A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance) (61 page)

BOOK: A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance)
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“If I’d known you were wearing these under that dress, we would’ve made love right there by the creek.” He smiled and spread her knees, gazing to where those smooth brown lips glistened and ran a finger through her moisture. “So wet. Is this for me,” he asked playfully.

Jade was feeling a bit playful herself. “Nope, it’s for me,” she told him and boldly brushed two fingers through her folds until her back arched and she cried out. She smiled when he growled and brushed her hand aside, replacing it with his mouth. When his mouth touched hers, all thoughts fled, leaving Jade nothing more than one giant nerve ending. A bundle of feelings. “Yes, oh god yes!”

Her words seemed to spur him on and his mouth attacked hers with the ferocity of a starving man. His tongue was wide and flat, opening her up with every pass, again and again until her body trembled. Anthony’s big hands pressed down on her abdomen, keeping her right where
wanted her. Pulling her clit into his mouth, he hummed when she cried out and her thighs tightened around his head. He tried to insert a finger, but she resisted.

“No, I only want you inside me right now.” Her words were bold and breathless, even to her own ears but she was so consumed by lust she didn’t care. He smiled up at her and said nothing. In the next moment, he was sucking hard on her clit and Jade flew apart into a million pieces, quivering and pulsing as the waves of her orgasm rolled in a constant flow. His tongue soothed her and brought her back down to earth. “My goodness, you are fantastic at that!”

Anthony chuckled and kissed his way back up her body. “Thank you darlin’ but you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

She groaned and fell back until her head hit the table hard. “I’m not quite sure I can take anymore. But,” her smile widened, and she looked up at him, “I’m willing to try.”

He growled and yanked her legs until they hung off the table and tossed her over his shoulder. “Then try we shall,” he mumbled as he stomped to his bedroom.

Jade had been in there plenty of times but never for this reason, and now the big king size bed and masculine navy blue and grey furnishings seemed incredibly enticing. “Oh,” she cried when he tossed her on the bed and sat up. “No, let me.” She wanted to undress him, to let her hands roam his body freely.

His hands fell to his sides and he waited while she hopped up on her knees and made quick work of the buttons on his shirt and jeans. In no time at all, she had him down to white boxer briefs that made his length look even more impressive than it felt. “You gonna look all night or what?”

Jade smiled and licked across one nipple and then the other before she kissed her way down his abs, sucking each of those well-defined abs while her hands roamed his tight ass, his hard thighs. Then she was removing the white cloth from his body and gripping his impressive size in her hand. Squeezing until he hissed out a breath. “You’re bigger than I thought you’d be,” she whispered, hazel eyes focused on his and that needy gaze. And then her mouth wrapped around the tip and she lost herself in the motions of pleasure, the taste and scent of him. He was masculine and earthy and so big she couldn’t take him all the way.

Anthony growled out, “Enough!” When she looked up at him he pushed gently until she fell backwards and climbed up her body. “Those lips felt so good around my cock, but now I’m ready to feel the other lips.” That grin was so sinful and sexy that she felt herself flood with moisture as her body prepared for his.

Jade lie back with her legs spread, his big body keeping them far apart, and watched as he pumped his erection and pressed against her moisture until he was coated. “Please Anthony, don’t tease.”

Those beautiful lips parted in a smile and his mouth ravaged hers. She was too focused on the way his mouth felt against hers and she was caught off guard when his thick length drove in one hard thrust. Anthony grunted his approval. “You’re so damn tight,” he bit out, his arms shook under the force of remaining still.

“Move,” she urged when her body had adjusted to his. “Anthony if you don’t…oh!” She screamed when he pulled out and plunged deep. “Yes,” she moaned over and over as he slid in and out of her slick heat, ever harder and faster and all she could do was hold on and dig her nails into his shoulder.

“Fuck, babe. So good.” Bending forward he took a nipple into his mouth, alternating between biting and sucking while he thrust hard and slow, then hard and fast. Sweat dripped from his body, falling to hers like sensual rain that soothed her ache.

“Anthony,” she said to alert him that she was close but he changed the position and her words were lost when her skin tingled from his touch. His strokes changed, deeper and slower until they touched something deep inside her and she floated away as her body gushed with liquid. “Oh god, Anthony! Yes! Yes!” Her body went still and an eternity later she floated back to earth like a sheet of paper.

“Fuck you’re beautiful when you come,” he said and pulled out to flip her over until she was on her hands and knees and thrust in again. “Jade, this ass is legendary,” he said, smacking and then rubbing, smacking and then rubbing.

“Anthony,” she cried out as another orgasm  hit, or maybe it was the just the same one intensified. She didn’t know and couldn’t come up with any words, only sounds to announce her pleasure.

She squeezed and clenched, vibrated and convulsed around him and Anthony stroked harder and deeper until a growl erupted at his pleasure. “Oh Jade, babe.” He kissed his way down her back, making her shiver and gasp.

She collapsed on the bed and he came with her, dotting her slick skin with kisses so soft she felt her eyes sting. “That was incredible!” She could hear the awe in her voice, but she couldn’t be bothered to care. He’d rocked her world in a way no other lover ever had.

“Incredible, huh?” He smiled and separated their bodies. “If I’d known how sexy you look when you come, I would’ve been doing it for a long time now.”

Jade giggled. “Well now that you know, feel free to  make up for lost time.” She snuggled close and wrapped an arm around his waist. “You know what I’ve always wanted to try?”

“What’s that?” He tilted her chin, so she looked at his face.

“A sixty-nine. What do you think?”

With a body shaking laugh he kissed her forehead. “I think that’s a great idea, and we’ll do it after my favorite thing.”

Her black brows furrowed in confusion. “What is it?”

“Shower sex.” She shivered and that was all the answer he needed.


Chapter Eight

Anthony awoke before the sun rose and his gaze focused on Jade, curled into his side with a small smile curving her lips.
Even in sleep, she was happy,
he thought as a smile crossed his lips. He’d always loved her in one way or another from the day she shared her Twix with him, but how he felt about her now was different. Sharing their bodies had changed things, he couldn’t deny it, but what he didn’t know was if she’d felt it too.

Her alarm buzzed and she began to stir. Anthony took full advantage of the situation, pulling her close against his morning wood as her body stretched awake. She snuggled her ass into him, hips moving to create unholy friction that had him going nuts. “Morning,” she moaned, still stretching.

He took full advantage of her position, thrusting into her from behind and biting her neck. “I like waking up like this. Good morning,” he whispered in her ear, smile widening when she shivered.

“Me too,” she turned and pushed his chest, straddling his hips and sliding down over his erection slowly. “Especially from up here.”

Anthony couldn’t agree more. Those big brown breasts swayed with every move she made on his shaft. He grabbed her hips and thrust up while she bounced, screaming her pleasure. On and on she went, chasing her orgasm in the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

Until the alarm sounded on her phone. “Darn, I have to get to the shop.” She was still and pulsing around him. “Better make it fast,” she said and braced her hands on his chest, pumping her hips so fast that Anthony couldn’t keep up. He couldn’t think straight, could only watch those sweet breasts and feel that tight sheath clenching around him.

She fed him a breast, and he bit down hard making her scream and shatter in an orgasm so powerful it triggered his own. “Jade!” He growled her name from deep inside as he spilled inside her, holding her close.

“Oh, Anthony,” she said in a breathless whisper as she collapsed on top on him. “That was…too good for words. But I have to go.” Jade swung her leg over him gathered her clothes. “I can’t wear this to work. Do I have any clothes here?” She didn’t wait for an answer, just walked to the bathroom.

A few moments later the shower came on, and Anthony got up to find the clothes she often left at his place after cooking. Jade was a messy cook and usually ended up in one of his t-shirts because of it. When she entered the bedroom naked, he diverted his eyes so she wouldn’t be late for work. “I found jeans and a t-shirt.” Anthony nearly choked on his breath when she slid the jeans on without underwear.

“Thank you for this. And that,” she motioned to the bed with a shy smile.

“I’ll think of a way you can thank me. Later.” He slid on a pair of jeans but left them unbuttoned. “But I do have something to talk to you about that you might not like.”

She froze and looked at him. “I’m listening.”

Anthony took a deep breath and told her all about Sal’s request to meet with her. “I tried to get out of it but he would have just come to you himself.”

“I don’t know, Anthony.” She bit her lip and finger combed her hair into a bun at the back of her head.

“We can do it at my restaurant, and I’ll be there. Just show up Jade. I’ve heard bad things about this guy, so you don’t want to piss him off.”

She crossed her arms. “I also don’t want to sit down to a meal with him!” She slid her heels on and bent over to kiss his quickly. “I have to go prep for a wedding this weekend. I’ll think about it, I promise.” And then Anthony watched her flee.


All morning the only thing Jade could think about—between intermittent memories from last night,
this morning—was this alleged meeting with Sal the mobster. After the things she’d heard from Anthony as well other customers in her shop, she was afraid to meet with him and she was terrified of not meeting with him. Molly had told her over coffee yesterday that Sal cut off eight fingers of the last guy who stole from him. If that wasn’t bad enough, rumors have surfaced that Vito’s wife and his three grown children
their families were missing.

The man wasn’t good enough to be called evil. He was truly a despicable human being who had no problem stealing from hard working people, hurting those who couldn’t meet his impossible demands and killing those who made a mistake. Just the idea of what he could or might do made her shiver so badly she’d created a full bridesmaid bouquet of carnations and baby’s breath. “Crap!”

Why did Anthony even tell her about the meeting? It added a dark cloud to the—hands down—most erotic and passionate night of her entire life.
You know why
her conscious prodded. She did know that he had no choice but to tell her about Sal’s request. Well, he told her, so his duty was done, but under no circumstances could she even consider showing up. She had no desire to meet the crook who would eventually put her out of business. “No thank you,” she muttered and started to redo the bouquets for the bridesmaid. The wedding was a lavish affair that featured thousands of dollars worth of flowers, which would help offset the mobster extortion fee.

When lunchtime rolled around, Jade shot off a text to Anthony telling him she decided not to meet with Sal. Seconds later, her phone rang.

“Jade you have to reconsider. I know it’s your right not to show up but Sal will send his goons to your shop. Do you want that?”

She bit her lip nervously because the last thing she wanted was that monster called Brick back in her shop. “Of course not but I don’t want to meet with some…asshole who is trying to put me out of business by stealing from me!”

He grew quiet on the line and she could see him pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, trying to figure out an argument that would work. “I’ll tell him babe, you know I will. But he won’t be happy.”

“Yeah well, that makes two of us. I’m sorry Anthony. Are you joining me and Grandma for dinner tonight?”

“I wouldn’t miss it! Please tell me it's soul food night?”

She smiled at the hope in his voice. “I’ll let it be a surprise. Talk to you later. Stud.” He groaned, and she laughed.

“Fine. Oh and Jade?”


“Wear the same panties you have on now.”

She thought about his words and felt her entire face heat. “I have to go you pervert.” His words kept a smile on her face the rest of the day.



Chapter Nine

“I decided to bring your purchase to you since you give me such a good deal on petals.” Margo Avery the owner of the only lingerie shop in Silver Creek, held up a light blue and silver bag and smiled. “Trust me girl when I say this stuff is h-o-t, hot!”

Jade laughed and grabbed the back. “I think I’d better wait until later to peek inside.” She’d given Margo an idea of what she wanted last week, but since she didn’t really own any sexy lingerie she had no idea where to begin.

“Try it all on and let me know how they fit. You might want to come in for a fitting at some point, so I know what sex for next time. I’m so glad you guys finally opened your eyes,” she gushed with the kind of enthusiasm found in high school cheerleaders.

Jade gave her a wary look. “Yeah we’ll see about all that. Who knows what’ll happen. Thanks for this Margo, I really appreciate it. Let me get those petals for you.” She grabbed the bucket from the fridge in back and set it on the floor at her feet. “There are some beautiful ones in there and I kept it sealed so you get all the scent.”

“Thanks girl. Say hello to Mae for me,” she waved with her free hand and pushed out of the shop.

Jade smiled at her friend as she left and her body stiffened when a familiar giant stepped through the door. “If you’re not here for flowers, you should leave.” She ignored the rampant thud of her heart and stood her ground.

Brick wasn’t deterred. “The boss wants you at Morelli’s Table. Now.”

Jade scoffed and shook her head at the audacity of the man. “Yeah well I’d like to run my business without giving money away to criminals. Looks like we’ll both be disappointed.”

“Look lady, I’m just following orders. Don’t make this difficult.”

Her face was a mask of indignation. “Oh
being difficult? You goons have already been paid, what the hell else do you want?” She shook her head. “You know what, I don’t give a goddamn! You got your money so please leave.”

Brick stepped forward, knocking an expensive vase off a display case. He cursed and held up his hand to apologize, knocking another smaller vase from a lower shelf. “Shit! Sorry.”

“You’re sorry? You just ruined two hundred dollars worth of merchandise, and you have one thousand dollars you didn’t work for, I don’t give a damn about your sorry. Just get out of here!” Jade was so furious she shook with it. “You monsters think you can come in here and just take over the place. Well, I’d like to see how well your illegal business go once you’ve run us all out of business!”

Brick cursed under his breath and walked over to the screaming woman, wincing when she stepped back. “I’m not going to hurt you, lady. Just calm down.” When he was in front of her she pounded her tiny fists on his chest, and he scooped her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the store.

“Put me down you dumb ox! I need to close up my shop.” She kicked and pummeled him with her fists as he walked to a black SUV and tossed her inside. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for this you, you…ass!”


Jade was still fuming ten minutes later when the goon carried her into Morelli’s Table. “Put me down you fuckface!” She was spitting mad, and Anthony thought she’d never looked more beautiful. Or pissed off. When Brick set her down, she smacked his face and punched his stomach. “Don’t ever put your grubby paws on me again! I don’t care who your boss is, I will have you arrested. Dick!” She smoothed down the gauzy material of her blue dress and spun around, finally catching a glimpse of him. “Oh my god, Anthony! Are you okay?”

In an instant her hands were on his face, caressing and smoothing his hair back. “I’m okay, babe. Promise.”

Jade stood and stormed into the kitchen, coming back moments later with a towel filled with ice and gently pressing it to his black eye. “Was this really necessary?” Her hazel eyes went back to Brick. “Maybe you should learn a few more words and use them.”

Anthony held her to calm her down. “Jade, relax.”

She shrugged him off. “No, you relax dammit. I’ve been manhandled, kidnapped and brought here against my will. I’ll calm down when I’m good and damned ready to be calm.” She curled into his lap and stroked his hair, looking worriedly at his worsening black eye.

“You are a spitfire, that much is certain.”

Jade unwrapped herself from him at the sound of the voice and turned to see Sal. “You! You’re Sal? Why the hell did you do this,” she pointed to Anthony’s face.

Sal shrugged. “He didn’t do what he was told.”

Arms folded she gave him a disgusted glare. “He told me, I chose not to come because I don’t want to talk to you, eat with you or know you.”

“That’s too bad, I was hoping we could come to some sort of arrangement.” He was the picture of calm and Anthony worried that Jade’s unusual display of emotion would anger the old man.

Jade scoffed. “It doesn’t matter either way, does it. You’ll take my money until I’m broke and go out of business or you’ll ruin my store until I go out of business. Either way, I lose.”

Sal smiled. “Since you’re here, we may as well chat.”

“Go on then,” she waved a hand in his direction, her hazel gaze angry and antagonistic.


BOOK: A Tropical Rendezvous: A BWWM Interracial Bad Boy Billionaire Multicultural Romance (African American Romance)
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