A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance) (60 page)

BOOK: A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance)
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Chapter Five

I kissed Anthony. I kissed my best friend.
At the moment Jade had been all over that kiss. It was sweet and passionate and good lord the man tasted like a man should taste. But what madness had taken over? What had possessed her to kiss him like that? She had no idea, only that she’d been compelled to do so like his lips were magnets for her own. And once the kiss had begun she’d been powerless to stop it because his warmth and his taste pulled her in, made her want more than she’d ever wanted anything other than for her parents to be alive. Kissing Anthony was dangerous because if it didn’t work out, she would lose her closest friend and her only family. “Darn,” she said and smacked her palm on the glass counter of her shop.

The bell above the door sounded, and she looked up to see Anthony strolling in looking too delicious for words in faded jeans and an old Aerosmith t-shirt. “Hey, hot stuff.” He smiled, and she knew everything would be alright.

“Hey, you’re here early.” That sounded normal, right? “I have coffee in the back.”

“Good because I brought a few cannoli.”

She blinked. “For breakfast? You are a god among men, Anthony Morelli.” She dug in and pulled the sweet treats from the bag, placing them on napkins. Anthony returned a minute later with two cups of hot coffee. “Thanks.” She needed the caffeine and the sugar after a sleepless night.

“Rough night,” he asked, those caramel brows raised in amusement.

“Yep.” Jade sipped her coffee avoiding his gaze because she knew it would be alight with laughter.

“Good. Me too.” Chugging his coffee, Anthony’s gaze never left hers. “So I was thinking.”

“Uh oh,” she laughed, “am I going to need bail money?”

“That would be interesting, but no.” He flashed that bedroom smile that she watched women go nuts over, and she had to stop herself from crumpling into a heap of lustful woman on the flower shop floor. “I think we should go on a date. A proper date where I pick you up, show you a good time and maybe kiss the hell out of you on  your doorstep. What do you say?”

Jade worried her bottom lip for a long time as she weighed the options. Going on the date would mean their relationship was changing, but it had already changed last night, hadn’t it? She couldn’t deny, now that the cat was out of the bag, that she wanted him. Had thought about what it would be like to kiss him and make love with him. So she had to go for it. No being scared this time. “Yes, I say yes.” She had some worries, but she also wanted to see what this was or what it could be.

“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Tonight?” That wasn’t nearly enough time to prepare for a date when she hadn’t been on one in ages.

“Tomorrow,” he countered, feeling the tension leave his body when she laughed and accepted for tomorrow. “Awesome.” He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and pulled back with a smile. “By the way, last minute anniversary dinner in the private room. Can you do something romantic and magic, and wistful? Don’t blame me, those were his words.”

“Got it. What time?”

He bumped the door open with his back and winked. “Five thirty? See you then, babe.”

She shook her head with a smile and went back to her notes for the day. There were several arrangements set for delivery when her part-timer came in later, plus a few she needed to do first thing. She didn’t notice the older man watching her until he pulled open the door and the bell sounded. She looked up with a bright and welcoming smile. “Hi, there! Welcome to
Nipped in the Bud
. Can I help you with anything?”

“I think I’ll look around first, see if inspiration strikes.” The old man smiled at her, his grey streaked black hair, and brows gave him a grandfatherly air that instantly put her at ease.

Jade laughed. “I know exactly what you mean. Take your time, my name is Jade if you need me.”

He nodded and she watched as the elderly man browsed her shop, wondering if he was purchasing flowers for a wife or a lover. Was he shopping for graveside flowers or
just to say I love you

Jade returned to her schedule and she began putting together the arrangement Anthony needed, gathering her favorite pink and red flowers from roses to tulips and lilies. An idea formed in her mind, and she reached for a square of foam to test it out.

“Excuse me, dear, could I bother you for a moment?”

Jade looked up and gasped. The man looked familiar to her up close, but she couldn’t figure out why. She smiled at him. “It’s no bother, what can I do for you, sir?” She stared so long she felt rude and shook her head. “I’m sorry sir you just look really familiar, but I’m sure I don’t know you. Forgive me, I didn’t get enough sleep. So, flowers?”

“I’ve never minded a beautiful woman staring at me.” His smile was kind and warm. “I need flowers for a wedding.”

She nodded. “An arrangement for a table, for the bridal rooms or perhaps boutonnieres for the groomsmen?”

He shook his head. “The groom is like a son to me, so I want something special for his bride. Her bouquet was ruined.”

Jade gasped. “Oh no!” She couldn’t imagine how worried the bride was, probably a crying mess. “Tell me what the wedding colors are and I’ll fix up something great.” She smiled and scribbled all the details done. “I’ll have it ready by the end of day so if you want to come by around five, you’ll be the savior of her wedding day.”

He paid up and walked out of the restaurant, whistling.

What an odd old man.
He seemed harmless enough, but there was something strange about him. She shrugged it off. Her customers came in all flavors, so she didn’t think about it again as she got to work.


“Delivery for Mr. Morelli.”

Anthony looked up at the sweetly sexy voice he knew so well and grinned at her. “Is it a gorgeous naked woman popping out of a cake? Because I’ll sign for that shit right now.”

Jade pushed off the doorway with an amused smile. “You’re impossible, Morelli. I have your flowers,” she held up the large crystal vase. “Where to?”

He stood and pulled her into his office, kicking the door shut. “Hey there, babe.” Anthony held her close and speared his long fingers through her hair, tilting her head back so he could give her a proper greeting. The kiss was hot and hard, full of hunger and unfulfilled desire. He pulled back before things got out of hand and grinned. “That’s better. Now let me show you where the flowers go.”

Jade followed in a haze, drunk off that kiss and wobbly legged too. “You can’t just kiss me like that and then go right back to work. A girl needs a moment to regroup.” She stopped and shoved the vase at him, straightening her blouse and her mussed hair.

“Of course I can. I have to seem mysterious to keep you interested.” He smiled at her adorable little giggle. “Come on and tell me about your day.”

She told him about the old man who’d come in for a wedding bouquet. “He was weird but very adorable, in a grandfatherly way. He stopped by just before I left to pick it up and said he was very impressed.” She shrugged like it was no big deal but Anthony knew it mattered. “He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to care about things like flowers, so it was nice to hear.”

“You know you’re an amazing florist. Some would say an artist with petals.”

“Oh hush,” she followed him to the private room and set the flowers on the table. “You want the flowers to be at the center of attention but not a barrier to the happy couple,” she told him as she placed it carefully, rearranging the place settings.

Back in his office, he pulled her into his lap and held her close. “About our date tomorrow. Sexy casual is the order of the day.” He had it all planned out and he couldn’t wait. Now that they’d both acknowledged their attraction, he was eager to explore. He knew Jade better than anyone in the world. They were compatible in every aspect and if they were compatible in bed, well he might just decide to make her his Mrs. Morelli.

Jade smiled. “I have just the thing,” she teased and hopped off his lap. “I need to hit up the supermarket and clean my place. Come by later?”

“Try and stop me.” He smiled and gave her another heart-stopping kiss before walking her to the door. “See ya later, babe.”



Chapter Six

If the day went any slower, Anthony was going to set fire to his own restaurant just to be done with it. He’d spent time yesterday planning for his date with Jade, more like
over every little detail for his date. He’d made sure his favorite pair of jeans were clean as well as the green shirt Jade always said brought out his eyes. The menu was all set, and he planned to leave early enough to stop home for a quick shower. And he was all set to do that if the day would cooperate.

His sous chef had called in sick, and Anthony knew he was going to have to let the guy go. It was the fourth time in as many weeks that he’d left the crew hanging at the last minute. So he had to move up a prep cook and finish the prep himself. To top it all off, the
were packed into the restaurant like a damn family reunion, so the kitchen was overrun with orders. Finally, around six things started to die down, and he doubled the prep to give his guys breathing room for the after dinner rush. With that done, he just had a few more items to take care of.

He checked the receipts and brought more booze up from the cellar before checking in with his customers. It was the personal touch that kept Morelli’s Table open when the economy plummeted. He started with the smaller intimate tables, asking about their meals and offering up a sample of a new cheesecake the chef wanted to add to the menu. Next were the families who enjoyed the healthy portions and easy, quiet ambiance. Finally, he stopped at the two large tables in back where the mobsters chowed down on everything from white lasagna to masala. “Hey guys, everything alright?”

All the guys deferred to Sal. The old man sat with his back against the wall and his gaze fixed on the entrance. Anthony figured if he took out Vito, there were probably guys out there looking to take him out as well. “Everything is magnificent Tony.
” Sal wiped his mouth and stood, two henchmen taking their positions behind him. “I’d like a moment of your time.” It wasn’t a request so Anthony nodded and they sought privacy in the party room in back.

“What can I do for you, Sal?” He didn’t dare let his nerves show because this man was as sharp as a razor blade and those cloudy eyes missed nothing.

“I want you to set up a meeting.” Sal watched him, but Anthony stayed stock still, his face blank.

“I doubt I know the people you want to meet with, but I’m willing to try.”

Sal laughed. “That’s probably true in most cases but this time, you are uniquely qualified. I want to meet with Jade, but you will not tell her who I am.”

His thoughts were betrayed by his face, which he was sure showed confusion, fear, and uncertainty. “Can I ask why?” When Sal said nothing, he began to worry. “Jade means the world to me Sal and if you plan to harm her, I won’t do it. No matter the threat.” Heart thudding against his chest, Anthony crossed his arms in hopes of appearing unaffected.

Sal’s wrinkled old face spread into a smile. “I appreciate your concern for her welfare, but I mean her no harm. I just want to have dinner.” Sal studied Anthony carefully, taking his measure in a way that was intimidating as hell. “Tell you what, set this up and maybe we can do something about that fee she owes.”

“I’m coming too. She won’t agree to it without me.”

“I figured as much. Set it up. I’ll be out of town until next week, so Friday works. Have a good night Tony.”

Anthony released a long expectant breath as the old mobster walked away.
What the hell was that about
, he wondered for a brief moment before he checked the time and realized he was already ten minutes behind schedule. He popped his head into the kitchen to wish them a successful night and put the hostess in charge before breezing out of his restaurant and to his house.

Inside his two story farmhouse, Anthony rushed through his shower and made quick work of his hair, leaving it sexily tousled. Pulling on clothes and finishing it off with a few squirts of cologne, he sat for five minutes to calm his nerves. It wasn’t everyday a guy went out on a date with his best friend. His family. Finally, his heart was back to normal so he grabbed his keys and made the short drive to Jade’s apartment. He knocked and when she opened the door, he nearly swallowed his tongue. “Holy shit, Jade. You look gorgeous.”



Chapter Seven

Jade looked up at her best friend with her heart in her eyes. More accurately it was beating its way out of her chest with the way he stared at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. But he was the beautiful one, in those worn jeans that hugged his muscular thighs and tight butt that made grown women cry. And that green shirt made his honey brown eyes look like liquid gold. A smile curled her mouth, and she opened the door wider. “You look…hot,” she answered abruptly.

He tossed his head back and laughed as he walked in, bussing a kiss to her cheek as he entered. “Thanks, babe but that dress, it should be a crime.”

Never had Jade been so grateful for her smooth cocoa skin than that moment, because her entire body went up a few degrees. Looking down at her blush pink dress that hugged her abundant curves, she thought she looked no different than most days aside from the makeup and the fact that she wore her hair down instead of in its customary ponytail. But she decided to accept the compliment with a smile. “Thanks, but I need to find shoes and then we can go.”

“Don’t take too long, Jade. I’d like to make it out of this apartment,” his gaze raked up and down her body and he chuckled. “At least for a little while.”

She shivered at his words and waved him off before turning to go back to her bedroom. Jade smiled at his intake of breath when he caught a glimpse of the back of her dress.  “Are you always this much of a flatterer?”

“Do you normally go out with that much flesh exposed?”

She turned with a frown that died when she caught the heated look in his tawny gaze. He was turned on and the backless dress had done it. “You know I don’t Anthony, but this is our first date.” She placed her hand at the hidden zipper on the side and looked up at him through her eyelashes. “But if you’ve changed your mind I’ll just grab a pair of jeans.”

“Don’t you dare,” he growled, and she felt a rush of feminine pride at his reaction.

“Good.” She stepped into a pair of nude stilettos that gave her a few extra inches. “Shall we go, then?” She brushed past him in the doorway, giving him another glimpse of her back. Peeking at him over her shoulder, “I do hope I’m getting the full Morelli tonight.”

He chuckled again. “Oh, babe you’re getting more than that.” He stopped in front of her and kissed that spot on her neck where it connected with her shoulder. “Now let’s get out of here before I strip you down and we never make it out of the house.”

She moaned so loud she had to bury her face in his chest due to embarrassment. “Come on before I make a fool of myself, Anthony.”

“But it’s so much fun when you do,” he purred in her ear.

She smacked him in his hard muscled abdomen and laughed, grabbing a sweater on the way out. Anthony grabbed her keys and locked the door. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” he said ominously.

Jade shook her head, grateful she’d stopped at Celine’s Spa for the full
first date with your bestfriend


“Oh my goodness, Anthony! A picnic?” She wasn’t being very coherent or eloquent at the moment, but she was stunned. Jade had expected a nice upscale restaurant or some trendy eatery that mixed two odd cuisines together where they could laugh and have fun like they usually did. She had not expected a romantic picnic on the cliffs overlooking the city of Silver Creek as well as its namesake. “You did this? It’s…incredible.”

Anthony watched as haze eyes wandered the area, landing on the pink and white gingham blanket with the big basket full of goodies and the setting sun that made full use of the twinkle lights strung from the trees. “I did this for you, babe. You deserve it.”

She smiled up at him and pulled him closer for a quick kiss. “It’s beautiful, but isn’t that someone’s cabin?”

Anthony looked over his shoulder to the dark structure. “Yeah, mine. But it needs to be gutted and renovated. Besides,” he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I don’t mind,” he winked and guided her to the blanket.

Jade sat and crossed her legs at the ankle, kicking off her shoes. “So what do we have inside the basket o’goodies?”

This was his favorite part of the diet. Trained as a chef, he hardly had time to spend in the kitchen because he didn’t trust anyone else to manage the restaurant, but he still loved to spend time in the kitchen at home and at work. “You’ll just have to wait and see because this, my sweet Jade, is a journey.” He pulled out two plastic shot glasses with lids. “This is a melon cucumber gazpacho with crab and crème fraiche.” He opened the glasses and handed her one. “To, new beginnings.”

Jade smiled and tapped her glass to his. “New beginnings and old friends.” She tilted her head back, so her curls brushed her shoulder blades and tipped the cup to her mouth. “Damn, that’s delicious, decadent yet refreshing.”

Anthony batted his lashes seductively. “I love it when you talk food to me.”

Jade laughed again and stuck her tongue inside the cup. “Seriously, it’s crazy delicious. Tell me you have more at your place.” He raised an eyebrow in questioning, and she laughed again. “I’m so serious right now.”

“Next is salad on a stick.” He had to wait for her laughter to die down before he continued. “Laugh all you want, but you’ll be moaning about my genius in a minute.”

He was right, she slid the crispy lettuce and juicy tomato with a giant homemade crouton off the stick and she did moan—embarrassingly loud—when that creamy, tangy Caesar dressing touched her tongue. “Okay you are the salad stick master and I bow to your creativity.” She gave a sitting bow with a quite impressive flourish.

And on they went through three more courses plus dessert. Anthony made love to her through his culinary skills, preening at all the
, the moaning and groaning she released out there on the edge of town. Alone. It was an exercise in self-restraint, but he also felt good about bringing such a big smile to her face, making her laugh harder than she had in months. “That’s more like it.”

Jade laid back on the blanket and stared up. “You picked the perfect night, cloudless night for a picnic. We can see all the stars from here.” Her body sank into the ground when his arm brushed hers as he lies beside her.

Anthony listened as she pointed out all the different constellations, her soft husky voice soothing as she spoke of warriors, ancient lovers, and celestial myths. “I never realized you were such an astronomy buff,” he said, liking the idea that they still had things to learn about one another despite their decades long friendship.

She shrugged. “I’ve always loved it, but it's something I usually keep just for me, you know? Sometimes I go on the roof above the shop when the night is clear just to stargaze, but I don’t have a telescope.”

“You’re pretty good without one.” She smiled and his heart nearly leapt out of its chest just to get closer to her.

“Thanks. When I get a telescope, I’ll really show you the universe.”

Anthony hopped up off the ground and reached a hand down to her. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?” She frowned but took his hand, squealing when he yanked hard and she flew through the air before slamming against his chest.

“Into the creek. The cool water is refreshing but they say the silver in the creek is healing minerals. Let’s try it out.”

Jade raised one arched brow at him. “Is that part of your date schtick? Because to me it just seems cold.”

“We can make it interesting if you’d like.”

“State your terms, sir.” She stood with her hands on her hips, like a superhero in disguise.

Anthony tapped his chin, pretending to think things over. “Let’s see who can stay in the creek the longest. Calf deep. Winner sets the terms.”

“Oh no buster, I need to know what I’m fighting for. State your terms, I said.”

Anthony laughed until his whole body shook and tears ran down his eyes. “Are you some old school gunslinger?” She shrugged and waited. “Why don’t you just play to win and worry about the consequences later?”

Her mouth twisted to one side and she gave him a questioning, “
Come on then, prepare to lose.”

They walked, hand in hand, down the small embankment and she waited while he rolled his jeans up to his knees. Together they walked in, gasping at the chilly water. “Shit, that’s cold!”

“Crap that’s freezing,” she said at the same time. They were locked in a heated gaze, hands still entwined as the water cooled their overheated bodies.

Her teeth began to chatter first, but his lips had a faint hint of blue as he smiled at her. “Ready to call it quits yet, babe?”

“N-n-not on your life,” she tried for a smile but failed.
What do I want if I win
, she asked herself and then she smiled.

“What’s that look?”

Hazel eyes went round and wide with innocence. “What look?” Anthony stared with a look that said,
“Oh, I was just thinking of what I want when I win.”

He knew she was setting a trap, but he was too damn cold to think straight. “What do you want?”

Jade smiled and licked her lips. “I can’t say for sure, but I do know that it starts with a kiss.”

He sucked in a breath and pulled her out of the creek behind him. “Okay sweets, you win.”

Jade’s laugh was warm and contagious and damn he couldn’t wait to kiss her again. “Of course I did. Now before I decide where we’re going, tell me, Mr. Morelli, do you have more of that gazpacho in your fridge?”


She was going to do this. Have wild hot sex with her best friend. And she would not regret it tomorrow. Unless it was bad, but the man was too damn potent to be bad at the sensual arts. Jade splashed water on  her wrists to calm her racing heart and looked herself in the mirror. Her skin was flushed and her body felt heavy with arousal.
I can do this.

Now the only question that remained was, should she remove the dress now or let Anthony do it? A wicked smile crossed her face.
In for a penny
, as her grandma always said before a big decision. Slowly she pulled down the invisible zipper and stepped from the dress that had made Anthony practically drool at her feet, hanging it up on the back of the door. Dressed in nothing but her nude pumps and a pair of blush rose boy shorts that made her ass look incredible, she pulled the door open and stepped out.

“It’s about time, I thought I might have to call in a search party,” Jade smiled. The kitchen. He was in the kitchen.

Straightening her back she put an extra swing in her hips and went to join him. “I was just putting my game face on,” she told him, or rather his back. As usual, he was fixing up some kind of dish for them to enjoy. A preamble to what they were both waiting for. “Whatcha makin’?”

Anthony turned with a bowl of caramel sauce that he promptly dropped on the floor. “Holy hell Jade! What are you trying to do to me?”

Jade placed her hand to her chest and gave off a husky laugh that drew his attention to her naked breasts. She often thought they were too big, but the heated look aimed at her told her he thought they were perfect. “Me? Oh I’m just trying to get your attention.”

“Well, you sure as hell have it.” In one quick move he was around the counter, and so close her hardened nipples brushed against his shirt. “Now that you have it, what will you do with it?”

Her throat was so dry words were impossible, so Jade fisted his shirt and pulled him down to her mouth, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging until his hands gripped her ass. A swipe of the tongue soothed the bite, and another swipe sent the temperature in the room up about twenty degrees. Back and forth she went, teasing him with her tongue, licking soft and hard before she sucked his tongue into her mouth until he moaned and pressed the hard ridge behind his jeans into her core.

“Jade,” he moaned and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, so their bodies were perfectly aligned.
The perfect fit.
A few steps and he laid her on the butcher block table in the middle of his kitchen, burnt honey eyes raking over her quivering body. “God those nipples, are they sweet like blackberries or are they tart like boysenberries?” He didn’t wait for an answer, Anthony just bent over and wrapped his mouth around one of the taut peaks, tugging hard enough to make her cry out. Her chest heaved while his tongue licked all around her breast, nibbling the underside before clamping down on the nipple.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned while her hips moved on their own. She fisted her hands in his longish locks and held him close to her breasts, relishing the way his mouth made her body sing.

“Delicious, but let’s try another flavor.” His brown eyes were alight with mischief as he dipped his finger in a small bowl near the stove and smeared the caramel sauce all over her nipples and down her abdomen. “There we go,” he said and proceeded to drive her out of her ever loving mind as he worked hard to lick every drop of sauce from her body. “Somehow even better.”

“Anthony,” she warned. “I’m kind of going crazy over here,” she smiled but her voice was strained and husky.


She groaned in frustration that was quickly abated when his knuckles grazed her folds, and her hips thrust forward with a mindless focus. Then his face hovered over where she ached, throbbed, dripped for him. For his touch. “Please,” she moaned and lifted her hips, so he tug off her panties.

BOOK: A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance)
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