A Writer's Diary (48 page)

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Authors: Virginia Woolf

BOOK: A Writer's Diary
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Wednesday, February 26th

My "higher life" is almost entirely the Elizabethan play. Finished Pointz Hall, the Pageant; the play—finally
Between the Acts
this morning.

Sunday, March 8th

Just back from L.'s speech at Brighton. Like a foreign town: the first spring day. Women sitting on seats. A pretty hat in a teashop—how fashion revives the eye! And the shell encrusted old women, rouged, decked, cadaverous at the teashop. The waitress in checked cotton. No: I intend no introspection. I mark Henry James' sentence: observe perpetually. Observe the oncome of age. Observe greed. Observe my own despondency. By that means it becomes serviceable. Or so I hope. I insist upon spending this time to the best advantage. I will go down with my colours flying. This I see verges on introspection; but doesn't quite fall in. Suppose I bought a ticket at the Museum; biked in daily and read history. Suppose I selected one dominant figure in every age and wrote round and about. Occupation is essential. And now with some pleasure I find that it's seven; and must cook dinner. Haddock and sausage meat. I think it is true that one gains a certain hold on sausage and haddock by writing them down.


Anrep, Helen,

Arnold-Forster, Ka,

Asquith, Anthony,

Asquith, Margot (Lady Oxford & Asquith),

Baring, Maurice,

Barnett, Canon'S. A.,

Beerbohm, Max,

Bell, Clive,

Bell, Julian,

Bell, Vanessa,

Bennett, Arnold,

Benson, Stella,

Bevin, Ernest,

Birrell, Francis,

Bridges, Robert,

Brooke, Rupert,

Butts, Mary,

Byron, Lord,

Case, Janet,


Cecil, Lord David,

Colefax, Lady Sibyl,

Congreve, William,

Conrad, Joseph,

Cunard, Lady,

Cromer, Lady,



Dickens, Charles,

Dickinson, G. L. (Goldie),

Dickinson, Violet,

Don Quixote,


Eclipse, the,

Eliot, T. S.,


Forster, E. M.,

Fry, Margery,

Fry, Roger,

Galsworthy, John,

Garnett, David (Bunny),

Garnett, Mrs. (Angelica Bell),

Grant, Duncan,

Hardy, Mrs. Thomas,

Hardy, Thomas,

Harris, "Bogey,"

Harrison, Jane,

Hunt, Leigh,

Hutchinson, Mrs. St. John,

Hutchinson, St. John,

Huxley, Aldous,

Isherwood, Christopher,

James, Henry,

Journey to Holland, Germany, Italy, and France,

Joyce, James,

Keynes, John Maynard (Lord Keynes),

Keynes, Lydia (Lady Keynes),

Lansbury, George,

Lawrence, D. H.,

Lawrence, T. E.,

Lewis, Wyndham,

Lubbock, Percy,

Macaulay, T. B.,

MacCarthy, Desmond,

Mansfield, Katherine,

Meredith, George,

Milton, John,

Mirrlees, Hope,

Mirsky, Prince,

Moore, G. E.,

Moore, George,

Morrell, Lady Ottoline,

Morrell, Philip,

Murry, J. Middleton,

Nicolson, Harold,

Peace celebrations, 1919,

Peacock, T. L.,

Princesse de Clèves, La,

Raverat, Jacques,

Rhondda, Lady,

Richardson, Dorothy,

Richmond, Sir Bruce,

Ritchie, Lady,

Ritchie, Philip,

Robins, Elizabeth,

Rossetti, Christina,

Rylands, G. W. (Dadie),

Sackville-West, Victoria (Vita),

Sands, Ethel,

Scott, Sir Walter,


Shaw, G. Bernard,

Shelley, P. B.,

Smith, Logan Pearsall,

Smyth, Ethel,


Spender, Stephen,

Spenser, Edmund,

Stephen, J. T.,

Stephen, Leslie,

Strach.ey, Lytton,


Tree, Viola,

Trevelyan, R. C.,



Victoiia, Queen,

Walpole, Hugh,

Walter, Bruno,

War, the,

Webb, Beatrice,

Webb, Sidney,

West, Rebecca,

Wings of the Dove, The,

Wolfe, Humbert,

Woolf, Leonard,


Between the Acts,

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