The Teflon Queen (6 page)

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Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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I got this!” Capo said cutting Angela off as he turned and faced Carlos. “Where the fuck is Sammy at?” he asked.


”Me no speak no English” Carlos shrugged his shoulders. Capo chuckled as he turned and back slapped Carlos across the face with his gun drawing blood instantly. “You don’t know English motherfucker!?” Capo yelled as he hit Carlos three more times across the face with the gun. “For the last time, where can we find Sammy?” Carlos looked up at Capo like he didn’t understand a word he said. Capo looked over at Angela and shook his head as he fired a shot into Carlos’s knee. POW!”


”Ahhhhhh!!!” Carlos yelled as pain shot through his whole body.


”Last time” Capo said pressing the smoking hot barrel against Carlos’s forehead. Angela sighed loudly as she placed her .380 back in her holster as she walked up to Carlos and quickly swept the legs of the chair from up under him causing him to fall straight back onto his back. She placed her feet on Carlos’s neck and instantly a four inch blade popped out the front of her shoe right on Carlos’s neck just enough to pinch him. “Donde’ esta Sammy?” Angela said asking Carlos where is Sammy in Spanish. Carlos quickly answered the question in Spanish. Once Angela had all the information she needed, she smoothly ran the blade effortlessly across Carlos’s throat killing him instantly. “Come on lets go” Angela said as the blade went back inside her shoe, and she exited the house. Capo smirked as he watched Angela walked out the house, he had to give Angela her props when it came to getting rid of a victim she didn’t play.


”Hold up” Capo said as he jogged and caught up with Angela. Once the two of them was inside the car Capo looked over at Angela. “How long have you been doing this?”


”Too long” she replied not really answering his question. Angela didn’t like or ever answer questions, she was trained not too. Keeping her mouth closed was built in her from when she was a little child.


”Can you teach me that trick you did back there?” Capo asked laughing loudly. Angela ignored Capo’s question and turned up the volume on the stereo. Rick Ross’s song “Super High” blasted throughout the car as the two rode back to Wayne’s place.










Shekia smiled brightly when she finally arrived back in New York, her trip to Miami was one she would not soon forget. For the entire ride back she thought about Scarface, and the great time he had shown her. Shekia hadn’t had that much fun in a long and already she was missing it and him too. “He probably got a gang of beautiful woman that he could choose from” she said to herself trying to talk herself out of thinking about Scarface. Shekia quickly pulled out her cell phone and dialed Capo’s number. On the fifth ring he finally answered. “Yo?”


”Where are you?” Shekia asked.


”The lounge” Capo replied. “When you get here call me from the parking lot” he said hanging up in Shekia’s ear.


”Rude motherfucker!” Shekia huffed as she tossed her phone on the passenger seat. When she got there she planned on asking Capo how many more trips she would have to make to pay off the debt that Max had left behind. She popped her Monica C.D. and sung her heart out while she got her cruise on. Twenty minutes later Shekia pulled up in the lounge’s parking lot, grabbed her cell phone and dialed Capo’s number again.


”You outside?” He asked.


”Yes I’m here!”

A’ight wait right there Moose will be there in one second” Capo said hanging up in her ear again. Minutes later Shekia saw Moose and Kim emerge from the lounge.


”Capo wants to see you inside,” Moose said opening Shekia’s door. As soon as she got out the car, Moose hopped in the driver seat and pulled off in the rental.


”Yo come on I ain’t got all day” Kim said with an attitude as she lead the way into the club. Shekia sucked her teeth, but decided to bite her tongue, and not stoop down to Kim’s level. “She’s with me” Kim said as one of the bouncers got ready to frisk Shekia. When Shekia stepped foot inside the lounge she saw that it was packed like always. When Kim didn’t take Shekia to the usual booth that was located in the back, she immediately began to get nervous. “Where the fuck is she taking me?” Shekia thought as Kim took her to the back of the lounge where two big bouncers guarded the door. When Kim walked up the two bouncers immediately stepped to the side so she and Shekia could enter. Once behind that door a little hallway lead to another door. Kim reached the door and did a special knock. Seconds later the door opened up. Inside sat Capo, Bone, and two other goons. In the middle of the floor was a man on his knees.


”Okay now tell me what happen” Capo said as he sat down in his chair looking at the man who was in the middle of the room.


”I heard this bitch ass nigga!” Bone said pointing at the guy in the middle of the room. “Snitched on you and told Wayne that you were out here doing your own thing!”


”He’s fucking lying Capo!” The man who stood in front of Capo yelled. “I would never do no shit like that” he lied.


”Why the fuck would somebody make up some shit like that?” Bone asked as he turned and stole on the man named Kenny.


”I swear to god I wasn’t the one who snitched” Kenny pleaded.


”Then who was it?” Capo asked in a calm voice. On the outside he was calm but on the inside he was furious not only was it a chance that Wayne would have him killed for doing some shit like that, but it was also a chance Wayne could try to black ball Capo so he couldn’t make any more money in the city, and that right there would be the start to World War III.


”I swear it wasn’t me” Kenny said crying like a baby. He knew he had fucked up when he went to go snitch on Capo the $15,000 Wayne gave him didn’t mean nothing now. Capo was about to say something, but was interrupted when he heard his phone ringing. He looked at the caller I.D. and saw Wayne’s name flashing across the screen at that very moment Capo knew he was in some deep shit. “Yo?” He answered.


”Get your ass to my office NOW!” Wayne yelled before hanging up in Capo’s ear. Capo chuckled as he slid his phone back into its case. “So” he said as he stood up looking at Kenny. “You wanna go around running your mouth about shit that don’t even have nothing to do with you right?”


”Please Capo I didn’t do it you have to believe me” Kenny pleaded sounding like a bitch.

Hold this motherfucker down!” Capo ordered as he reached in the drawer in his desk and removed a big hunting knife. “Niggaz wanna go out and run they’re fucking mouth!?” He said to himself as he watched the two goons pin Kenny down to the floor. Shekia stood by the wall and watched in horror as Capo stabbed, and cut Kenny up into pieces. After awhile the scene got so graphic that Shekia had to cover up her eyes with her hands. Capo stabbed Kenny until his arm got too tired and he couldn’t stab anymore. “Motherfucker!” he growled as he tossed the knife down on the floor. Capo was so pissed that he wanted to bring Kenny back to life so he could kill him again. Everybody watched in silence as Capo went back to his seat and sat down. After about two minutes of silence Kim finally decided to break the silence.


So what we gon do about this Wayne situation?”


”I’m not sure yet” Capo replied. He didn’t know what his next move was, but he it was definitely about to be some drama behind what had just went down.


”Well whatever you decide to do just know I got your back” Kim told him meaning every word.


”I’m about to head over there and see what’s popping” Capo said as he stood.


”You want me to come with you?” Bone asked. “I heard that nigga Wayne got this new girl on his team” he paused. “I heard she’s the real deal.”


”She ain’t all that” Capo lied. “I’ll be good by myself.”

Be careful” Kim said as she hugged Capo before he left the back room. Capo stepped out the back room and made his way back towards the door that led him inside the lounge. “Boss you alright?” One of the bouncers asked as he saw Capo’s shirt covered in blood.


It’s all good” Capo yelled over his shoulder as he headed to the bar and grabbed a bottle of Rosay before exiting the lounge. “This gon be a long night” Capo huffed as he took a swig from his bottle as he hopped in his Benz and headed towards Wayne’s mansion.


Immediately when Capo pulled up he noticed Angela’s Lambo parked in the parking lot. Capo parked directly behind the Lambo as he cut the car off. Capo slid his .45 in his waistband as hopped out the Benz and made his way to the front door. If you looked at Capo he seemed regular, but deep down he was nervous and on edge. The last thing he wanted was for Wayne to find out like this. Capo rung the door bell and waited for someone to answer. Seconds later, one of Wayne’s maids answered the door. Capo quickly brushed past the woman as he made his way down the long hallway that led to Wayne’s office. He entered Wayne’s office without knocking. “What’s up?” Capo said as he walked in and helped himself to a seat. Inside the office sat just Wayne and Angela.


So, this is how we do things now?” Wayne asked staring a hole through Capo. “You thought you could go and do your own thing without me finding out?”


I was going to tell you” Capo said nonchalantly swigging from his bottle. He knew he was busted so he figured why even try to deny it.


I trusted you” Wayne said with venom in his voice. “Treated you like family. When you were running around here broke who fed you?”


The look on Capo’s face told Wayne that he could care less about what he was talking about. “So just cause I was working for you, you expect me to work for you forever? Come on with the bullshit you know I’m my own man and more importantly I’m a hustler” Capo told him.


Look at this motherfucker” Wayne chuckled as he looked over at Angela. “Motherfucker starts making some money now he thinks he’s Wayne. You think you can do my job?”


I’ve been doing it” Capo said cockyly sipping from his bottle. Wayne looked over at Capo with a disgusted look on his face. He couldn’t believe that Capo had betrayed him the way he did. “Get the fuck out of my house!” Wayne huffed. “The only reason I’m letting you live is because I still have a little love for you, but if hear about you or anybody associated with you on any of my corners, or interfering with anything that has to do with me I’m going to send Angela to kill you, now get the fuck out!”


Capo stood up from his seat, winked at Angela as he left Wayne’s office. As he left Wayne’s mansion he felt bad about what had just happened. It seemed worst then it really was only cause of the way Wayne had to find out. “Fuck it, it is what it is” Capo said to himself as he hopped in his Benz and backed out the drive way.


You should have let me kill him” Angela said once Capo had left the office.


Trust me I thought about it” Wayne said pouring himself another drink. “But right now I have enough problems and I don’t need to add to that right now” the truth was he still had love for Capo, and although Capo fucked him over if it wasn’t for Capo Wayne knew he would of either been in jail for the rest of his life or dead along time ago. “What’s up with Sammy?” Wayne asked changing the subject.


I know exactly where he rest his head I was just waiting on the word from you” Angela stated plainly. Wayne finished his drink before he replied. “Take care of that clown as soon as possible!”


No problem” Angela smiled. She was glad that she no longer had to work with Capo. He was cool, but The Teflon Queen worked best alone.


”I want you to come out with me tonight” Wayne said handing Angela the money for the last contract.


”What you mean, to like a party?” Angela asked thumbing through the cash.


”Yes something like that” Wayne said with a smile. “I just want to show you a good time and show you I appreciate what you’ve been doing for me.”


Angela sat and thought about it for a second. Parties and clubs weren’t her cup of tea. The last thing Angela wanted was to be around a lot of people, but from the look on Wayne’s face she could tell he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Fuck it lets go.”


”Wonderful” Wayne said. “Tank is pulling up the car now” he said as he and Angela headed out front. When the two stepped outside Tank was already in the front waiting for them. “I’m going to show you how to really get your party on” Wayne said excitedly as the two hopped in the all black Navigator. Once the vehicle was in motion Wayne looked over at Angela. “So you said you know where to find Sammy at?”


”Yes, I know exactly where to find him” Angela said as she pulled out her .380 with the silencer on it, and began taking it apart so she could clean it.


”I want you to pop his brains out of his fucking head when you catch him” Wayne said getting excited at just the mention of Sammy’s name.

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