A Tumble Through Time (14 page)

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Authors: Callie Hutton

BOOK: A Tumble Through Time
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Each woman nodded in turn.

“When the marshal stopped by my home last evening—”

Anna held up her hand. “He stopped by your house?”

“Yes.” Alice smiled brightly. “He was quite concerned about leaving you here all alone, and thought it might be a good idea for you to join our little sewing circle.”

Anna stood, trying very hard to get her temper under control. “It seems my husband was quite the busy man yesterday. It’s a wonder he had enough time to put together a posse, what with him racing around town, arranging my life.”

“I know, dear. Isn’t it wonderful how he looks after you? It must be such a blessing after having to take care of yourself all this time.”

Closing her eyes and giving a soft moan, Anna sank back down. Since she knew now time travel was possible, she had no doubt where the idea for
The Stepford Wives
had come from. “While I thank you for your invitation, I don’t sew.”

Alice waved her hand in dismissal. “That’s no problem, dear. We will be happy to teach you what you don’t know. The marshal told me . . .” She paused as Anna dropped her head into her hands.

The woman spoke softly. “Are you all right, Mrs. Shannon?”

Anna sat up. “Yes. I’m fine. I’m sure the marshal told you I’m not skilled in household duties, so if you’re willing to teach me, then yes, I’ll be happy to join your little circle.” She regarded them all with fake enthusiasm, and clasped her hand in her lap. “When and where?”

Alice raised her eyebrows. “Why, now. Right here.”

Anna’s smile faded. “Of course.”



Late the next afternoon, Anna trooped over to the café in her new skirt and blouse and pulled up a chair. Her eyes burned from another night of tossing and turning, followed by a day of worry about Wes. She’d been so angry yesterday at his high-handedness, she’d forgotten he was out there, trying to find murderers. Her heart sped up every time she remembered he might be injured or killed. And, despite all his male chauvinism, she missed him.

Missed how his eyes glowed with mirth when he smiled, and how the pupils seem to grow as they turned dark with passion when he bent his head to kiss her. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her again, his hands touching her, stroking her, caressing her skin.

The way her life had been so far, he would probably just up and disappear; let her down like every other man in her life. Marry her, then skip town. She huffed.
Probably why he won’t make love to me. He doesn’t want to leave me pregnant.

Could she blame him, though, since he’d been forced into this marriage because of her stupidity?

Any anger she’d felt yesterday faded with the knowledge that she needed Wes. Not to pay for her things, but to bring laughter into her life, to hold her, make her feel like a cared-for woman. There had to be more in his eyes than lust when he looked at her.

It felt like forever instead of only two days. They’d had precious little time together since the pastor’s untimely visit. Suppose he never did come back? A jolt of panic seized her. He could be lying cold dead right now, never to hold her in his arms again, or kiss her with his warm lips.

Feeling stupid with tears standing in her eyes, her gaze swung to the door when Pete Martin entered the café.

“Marshal’s back.”





Chapter Fourteen


es dropped his saddlebags on his desk. “How’d things go?”

The deputy leaned back in the chair, lacing his fingers together and cupping the back of his head. “Fine. No problems. How about you? Any luck with them outlaws?”

“None. We tore that town apart, but didn’t turn up a thing. The sheriff is worthless, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was helping them hide.” He rotated his shoulders to ease some of strain. “My wife been in?”

“Yep. Just like you said.”

“Did you give her my note?”

The deputy nodded
, offering a slight grin.

With Anna’s ability to attract trouble, he’d been terrified at leaving her alone for however long he’d be away. But with time to think about it after they were on their way, he cringed at what he was sure her reaction would be to how he’d manipulated her. She was such a stubborn woman, bound and determined to shorten his life with her antics.

He spun as the door crashed open. Anna stood there, her chest heaving as if she’d been running. Everything inside him came alive, his entire focus on her. He felt as if a sledgehammer hit his chest, as he took in her hair hanging loosely about her shoulders, her flushed cheeks, and deep brown eyes shimmering with tears. His body hummed with desire, his reaction immediate.

Before he had a chance to move toward her, she flew across the room, and into his arms. He placed his hand on her lower back and cupped her head with his other hand, tucking her against his
body. She tightened her arms around him, hugging him fiercely, placing quick kisses on his chest. She smelled like flowers and sunshine, and everything good in his life.

“You bastard!” She shoved at his chest, breaking their connection before pointing her finger at him. “How dare you tell everyone in town they can’t hire me?” She swiped at the two tears tracking down her cheeks.

He couldn’t help the slow smile that tugged at his lips. Anna was all fire and passion. He could almost see the smoke coming from her ears, and feel the thumping of her heart, much like his was doing at the moment. “Now, darlin’, it was for your own good.”

Anna drilled her finger into his chest hard enough to make him wince. “I’ll be the one to decide what is good and not good for me.”

A soft cough reminded him they weren’t alone. Wes covered Anna’s hand with his and held their joined fingers. “Let’s go on home.” He gestured to the deputy. “I’ll be by later to fill out my reports. Your help’s much appreciated.”

The man nodded, his eyes taking in Anna’s flushed face. He offe
red a sudden grin. “Good luck, marshal.”

Wes grunted and led Anna out the door. She tried several times to tug her hand from his on the short walk to the house, but he held firm. The relief he’d felt when he saw her, and knew she was safe and hadn’t done something risky while he was gone, disturbed him. She was not a forever person in his life. Anna could disappear in a puff of smoke one day, so it was best to get his feelings reined in.

At the same time he’d needed to remind his body to control itself. The touch of her soft skin, her scent, and even the way she stomped alongside him in her fury had the blood coursing through his veins like a rapidly rising river. And that wasn’t the only thing rising. He needed to remember his pledge not to touch her, although he’d already broken that promise before he’d left. If he couldn’t keep his hands off her after only a few hours of marriage, how the hell would he do it for as long as she remained here? Still running the question through his mind, Wes opened the front door and ushered Anna in.

She turned and assessed him coolly, still wiping her wet cheeks. “Do you want something to eat?”

“Did you cook?”


Her eyes narrowed to slits when he threw his head back and laughed. “No darlin’, I’m not hungry.”

“Fine. Then let’s have it out.”

“Another of your phrases from the future?”

She dismissed him with a
huff. “I will not be dictated to.” Pacing in a circle, she continued with her tirade. “I will work, and pay for my own things. When you married me, you did not get a housekeeper. I’m lousy at that stuff. Most likely I can learn to cook on that stove, but we need to find a laundry, because I don’t do wash on a scrub board.” She stopped and took a deep breath, then glared at him. “And I hate sewing.”


“What?” She puffed out air, sending strands of hair dancing across her forehead.

Wes sat and pulled her onto his lap. Most likely a bad idea considering what happened the last time they were in this position.

“I have no idea what your time is like, but I know how things are now.” He placed his index finger on her lips when she opened her mouth to speak. “Let me finish.”

As he spoke, he played with the soft curls gracing her shoulder. “If you insist on getting a job, the town will consider me a failure as a husband.” When she didn’t interrupt, he eased his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “A man earns the wages, and the woman takes care of the house and children.” He glanced sideways at her, expecting a snide remark about their separate sleeping quarters.

As she stared at him with her deep brown eyes, blood pounded in his ears at her nearness, and he had a difficult time remembering why he wanted them to sleep apart. She shifted on his lap and he swallowed a groan. Without conscious thought, his hand moved up and he skimmed his knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek. Her eyes grew wide at his touch, and she ran a tempting pink tongue over her lips.

“Wes?” She leaned in, her voice low and sultry. “I don’t think I can live like that.” Her warm, sweet breath drifted over him as she slid her palms up his chest to settle on his shoulders.

“Like what?”

She hesitated. “I don’t remember.”


Their lips met in a sudden explosion of need and desire.



Anna returned his kiss with a hunger that frightened her, all her senses erupting with awareness. Wes’s body, hard and warm, his scent of dust, leather and male, the low growl from his chest reverberating against her already sensitized breasts hurled her into a state of arousal she’d never felt before. Her hands slid over his chest, back, and neck, enjoying the feel of his muscles ripping under her touch.

Her eager fingers unbuttoned his shirt, shoving the material apart to expose his golden skin lightly sprinkled with dark hairs.

Wes released her mouth and trailed kisses across her cheek, teasing her skin, traveling down her jawline to her neck. She leaned to one side to give him greater access, a moan escaping her lips. Heat built up in her middle, spreading outward, tightening her nipples, and causing tingles at the juncture of her thighs.

“My God, I can’t stop tasting you,” he murmured as he cupped her breast, molding her flesh, making her frantic to remove the clothing that kept them from skin to skin contact.

“Let’s go into the bedroom,” Anna gasped as he scraped his teeth over her nipple through the material of her blouse.

Moving quickly, he
jumped up and strode down the hall, his arms cradling her against him as his lips found hers once more in a searing kiss. He laid her carefully on the bed and sat back to stare at her. “You know this isn’t a good idea.” His chest rose and fell with deep breaths.

“Why not?”

He looked befuddled. “Don’t know.” Then his nimble fingers unfastened the buttons down the front of her blouse, easing it off her shoulders. Almost as if he touched the finest crystal, he drew the straps of her chemise down, revealing her breasts. He gulped in air and gently settled his large palm on her nipple, watching her with half lidded eyes. He rotated his hand, and Anna moaned, arching her back for greater contact.

How I love to look at you.” Wes’s voice held awe as he circled her nipple with his thumb before leaning down to draw the rigid point into his mouth. “So soft.”

Heat shot to her
center where the sensitive flesh swelled, almost to the point of pain. Once she had his shirt freed from his pants, he sat up and helped her remove it, then loosened his belt. He stopped her hand as she reached to touch his cock.

“No. I want to see
all of you first.” Wes removed her blouse and chemise, then gripped the waistband of her skirt and slowly pulled it down and off, taking her drawers with him, until she lay naked.

“Your turn,” Anna whispered.

He slowly ran his palm over her body, his hand dipping into her curves, brushing lightly over the dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. “You take my breath away,” he murmured.

He kissed her lightly on her
belly before standing to remove his pants, the proof of his desire jutting forth, making her fingers itch to touch him, feel the silk on steel. Her heart sped up, the heat from her body like a raging fever, releasing beads of sweat on her forehead and upper lip. He was magnificent, all broad shoulders, massive chest, slim hips and powerful legs dusted with fine hairs.

No sooner had she raised her arms in invitation then he was on her, crushing her body against his, taking her mouth in a blistering kiss. The musky smell of his arousal shot right to her core, making it weep. Unable to keep her hands still, she kneaded the muscles of his back, sliding her palms down to cup his buttocks.

“Slow down sweetheart, I want to pleasure you first.” His soft whisper against her neck where he nibbled, then soothed with his tongue, drove her to heights she’d never imagined.

This wasn’t just sex, but the man in her arms. How she’d feared for his life when he was gone. And the relief that flooded her at the sight of him standing in the jailhouse unharmed had almost brought her to her knees.

He was everything she ever imagined in a man. What she’d missed from her father, didn’t have with her fiancé. Wes’s honor, integrity, and even his vulnerability were traits that made up who he was, and strengthened her attraction to him. No other man had affected her with such force, such yearning to be part of him. The desire to join together, not just physically, but in every way possible.

I love him.

The words echoed in her brain, bringing a rush that swept over her in waves. She loved Wes. Right here was her place in life, in his arms, regardless of ‘when’ they were, what their differences happened to be.

Nothing else seemed important any more. Only that she stay with him. Here or there didn’t matter. She closed her eyes, everything now clear−the reason for this journey. At last she found where she belonged.



Wes eased back the damp curls from Anna’s forehead. She opened her beautiful brown eyes, a small tear seeping down her cheek.

“What’s the matter, darlin’?”

She traced his features with her finger. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” She smiled and pulled his head down, capturing his mouth.

Every reason he had to avoid making love to his wife had flown out the window the minute their lips met. He was tired of denying himself the passion she had awakened in him, passion that he’d never felt for another woman. Seeing her come through the door to the jailhouse, frazzled as she was, had convinced him of his feelings. She was his, for as long as he could have her. The agony of losing her, should she disappear one day, would be dealt with then. He had her now, wanted her now, and loved her now.

He shook with the need to possess her completely, join them together body and soul. With his lips, hands and tongue he worshiped her, told her with his body how much she meant to him, would always mean to him.

“Wes,” she panted, “I ache.”

“I know darlin’, let me help you.” He left the generous globe he’d been savoring and made his way down her body, nipping at her flesh, soothing the spot with kisses, then trailing his tongue around her navel. Anna’s breath hissed from between her teeth.

Wes parted her legs and blew softly on her swollen
flesh. He glanced up at her−flushed, panting, her eyes tightly closed. His tongue glided over her moistness, tasting the perfume that was Anna. Within seconds she reached down to tug his mouth closer, her thighs hugging his head until she shuddered with her release.

Unable to resist
any longer, he rose above her, resting on both elbows. “Have you ever been with a man, sweetheart?”

She cupped his cheek, her eyes soft and loving. “Yes−and I wish it had been you.”

“I do, too.” He kissed her forehead.

“Does it matter?”

“Not that I wasn’t the first. As long as I’m the last.”

He savored her mouth, sharing her taste as he slid into her warmth. Surrounded by heat and moisture, he stopped and tightened his muscles in an attempt to hold still before he took his release too quickly. Anna began to move again in a way that told him her body was preparing for another climax. Prompted by her agitation, he began to thrust harder, shifting his body so he came into contact with
her swollen nub.

Their bodies slid together, the air filled with deep breaths and slight mewling sounds from Anna. Wes buried his face against her shoulder, pulling her closer. “Don’t ever leave me.”

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