The Teflon Queen (3 page)

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Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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Wayne hung up his office phone just as Capo was entering his office. Immediately Capo could tell something was wrong just by the look on Wayne’s face. “What’s wrong?”


”I just got word that one of Sammy’s boys got locked up right after we did the deal with them” Wayne told him.


”Fuck!” Capo cursed. “You think they’re going to talk?”


”I don’t know” Wayne replied. “But I’m not about to take that chance” he said pouring himself a drink. “I need you to take out whoever you can out of Sammy’s crew.”


Wayne liked Sammy but not enough to sit in jail for the rest of his life, therefore Sammy’s crew had to go point black. Wanye and Sammy did business every once in a while, so the decision wasn’t a hard one for Wayne to make.


”I’ll get right on it” Capo said as he handed Wayne the money that Ms. Gina had given him.


”Ms. Gina called me earlier complaining about you as usual” Wayne informed him.


”Man fuck her!” Capo said waving him off. “She needs to be thankful I don’t just slap the shit out of her.”

Wayne just shook his head at how ignorant Capo was. His wild action was starting to mess up business, and if that continued Wayne was sure to have to do something about it. “The least you can do is put on a shirt when you go into her restaurant” Wayne huffed.


”Pull your shirt down” Capo said sipping on his drink. “These motherfuckers are paying us for protection for a reason, and that reason is because we can protect them, fuck if I have a shirt on or not!”


”You’ve been bringing a lot of heat down on our crew and our operation” Wayne told him. “Now I need you to calm down and stop being so damn flashy, that’s not good for business. Remember I’m the boss and you’re the underboss!” He yelled.


”I’ll tone it down some” Capo said as he heard his cell phone ringing. “Hello?” He answered.


”Hey what’s up? It’s me Shekia” the woman on the other end of the phone said. “I’m at the address you told me to meet you at, where you at?”


”Wait right there ma I’ll be there in ten minutes” Capo said hanging up in her ear. Capo stood up and finished off the rest of his drink. “You want me to tone it down a notch….you got it” he said as he turned and left Wayne’s office.




Capo pulled up to the lounge that he owned, and pulled up into his parking lot. He was still upset that Wayne had tried to scold him. To Capo Wayne was turning soft and not fit to be the leader no longer. Capo had already started building up his team and operation. Even though he thought Wayne was turning soft, his loyalty towards the man was what stopped him from killing Wayne. When Capo didn’t have a dime it was Wayne who had looked out for him. That reason alone was why Wayne’s name wasn’t on Capo’s hit list. He hopped out his Benz and immediately spotted Shekia standing out front. “What’s good ma?” Capo said with a smile.


”What’s up my ass,” Shekia said sucking her teeth. “I’ve been waiting out here waiting for you for over a hour!”


”My bad” Capo said nonchalantly as he escorted her inside the lounge. “Send me a bottle of Rosay to my table” he said tapping one of his servants on the back. “Glad you came” he said as he led Shekia to a small booth in the back of the lounge. In the booth sat Moose, Bone, and girl named Kim. This was Capo’s crew. “Have a seat” Capo said as he gave Bone and Moose dap and kissed Kim on her cheek.


”Who the fuck is this bitch?” Kim asked grilling Shekia.

”This here is Shekia” Capo announced. “And she is the newest member on our team.”

I don’t know son” Bone protested. “She doesn’t look like a rider.”


”She has a debt to pay off” Capo said looking at Shekia. “And she’s here to work.”

”What is it that you need me to do?” Shekia asked nervously. She prayed it wasn’t anything to serious like shooting someone or murdering someone. Capos popped open the bottle of Rosay before replying. “All I need you to do is go to Miami, pick up a package, and bring it back at least twice a month.”


”You want me to transport drugs from Miami back to New York for you?” Shekia asked.


”Yeah that’s exactly what you’re going to do” Capo said pausing mid-sip.


”What happens if I get caught?” Shekia asked nervously. Bone, Moose, and Kim immediately busted out laughing.


”You not going to get caught ma” Capo told her. “I already got everything all mapped out” he said sliding her a drink. “Get that in your system and relax.”


”I don’t know about this” Shekia said not liking how the plan sounded. She had never done nothing like this in her life, and the fear of getting caught was eating away at her. She wasn’t the type of girl who could survive in jail.


”Listen,” Capo began. “When you in this family you are protected, you have nothing to worry about.”


”Either you in or you out” Kim said tired of playing with the girl.


”I’m in” Shekia announced afraid that if she didn’t agree to the terms, she would be killed just like her boyfriend.


”Okay your first drop off will be in two weeks” Capo told her.


”Okay you got my number” Shekia said as she stood up to leave.


”You’re leaving already?” Capo asked. “You don’t want to party and enjoy yourself tonight?”


”No thank you” Shekia said as she quickly exited the lounge.


”I don’t trust that bitch” Kim said as she watched Shekia exit the lounge.


”You don’t trust anybody” Capo laughed shaking his head.


Kim got her name because she looked just like the rapper Lil Kim from her face down to her body, so the name just kind of stuck with her. The real reason that she didn’t want Shekia down on the team, was she was afraid that Capo would fuck her if the opportunity presented itself. Kim and Capo wasn’t a couple but they were in a relationship, a friend with benefits kind of relationship.


I’m just saying we all have a lot to lose if this chick decides to get cold feet.”


”She’s going to work out fine” Capo said as he saw someone who was down with Sammy’s organization walk up in his lounge.


”What’s up with this nigga Wayne?” Moose asked. “When you going to tell him you doing your own thing?”


”When the time is right” Capo said staring at the man from Sammy’s crew. “Wayne put the hit out on any one from Sammy’s crew” he announced.


There go one of those clowns right there” Bone pointed out ready to make a move.


”You and Moose handle that clown and get up with me tomorrow.” Capo said as he and Kim got up and left.  




Once outside Capo noticed that Kim still had an attitude. “What’s your problem?”


I don’t like that new girl” Kim said once the two were alone. Capo knew that Kim’s jealous ways were kicking in. He could tell by the way she was looking at Shekia.


We’ll talk about that later” Capo said not wanting to have that conversation with Kim right now. He just wanted to enjoy the rest of his night. “Meet me at my crib” Capo said as he watched Kim hop in her all white Lexus.




Back inside the lounge Bone and Moose sat in the booth finishing off the bottle of Rosay as they watched their target mingle and two step on the dance floor. “When he goes to the bathroom we gonna take him out.” Bone said helping himself to another drink.


Moose was ready to go home, so he prayed the target went to the bathroom soon because he was actually thinking about pushing his shit back in the middle of the dance floor.


Twenty minutes later the target finally headed towards the bathroom. Immediately Bone and Moose followed the target into the bathroom. Once inside Bone pulled out his .38 and kicked in the door to the stall the target was in. Inside the target sat on the toliet sniffing some white when the stall door busted open. Before he could even say a word Bone emptied all six of his bullets into the man. Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow!! Once he was done Moose came in and pumped five more shots into the man’s body. The two exited the restroom and the lounge like nothing had ever happened.




Back at Capo’s house he and Kim relaxed in his Jucuzzi sipping on some wine. Capo let the jets massage his body while he thought about how and when he planned on telling Wayne he had his own operation going on. Capo didn’t want to seem like he was disloyal, but he was tired of Wayne complaining about how he handled business. Capo’s motto was that killers only respected other killers. Capo may not have been liked by everyone, but he was damn sure respected. In Wayne’s world he’d rather talk about things first and in Capo’s world he let his

gun do the talking for him.


What you over there thinking about?” Kim said breaking Capo’s concentration as she glided over in his arms.


Wayne,” Capo answered honestly.


When are you going to tell him?”


Not sure yet” Capo said taking a sip from his wine glass.


Kim could see that this situation was really eating Capo so she decided to lighten up the mood. “Dont worry about that tonight baby” Kim said as she turned up the volume to the music with the remote that rest on the side of the tub. Instantly the sound of Young Jeezy could be heard out by his pool and jucuzzi area.


You better not be thinking about Wayne with all this in your face” Kim said as she turned around and began bouncing her ass in and out of the water.


Capo smiled as he smacked Kim’s ass. “Come here” he demanded as he stood up and finished his glass of wine.


Kim glided over towards Capo. Since he was standing up his dick was hanging directly in her face. Kim quickly placed her hair in a bun, as she looked in Capo’s eyes, as she worked him into stiffness with both of her hands. “Who’s your bottom bitch?”


You are baby” Capo replied as he watched Kim go to work. Kim placed


Capo’s whole dick in her mouth, looking up at him the whole time she moaned loudly. Capo guided Kim’s head to the perfect speed as he place his hand on the back of her head. Kim sucked on Capo’s dick like a porno star. “You like that daddy?” She purred as she pushed Capo down back into the water. She kissed Capo on the lips as she straddled him.

I missed you” Kim whispered in Capo’s ear as she reached back and slid Capo’s tool inside of her. “Ahhhh” she moaned as she bounced up and down on top of Capo as water splashed all over the place. Capo quickly lifted Kim up off of him as he exploded in the water.










Capo cruised down one of Sammy’s blocks. Young Jeezy’s “Lose my mind” could be heard as the Benz pulled up to the corner. Capo hopped out the car and walked up to the Spanish men that stood on the corner.


What up?” Capo greeted the men. “Where’s Sammy?” Nobody said a word. All the men just looked at Capo like they had never heard Sammy’s name before.


A’ight” Capo said with a smirk on his face as he turned and hopped back in his Benz and pulled off. Seconds later Bone rode past on a motorcycle. Kim sat backwards on the back of the bike holding an Uzi. “Let’s do this shit!” Bone yelled over the engine as he sped up. Once the bike reached the corner Kim squeezed the trigger on the Uzi as she watched the men on the corner fall like domino’s as Bone bent the corner on the bike.




Wayne sat in his office staring a hole through Capo and Moose.


What’s the problem now?” Capo asked in an uninterested tone. “You told me to take out Sammy’s men!”


I told you do it quietly” Wayne said shaking his head in disgust.


How many times do I have to keep telling you the same thing over and over again?”


Listen,” Capo said sitting up in his chair. “If you think you can do a better job by all means feel free to lead by example!” Capo wanted to tell Wayne to stop acting like a bitch, but he decided to hold his tongue.


Capo don’t play with me!” Wayne warned.


Wayne may not of had killed alot of people himself, but he had paid for the murder of many of men. His money was long therefore he didn’t have to go out a kill somebody he had a problem with. All he had to do was pay someone like Capo to handle all of his dirty work.

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