The Teflon Queen

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Authors: Silk White

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BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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The Teflon Queen



A Novel By





Silk White


Good2Go Publishing


Copyright © 2011 Silk White


All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher.


This novel is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.


Published by:
7311 W. Glass Lane
Laveen, AZ 85339
twitter @good2gobooks


ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James


Cover design: Davida Baldwin
Edited by: M.S.Hunter
Typesetter: Rukyyah
ISBN: 978-0-615-54952-1









Thanks to all of my fans for riding with me… Enjoy!







Jerry Bourne sat in the back of his limousine sipping on a glass of wine, enjoying the nice cool breeze from the air conditioner. In between his legs sat a metal briefcase. Jerry didn’t know what was inside the briefcase, all he knew was his boss was paying him a ton of money just for him to deliver it to a few Mexicans over at the Ramada hotel.


On any other given day Jerry would have never been caught dead in a place like that, but today was different. Today Jerry was more then happy to step foot in the Ramada, especially since he was getting paid for the job.


Once the limo pulled up in front of the hotel, Jerry quickly hopped out and power walked inside the building. He held on to the briefcase like it was a new born baby, as he walked past the middle class people towards the room he was told to meet the Mexicans. Jerry hated poor people, and hated being anywhere around them. He couldn’t wait to make the dropoff so he could hurry up and be back on his way out of slumville as he called it.


When Jerry reached the room he was looking for, he took a deep breath, as he knocked lightly on the door. Seconds later a Mexican man with a thick mustache answered the door with a no nonsense look on his face.


Come in!” He ordered, moving to the side so Jerry could enter the room.

Jerry stepped in the room, and immediately was scared to death when he saw four rough looking, bodies full of tattoos, Mexicans standing up all holding automatic weapons.


How you doing guys?” Jerry asked in a friendly tone.


What’s in the case?” One of the Mexican’s asked never taking his eyes off of Jerry. The Mexican’s could smell fear coming off of Jerry as he stood there with a stupid look on his face.


I don’t know” Jerry said nervously. “My orders were to just drop the case off to you guys, and then I’d be on my way.” He said handing the briefcase to one of the Mexican’s. Jerry turned, and got ready to leave until a strong hand grabbed his shoulder stopping him in mid-stride.


Leaving already?” One of the Mexican’s asked.


Yeah, I really need to get going...I have to go pick my wife up from work” Jerry lied.


I think you might want to hang around”, the leader of the group said. “At least until we make sure everything that’s supposed to be in the case is in here”.


Sure, no problem,” Jerry agreed. The longer he stood in the hotel room with the Mexican’s the more his body began to sweat.


Why you look so nervous?” The leader asked.

I’m fine” Jerry replied. “Just hurry up so I can be on my way.”

The leader of the group smiled, as he popped up the locks on the briefcase. Just as he got ready to open the briefcase, a silenced 9mm bullet pierced through his skull dropping him right where he stood, spilling blood, and brain fragments on the rest of his crew.


The other three Mexican’s looked around at each other wondering what had just happened. There was blood everywhere, and the three men didn’t even hear a gun shot. Immediately all three men turned their attention on Jerry.


You set us up!” One of the Mexican’s yelled as he raised his automatic weapon, and aimed it at Jerry’s head.


Jerry shut his eyes, and braced himself for the bullet that would take his life silencing him forever. After fifteen seconds had pasted Jerry finally decided to open his eyes. When Jerry looked up, he saw blood everywhere, along with all four of the Mexican men laid out on the floor, each man had a bullet hole directly In the middle of their foreheads.


Shit!” Jerry cursed, wondering if he himself had been setup or used for bait. As Jerry stood there his mind began wondering...what was in the briefcase. He quickly locked the briefcase back up, snatched it off the bed, and quickly exited the murder scene. Jerry took hurried steps until he finally reached the front of the hotel. Jerry breathed a sign of relief when he saw his limousine waiting for him curb side.


Get me far away from here as possible!” Jerry huffed, happy to finally be out of harms way.


As he got ready to open up the briefcase, he noticed that his driver hadn’t pulled off yet. “Hey, I said get me the fuck out of here!” He repeated. “Hey Ben, do you hear me talking to you!? I said get me out of here!”


When the glass that separated Jerry and the driver rolled down, Jerry couldn’t believe his eyes. Instead of Ben, a beautiful woman with long beautiful silky hair sat behind the wheel. “Hey Jerry”, Angela said with a smile.


Jerry had never seen her before, but when he looked her in her eyes he knew exactly who he was looking in the eyes......Angela, also known as The Teflon Queen.


POW!! She put a bullet right between his eyes, snatched the briefcase from off of his lap, and pulled off like nothing ever happened.






Capo pulled his Benz up to the curb, and placed the car in park. He was highly upset that he had to come out of his house to handle some business for his boss Wayne. In the passenger seat sat Capo’s main man Moose who had just came home from doing a long prison bid. “How much this nigga Max owe again?” Capo asked reading a text message from off of his iphone.

$15,000” Moose replied. “The nigga ain’t call or been answering his jack” he added.

Fuck it, let’s do it” Capo said, as he hopped out the Benz with a bottle of Rosay in his hand. As the two men made their way inside the building, the few men who stood out in front of the building greeted them like they were celebrities. Moose gave each man dap, while Capo just gave them a head nod and kept it moving. Capo was a straight up loose cannon. He loved to show off, and be the center of attention, but his main thing was the ladies. Capo was a ladies man and planned on sleeping with as many as he could before he died or either went to jail. People liked him, but they really feared him, and pretended to like him just so they could stay cool with him. Capo was light skin and stood about 6 feet tall and favored the rapper Cam’ron.


Yo come on” Capo huffed. “What you giving all them niggaz dap for?” He asked shaking his head as the two men hopped on the elevator.


Inside the apartment Max sat on the couch with his girlfriend Shekia watching B.E.T, while her mother cooked dinner. Max knew he was in deep shit. He just prayed he had a few more days to come up with the money. He knew Wayne didn’t play when it came to his money. Max cursed himself over and over again for losing most of the $15,000 in a dice game. He didn’t mean any harm, just trying to flip his money. He’d been staying over at his girlfriend Shekia’s house, calling himself laying low.


I’ll be right back” Shekia said, as she got up and headed to the bathroom.


”This the apartment right here?” Capo asked, as he pulled out his .45.


“Yeah” Moose replied pulling out his twin 9’s. Capo aimed his gun at the lock and pulled the trigger. Once the shot was fired Moose quickly came forward and kicked open the door as the two rush in the apartment.


“Yo, what the fuck is going on” Max yelled looking scared in the face.

“Shut the fuck up!” Moose growled as he back slapped Max with one of his 9’s.


“Get out of my house or I’m going to call the police!” Shekia’s mother yelled, as she entered the living room. Before she could say another word Capo busted her over the head with the Rosay bottle as he watched her crumble down to the floor. Capo placed his foot on the woman’s throat as he aimed the gun at her head. “Where’s the money?” He asked talking to Max but still looking at the helpless woman he stood over.

“All I need is another week” Max said like he was good for it. Capo lifted his arm and sent a shot in Max’s direction. POW! The shot ripped through Max’s shoulder forcing him to flop down on the couch.

“Wayne wants his money today! Do you have it or not?” Capo asked running out of patience.


Shekia stood in the bathroom drying off her hands when she heard what sounded like a gunshot. “What the hell?” She thought out loud as she rushed out the bathroom into the living room. Immediately Moose trained his twin 9’s on the women. “Bitch get down on the floor now!” He barked. Not being a fool Shekia quickly did as she was told.


“Last time” Capo said. “Do you have the money or not?” Before Max even got a chance to answer, Capo had already shot him twice. Once his body hit the floor Moose walked over and stood over Max’s body and sent six more bullets into his body. He then walked over to Shekia’s mother who was now begging for her life.


“No please” Shekia begged. “My mother and I have nothing to do with this.”


“Is this trash your boyfriend?” Capo asked sending one last shot into Max’s lifeless body. Shekia didn’t speak she just nodded her head yes.


Well he owes my boss money, so if you or your mother doesn’t have $15,000, there’s nothing I can do for ya’ll.”

“Wait!” Shekia said. “How about if I work off the debt” she suggested, she knew it was a long shot, but there was no way she was just going to sit there, and watch her mother get killed.

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