A Turn of the Screwed (9 page)

Read A Turn of the Screwed Online

Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: A Turn of the Screwed
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They came almost at the same time, both of them moaning, gasping, their hands speeding up on the other’s cock, until finally they were standing there, leaning on each other, foreheads pressed together as they caught their breath.

He felt Scott try to move, likely to drop to his knees to suck Keith’s hand clean, but Keith held him in place. “It’s okay. Not this time. We can wash our hands off.”

“I wish I could taste you.”

There weren’t many other more perfect phrases that could have slipped from the man’s mouth than that one. “I know. Let’s get a full panel of tests done first. Just to be sure.”

“What about Noel?”

Keith sensed another minefield. “Ideally, yes, she should, too. For her peace of mind, if nothing else.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since I’ve been with her. Besides you now.”

“Exactly the point,” he said, not wanting to tread into dangerous territory, not wanting to cast aspersions on the woman’s character when he didn’t even know her yet.

“I’ll talk to her.”

“Okay.” Keith finally stepped back, rinsing his hand off under the spray with a wistful tug on his heart.

Yes, he wished he could have tasted Scott, too.

There would be plenty of time for that in the future, though.

He hoped.

* * * *

Keith drove. They found a restaurant for breakfast, and after, Keith headed for the Army-Navy surplus store. By the time they returned to the resort around eleven that morning, Scott had a new pair of black tactical boots and comfy socks to go with them.

Back in the room, Keith got Scott geared up much as he had the night before, including a butt plug. This time, he also included a leather chest harness.

Meanwhile, he changed into a bathing suit and a pair of flip-flops.

He smiled at Scott. “We’re going to lounge by the pool for a while. Oh, that reminds me.” He found his bottle of suntan lotion and slathered it all over Scott. The man was pale from his hours working an office job. “Don’t want to send you back home looking like a lobster.”

He bent Scott over the edge of the bed and took several swats at his ass with the riding crop. “Well, maybe I want your ass to be red, but no one else will have to know that.”

Downstairs, he found a vacant lounger near the pool and put Scott onto his hands and knees next to it where he could rest his hand on the top of Scott’s hood. They wouldn’t spend a whole lot of time out here today, but he wanted to relax a little, and he couldn’t resist the urge to put Scott through his paces.

Not like they would have too many chances to do things like this in the near future. Well, sure, they could come up here on a weekend and do them, but this was a perfect storm of perfection for getting their freak on without it even raising an eyebrow, much less the curiosity of anyone else in the immediate vicinity.

He chatted with some friends who walked by, enjoyed the sun, and admired the curve of Scott’s back from his vantage point.

He would have been admiring Scott’s ass, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop stroking his hood and make him turn around.

The way Scott leaned his head into Keith’s touch filled him with pride and longing. And yes, Keith’s cock was already aching.


There were some fun and games of the X-rated kind being held in the shade of the main building’s patio where an outside grill had been set up for lunch. With it being close to two o’clock, Keith was getting a little hungry again.

He gently tugged on Scott’s leash to get him to sit up. “Are you hungry, boy?”

He nodded. “Yes, Sir. I could eat.”

Keith stared into Scott’s blue eyes. By now, a lot of guys would have been whining they were bored, or that they didn’t want to do this anymore. Keith had told Scott he could change positions as needed to stay basically right there, and the man had, without complaint.

That was telling.

He caught Scott’s chin and leaned in close, wrapping the leash’s chain around his other hand. “What’s going through your mind right now, boy? Honest answer.”

Scott unflinchingly met his gaze. “Nothing, Sir. I’m simply waiting for you to tell me what’s next. To follow your orders.”

He kissed Scott, deeply, tenderly. “Such a good boy,” he said.

Scott smiled, visible through the mouth opening in the hood. “Thank you, Sir.”

Chapter Nine

For lunch, Scott was content to sit in the shade at Keith’s feet while the man hand-fed him a cheeseburger and fries a bite at a time. Keith also held the straw for him as he sipped his iced tea.

Scott didn’t want to think about anything except existing in that exact moment, enjoying what was going on, simply being.

Tuning out any comments others made about him to Keith, he focused solely on the sound of Keith’s voice, one he could easily pick out of the crowd now even if his eyes were closed and he wasn’t looking at the man while he was speaking.

In between bites of food or sips of his tea, he rested his head against Keith’s leg and savored the feel of the man’s hand stroking his hooded head.


That was the best word to describe what he felt. Utterly content, more so than he could ever remember feeling before.

After lunch, they returned to the room. Keith stripped and sat on the end of the bed after rolling a condom down his shaft, holding Scott’s leash while Scott went down on the man.

Hell, he wasn’t even minding the taste of the condoms anymore.

What he realized he was craving was more of the encouraging tone, the head strokes, the way Keith had him positioned, between his legs and unable to move. When Keith spread his legs wider and held his cock out of the way so Scott could tongue his balls, he eagerly set to it despite his wrists still being clipped together.

Then Keith pulled Scott’s head back onto his cock. “Okay, boy. Suck me off good.” He grabbed hold of the collar with one hand and the back of the hood with the other and started fucking his mouth, hard, deep, fast.

Scott stayed with him for every stroke, doing his best to work his lips and tongue over Keith’s cock as he thrust. His own cock screamed, straining against the leather jock, wanting relief. Finally, he felt Keith’s cock growing harder, hotter against his tongue, even through the condom. Sure enough, Keith let out that now familiar moan of pleasure and pulled Scott’s head deep onto his cock and held him there.

After a moment Keith loosened his grip a little, to allow Scott to pull back just enough to avoid gagging. With his softening cock still in Scott’s mouth, he gently untied the back of the hood, finally withdrawing so he could pull it off Scott.

He smiled down at him. Scott knew he’d do anything to earn that smile, the way it reached Keith’s eyes, crinkling the corners of them.

Ruffling Scott’s sweaty hair, he said, “Stand up.”

He did.

Keith unclipped his hands from in front of him and clipped them behind him. Then he pulled down the jock and exposed Scott’s raging erection.

“Such a good boy deserves a reward,” Keith told him as he reached for another condom and rolled it onto Scott’s shaft.

Then he deep-throated him, cradling Scott’s balls in one hand while circling the base of his cock with the other. He lifted his head. “Oh, and you may come, boy.”

He deep-throated him again. Scott let out a moan, wishing this could last forever and knowing with the butt plug pressing against his sweet spot that it wouldn’t take much to get him off. Sure enough, less than a minute later, Scott was moaning, straining as pleasure shot through his system with white-hot intensity, filling the condom as his balls pumped a load of cum into it.

Keith smiled as he stood, cuffing the back of Scott’s neck with his hand. “That’s my good boy.”

Scott was still trying to catch his breath. “Thank you, Sir.”

* * * *

They grabbed a quick shower to rinse off. Before they laid down to talk some more, Scott checked his phone to see if he had any missed calls or texts from Noel. He’d texted her good morning earlier while they were out and she’d again told him to enjoy himself, assured him she was fine.

He wanted to believe her, to take her at face value.

Maybe he was putting too much guilt on himself. After all, two years into this part of their journey together, maybe she was relieved she could remove that uncomfortable Dominant role from her shoulders and set it aside.

Maybe she was ready to move on, too.

Only a long talk would reveal that, and it wasn’t something he wanted to do via texts.

They had both agreed on the inevitability of a divorce as they’d transitioned into the weeks leading up to this weekend. Not a question of if, but when.

It didn’t make it any easier on him. He didn’t want to hurt her. Well, didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had.

And he hated that he’d hurt her in the first place. This was never his intention when he’d married her. Sure, he’d had some thoughts, some feelings about men, but he’d never really entertained them beyond fantasies.

He’d never thought he was gay.

Then he’d met Noel, and with every other part of their relationship lining up perfectly, it seemed the universe had provided a perfect answer for him.

Until he couldn’t ignore what was inside him any longer. He liked men. Was sexually attracted to them, wanted to be with one.

Not just as a bi-curious experiment, either.

And the more years that went by, the clearer that became. Especially when he reached a point where it was difficult for him to have sex with Noel without fantasizing about men in the process.

“You look worried,” Keith noted as Scott joined him in bed. Even cuddling with the other man felt…right. Normal.

As if it was meant to be.

“No, not worried,” Scott said. “Just trying not to let my heart run too far ahead of my brain and common sense.”

“Is she okay? Do you need to call her?”

“No. She told me if she needed me that she’d call. I have to have faith in her.”

“She sounds like an amazing woman.”

“She is. I wish I could have been a better husband to her. She deserved more than wasting ten years of her life on me.”

“It’s not a waste if she loves you. And you love her, right?”

“Of course.”

“I’m going to be honest that I have some misgivings about this situation. I am going to need to sit down and talk with her, in person. That’s non-negotiable.”

“I understand.”

Keith reached up and cupped Scott’s cheek with his hand. “I was hoping to have fun this weekend, but this was nothing like I’d imagined. In a good way.”

“Me, either. In a good way.”

Keith leaned in and kissed him. “Where’ve you been all my life?”

“Apparently messing up mine.”

And Noel’s.

* * * *

They spent the afternoon talking before heading out to dinner at a different restaurant on St. Pete Beach. Part of Keith just wanted to sit there and talk all night, but the draw of the chance to play with Scott was too strong, too compelling.

Keith wanted to put Scott through a scene, bind him, beat him, and then fuck his brains out while Scott hopefully begged for more.

If Scott could deal with all of him, the sadist as well as the conversationalist, it would bode well for their possible future.

Sure, Keith had met plenty of guys who’d bottom to him for play or sex or both, but few wanted to do it more than as just an occasional kink, a passing playtime.

Not full-time. Not for realz, so to speak.

Not long-term.

Keith was tired of settling. He didn’t want to settle. It figured that a guy he had great chemistry with in bed and out of it was already married.

To a woman.

Just my damn luck.

The more time he spent with Scott, the more he got the impression that, yes, Scott seemed to be a man of his word. He didn’t slough off hard questions, he didn’t act evasive, and when they revisited topics they’d already discussed, Scott’s answers remained consistent.

All points in his favor.

When they returned from dinner, there were a few vendors set up under tents in the pool courtyard. Keith helped Scott do a little shopping, including a sporty Spandex jock, and a leather jock and pair of leather shorts of his own.

And a larger butt plug.

He was going to need that.

When they returned to the room so Scott could model everything, Keith pulled him in and kissed him, hard, while fisting his hair.

Almost immediately that delicious subbie glaze reappeared in Scott’s eyes. “Do whatever you need to do, including texting or calling your wife. Then we’re going to put your new butt plug in and I want you to model your new clothes for me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Now Keith was hard, a granite cock straining against his jeans. He watched Scott disappear into the bathroom with his cell phone and fought a slight pang of jealousy.

He was beyond jealousy. Or, had thought he was. Hell, he’d just met the guy.

Get yourself under control.

Twenty minutes later, Scott was naked and on his hands and knees on the floor in front of the vanity, where Keith was once again loosening his ass with his fingers in preparation for the butt plug.

Keith’s cock screamed for attention, wanting to fuck him right then, or to shove between his lips and feel Scott’s hot mouth engulfing him.

No, he would wait.

It would be that much sweeter later.

They finally made it downstairs, with Scott hooded, cuffed, collared, and wearing his new boots, leather jock, and Keith’s harness. Keith led him through the even larger crowd to stand off to the side of the stage set up at one end of the courtyard.

They’d watch the contest, which would take around an hour. Once that was finished, the dungeon tent would open.

That was what Keith was anxiously waiting for.

To lay cane marks across Scott’s gorgeous ass. To see how far he could push him in a scene, how much his body could take.

To hear the moans and other noises the man would make as Keith played his body like an instrument.

It’d been a while since he’d been able to have a good, heavy scene with someone. Sure, sex was fun.

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