A Taste of Pleasure (19 page)

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Authors: Antoinette

BOOK: A Taste of Pleasure
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He was following the leader, but still held back a bit. The mystery in the air was exciting, but he wasn't in control and he was unused to that.

“This is a gift to you from London,” Jen purred into his ear. “This is a new game, and you, my dear, are going to be the prize.” She kissed him again, more aggressively this time, her
tongue playing with his, her hands moving over him, touching him, prodding him to respond. He grabbed her ass and pulled her in closer, then walked her backward into the bedroom, where London was now lying on the bed waiting for them, her body glistening in the candlelight. He motioned for Jen to join London on the bed. She slipped off her dress and moved in beside London. He undressed, exposing his throbbing hardness, then sat in the chair to observe in amazement as he stroked himself for a few minutes.

He watched Jen fondling London. She rubbed her body against hers, kissing her, sucking at her nipples and working her way down to her thighs. London was breathless and moaning already. When Deacon could no longer wait, he came over and touched Jen with the tip of his hardness. He moved it over her nude body, then touched her ear, her neck, and her face, pushing with an eagerness to be inside of her mouth, then he rested it between Jen and London. He wanted to fall on both of them, taking them one by one, but Jen pushed him away teasingly and continued kissing and licking London between her legs. Her sex was so wet, she felt hotter than ever before, and she enjoyed watching Deacon get teased for once.

Jen motioned to Deacon to come back and be a part of the lovemaking. He threw himself between the two and fingered Jen. She moaned softly. He licked her and she licked London, as he got behind Jen and entered her. She moaned softly as he took her with hard, short strokes. London was still being fondled in her passion zone by Jen, who was getting so hot she almost bit London. Jen finally stopped for a moment to enjoy Deacon, who was riding her for all he was worth. He was hot and ready for both girls. London fingered herself as she watched them, her heart a little heavy. She was trying to go along, but now her feelings were mixed. She didn't quite know
what to do or how to feel watching the man she loved take another woman. He continued stroking Jen. He then pulled out quickly to give his prize to London. She sucked it hard as Jen went down on her to finish her off. They lay in an embrace for a moment until the passions picked up again.

Deacon grabbed London and took her in his arms, kissing her. His erection returned harder than before, and he moved on top of her. He penetrated and filled her. He found her G-spot and took her on a wild ride. They were beautiful to Jen, who looked on as Deacon rode London's pussy. She then approached Deacon from behind and played with his ass, inserting her finger deep inside him. He moaned loudly as she felt him come again. London was soon to follow, her body shaking from the jolts of her orgasm. She looked up at Deacon in ecstasy as she came.

Deacon left London's body as Jen moved in, kissing her and fondling her, licking her into an encore orgasm. As Deacon watched, he wondered if London was doing this for him or for herself. He felt a slight pang of jealousy for a moment, but he relaxed and smiled, gratified with his woman, who gave him this gift.

Jen strapped on a dildo and went back to London, sticking it in her mouth and then rubbing it between her legs and all over her passion pit. As she was bending over London, Deacon's hardness returned and he moved over to the bed to rub Jen's buttocks. He moved his cock between her legs, got it wet, and inserted it deep inside her again. Jen slammed into London with the artificial cock as she was being fucked hard by Deacon. It was wild and wonderful for the three of them as they explored countless orgasms in a screaming rage.

The evening was winding down as the three of them went into the hot tub and soaked their sore spots away. The air outside
was freezing but the water temperature was perfect. They sat low in the tub, before scurrying back into the house, being careful enough not to slip and fall.

Minutes from midnight, Deacon uncorked a second bottle of champagne and turned on the television to watch the ball drop in Times Square. They toasted the New Year together one last time as they counted down the seconds. They all enjoyed their bubbly and chatted as they relaxed. Deacon cuddled London closely and Jen saw her window to make a grand exit. She bundled up in her robe, thanked them for a great time, and said she would see herself out. She left London snuggling with Deacon's arms around her. He held her tightly, thanking her for the wonderful gift as he issued small kisses over her face and neck. She had given him a memory that would last a lifetime.

They spent most of New Year's Day in bed together, with Deacon leaving only to pick up Chinese takeout. They watched a marathon of classic romantic movies, eating with chopsticks from the pint-sized containers, lounging in their pajamas. They cuddled, joked, and laughed and made love just once in the afternoon, slowly and gently as they were still aching from the activities of the night before. London never wanted this intimate, peaceful day to end.

Monday arrived, gloomy and uninvited. She awoke to a note on her pillow from Deacon that he had to be in court early that morning. He was gone already and she hadn't even been able to enjoy breakfast with him. She lay in bed missing her fiancé as warmth and wonder filled her heart. The sun was trying to peek through the clouds outside and the light shined through the windows momentarily. She looked at her ring, reveling in the prisms dancing on the wall, created by the reflection of the passing sunlight. The colorful spectrum mimicked the love she felt radiating from her heart. She'd
thrown all caution to the wind and she would do anything, be anything, just for Deacon, just to be with him forever.

She got up, dressed, and headed to the grocery store again. It felt good to be out of the house in the early morning. She wanted to pick up some special items and seasonings for more of the new recipes she planned to try this week. She was really enjoying her time in the kitchen lately, exploring her own unexpected culinary talents. Jon had given her quite a few recipes to choose from and she wanted each night to be a different exotic meal to tempt Deacon into coming home to her, instead of working so late.

On her way to the store, she noticed a silver Lexus that looked like the one Deacon drove parked alongside her favorite coffee shop. In her distraction, she swerved over the line, but her attention was quickly drawn back to the road by a honking horn. She straightened out the SUV as she wondered if it was him, why he wasn't in court. She decided to turn around so she wouldn't spend any more time just wondering. She circled back and parked behind the building. That's where she also then noticed Jen's car.

She had a sinking feeling as she walked toward the entrance. She stopped in her tracks for a moment. She spotted them, Deacon and Jen, right through the window in the corner booth. Jen was touching Deacon's hand and they were sitting very close together. She quickly turned before they saw her, ran back down the sidewalk to the parking lot. Tears sprang up in the corner of her eyes. She got into her car and headed home. She was driving through her emotional haze when she saw Jon's place. She pulled over and parked, wiping her eyes and trying to collect herself. Jon's shop didn't look as busy as it had been Friday before, so she decided to go inside. She needed something to ground her and shift the terrible feelings
bubbling up. The quaint store had a warm and wonderful atmosphere that smelled of fresh baked goods and delightful spices. The counter was deserted and the place was very quiet. London strolled along, eyeing plastic cakes set up on small tables, inviting samples under ornate glass covers, and the display case that was crammed with cupcakes, cream puffs, and other colorful delicacies. She rang the bell on the showcase and was relieved to see Jon come out of the back room.

“London, darling, how wonderful to see you! You look simply . . . oh, my dear!” He put his hand up to his face. “What's wrong?” He noticed that she looked a bit ashen and disturbed. “Come sit down,” he said, patting a stool and putting his hand on his hip as he leaned against the showcase.

“Oh, Jon.” She fled into his arms, sobbing. She hadn't really expected to do that. He hugged her tightly, patting her head and stroking her hair. “What's the matter?” He tried to comfort her. “Who did this to you . . . I will go punch them tout de suite.”

She held her hand up, showing him her engagement ring. He grabbed her hand and smiled as he kissed it. He looked closely at the gemstone gleaming. “Well, okay, good news. Congratulations. But why the sad look? Tell me.” He was confused.

“Jon, Deacon proposed. I was so happy. I thought I'd give him a gift.” She backed away to take a breath. “How stupid I was.” Jon stepped back too, cocking his head to the side, thinking to himself the words
Come on, get it out already.
“I gave him a three-way, with Jen. I asked her to engage in a ménage à trois with us on New Year's Eve. And today, just now, I find the two of them meeting without me, together at the coffee shop.” She looked at Jon's face now and tried to read his response.

“That bastard!” Jon growled out as he paced around the room, taking in a deep breath and sighing. “Shit. Now,
London, there could be a very simple explanation to all of this. Please don't jump the gun. Give him a chance to explain and always give him the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions.” He was talking to himself as much as he was trying to convince London.

“Tonight when he is home from work, talk it over with him. I'm sure he can explain everything to you. But for now, get hold of yourself. Don't torture yourself. Have a latté with me and some chocolate éclairs. When the going gets tough . . . chocolate.”

He set out their glass mugs, frothing with whipped cream and garnished with cinnamon sticks, then grabbed the whole bakery tray of mini éclairs and set it on the counter before them as he came around and sat beside her. The pastries were drenched in chocolate and generously overstuffed with vanilla custard. She put the scrumptious dessert to her lips and devoured one, and then another. Jon did the same. Thank God there's food when you're at a loss for words.

“For moral support, of course.” He raised an éclair-filled hand in the air and issued a nervous laugh.

London was feeling stuffed but better and hugged Jon as she felt the need to get up and get home at last after stopping at the grocery store. She drove past, but tried not to look at the coffee shop again. She failed to fully avoid looking and did notice that Deacon's car was nowhere in sight. She stayed focused on her shopping goals and her dinner plans then headed home.

She unpacked her bags and settled in, lighting the fireplace to take off the chill. She walked around the house, admiring all the warm and wonderful Christmas decorations, which would soon be taken down and tucked away for another year. She dreaded January. Empty of decorations, the house would
suddenly feel bare and cold—back to reality. She snuggled into her recliner next to the fire, watching the flames flicker and listening to the clock tick away. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was waiting for 5:00 p.m. to come—the end of the workday, when Deacon would be home. She needed Deacon to make this right. She trusted Deacon with her heart and she wanted to be sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, especially now.

She picked up a romance novel she had lying around and tried to get lost in the story, but her mind kept flashing back to the sight of Deacon and Jen . . . her hand on top of his. The image rewound and played over and over again in an endless loop. She laid her head back as tears formed in her eyes again. She closed them and drifted off to sleep.

The shadows lengthened as they darkened to a close. She opened her eyes from her nap to see the time—7:00, and he still wasn't home. She stood up, marched to the bathroom to freshen up, then drove away from the château on a mission to track him down.

The roads were clear and she looked out her rearview mirror at her home as the gates closed behind her. She remembered what Jon had said about “benefit of the doubt,” and she calmed herself as she drove, knowing there could still be a reasonable explanation for his actions and whereabouts.

Twenty minutes later she was in Tarrytown at Deacon's workplace. London drove by and didn't see his Lexus.
she thought. She sat a moment and then decided to drive by Jen's place as it wasn't far out of her way.

As she approached Jen's apartment, she saw Deacon's Lexus parked next to Jen's car in the carport. Her adrenaline surged as she pulled into a guest parking space and made her way upstairs to the door. She knocked, but there was no answer. She
turned the doorknob and the door was unlocked. She entered, calling Jen's name. No answer. She noticed a trail of clothing on the floor in the hallway that led up the steps. A blouse and a shirt mixed with male and female shoes, a pair of pants and a skirt, a bra and lace panties, boxers and socks that marked the end of the line at the next closed door. She stopped dead in her tracks. Her heart was beating so fast she could hardly breathe. She knocked lightly as she heard voices and commotion. Still in utter disbelief, she pushed the door open to find Deacon and Jen in bed together. A painful-sounding, involuntary noise escaped from London's mouth: “Ohhhhhhhhh!” It was all she could mutter as she ran down the steps, Deacon's voice trailing behind her. He stood in the doorway, calling her name as she got in her SUV and laid rubber in a cloud of smoke as she burned up the asphalt with her rage. Tears flowed as she tried to calm down so she could drive home safely. Her cell phone rang. She reached over and declined the calls, even the one from Jon, who she knew was calling to make sure she was okay tonight. She wanted to throw the phone out the window.

The twinkling lights of her home took on a new aura. She felt like they were laughing at her now, mocking her for being naïve. She was furious and wanted to rip them from the trees, tearing them down along with all the other decorations. She wanted everything stripped down and back to normal, cold, naked, lonely, and dark, just like the vengefully dark place she felt herself slipping back into. Her heart was broken.
Why didn't I just leave well enough . . .
She wanted to slap herself.

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