A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2 (9 page)

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Authors: Lisa Pietsch,Kendra Egert

BOOK: A Taste of Liberty: Task Force 125 Book 2
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Angelo nodded.

“I liked the idea of being in a form of law enforcement that got results every time we went out on an operation.  I still like it.  I also liked the security the job gave me.  I take risks but I earn a good living and that is something I've never had.  I've always lived from paycheck to paycheck and never had any form of financial security.  I've even been homeless more than once.”

Angelo seemed surprised.

“Now I have some security.  I have a small luxury apartment at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and a new Jeep to get around town.  They aren't much but they are paid for.  They're mine.  I live simply and invest my paycheck.”

“But how can you date with such a life?”

“I don't.  Men have used me too much, present company excluded.  I'm not anxious to be used again.  Long-term relationships have always ended badly for me.  Now I just use men on behalf of Uncle Sam.”

“A life without love seems so sad for a beautiful woman like you,

Yeah, it sounds pretty pathetic when I say it out loud.

“So do you ever plan to marry, to have children?”

“If the right man asks me, I'll certainly consider it but they aren't exactly lining up outside my door.”  Sarah needed to change the subject before she became depressed. 
“So what about you, Angelo?
  Why did you choose this life, and why have you stayed with it for so long?”

“My father was in the
.  He died in the line of duty when I was ten years old.  Two years later, my mother died of a broken heart.”

“Oh, Angelo, I'm so sorry.”

“My sister, God bless her, raised me.  She passed away last year.  She gave me everything she could while I was growing up but nothing could replace Mama and Papa.  When I was young, I was idealistic and wanted to avenge their deaths.  I joined the
with that in mind.  Then I grew up.  I saw the evil in the world, and I joined the G.I.S.”

“You never married?”

“No.  I could never put a woman through what happened to my mother.  I always thought there would be time for that when I retired.”  He grinned. 

“But you've been at this for thirty years.  When will you retire?”

Angelo leaned toward Sarah.  “I'll let you in on a little secret.  I've already filed the papers.  I'll retire after this operation.  I've spent too many years fighting.  It is time to sleep late, make love, have babies and live the life I've been protecting all these years.”

Sarah smiled at how his eyes sparkled when he said those words.  No matter what he did, Angelo seemed to be so passionate about life.  “And do you have a woman selected to bear your babies?”

, we are so compatible.  We both want a simple life.  You would want for nothing here with me.  I have worked too long and seen too much to ever take you for granted.”  He took her hand in his.  “I could love you if you let me.”

The good guy offering me the good life?
  There's a switch!

“Oh, Angelo.
  I don't know what to say.”

“I've never met another woman like you, Sarah.”

“Oddly enough, and I don't mean to be rude, but I've heard that before.”

“I mean it, Sarah.”

“I know you do, Angelo.”

“Why would you continue with this work?”

“Somebody has to do it.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Yes, I do.  I believe what I do is very important.”

“Of course, it is, but what about you?  What about your own life?  Don't you want more?”

“Angelo, the life I had was crap.  I gave up that life with pleasure.  There was a time when I wanted to settle down with mister right, have a couple of kids and live the American dream, but life happens and you give up silly dreams for reality.”

“It doesn't have to be a silly dream.  Sarah, how long will you do this?”

“Do what?”

“This job.”

“I don't know.  Until I can't, or I get a better offer.”  She smiled.

He took her hand.  “Let me make you an offer.”

Shock ran through Sarah's body.  “What are you saying?”

“Stay with me.  Stay here.  I'm retiring after this.  We could be very happy here.  Our children would grow up in a beautiful home, loved and well cared for and you would always be well provided for.”

Sounds like a business arrangement. 

“Just what are you proposing, a living arrangement?”

“No, marriage, of course.”

Affection for this sweet man tugged at her heart but passion wasn't the driving force behind this idea.  “But you don't love me.  Angelo, you don't even know me.”

“I know all I need to know.  I know I could love you.  What's not to love?  Love will grow with time.”

I respect you.  I enjoy your company.  You're great in bed, but I don't love you.

“Angelo, I don't…”

.”  He put a finger to her lips.  “Don't answer now.  Think about it.  Give me your answer when this mission is over.”  He stood.  “I have an early meeting tomorrow.  Please stay and finish your drink.”

So considerate.

“Goodnight, Angelo.” 

He bent and kissed her softly on the cheek.  “Goodnight,

Sarah considered Angelo's proposition.  It was great on paper.  He was a great looking guy, older, more
, knew what he wanted.  He had a beautiful home on a huge estate.  Any woman would be a fool to turn him down.

I'm a fool.  I just can't give up on Vince.  I know there is something there, and I'll never forgive myself if I don’t give it a chance.  I need to know before I move on.  Damn.  Despite what my head tells me, my heart is still making my decisions.

Chapter Eleven


Vince crossed his arms over his massive chest.  They rose and fell with every breath he took.  “Angelo was kind enough to inform me today that he has proposed to you and you did not say 'no'.”

Sarah's face grew hot.  She looked around at her teammates and saw expectant looks on their faces.  They wanted something. 

Surely, they don't think I'll take him up on the offer?

Vince tightened his arms over his chest and scowled at Sarah as though he were waiting for an explanation

I'm not his damned possession.  Where does he get off putting me on the spot in front of the guys like this?

“What the hell is this, an intervention?”

Vince's eyes narrowed.  “We'd like some answers.”

“To what questions?
  You’ve got me cornered here but nobody's asked one question yet.”

“We want to know when you were planning on telling us.”

“Telling you what?”

“That you're thinking about quitting.”

“Oh, and every time one of you thinks about retirement, you get all touchy-feely and tell everyone about it?  Give me a break!”

“This is different.  If we're planting you undercover, we need to know where your loyalties lie.”

“My loyalties?
  Sarah jumped out of her chair and pointed at Vince.  “I pulled your unconscious body off a fucking time bomb and you have the balls to question my loyalty?  How dare you!”

Vince roared.  “Hey, we talked about a backup plan, but we didn't mean marry the first guy who asks you!  I understand things change.  We all do.  We just think you should let us know when those changes affect us.”

So that's it.  He can have his but as soon as I get an offer, my loyalty is questioned.

“Yeah, things change alright.  Sometimes things change quicker than overnight, but you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Vince?” 

“I don't know what is wrong with you.”

“Well, you must because you know everything, don't you, Vince?  You know what?  If you know everything, then you'll already know my answer for Angelo, and my telling you would be redundant.  So go fuck yourself.”

Will lit a cigar and puffed pensively. 
  That's enough.  We're not getting anywhere this way.”  He turned to Vince.  “Why don't you just sit this one out?”

Will held his cigar between his index and middle fingers and used it to punctuate what he said.  “Now listen, pork chop.  Nobody here is going to tell you what to do. 
Contrary to the leatherneck's current demeanor.”
  He shot Vince a hard look.  “And apparent lack of communication skills, we wanted to talk to you about this because we care about you.”

Sarah sat on one of the patio chairs and lit a cigarette.  “Okay, talk.”  She avoided any eye contact with Vince.

“Look, kid, first of all, you're a damned fine operator, and I rather like having you on the team.  Secondly, and this is my personal concern as a friend, we all know your personal history of bad relationships with men prior to the Camp picking you up.  I'd hate to see you fall back into that.”

Sarah tapped an ash into the ashtray on the table beside her.  “Thank you, Will. 

Brian squatted on the patio, laced his fingers together and leaned on his elbows, resting on his knees.  “I'll admit to being totally selfish here.  It normally takes a long time for a team like ours to gel.  I saw it with the SEAL teams.  We've got a good thing here,
', and I'd hate to lose it.  Oh, and I might miss you a little.”

Sarah smiled at Brian and gave him a slight nod. 

Chris jumped in.  “It is totally your decision, and I never stand in the way of true love, but it takes ten years to break in a good agent.  But, like Will and Brian said, you were exceptional at adapting.  On a personal note, your golf game is coming along very well, and I've grown accustomed to your company.” 

Jason stood from his chair and smashed his cigarette into the ashtray on the table.  “You guys are a bunch of pussies.  I've never been anything but
straight with you, girl, so I won't change my approach now.”  He looked Sarah straight in the eyes from about one foot away.  “I don't like Italian guys and this chump ain't any different.  He wants a trophy for his retirement.  You deserve better than that.  You want to be somebody's trophy?  I don't think I'm stretching the truth when I say any fucking one of us would be happy as hell to put you on our mantle.  Besides, I have yet to meet a chick who can bar crawl like you can.  I'd miss you like crazy, and I'd try really frigging hard not to forgive you.”

Brian chimed in with a flash of a smile.  “Yeah, Jason would never find another
to be seen with, much less get into the good clubs without you.”

Jason nodded.  “True that.”

Sarah chain lit another cigarette.

I think they like me.  Well, all but him.

Sarah caught Vince staring at her and glared back.

They really think I'm seriously considering this.  Why is he pissed?

“Look, I appreciate your input guys.  I'm not bailing on this mission.  I told Angelo I couldn't give him an answer until we've finished this.  I'll keep you in the loop.”

“Good enough.”  Will stood. 

Finally, they all walked back to the house. 
All but one.
  Vince's brown eyes watched her as she continued smoking her cigarette.

They sat in silence.

God, but you infuriate me!

Vince's voice came rough and ragged through the silence.  “Are you seriously considering this?”

Sarah snuffed out her cigarette and stood.  “What if I am?”

“You'd be making a big mistake.”

“Who are you to tell me
what's a mistake

Vince stood.  “He doesn't love you.”

Sarah stood and glared at Vince.  “Who does? 
And so what?
  What do you know about love?  Men who don't love me have been using me all my life.  Hell, even you strung me along just so I'd fall in line and play the game.”

It was all just a game to him.  He knew if he strung me along, I’d do whatever he asked.

Vince grabbed her shoulders and spun her around.  “That isn't true.  I never strung you along.”

Why couldn’t it be you offering me love instead of Angelo?

Sarah’s heart ached and she winced as she pushed free of Vince’s grip and resumed her pacing.  “Yeah, you did.  All it took was two kisses and a string of pearls.  Well, I may have been easy but I've had the pearls appraised and can sleep at night knowing at least I wasn't cheap.  I hope you put them on your expense account.”

“You bitch!  You were the one doing the stringing.  And here I thought…”  He didn't finish.

“Oh, I'm a bitch now?  That's rich.  You thought what?  I'd just do what I'm told and not have a social life while you and the boys go out and get a piece of tail whenever you like?  That double standard of yours is bullshit, Vince.”

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