Read Access Denied (and other eighth grade error messages) Online
Authors: Denise Vega
Tags: #JUV039060
“I’m Erin,” I said. “Erin Swift. I guess we’re locker partners.”
“Lucky me.” She spun the lock without checking the combination, swinging the door open on the first try. She frowned as she
surveyed my things.
“Do you need more room?” I said. “Or would you prefer the top shelf? It’s just that I’m on the tall side and—”
“It’s fine,” she said, shoving a large black shoulder bag into the locker and sliding her books onto the bottom shelf. Then
she pulled out a mirror with a magnetic back.
“Mind?” she said, pointing to the inside of the door.
“No.” I didn’t really want to look at myself every day but I also didn’t want to start off the year with an annoyed locker
She slapped it up and pulled a makeup case out of the black bag. Quickly and expertly, she applied more eyeliner, mascara,
and lip gloss. She rubbed her full lips together, then flicked off a stray bit of mascara stuck to her eyelid. Now she looked
about eighteen.
“So who do you have for homeroom?” I asked.
Pulling a wrinkled piece of paper from a pocket in her skirt, she squinted. “Brown.”
“I’ve got Rochester but they’re both this way,” I said, motioning down the hall. She nodded and started walking quickly. I
fell into step beside her, though I couldn’t tell if she really wanted to walk with me or not. “Which track were you on last
“None,” she said. “I just moved here from Silicon Valley.” I lifted my eyebrows. The computer mecca? “Near San Jose, California.”
“I know where Silicon Valley is,” I said.
“My bad,” she said. “You into computers?”
“Pretty much.” I told her about the Intranet Club—which would now be the Internet/Intranet Club, I guess—and how my mom was
a webmaster. I didn’t tell her about my totally secret private website and blog because, well, it was totally secret and private
and besides, I’d just met her.
“I’m not usually a joiner,” she said, “but that sounds pretty cool. And my dad’s a real techie, an innovator in some of the
Internet technology. It’s kind of in my blood, you know?”
Great. She probably knew
more than I did.
The first bell rang.
“Got to get to homeroom,” I said, turning down the hall.
“Right,” she said. “Thanks for the chat, Erin Swift.”
It wasn’t until I was settled in my seat that I realized she’d never told me her name.
Tuesday, August 19
Reede Harper. That’s her name… didn’t even have 2 ask cuz people were already talking abt her. Apparently, she’s famous &
she’s only been here 1 day.
“Reede w/ an e on the end”—that’s what she told me l8r.
Reede w/ an e on the end is way cooler than Erin. Why did my parents have 2 name me after some great-aunt I’d never met? Why
couldn’t I have a cool name like Reede?
#1 Mark Sacks
—the hair, the butt in shorts—need I say more?
Other cute guys will go here as I spot them…
She has big 1s.
She knows famous computer people.
All the guys love her.
Most of the girls already h8 her. The 1s that don’t r only pretending 2 like her so they can get in on some of the boy attn
she’s getting.
She is way cool w/o even trying. How does that work?
She has normal-sized 1s 4 a 13-year-old (so why do I feel bad? Some girls r still flat. As in ironing board, table, door.
Jilly’s still barely got anything but she looks amazing, like a model, so she doesn’t have 2 worry).
She knows no1 famous except the guy who used 2 do local stinky cheese commercials cuz he went 2 college w/ her mom.
No guys love her, most don’t even know her, tho some might like her as a friend.
Most girls don’t know her either & of those who do, some like her, some don’t.