A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1)
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Chapter Thirteen




Kyle offers to take me over to Nikki’s apartment. We climb into his beat-up ford and make our way across town. I was pleasantly surprised when I entered the apartment. It's modern with cream walls, grey carpet with matching coloured furniture. There's a flat screen television, on the chimney breast. The apartment is very much Nikki. I head into the kitchen and make a start on the pasta. Nikki went to the store earlier today to pick up Isabelle's favorite dessert. Time seems as though it's come to a stop, I peek through the blinds willing for Isabelle to appear. I only saw her an hour ago, but my palms itch to feel her delicate skin. How can you miss someone after a short amount of time?

The sound of a car stopping causes nervous energy to flow my body. I anxiously pace the length of the living room. Unable to wait for the door to knock, I stroll down the outside steps. I stand out of view trying to determine Isabelle’s reaction. Did I make the right decision to cook for her or should I have taken her to a nice restaurant?

I don't venture out of the shadows until she's stood before me. I offer my hand, which she promptly takes. I give her hand a slight pull causing her face to pummel into my chest. “You look beautiful,” I mumble in the middle of placing little kisses along her neck. I lead her up the steps and into the entryway. I come to a stop behind her, watching for a reaction. Have I made a decent attempt? Does she like it?

Aside from one major cock-up, I'd say the date went well. I thought she was going to bolt and my chance was destroyed. I wanted her to know I cared but
, It didn’t come out the way I imagined it would. Seeing happiness radiating from her, was a turn on. Knowing the huge grin spread over her face was because of me. The more time I spend with her, the deeper I’m falling in love. I never knew the meaning of true love until now. In reality, I should take a step back and save us both from ending up hurt but it’s impossible.

The best moment of the evening was Isabelle initiating the kiss, she took me by surprise. Her touch felt like electric shocks, radiating across my abdomen. Fuck, I needed her. I knew I needed her due to the fact of the attraction heightening between us. She's vulnerable and not ready for the truth.

Isabelle hesitated when she realized where I was leading her. I watched the happiness fade and morph into worry. I would love to know, what's was going through her head? Perhaps this wasn't a smart move, I gathered with me spending every night with her, she would be okay. I anxiously run my hands through my hair, does she think I want sex? Shit, this wasn't one of my best idea's, I explain I only wanted to hold her in my arm’s. She's quiet for a couple of seconds but then she agrees. Not long after she curls into my side, her breathing levels out has she floats into a serene sleep.

Sleep for me, however, doesn't come so natural. I discover myself stressing, who's going to look after Isabelle once I've left? Her parents aren't around to help her. She told them she was pregnant weeks ago and even then they weren’t supportive. Instead, they chewed her ass out about who the father is. God, how I want to stay here with her but with family commitments it's impossible.





What a fucking tease? A feral groan leaves the back of my throat, she needs to quit pushing her ass into my cock. I'm already rock hard, if she doesn't quit I'm going to explode into my boxers, like a goddamn teenager. In an attempt to distract her, I raise my hands to her sides, praying, she’s ticklish. Thankfully she is, to my surprise, it doesn't take long for her to surrender. Grinning, she's sexy when she's sulking. I take a deep breath, trusting the pending discussion doesn't agitate her. “How long until the baby is born?” She looks shell-shocked, “four months.” I give a little gesture with my head, then silence plunges on us. Isabelle ends the quiet by saying “I have a scan booked for next week. I have a chance to find out the sex.”

“Are you going out find out?” I inquire, Isabelle doesn’t respond. I can't envision how hard it must be dealing with the pregnancy and all the decisions to go with it, alone.

  “You know, If you would like some moral support. I would gladly accompany you." She then goes on to shock me once more, she inclines forward and places a gentle kiss upon my lips. The kiss ends as quick as it started. Isabelle pulls back, looking at me with a goofy grin.

I'm outraged, so fucking furious. How dare they treat my girl like a piece of shit. My hands clench, the anger flaring through me. Closing my eyes in a bid to hide my rising anger, I don't' want to scare her. I'm doing whatever it takes not to show how furious I am. She doesn't need me to lose my shit. I take her into my arms and offer her words of comfort.

Doesn't that woman acknowledge? She's not only is she abandoning her unborn grandchild but Isabelle too. She's going to need support, yet nobody appears to give a flying fuck. I can't believe I'm going to stick up for this lady. The lady who happened to convey my girl to tears. “You know it may be painful for her, especially with just losing her only son. Maybe she's finding it impossible to deal with the pregnancy.” Isabelle loses it, she's screaming at me. I need to calm her down before another panic attack takes hold, “you know Nikki, Kyle and myself here for you. We’re here to help, but you have to let us in.” I whisper in a tender voice.

Again I attempt to divert her mind, "what do you fancy doing today?”  She mentions something about a museum. It's not something I'm keen on, but I will do anything to bring back her smile. “Snap, snap,” I click my fingers, “as much as I prefer looking at you half naked, go and get dressed.” I tease. I go ahead and prepare the picnic. While Isabelle and Nikki are in the hallway attempting to talk quietly. I say quietly, but Nikki doesn't know the meaning of the word. I make an effort not to listen in, but my curiosity is spiked and I succumb. Persuading myself it's to perceive how Isabelle is really feeling. Yet, I'm kidding myself, it's total bullshit. I'm paralyzed when I find out Isabelle's parents won't support her. Not emotionally or financially. What kind of parents does that?  I knew they were pissed when they found out Isabelle was pregnant. Yet you would think there would be a smidgen of support for their little girl.

My mother would never have treated my sister or me the way Isabelle is being treated. Perhaps she could move to America with me but can, I really subject her to the lifestyle.

It's not a lifestyle for a naive girl and certainly not for a child. The best option is whatever happens in the UK, stays in the UK.

Chapter Fourteen




I wake with a start, confused to where I am.  Memories of last night flashed through my mind. Xavier's arm is wrapped around my waist, his hard-on squeezed against my ass. Unable to resist, I wiggle against him causing Xavier to moan. Grinning to myself, I do it once more.  Xavier lets out another moan before he begins tickling me. “Stop, please stop,” I snicker “I can't take any more.”

Xavier relents, “It's not nice being teased, is it?” Sucking in a breath, Oh my god, what is he going to think? I ponder. But to my surprise Xavier doesn't pull his hand away instead his hand smoothes over my bump, in a loving manner. “How long until the baby is born?” This conversation shocks me even more, could Xavier be any more perfect.

“Are you going to find out the sex?” Dismissing the question. I've been somewhat narrow-minded of late and haven't given the child much thought. Would Josh want to know the infant's sex?  Xavier looks apprehensive, “you know, If you would like some moral support. I would gladly go with you.” He's rubbing his hand behind his neck, in a nervous manner waiting for a reaction. I have no words. I'm stunned, would it be right to take another man to the scan?  I mean I would love the support, but I’m not sure what people will think. “Thank you for the offer Xavier, but, I’m not sure what’s happening yet.”

“That okay, I'm here if you need me.” I think I might have fallen for him just a tiny bit more. Turning over so my body is facing his, I incline forward and place the gentlest of kisses upon his lips. I pull away before Xavier deepens the kiss. 

After relieving myself, I look for a toothbrush. In hopes, Nikki has a spare, luck is on my side. There right at the back of the cabinet is a new toothbrush. After I’ve cleaned my teeth and freshened up. I take an unfaltering breath before entering the bedroom. Xavier's no longer in the room. I peek out the bedroom door, attempting to listen whether I can hear voices however I'm met with silence. My stomach grumbles when a wafting smell of bacon emanates from the kitchen.

The first thing I spot when entering the kitchen is Xavier stood in front of the cooker, flipping bacon. I watch the muscles in his back tighten when he moves the skillet off the cooker before turning to face me. I’m graced with a dazzling smile. “Like something you see?” He teases.  As an afterthought he places the sizzling skillet onto the side.  Then proceeds to prowl towards me. “You're fucking beautiful,” he growls. Xavier loads a plate with bacon and pancakes before me. My stomach responds with a grumble. The room is silent, both tucking into our food. Yet it isn't an uncomfortable silent like the previous evening.

My mind continues to swirl with the possibility of allowing Xavier attend the scan with me.  I want him to come with me, don't get me wrong, I know I ought to ask Josh's mom. “What you are thinking so hard about?” Xavier asks. How would I clarify what's running through my mind. I would prefer not to upset him or for him to think I was ungrateful for his support.  Xavier looks at me expectantly, waiting for me to give him an answer. “I'm uncertain to whether I should ask Josh's mom to come with me.” Xavier nods his head in understanding, “I'm here if you need me.”

Deciding there's no time like the present I grab the phone and hit dial, within seconds the phone picks up;

Mrs. Anderson: Hello.

Me: Hi Mrs. Anderson, how are you?

Spit it out, Izzy, I chastise myself. Xavier's looks at me with an inquisitive look. I send him a consoling grin before Mrs. Anderson has a chance to answer I jump into what I really want to ask.

Me: I was wondering If you wanted to come to the twenty-week scan?

The other end of the phone is silent, I know she hasn't hung up, I can hear her breathing. Why isn't she replying? Panic swirls in the pit of my belly, making it impossible to catch my breath. Xavier steps away from the stool and rounded the table until he remained before me. Xavier cups my face between his hands, tilting my head until my eyes meet his. Looking intently into my eyes, seeking answers.

Mrs. Anderson: Well, I’m not sure how to tell you this dear but I’m leaving. There're too many memories here, I need to get away. Please try and understand.” I understand what's she's experiencing. I drive past the location he died every time I leave the house. I would do anything to get away from the memories for only one day.

Me: How long would you say you are going for?

Mrs. Anderson: You're not understanding dear, I'm leaving Wales.

I suck in a breath, attempting to prevent the wail from leaving my body.  How could she leave? What about her grandchild? With apprehension lacing my voice, I answer;

Me: Where are you moving to?

Mrs. Anderson: America dear.

A crippling pain shoots through my body, causing me to stumble off the stool. Xavier reaches out to catch me before I faceplant the floor. Xavier then maneuvers me back into a standing position then helps me back onto the stool .

Xavier eases the telephone from my iron-tight grip. He doesn't say a solitary word before disconnecting the call. He drops the phone onto the breakfast bar. His thumb runs over my cheek, tenderly wiping the unshed tears from my eyes. “You know the pain is probably excruciating for her especially after losing her child.”

Outrage courses it's way through my body. My hands clench into fists, prepared to smack something. “Don't you understand, I lost him too. But now not only is my child not going to have a father but no paternal grandparents either. How can she abandon her unborn grandchild?” I yell at him, Xavier takes it in his stride, He holds me close, delicately whispering 'he's here for me.' After fifteen minutes of crying into Xavier's chest, my sobs ease. “You know Nikki, Kyle and I are here for you. We’re here to help but please let us in.” Xavier voices. I gesture my head accordingly, Xavier sighs before asking, “what I fancy doing today?” What I really want is to climb back into bed and  wallow in self-pity. But between Xavier and Nikki it wouldn't be an option.

I mention the National History Museum. It's the ideal spot to wrap my head around this morning's revelations.

“Snap, snap.” Xavier flicks his fingers at me, “as much as I like looking at you half naked, go and get dressed.” I flash a teasing grin before seductively walking past him. I wasn't expecting the smack on my ass. An undignified screech slips past my lips, causing Xavier to roar with laughter. I leave the room with a small smile, anticipating the day ahead. I enter the guestroom and pull the rucksack onto the bed. Rummaging through to check whether there's a change of clothes. Thank God there is, I change into maternity jeans and a vest top. Deciding I need something to cover my shoulders in case, I get cold. I make my way towards Nikki's room, in hopes I can obtain a cardigan. Sat just inside her closest is a gray cardigan. Perfect.

I pull my hair into a messy bun and apply some lip gloss before heading back to the kitchen. God, Xavier's perfect. I would've never discovered Josh, stood in the kitchen making sandwiches. The reality of how different Josh and Xavier are, shocked me. They can't be anymore different, Josh expected me to act in a certain way, don't get me wrong he would never hurt me. He just liked to be into control I suppose, whereas Xavier is always thinking of me.

The entryway blasts open, Nikki enters the kitchen with a case of water and a cooler bag. She passes the bag to Xavier before turning to me. I flash her a mocking glare, Nikki being Nikki ignores my warning.

“So Izzy, how was your date?” I tilt my head to check whether Xavier's listening to our discussion. Appearing as though his attentions elsewhere. Taking advantage of his distraction, I pull Nikki into the hall. Not amused with her try to humiliate me. “Couldn’t you of waited until I got home for the juicy gossip.” I mock in an annoyed voice.

“Erm… No. My best friend who’s had a hard time lately, Is  grinning for the first time in ages. I want to know  everything.” Those words  wipe the grin off my face, I shouldn't be happy. How selfish can I be, recently finding my child is not going to have anyone from their paternal side? Yet I’m happy and excited to be going on a date, how pathetic. “What's the matter chick, why the gloomy face?” Nikki frowns.

I spill everything that conspired this morning. For a brief moment, she appears to be, stunned. “you know, everything's going to fine. You have your folks, Kyle, me and Xavier. Your child isn't going to want for anything chick.” I know what she's saying is right yet I can't help but to feel hurt. My unborn child should have the privilege to know their family yet it's been, torn away.

Xavier enters the hallway, cutting the conversation short. He heads towards the guest room, leaving both Nikki and myself staring after him. Watching his defined legs and rock solid ass, both of us swooning after the delectable man.   Xavier turns his head slightly. Throwing a wink over his shoulder before shutting the door behind him. Tease! He knows how to charm the pants of a girl, that's for sure.

“He’s fucking gorgeous. Your one lucky girl, Isabelle.” Nikki swoons. Not saying two words, I stroll past Nikki and follow Xavier into the bedroom.

Xavier’s light to my darkness. He makes everything more bearable, it's easier to breathe when he's beside me. I never thought, one of my brother mates would be the light at the end of my tunnel. I vow to move forward with my life, to push all the stresses, worries too the back of my mind. And only concentrate on mine and the baby's happiness. And that happiness might just be Xavier.

As I enter the room Xavier's pulling his joggers on. He smirks before reaching for his shirt and pulling it over his head. I take a step closer to him wanting to be in his arms. I close the gap between us, resting my head against his chest. The need to feel his skin against my hands is overwhelming before I rethink my actions. I slip my hand under his top, and run my hands along his defined chest. Xavier looks at me with a stunned expression. This is the first time I've initiated any type of physical contact. His eyes lit up, the shock slowly disappearing. Xavier moan's, moving onto the tips of my toes, I place a kiss upon his lips. The kiss is anything but gentle, sexual attraction has taken full control. He prowls forward until my back is flush against the wall. Then he proceeds to pick me up, indicating for me to wrap my legs around his waist. Threading his fingers through my hair, he smiles against my lips before giving my hair a little tug.

Tilting my head to allow him access to my neck. He trails feather like kisses along my jaw while grinding his hips against my heat. Leaving me wanton with need and secretly willing him to move forward to the next step. Slipping his hand beneath my top,  he smoothly runs his hand over my abdomen. Stopping only inches from my bra. Unfortunately, Nikki disturbs us yet again. “I hope you're not having hanky panky, in my freaking guest room,” she yells through the closed door.  Xavier groans against my neck, “It’ll happen soon, I promise.” With disappointment cursing it way through my body, Xavier lowers me back to the ground.

Holding me close, he whispers, “don’t be too disappointed Isabelle. It'll happen when the time is right.” It seems whenever we get close, someone always disturbs us, it's pissing me off. Why can't they give us some alone time?

Xavier takes a step back, encasing my hand with his, he leads me into the lounge. Nikki's sat on the couch, flicking through the television. she offers us a lift, due to my car being back at the house. Readily agreeing, Xavier grabs the picnic and we make our way out the door.




Within minutes, we pull to a stop outside the house. Nikki goes in search of Caleb. Xavier and I head in the direction of my car. A weird feeling comes over me. Something in the back of my mind is telling me to take Xavier to mine and Josh's special place. Xavier has helped me so much over the summer. I feel the need to share a part of me with him. 

The radio is playing softly , one of my favorite songs begins to play. I'm surprised when Xavier's rich and powerful voice resonates through the car. He sounds amazing. He sends me a shy smile but doesn’t stop singing. What the hell, I start belting along with him, my voice is nowhere near as good but I go along with it.

Xavier looks at me with confusion, “Where are we?” he asks. We pull to a stop inside a wooded area, “I thought we were going to the museum,”

I shrug before offering a reply. “It was mine and Josh's favorite destination to escape everyone.”

Xavier looks at me intently, “whenever we needed to be alone, this is where we’d come. I’m not sure why I brought you here, there was something deep in my gut telling me to.”

“Thank you for sharing your place with me, Isabelle.” No other words are needed, Xavier pulls me into his arms. My head rests against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. He leads me over to the rock overlooking the water and sits down proceeds to situate me to between his legs. My back rests against his chest. Both of us watching the picturesque view before us.

“How are you feeling Isabelle?” asks Xavier.

“I’m good, here with you. I’m disappointed for the baby. My mother as already told me she won't support me. I’m lost, with no clue what to do next.”

Xavier looks at me with disbelief, “Have you spoken to Nikki about it?”

“No, I don’t want her to worry more than she already is.”

“Nikki cares for you. She would do anything to help you. Maybe you can move into the guest room.”

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