A Well-Paid Slave (79 page)

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Authors: Brad Snyder

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Winkelman, Nancy. “Just a Brief Writer.”
, Summer 2003, 50-53.
Jacobson, Josh. “The Danny Gardella Story.” Senior honor's thesis, University of Minnesota, 1987.
Smith, Maureen M. “Identity and Citizenship: African American Athletes, Sport, and the Freedom Struggles of the 1960s.” Ph.D. diss., Ohio State University, 1999.
Burns, Ken.
. Innings 6, 8, and 9. 1994.
ESPN. “Curt Flood,”
Firestone, Roy.
Sports Look
, June 10, 1986.
Lee, Spike. “The Curt Flood Story.”
Real Sports
with Bryant Gumbel, March 10, 1997.
Moyers, Bill. “Mr. Justice Blackmun: In Search of the Constitution with Bill Moyers,” Public Affairs Television, 1987.
Vanderbilt University, Television News Archive.
Karen Brecher, mailgram to Toastmaster, California Coaches' Association, January 30, 1981.
Ken Burns interview with Curt Flood for
documentary, transcript.
Early, Gerald. “Curt Flood, Gratitude, and the Image of Baseball.” Unpublished paper, delivered at Harvard University, October 30, 2003.
Curt Flood, letter to Lawrence Williams, January 9, 1978.
Curt Flood, letter to Lawrence Williams, March 2, 1978.
Curt Flood Christmas Letters, 1994 and 1996.
Curt Flood file, Cincinnati Reds Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Curt Flood file, FBI, San Francisco, California, and Washington, D.C.
Curt Flood file, National Baseball Hall of Fame Library, Cooperstown, New York.
Curt Flood file, Sporting News Archives, St. Louis, Missouri.
Curt Flood file, State Department, Washington, D.C.
“Curt's Ninth Inning,” Funeral Program.
Bob Gibson, letter to Curt Flood, January 12, 1981.
Buddy Gilbert Scrapbook, 1956 and 1957.
Major League Baseball Players Association Meeting Minutes and Notes, December 13-14, 1969.
Frank Robinson Hall of Fame Induction Speech, transcript, August 1, 1982, National Baseball Hall of Fame Library, Cooperstown, New York.
Gabriel Schechter interview with Marvin Miller, transcript, March 24, 1992.
“A Tribute to Curt.” Oakland Board of Education, March 24-29, 1980.
Lawrence Williams, telegram to Curt Flood, January 10, 1978.
George Will's Eulogy.
Aaron, Hank: criticism of Flood; integration of Sally League; support for Flood
Ainslie, Tom.
Carter, Richard
Ali, Muhammad: absence from Supreme Court oral argument rights groups support for; comparison of Flood to ; draft-evasion case; Howard Cosell's relationship with; Justice Harlan's opinion in favor of; return to boxing; slave comments; starring role in
Buck White
Allen, Bernie
Allen, Dick (Richie); contract negotiations; support for Flood lawsuit
Alvis, Max
Anheuser-Busch: dismissal of case against ; Justice Powell's stock ownership ; as named defendant in lawsuit
Anthony House
antitrust exemption, MLB: challenge to;
Federal Baseball
See Federal Baseball Club of Baltimore, Inc. . National League of Professional Baseball Clubs
See Gardella . Chandler
; Second Circuit decision on; Supreme Court decisions ; Supreme Court's reasons offered to maintain;
See Toolson . New York Yankees
arbitration: independent arbitrator clause ; salary arbitration
Armstrong, Scott
Arnold & Porter
Ashe, Arthur
Aspromonte, Bob
Aunts and Uncles
Baldwin, James
Ball Four
Banks, Ernie: Goldberg as fan of; stance on Flood lawsuit; support for Flood
Baseball Assistance Team (BAT)
Baseball Encyclopedia, The
Baseball Network
baseball writers: criticisms of Flood; endorsements of Flood; reaction to Supreme Court decision
Baseball Writers' Association annual dinner (): New York; Washington chapter
Basic Agreements:
Bercovich, Sam; attempts to help Flood ; portrait of; purchase of A's radio rights
Bill Erwin American Legion team
Birmingham church bombing
Black, Hugo; legacy of; resignation of
Black, Joe: Cardinals treatment of; as pallbearer at Flood's funeral
black militancy
Blackmun, Harry: announcement of decision ; as baseball fan; on baseball losing antitrust exemption; cert petition vote; criticism of Congress ; decisions after
; draft opinion;
case as favorite opinion; friendship with Burger; name games ; position on bench; preargument notes; reactions to
opinion; reading of predictions;
Roe . Wade
opinion ; selection to write
opinion ; “sentimental journey,”; view of
Black Panthers
black sportswriters
Blefary, Curt
Blue, Vida: A's attempt to sell; contract dispute; on Flood's value to team
Bonsal, Dudley B.
Bosman, Dick
Boston Red Sox “Impossible Dream” season
Bouton, Jim; at Baseball Writers' Association annual dinner (); Kuhn's crusade against; at labor negotiation session
Boyer, Ken
Brand, Ron; attempt to educate players; support for Flood's lawsuit
Brandeis, Louis
Brecher, Karen
Brennan, William; cert petition vote; disgust felt for Goldberg; embarrassment felt for Goldberg; friendship with Goldberg; friendship with Marshall; on importance of oral arguments; joining of dissent; position on bench; questioning of Goldberg; role on Warren Court ; view of
Breslin, Jimmy
Brethren, The
(Woodward & Scott)
Breyer, Stephen
Brinkman, Eddie
Brock, Lou; on Flood's comeback; as pallbearer at Flood's funeral; support for Flood lawsuit
Broeg, Bob: criticisms of Flood; fan agreement with; Grimes's appeal not to write negative article; reaction to Supreme Court decision; reaction to
The Way It Is
Brooklyn Dodgers: as potential trial witnesses ; trade of Jackie Robinson to Giants
Brosnan, Jim; free agent ad in
Sports Illustrated
; support offered to Flood at trial
Brown, Jim; comparison of Flood to ; Cosell's relationship with
Brown . Board of Education
; Powell's opposition to; Rehnquist's embracing of; Thurgood Marshall's argument in
Bunning, Jim; on player support for reserve clause lawsuit; questioning of Flood atMLBPA meeting
Burger, Warren; addressing Goldberg; alterations to bench; cert petition vote ; as chief justice; at conference; conference process; discussion of cases with Nixon; effort to preserve Goldberg's dignity; friendship with Blackmun; meeting with Kuhn (); position on bench; reduction in oral argument time; Reed's letter to ; siding with Blackmun's opinion ; view of
case; Washington cocktail party circuit
Burnes, Bob
Burns, Ken
Busch, August “Gussie” (Cardinals owner) ; defense of; Flood's portrait of; hiring of Solly Hemus ; ignorance of spring training segregation; order to trade Carlton; portrayal in
The Way It Is
; publication of spring training speech; reaction to Flood lawsuit; reaction to MLBPA resolution to treat black players like “first class citizens,”; reception of Flood (); as target of Flood's lawsuit
Campanella, Roy
Campanis, Al
Campbell, Clarence
cancer diagnosis
Cannon, Robert
Caray, Harry
Cardozo, Benjamin
Carew, Rod
Carlos, John
Carlton, Steve
Carolina League; beanballs; brushback pitches; fan insults ; Flood's describing as peckerwood league
Carpenter, Bob (Phillies owner)
Carroll, Louis; attempt to delay trial ; death of; at labor negotiation session; reaction to lawsuit; relinquishment of duties; as “The Wise Man,”
Carter, John
Carter, Richard
“Casey at the Bat” (Thayer)
Catcher Was a Spy, The
caveat emptor
CBS: dismissal of case against; as named defendant in lawsuit
Cepeda, Orlando; as pallbearer at Flood's funeral; Veeck's hiring of
cert petitions
Chamber of Commerce breakfast
Chandler, Happy
Chapman, Ben (Phillies manager)
Chase, Hal
child support
Cincinnati Reds: attempt to make Flood third baseman; call up by; minor league High Point team; signing of Flood ; signing of West Oakland players; spring training (); trade of Flood to Cardinals
Civil Rights Act of
civil rights movement; Jackie Robinson's involvement in; support from groups in
Clark, John
Clark, Ramsey
Clay, Cassius.
See also
Ali, Muhammad
Clemente, Roberto; effect of reserve clause on; respect for
Clendenon, Donn
Clinton, Bill
Cobb, Ty
Coffin, William Sloane, Jr.
commissioner of baseball: Bowie Kuhn.
Kuhn, Bowie; Flood's letter to; Ford Frick; Kenesaw Mountain Landis ; Peter Ueberroth; William Eckert
conference process, Supreme Court
Connor, Eugene “Bull,”
Cooper, Irving Ben ( Judge); baseball analogies; trial; decision in
case; decision to grant early trial; decision to ignore Supreme Court precedents; denial of request for preliminary injunction; dismissal of case against Anheuser-Busch and CBS; fawning over players ; praise for attorneys; praise for testimony of Pete Rozelle; preliminary injunction hearing; quoted in Blackmun's opinion; receipt of Jackie Robinson's autograph; ruling on owners' motion to dismiss; view of reserve clause
Cosell, Howard: appearance on
Dick Cavett Show
; at trial; Flood and Miller interview; Flood interview ; Joe Cronin interview; at opening press conference of Senior Professional Baseball Association (SPBA) ; opinion of Kuhn; on reserve clause ; support for Flood; Tommie Smith interview; on union giving Flood a job
Court of Appeals for Second Circuit: denial of appeal by; granting of request for expedited review of case;
critics of reserve clause
Cronin, Joe; at Baseball Writers' Association annual dinner (); at trial; as named defendant in lawsuit; sale to Red Sox; umpire lawsuit against; Yastrzemski as “yo-yo” of
Crowe, George
Cullen, Tim
Curt Flood Act of
Curt Flood & Associates, Inc.; demise of ; lawsuits against
Curt Flood Photo Studio
Curt Flood Portraits
Curt Flood rule
Curt Flood Studios, Inc.
Curt Flood Youth Foundation
Daniels, Bennie
Dawidoff, Nicholas
Denmark Dershowitz, Alan
Devine, Bing (Cardinals GM); invitation as guest of honor to Flood; receipt of response to Flood's letter; salary negotiations with Flood () ; on segregated spring training facilities; testimony at trial; trade of Carlton
DeWitt, Bill
DiMaggio, Joe; criticism of Flood; reaction to Supreme Court decision
Doby, Larry
Doubleday, Abner
Douglas, William; criticism of Congress; draft dissent; friendship with Goldberg; position on bench; questioning of Goldberg; view of
Drabowsky, Moe
draft picks, trading of
Eckert, William
Edwards, Harry
Eisenhower, Dwight .
Epstein, Mike
Equal Justice: The Warren Era of the Supreme Court
Escobedo . Illinois
Eskridge, William
Evers, Medgar
“Famous Artists School,”
farm system: Branch Rickey's popularization of ; Kenesaw Mountain Landis's crusade against
Federal Baseball Club of Baltimore, Inc. . National League of Professional Baseball Clubs
; basis of; Flood's Supreme Court brief attacking; as “impotent zombie,”; Judge Friendly opinion on ; Justice Blackmun's interpretation of ; Justice Douglas's interpretation of; lower courts' struggles to interpret; reaffirmation through
See Toolson . New York Yankees
case as challenge to; Supreme Court's abandonment of limited definition of interstate commerce under;
See Toolson . New York Yankees
Feeney, Chub: at Baseball Writers' Association annual dinner (); at trial ; at labor negotiation session; as named defendant in lawsuit; press release regarding lawsuit; role in election of Kuhn
Fehr, Donald: honor of Miller; knowledge of Flood; opinion of Flood
Feller, Bob; clash with Jackie Robinson ; criticism of Flood; offer to buy Flood's World Series rings

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