A Victory for Kregen (30 page)

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Adventure, #Fiction

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Battle of Ovalia: Where Prescot sprang the thorn-ivy trap on Jhansi’s army led by Kapt Hangrol, the Vallian Eighth Army winning despite being outnumbered over two to one. VFK

Battles of Kanarsmot, First and Second: In which Vallian forces held and threw back raiders over the Great River. SFK

Bellendur: Kovnate of the Dawn Lands.

Belzid’s Belly, By: A Brokelsh oath.

Belzur the Aphorist, Master: A new and successful playwright of Vondium.

Beng Drudoj: Patron saint of wrestlers.

Beng Lomier: Patron saint of strolling players.

Beng Teaubu: Martyr who was drawn many seasons ago in the chundrog of Jikaida City.

Bevon: A powerfully built yet gentle Brukaj, slave to Master Scatulo, who obtained freedom by acting a piece in Kazz Jikaida; good comrade to Prescot. SFK

Bilsley: A vadvarate of the Kingdom of Mandua in the Dawn Lands. Dav Olmes is vad.

Black Chunguj, By the: An oath indicating disapproval of an unjust act.

“Black is White and White is Black.” A song about a Pandaheem who kissed the baker’s wife and went floury white to see the sweep’s wife, and so went home white and black.

Blind Archer, By the: Plea to the Bowman of Chance for a good shot when the mark is difficult and a hit uncertain.

Brad the Berry: Landlord of the Hagli Bush in Vondium, a cheerful, resourceful man around whom rumors cluster. Raised a regiment from his regulars; but marked out for high office.

Brince: Second cousin to Inch.

Brokkerim: Familiar form of address from one Brokelsh to another.

Brudstern: Sword mark shaped like open flower, whose magic is whispered rather than spoken. Usually punched on forte.

Brugheim: A kovnate of the Kingdom of Mandua in the Dawn Lands. Konec Yadivro is kov.

Brukaj: A diff with a bulldog face and powerful hunched shoulders, with somewhat short legs. They are determined and dogged.

Bruk-en-im: Brukaj spirit or deity of good will.

Brumbyte’s elbow, By: A Vallian pikeman’s oath.


“Brumbyte’s Love Potion”: Sentimental song created in Vondium out of regard for the new phalanx.


calsax: armored howdah containing warriors mounted on the backs of huge beasts such as dermiflons, boloths, and trompipluns.

Challenger: Flying sailing ship commanded by Captain Hando which took Prescot and the Vallian paktuns off Wenhartdrin. VFK

chavnik: A form of small pet Kregan cat.

Chodku: Archer component attached to the Kerchuri, consisting of two Lanchans each of 432 bowmen.

Chodkuvax: Commander of Chodku. Equivalent rank to Jiktar.

chundrog: dungeon.

churgur: heavy infantryman equipped with sword and shield as basic weapons.

Clardo the Clis: A Vallian hyrpaktun from Vomansoir, a pug-ugly man, scarred, with prominent eyebrows, returned to fight and joined 1EYJ in command of churgurs.

“Conundrum of the Hyrshiv”: Song concerning the comical efforts of a little Och maiden and a strapping Tlochu youth to sort out the twelve limbs they possess between them.

Covinglee: Small kovnate of the Dawn Lands.


Deb-Lu-Quienyin: Wizard of Loh.

Deft-Fingered Minch: A crusty, bearded veteran who ran Prescot’s field quarters in the Eighth Army.


Desolate Wastes: Difficult area, not all barren, confining the eastern approaches to Lionard Den, Jikaida City.

diashum: magnificent.

Dogansmot: Town in the vadvarate of Thadelm in SW Vallia.

Dolardansmot: Town where lived the mother of the Fre-Da twins.

“Don’t dice with a four-armed fellow”: Saying cautioning against taking foreseeable and unnecessary risks.

Dottle’s Playhouse: A theater in Jikaida City.

drexer: Pattern of sword designed in Valka by Prescot and Naghan the Gnat sharing attributes of the thraxter and clanxer with what of the Savanti Sword Prescot could incorporate.

Drill the Eye: A Vallian hyrpaktun from Vond, a squat, fiery-faced man, returned to fight and joined 1EYJ in command of archers.

drin: land; a division, usually of thirty-six squares, of the Jikaida board.

Drogo: A Kildoi who joined Prescot and Pompino in their attempt to steal an airboat and escape from Jikaida City. Bears a grudge against Mefto the Kazzur. FFK

Dromo the Benevolent: Spirit appealed to and given thanks for assistance in the Dawn Lands.

Durheim: Kovnate north of the Mountains of the North in Vallia, south and east of Evir.


Emder: Acts as Prescot’s valet although more of a comrade; a quiet, deft, impeccable, invaluable man.

“Empty Wine Jar, The”: A song popular in Vondium during the Time of Troubles.

Ennschafften: Diffs with delightful baby faces, naive and simple, the men very strong, the women very beautiful, most often employed as house servants. The name they are generally called is Syblians.

Erthanfydd The Meticulous: Spirit of Erthyrdrin under whose intolerant eye the warriors of the Erthyrrhim pass their weapons in metaphysical inspection before battle.

ESW: Emperor’s Sword Watch; at this time two regiments strong, 1ESW has comrades of the Choice Band who created this bodyguard out of affection and concern for the safety of Prescot, and 2ESW

mainly promising youngsters training for commands.

EYJ: Emperor’s Yellow Jackets; at this time one regiment strong, 1EYJ formed from paktuns returning to Vallia and young men from Drak’s City.

Execution Jikaida: Unpleasant form of Kazz Jikaida in which the pieces are taken by condemned criminals and slain on the board, in Jikaida City.


Fakal the Oivon: A Vallian paktun from Meltzer, swarthy-faced; returned to fight, and lent his shield to Turko as
Mancha of Tlinganden
ran aground on Wenhartdrin. VFK

Filbarrka na Filbarrka: Nazab of the blue-grass country of the Blue Mountains, a zorcaman, created the zorca archers and lancers that discomfited the clansmen in the Battle of Kochwold.

Flame Winds of Father Tolki: In the ancient, now repudiated, religion of Father Tolki, his Flame Winds would race across the land to avenge and destroy faster than a zorca could run.

Fiona: Brilliant, beautiful girl, handmaiden to Delia.

flutduinim: collective noun for men flying flutduins.


flutswod: Soldier flying any kind of bird or animal.

Fluttrhim: Flying people of various races of winged diffs.

flyer remained unsaddled: Saying indicating a problem was left unattempted.

“Forbenard and the Rokrell”: An unsophisticated ditty.

Frandu the Fanch: A Fristle who has a very high opinion of himself, hence his nickname, with a sharp tongue, a doughty fighter.

Fre-Da, Logu: Pachak, with all the Pachak virtues, gave his nikobi to Deb-Lu-Quienyin, while his twin ventured into the Moder.

Fre-Da, Modo: Pachak, twin to Logu who shared adventures.

Frelensmot: Town of Vallia in which Jilian Sweet-tooth was born.

freymul: Pleasant riding animal, often called the poor man’s zorca; one breed having vivid streaks of yellow below and a chocolate-colored coat. A willing mount and serves well within abilities.

Frorkenhume: Kingdom of the Dawn Lands overrun by Hamal.

Fruningen: A small rocky island northwest of the island of Tezpor north of Rahartdrin. A harsh, inhospitable place despite the near perfect climate, home of the Wizards of Fruningen.


Game of Moons: A game of arguable simplicity much played by those to whom Jikaida, Jikalla, and Vajikry present problems.

Garfon the Staff: Majordomo in the palace of Vondium.

gauffrer: Diff with rodent features, usually a city-dweller.

Gertinlad: City of Dawn Lands, held by Kov Pastic.

gherimcal: Small carrying chair, sedan chair.

Gilma, Ford of: Leads to Songaslad, a town of thieves.

Glyfandrin: Kovnate of the Dawn Lands.

Gonells: Women of the Gon race of diffs, many of whom allow their beautiful silver hair to grow long, as the men all shave bald.

grascent: A risslaca of medium size, scaled, with powerful hind legs used for leaping, and a wedge-shaped head.

greesh: Term of contempt used by slaves and poor folk ripe for enslavement for slavers, aragorn, slavemasters. Formed from “grak!” and “kleesh.”


GrollenDen: City of Vallia, capital of Zaphoret, east of Mountains of the North.

Grumbleknees: A fine zorca, a gray, ridden by Prescot on a number of notable occasions.

Gursrnigur: Spirit or deity used in oaths by Moltingurs.


hagli: ivy, not the thorn variety.

Half Moon: An old theater of Vondium, partially burned in the Time of Troubles but still in use; the audience gets wet when it rains.

Hall of Specters: One of the Nine Halls surrounding the Chamber of the Flame in the Moder of Ungovich, crammed with corpses.

Havandua the Green Wonder: A spirit of the Dawn Lands of Havilfar.

heasmons: Fragrant violet-yellow flowers.

Hikaidish: Rules and regulations of different styles of wrestling.

Himindur the Three-eyed: A Havilfarian spirit of luck and good fortune, equating with the Vallian Five-handed Eos-Bakchi.

Hiviku the Artful: The archetypal old sweat in Havilfar, equating with Vikatu the Dodger.

hiviku: one of the inferior pieces in Vajikry.

Horata the Bounteous: A Khibil female beneficent spirit.

Horato the Potent: A Khibil male beneficent spirit.

Humped Land: Colloquial name for Moderdrin, the Land of the Fifth Note.

Hunch: A Tryfant from the kovnate of Covinglee in the Dawn Lands, whose father, a brass founder, fell on evil times through spending all his time and money on Vajikry, and Hunch ended up slave. A good companion to Prescot who is not afraid to tell everyone that he is afraid. Went to Vallia with Nodgen.

Huvon the Lightning: A popular deity in Hyrklana.

Hyr Brun: Giant with straw-yellow hair, broad and bulky, seven inches taller than Prescot. Servant to Ros the Claw.

Hyr Flick: A very large variety of carnivorous flower, with green tendrils and orange cones, like enormous flick-flicks.

hyrkaida: in Jikaida, checkmate.



ibithses: one of the many purple flowers of Kregen.

Ibs of the Lily City: A Hyrklanian reference to the ghosts of the Lily City Klana, the ancient ruined capital of the island.

Infathon: Town of the province of Vazkardrin in NE Vallia.

Inshurfraz, the Furnace Fires of: One of the hotter legendary hells of Kregen.

Instructions to Novices: Precepts for those entering the service of Opaz, used to advise and guide all Vallians.

“In the Fair Arms of Thyllis”: A Hamalian song telling of the marvelous deeds of Thyllis the Munificent.

Erithor made scurrilous words and Prescot entertained his comrades from Mandua with them during a Noumjiksirn after a game of Kazz Jikaida in Jikaida City. SFK

Irginian: Place in south Vallia, scene of the battle of that name.

Ithieursmot: Bleak little town of Northern Jevuldrin in Vallia.


Jehamnet: Spirit of harvest time associated with crop failures and other disasters. Known as Jevalnet in Vallia, Jegrodnet and Jezarnet in the Eye of the World, Jepannet in Pandahem and Jehavnet in most of Havilfar.

jibr: Pain.

Jikaida: The premier board game of Kregen. A brief description of Poron Jikaida is published as Appendix A to
A Sword for Kregen

Jikaida City: LionardDen.

Jikaida Dance: One of the dances of Vallia and most other countries of Paz, but not all, in which the dancers retire as they fail to adhere to the movements called for by the songs sung to the music of the dance.

Jikaidish Lore: A hyr lif containing the history, rules, comments, and games of Jikaida over the centuries.

In Jikaida City the Jikaidish also contains rules concerning weapons and relative strengths of the humans acting as pieces.

Jilian: A brilliant girl, a Jikai Vuvushi, one of six children of a Banje shop keeper who failed. She was taken in by the Little Sisters of Opaz and taught sewing, then the Sisters of the Rose sent her to Lancival.

She uses a whip and a claw like Ros the Claw. Formed a regiment of Jikai Vuvushis. A good comrade to Prescot and a friend and devoted adherent of Delia.

Jögen: A favorite old play from the Fifth Book of The Vicissitudes of Panadian the Ibreiver by Nalgre ti Liancesmot.

jutman: A word describing anyone riding an animal, the Kregish is juttim. It follows that a riding animal must be a jut.


kaida: In Jikaida, check.

Kaldi: Lozenge-shaped kovnate in extreme southwest of main island of Vallia. Vodun Alloran was kov.

Kaldu: A large, powerful apim retained of Jaezila.

kalider: A dagger of Havilfar, sharply curved with a heavy hilt, the blade being very wide at the quillons, a Kregan knuckle (4.2”, 106.68 mm), and curving keenly to a fine point, honed on both edges.

kampeon: A veteran who has achieved great renown and recognition.

Kanarsmot: A town of Bryvondrin on the northwest bank of the Great River opposite the boundary of Mai Makanar and Mai Yenizar to the southeast of the Great River.

kao: One of the many Kregan names for death.

kaochun: The Jaws of Death.

kaotim: The Undead, the living dead.

Karidge, Nath: A fine zorcaman and cavalry commander.

Kazz: Blood.

Kazz-Jikaida: Blood Jikaida, played with people who fight for the possession of the squares on the board.

Kervax: Abbreviation for Kerchurivax.

Khorundur: A country of the Dawn Lands of Havilfar.

Khorunlad: Capital of Khorundur.

King’s Hand: Gambling game played with at least six dice.

Klaiton: Noble House of Zenicce, colors are gray and blue.

Kochwold: A sweep of moorland on the southern borders of Jevuldrin and the northern borders of Forli.

krad: A bronze coin of Vallia, newly minted and issued by the Presidio.

kraitch-ambur: Thunder.

Kranlil the Reaper: Horrific spirit of maleficent evil.

kregoinye: People employed by the Everoinye, the Star Lords, on their business about Kregen.

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