to get under control. I’m not ready for my brother, Kyle, to know of my possible pregnancy.

Pushing the front door open, Kyle comes strolling down the hallway. "Where the fuck have you been? Christ, Izzy! You look like crap. You feeling alright?"

   "Whatever." I'm not in the mood for his meddling nature. 

"I prefer not to ask but would you be able to run me to the airport? My car won't start, and I have to pick up the crew."

Crap, I overlooked Kyle's mates were visiting from America for the summer. "Why can't mother or father take you?"

He shakes his head. "Mom and dad left on a business trip earlier today. They're not returning for five weeks."

"Why not take my car?" On second thought, I don't trust him not to drive recklessly. "Don't worry. Let's go." After an hour of driving, I maneuver my car into a free space, not far from the main entrance. Kyle hops out to meet his friends.

  A hard knot forms in my stomach, inching its way through my body. The blame is too much to consume. I venture out of the car for a breather, still lost in the ‘what ifs’.  What happens if I am pregnant? Will i cope being a single parent?

Four shadows tower over me, pulling me from my thoughts. Kyle indicates to the guy on his left, "Izzy, meet Xavier." 

He's breathtaking. His dark, messy hair falls into his bright blue eyes that eagerly seek my gaze.

An audible sigh slips past my lips.

"Isabelle." Kyle pokes my shoulder pulling me back to reality.

Crap, he's caught me staring. How humiliating. I missed the introductions of his other friends.

Xavier leans towards me, whispering in my ear, "you intrigued?" 

I give a discreet shake of my head, in hopes, no one sees my humiliation. Warmth ascends along my cheeks.

In a bid of opening the door, I grab the handle and tug until there's enough clearing to move into the driver's seat. Kyle slips into the passenger's seat while the others settle themselves in the back.

Trying to focus on the road before me is proving to be a difficult task. I'm preoccupied by the hottie sat behind me. God, he smells astonishing. Manly, yet with a hint of pine. I switch to breathing through my mouth, in plans to stop myself inhaling his perfect scent.

The car rolls to a stop outside our two up to down home. I shut off the ignition, before making my getaway, in need of some alone time.

After an hour of quiet time yet with no peace. My mind spins with the possible responsibilities of a child without Josh. Will I cope being a solitary guardian?  How will I survive without a penny to my name? 

  Crap! My parents! What are they going to say? An unnecessary inquiry. I envision what their responses will be. Dad will shake his head, with disappointment. Whereas Mom will go crazy. "What are you going to do with school?" she'll rage. "You have big plans for the future. What about your English degree?"

       My phone beeps, hauling me out of my musings. I hang over the bed, in an act to grab the phone. The message symbol shows a text from Nikki.

Nikki: Hey, just checking in to see whether you're alright? You hightailed it out the doctor’s without a word, you had me worried sick. Didn't you hear me calling after you?

Me: I'm good, just got back from the airport with Kyle. It slipped my mind Kyle's mates were visiting.

Her: Are they hot? Please, tell me they are gorgeous, I can use some new eye candy.

Typical Nikki, always searching for her next indulgence. We're complete opposites in a lot of ways. She's a party animal who loves having a good time. I'm the quieter of the two. My perfect night is curling up with a good book.

  Instead of responding to her, I decide I'm in need of another shower. I head into the bathroom and turn on the water. While the it's heating, I strip out of my clothes. The warm water droplets cascading along my body feels glorious. The sensation brings undesirable worries to the forefront of my mind. My eyes close on their own accord, I'm met with gleaming blue orbs looking back at me. I wrap myself in a towel when guilt makes an undesirable presence.

I step out of the bathroom and head across the hall to my room yet I don't I make it. Instead, I somehow manage to bump into something solid which sends me spiraling to the floor. I turn my gaze until I see what or whom I hammered into me.

"Can you stop eye-fucking me for two minutes so I can enter my room?" I protest, attempting to conceal my shame at my state of undress. 

"Nothing is going to happen between us," I mumble under my breath while closing the door in his face. Upon hearing the door, catching on the frame, I spin on my heel until I'm facing Xavier. "What the hell are you doing in here? You can't come into my room whenever you want! A girl needs privacy." I yell while fixing him with a fierce glare. Hoping to drive my point across.

Xavier smirks instead of offering a response. His eyes run along my body, leaving a sense of heat in their wake. 

"I need to warn you before I leave you will be mine," Xavier states in a husky tone.

My mouth drops open shock, "whatever. Now get the fuck out of my room."

Xavier grins at me, not endeavoring to move. I parade over to my closet, looking for something to wear. He takes a stride towards me, my body shakes with expectation. My labored breathing leaves me with the sense of giddiness. The warmth of his breath hitting my neck is bringing an undesirable sense of need. As he inclines in further, I wonder whether he will kiss me. He doesn't. Instead, he whispers, "I'm happy the attraction isn't one-sided."

He retraces his steps and heads towards the door. Before he exits the room, he rehashes, "you will be mine." Leaving me in a quivering mess and with a load of undesirable feelings.

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