A Writer's Diary (50 page)

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Authors: Virginia Woolf

BOOK: A Writer's Diary
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* Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown.



* Aldous Huxley.



† Margery Fry.



* Roger Fry's.



† Helen Anrep.



‡ Margery Fry.



* Francis Birrell.



* A marmoset.



Freshwater, A Comedy.
This was a play written by Virginia Woolf to be acted at a party on January 18th. It was acted by Vanessa Bell, Julian and Angelica Bell, Adrian Stephen and Leonard Woolf.



* Oliver Strachey.



* Word omitted.



* Stephen Spender.



† Ray Strachey.



‡ William Plomer.



* A spaniel.



* Our marmoset.



* London.



† A speech made at Bristol to open a show of Roger Fry's pictures, reprinted in
The Moment
by Virginia Woolf.



* Illegible.



* Ethel Smyth.



* Mrs. Everest who did the house for us.



* This became
Three Guineas.



* R. & R. Clark, Ltd., the printers.



* Monks House, Rodmell.



* Janet Case, an old friend, who taught Virginia Woolf Greek.



† Janet's sister.



* Philip Morrell.



† Became
Between the Acts.



* A spaniel.



* Marjorie Strachey.



Roger Fry.



† Helen Fry.



‡ Constantinople.



* Max Beerbohin.



* E. M. Forster.



† T. S. Eliot.



* 37 Mecklenburgh Square into which we were moving.



† Ann Stephen, V. W.'s niece.



‡ John Lehmann.



* A pamphlet by Virginia Woolf.



* Of influenza.



* A nursing home at Twickenham. f Sir George Savage, V. W.'s doctor.



‡ Miss Thomas, who kept the nursing home.



§ A Rodmell farmer.



* Refers to two elm trees in the garden.



* London Library.



† The manuscript of
Roger Fry: A Biography.



* Desmond MacCarthy and Professor G. E. Moore, O.M.



† William Plomer.



Between the Acts.



* From London.



* John Lehmann.



* Ray Strachey.



* Judith Stephen and Leslie Humphrey.



Letter to a Young Poet.



* Mecklenburgh Square.



* The cook, who had decided to go and live with her sister.



* Lady Oxford.



* The house which we still had on lease in Tavistock Square was completely destroyed by a bomb.



* Our house, No. 52, had been destroyed by a bomb.



† Our house, 37 Mecklenburgh Square, wrecked by a bomb.


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