A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 (12 page)

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Authors: Lisa Pietsch,Kendra Egert

BOOK: A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2
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The dirt road wound its way down to an empty beach where Vince parked and shut off the car. 

Sarah turned to Vince in the driver's seat.  “This is nice.  How did you know about it?”

“My mother is from this area.  My cousins and I used to come down here when I was a kid.”  He looked around.  “This beach hasn’t changed a bit.”

“I had no idea you'd spent so much time in Italy.  Do you still have family here?”

Vince smiled. 
“A little.
My grandmother, six aunts, five uncles, eighteen cousins and their kids.”

Sarah gaped. 
“A little, huh?”

He got out of the car, took off his shoes, jacket and tie and then walked around to open Sarah's door.

She slipped off her shoes and took the hand he offered as she stepped out of the car.  “That's a pretty big family.  You must take some heat being single, huh?”

Vince held her hand as they walked toward the incoming tide.  “Not as much as you might think. 
and the aunts didn't approve of the ex.”  He glanced sideways at Sarah.  “You remember Lori?”

“How could I forget the woman who accused me of trying to steal you, jumped me in an alley and sucker punched me?”

Vince shook his head and chuckled.  “You showed her.  Anyway, they're still hoping I'll find a good woman, meaning
one they
approve of, to have lots of kids and settle down with.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Ah, I don't think it will be too difficult.”

“How's that?
  Be careful you don't trip on your ego while you're thinking of an answer.”  She nudged him with her shoulder to punctuate the playful dig.

“I figure they'll take to you just fine.”

Sarah's face grew hot, and she caught her breath.

Can this really be happening?

“I was thinking we could go have a meal with the family when this is done.  We'll have to bring the boys though.  They'd never forgive us if we didn't.  Besides,
cooking will soften the blow when I tell them I'm retiring.”

Sarah smiled at Vince. 

Vince stopped walking and pulled Sarah close against his chest. 
  My brother, Anthony, returned from Iraq yesterday.  It isn’t personal any more.  I’m ready to do some living.  What do you say, Sarah?  Will you leave the spy game and swing on a hammock with me?” 

Sarah's heart leapt. 

No more pretending.  I can finally be with Vince!

They held each other as they stood silently watching the sea.

Sarah’s heart raced as she closed her eyes and inhaled the sea air mixed with the musky smell of Vince’s neck.

Vince was the first to break the silence.  “Have you given Angelo your answer?”

Sarah sighed.  She didn't want to hurt Angelo.  “Not yet.  He asked me to give him my answer when the mission is finished.”

“Were you going to say yes?”

Sarah looked up at Vince and shook her head as she stroked his shoulders.  “It wouldn't have been fair to him when I’m in love with someone else.”

Vince pulled her closer and touched her lips with his.  “He's got a lot to offer, you know.  Money, stability…”

“I don't need those things.  I can always get a job as a trainer at the Camp.”


  I've been sparring with students.  Young told me he'd hire me if I ever wanted out of the field.  I didn't until now.”

  You wouldn't miss the thrill?”

Sarah shook her head. 
“Not at all.”



“He offered me a job too.”  Vince
a wide, perfect smile.  “We could carpool.”

They both laughed.

A giddiness
overtook her.  She had a decent nest egg, a great job and a truly good guy who wanted to introduce her to his grandmother.  She finally had everything she’d always wanted.

Vince's phone rang.  He looked at the caller ID and then answered.  “Yeah, Will?  We're fine.  We'll be back shortly to debrief.”  He put the phone back in his pocket and frowned at Sarah.

“We have to go?”

He nodded.  “This is our last mission.”  He ran his hands through her hair and wound them down her neck and arms.  “Let's get it done and start doing some living.”

“Since you put it that way.”




Sarah looked around the patio at Angelo’s house.  The night was quiet and the moon lit the pool and patio in soft light.  Chris and Brian reclined on chaises while Will and Jason sat at the table. 

Vince held a chair for Sarah as she sat.  “Victor offered to knock a hundred thousand off the price if I threw Sarah in to the deal.  I think we've got him.”  He took a seat at one of the other chairs at the large patio table.

Will stood, mumbled something and then spoke up.  “Tell him, Chris.”

Chris looked up at Will.  “But I don't…”

“Just tell him anyway.”

Chris sat up in the chaise and ran his hand through his hair.  Sarah had come to know this small gesture as Chris’ tell.  The sign that gave away the fact he was nervous about something.  “Vince, there's been something in his
communications.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but I get the impression he isn't the top dog.”

Vince’s eyes opened wide and he tilted his head slightly.  “What?  I've been selling guns to lowlifes and bottom dwellers for years only to find out the guy they say is at the top isn't?”

in his chair.  “It's bigger than that, man.”

“That's it.  We'll buy the chopper, but Sarah is out of the deal”

Sarah leaned forward.  “What are you talking about?  I'm the best chance we have to identify the top guy.”

“No.  We're not putting you in the deal without being sure of the situation.”

“That's the whole point, Vince.  I need to go in and get that information so we
be sure.”

Jason lit a cigarette and shook his head.  “I'm not
' a warm fuzzy from any of this.”

“Me neither.”  Brian took a drink from the sapphire blue bottle of water and placed it back on the table next to his chaise.

Chris leaned forward on his elbows.  “Can we regroup without compromising you guys?”

“That's what we have to figure out.  Why don't you guys go get some
  Will, Sarah and I are going to talk and then we'll discuss this as a team tomorrow.”

Sarah looked at Will.  “Why aren't they staying for this?”

for the guys to enter the house.  He motioned for Sarah to remove her earpiece.

She realized it was still in her purse and gave him the all clear.

“Because Nikolai doesn't know them.”

“But he…”

He's part of the same organization.  Oh, shit.

Sarah suddenly felt very unsure of the mission and nervously lit a cigarette.

  Will sat at the table and lit a cigar.  “Let's break this down and see what we have left.  Sarah, what do Nikolai and his mother know about you?”

“I'm a student at UNLV studying international business.  My aunt left me some money.  I live comfortably and travel whenever the urge hits me.  That's the only story I use and I never give details.”

Vince cleared his throat.  “Do they know where you live?”

“No.  I never give that information.”

“It would be easy enough to get from UNLV though.”

“No.  I use a post office box for everything.”

“Vince, did you tell him you knew Sarah?”

“Negative.  Seen her around, but that's it.”  Vince rubbed his head.  “Victor is the only one who can place Sarah with us.  I told him I picked her up in Milan.”

Will nodded.  “Your story and her story work.”

“Yeah but I don't like it when Chris gets feelings he can't put a finger on.  Maybe we should do the deal and keep Sarah out of it.  I don't want to place her if we're unsure of the situation.”

“Vince, I need to be a part of this.  You and I both know it.  I can get the information that will make the Italians' case stick.  Otherwise they'll hold him for a couple days before a very expensive lawyer gets him out on bail and he skips the country to keep on doing what he does.”

“Yes, but if we've been compromised and fed a story to set us up, you could get hurt or worse.”  He placed his hands palm down on the table and shook his head.  “No.”  He looked into Sarah's eyes.  “It’s too dangerous.  I don’t want to put you in this operation.”

“Vince.”  Sarah took a deep breath and placed her hand on top of his.  “I'll be okay.  The flighty, party girl cover will work fine.”

“I agree with Sarah.  Chris could just be over-cautious.  Sarah's participation can make the difference between information and solid evidence.  We need that evidence.”

Vince sat back in his chair.  “Alright, I don't like it but the final decision is up to you, Sarah.”

Sarah squeezed his hand and looked into Vince's eyes.  She yearned to be done with this assignment so they could just run away together.

I know you won't let anything happen to me.

She looked over at Will.  “You guys will have my back?”

Will nodded. 

She nodded.  “Let's do it.”


Chapter Sixteen


The leggy redhead that Sarah had danced with the night before greeted them at the door of Victor’s villa.  She greeted Sarah with a warm smile and a kiss on each cheek then looked Vince over like he was on the menu.  “Good evening.  Please come in.  Victor has been expecting you.”  She motioned them into the house and led them into the large main room centered
a huge stone fireplace.  The open windows allowed a slight breeze through the room.  The walls were a golden hue, enhanced by the soft lighting from the wall sconces and the honey colored wood floors.

Sarah ran her hand over one of the soft as butter leather sofas and inhaled the heady scent of leather, a touch of smoke and ocean air.

Victor smiled as he sat in one of two large leather chairs and motioned for Vince and Sarah to sit on the sofa.  “Sarah, Vince tells me you met in Milan.  How long will you stay in Italy?”

Sarah crossed her legs at the knee and licked her bottom lip for Victor’s benefit.  “I have a few weeks before I have to be back in Las Vegas.”

Victor didn't take his eyes off Sarah.  “Carolina, my dear, will you come here, please?”

The buxom redhead in a mini-dress the same color as her hair sauntered over and sat on the arm of Victor's chair with a sublime smile.  “Yes, Victor?”

Victor kept his eyes on Sarah.  “See if you can convince Sarah to be our guest for a few weeks while I talk business with Mr.

Carolina stood and took Sarah's hand.  “It would be my pleasure.”  Carolina led Sarah through the kitchen where she grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.  She held them up for Sarah to see and flashed a devilish smile.  “Let’s have a drink and chat.” 

Sarah followed as Carolina led her through a set of French doors and onto the patio.

Uneasiness about this mission nipped at her nerves but, like getting off the helicopter on Hassan's yacht, she smiled and presented the picture of calm. 
It was that same self-consciousness that being overweight made her
.  She took a deep breath of the warm night air.

Can I do this?  Can I fool them all and pull it off?

Carolina set the bottle and glasses down on the table and took a seat in one of the chairs.  She motioned to another chair.  “Please, sit.  We can talk about important things while they talk business.” 

“Very nice.”
  Sarah nestled into the soft chair across the table from Carolina as she poured the wine.

Carolina handed her a glass and raised her own.  “Yes, it is.”  She took a drink of the wine and sighed.  “It's not a bad deal with Victor.  He pays us every week just to be arm candy and entertainment.”

“And by entertainment, you mean?”

She shrugged.  “We dance for him and lay around the pool mostly.  A little sex, which is always very good, but he prefers coke to women.”

Sarah couldn't believe her luck. 
  This sounds like a very nice deal then.”

Carolina reached over and ran her hand through Sarah’s hair as she drank with the other hand.  “I love your hair.”

“Thank you.  I love your color.”  Sarah knew the score.  Carolina was Victor’s gatekeeper.  She gave her a flirty smile.  “Is it yours?” 

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