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Authors: Antoinette

A Taste of Pleasure (28 page)

BOOK: A Taste of Pleasure
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“Oh yes, and may I watch too? Then when I get home, I'll prepare the invitations to be sent out for the ball, now that I know when the store will be finished!” she replied eagerly.

“I'll protect the chandelier with a plastic tarp in case of some dust from the drywall and sanding of the walls and floors, but they're coming along well.” London finished her breakfast, watching Max in the pole barn, loading the chandelier. He told her that he would wait for her to arrive at the store before he hung it, so she hurried with the rest of the cleanup, dressed, and met him at the shop.

The little French antique store was finally taking shape. She could not help but feel nostalgic as she watched the parquet flooring being laid in the dining room. She so appreciated Max's employees working on Good Friday. They didn't seem to mind, and she knew that Max took good care of them pay-wise for their efforts. Everything brought back memories of Versailles, especially the chandelier, which Max was now hanging. It looked quite elegant in the dining room. The transition from that to the tile that was going into the front room was dramatic. Stepping down one level, there was a formal front room that put one in a different world. The wall of leaded glass windows was to the right and the fireplace setting was on the back wall, with shelves for knickknacks and one large portrait of Louis XV over the mantel, which completed the room. Backing out of the front room and stepping up past the entrance way was the doorway to the dining room. She was very pleased. The fireplace was gorgeous and the burners were already installed. The artificial wood was ready for lighting with the push of a hidden button to ignite the gas fireplace.
The wainscoting was done to perfection and the pillars framing the doorway were the perfect touch.

She thought about the masquerade ball. The gathering would be held in the store on Friday night before the grand opening on Saturday, which was the sneak-preview auction. Then on Sunday, sales would take place. She couldn't wait to write the invitations, and that job would be done this weekend. She enjoyed the artistic pastime of writing calligraphy, appreciating what Grams had taught her. She was very talented. She also planned to stamp each envelope with a wax seal of the king of France. She would have them in the mail by Monday, in plenty of time for the first weekend in May. Max headed out to another job, and she was excited to get back home to start addressing the invitations.

Saturday evening, Max called and asked London to meet him at Pop's Pool Hall. He was heading there with his crew for burgers and beers. She dropped her pen and tucked the invitations away on her desk. She threw on sexy jeans and sweater, jumped in the Beemer, and raced to the bar. She parked and popped her trunk. She took out her leather bag with a pool stick that she always carried with her. It had been a long time since she had seen Pop, her friend, and tonight was a good time to visit with him. When she opened the door, Pop was standing in the corner. “Well, these old eyes can't believe what they are seeing,” he said as he walked around toward her and gave her a big hug. “Hey, hon, how are you doing?”

“I'm great, and how about you, Pops?” She smiled, remembering he had been one of her grandmother's lovers. In his prime he was a handsome dude. Now age and drinking had taken its toll. “How's business?” she asked.

“Could be better; business is not like it was when you were
here. What are you doing with yourself these days? Staying out of trouble, I hope?”

“I'm trying. I'm opening up a new business down the street from you in a few weeks. It's an antique store.”

“Sounds like a full-time job.” He laughed, showing his lack of teeth. She hugged him and walked over to the pool tables. She was looking for Max and wanted to run a few pool balls at the same time. It had been a long time since she had visited the old pool hall. Pops and her had a close friendship. He had showed her how to play pool several years ago. He kind of took the place of her dad. Looking over the pool hall, she didn't see Max. She walked around the tables, rubbing her hands over the felt, feeling the rim. Then she laid the leather bag down, unzipping it. She pulled out her pool stick and put it together. It was her favorite stick. It had been a graduation present from Pops and it was accurate. She chalked up the end of the stick as Pops racked up the balls.

He watched his prize pupil approaching the head ball. Her breasts almost touched the table as she bent down, with the pool stick projecting from her hand. She slid it slowly through her fingers back and forth a few times. A few guys walked over to watch her, and she recognized some of them from Max's crew at the store. She felt their eyes on her as she stroked the pool stick in and out many times. She finally hit the ball, with a crack that shocked them all. She walked around the table, her body moving slowly as she eyed her next shot. She had an audience and she was thriving on playing up to them.

She looked toward the doorway and saw Max and Bud enter the poolroom. Max walked toward London and asked her if she would like to play him. She agreed, knowing he was a top pool shark. She had him rack them up again. He hit the head ball and the other balls went scurrying all over
the table. He chose solids, which gave her stripes. He walked around, eyeing the best shot he could find, one that would put his cue ball right where he wanted it for the next shot. He hit the ball and it went in where he wanted it to, but the cue ball didn't stop where he had hoped it would. It was London's turn. She eyed her play and hit it right on target. Max looked at her like he had been slapped. She ran the table for a few minutes. When it was his turn, the cue ball was far from where he wanted it and he missed, which set her up perfectly. She made the shot and ran the table, putting the eight ball in the side pocket.

He looked at her devilishly. “Let's play another one,” she suggested as the two other men left the room, leaving her and Max alone. He agreed and went behind her, whispering in her ear.

“If I win, I get you for the night.” She couldn't let this go. She enjoyed Max so much and wanted him in the worst way. He walked around the table behind her, touching her butt as she bent down to hit the ball. His touch sent chills up her spine. She missed on purpose. He had a wonderful run on the table. It was her turn as she lined up her shot, bent forward, and moved her butt, tantalizing him on purpose. She spread her legs far apart as she placed the pool stick between her two fingers and slid it in, looking him straight in the eyes. She looked at the shot and let it go. Her ball went in the pocket and the cue ball replaced itself where she wanted it. She moved over for her next shot. She closely eyed the shot as it was the one she was famous for and she could make it easily. After studying it for a moment, she decided that he was more important than winning. She let the stick go, missing the shot completely. It was his turn. As he rubbed past her, his hardness began to show. She wanted him so badly and smiled at the effect
she was having on him as he finished the game and won. He came over and grabbed her around the waist and kissed her passionately. “You have teased me enough for one day, my precious one. Now you're going to pay.” Together they walked out of the hall to separate cars. He followed her home, both of them speeding down the road.

They walked hand in hand inside, where he kissed her as he took off her clothes piece by piece. He carried her up the curved staircase to her room, kissing her and nibbling on her neck all the way up. He laid her on the bed, pulled her toward the end of the bed, where he undressed and entered her. She murmured, “This was well worth losing a pool game for.” When he was done, he pulled her to him and held her tight into the early night. She enjoyed him again and again. Afterward they went down for dinner dressed only in robes and slippers. He whipped up grilled steaks on the barbecue and she challenged him to another game of pool afterward. They got up and went back down to her pool table. She racked up the balls, and as she lay on the table to make a shot, he came up behind her, took his foot, and separated her feet while he rubbed his hardness between her legs. She ignored him, and when it was his turn, she walked behind him to rub his ass then reached in between his legs and grabbed his hardness. It was her turn again when he walked behind her, separating her legs, inserting his hardness inside her, pumping her as she lay on the table enjoying the wonderful tingle when he hit her G-spot that made her shake and grip the edges of the table. He took her this way short of making her come. She moved off the table over to the bamboo love seat, where he whispered in her ear, “Come for me, London.” She gave him his wish with her screams of ecstasy. Back and forth to the pool table, she beat him seven games to one, between all the lovemaking. He
smiled, knowing he had been hustled by the best. They went to the bedroom, their hands clasped, and he held her through the night.

They awoke Easter morning, dressed in their finest spring attire, and drove into town to Max's parents' home for a holiday gathering. The smell of brown-sugared ham baking in the oven filled the air along with the sounds of shrieking children running through the house. Max had five brothers and sisters, some of whom London knew from their school days, especially his sister Marie. They had been close back then. Most of his siblings were now married with children. Max had a total of twelve nieces and nephews. All the children, with the exception of the two tiny infants, came bounding into the family room to greet their uncle Max. He was besieged by a troop of toddlers as they tackled the gentle giant to the floor. They rolled around, laughing and wrestling.

London was overwhelmed by it all. She struggled through numerous introductions to his family members, attempting to make conversation as the nosy sisters and sisters-in-law cornered her with prying questions, hinting about Max getting married and having his own little family soon. London avoided the subject as Max swept in to save her. He took her by the hand and together they snuck out to the backyard.

“Will you help me with setting up the Easter egg hunt? I have to hide all one hundred and fifty of these eggs for the kids.”

“Sure.” London giggled, and they proceeded to conceal the plastic eggs filled with treasures all around the beautifully landscaped yard.

“Sorry about my sisters,” Max said. “They want so much for me to settle down. I should have prepared you for the onslaught.”

“Yes, a little warning would have been nice,” she said with a smile.

Marie emerged to help them. She too was apologetic for the interrogation London had been subjected to.

“Marie is the only one who understands,” Max said. “Since she hasn't settled down yet either,” he explained.

“Max, I wanted to tell you that Mom invited Madison and Mikey to join us for dinner tonight,” Marie said, her eyes fixated on his reaction.

“Oh, wow! Are they back from Texas?” His voice quavered.

“Yes, Mom and I saw her at the grocery store on Good Friday. She spent several months with her family over the holidays, but she finally decided to return home last week.” Marie continued as London listened, curious as to whom they might be talking about.

“How is she coping, and how's little Mikey?” Max asked, and London noticed the genuine concern in his voice.

“She seems to be doing well, they both do, and she looks fabulous,” Marie said, shooting London a glance.

“Max!” called a voice from the house. “We need you in here for a minute.”

“Ladies, duty calls.” Max chuckled as he bowed out gracefully, leaving London at Marie's mercy.

“So, London,” Marie asked, “how have you been?”

The two of them chatted, catching up on the lost years between them. Marie eventually segued back to explaining who Madison and Mikey were.

“You remember Michael, Max's best friend from high school, don't you?” Marie asked.

“Yes, I sure do,” London replied as she tucked another egg behind some blossoming lilies of the valley, the fragrance drifting into her senses.

“Well, he joined the Navy after high school and was stationed in Corpus Christi, Texas, for a while, where he met his wife, Madison. He eventually moved back up here when they had their first child, Mikey Junior. Max was very close to them and looked after Madison when Michael was deployed overseas. Sadly, Michael was the victim of an IED attack a couple years ago.”

“Oh, that's terrible,” London said, suddenly feeling the devastation of Max's loss. “I wonder why he never told me.”

“He doesn't like to talk about it much. The funeral was devastating for everyone,” Marie explained. After a long pause, Marie boldly asked, “London, do you love my brother?”

Shocked by her forwardness, London hesitated to respond. “I'm not sure. I love being with him and I treasure our time together, but I'm not sure if we are truly in love. Why?”

“Never mind, I'm sorry to be so blunt.”

London's mind raced as Marie continued on, trying to change the subject to idle chitchat. Finally, they had reached the bottoms of the seemingly endless baskets of Easter eggs and they headed back inside. Marie escorted London to the bar, where she mixed them each a drink. London was relieved as she downed a nip of the tasty vodka and orange juice. She thanked Marie and slipped away to find Max.

She found him helping with lunch preparations. She sauntered over and pitched in to help in an environment where she always felt comfortable, in the kitchen. Max's mother was scurrying here and there, dressed in her Sunday best, her sweet voice calm and soothing amid the noisy chaos of the household. Max smiled as London stepped in to chop vegetables while he sliced the ham.

The doorbell rang and London's heart stopped. Everything became a blur around her and all the noises seemed to run
together as she watched Madison enter the foyer with Mikey. Madison was a knockout, tall and blond, tan, toned, and shapely, looking celestial in a peach sweater with a cream skirt, her slender legs accentuated by neutral high heels. London saw the look on Max's face as he headed down the hall to greet them.

BOOK: A Taste of Pleasure
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