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Authors: Avery Gale

Accidental Trifecta (10 page)

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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Chapter Ten


The soft sound of rustling sheets drew both Carl’s and Cam’s attention to the lush curves of the woman laying nearby. CeCe had pushed the dark Egyptian cotton sheets off just enough to reveal the gentle curves of her toned back and the top half of her sweetly rounded ass. God the woman was almost glowing in the moonlight that was streaming through the window. Her pale skin was a contrast to her dark hair and Carl made a mental note to make sure they had plenty of sunblock when they got to the island. He was going to enjoy applying the lotion to every exposed inch of her and he was certain all of those delicious inches would be exposed most of the time.

“She is beautiful, isn’t she?” Cam’s expression was as soft as Carl had ever seen it, but he had the impression his friend was apprehensive about his relationship with CeCe. “I was in the front entrance the first night she walked into Dark Desires. I don’t believe in coincidence. Things happen for a reason, but I have no idea why the Universe thought me deserving of such an amazing gift.” Carl saw the same haunted look in Cam’s eyes that he’d seen in his own and each of teammates over the years—the vacancy that spoke of the things they’d seen and done. “But like any former operative, I’m an opportunist. I wasn’t about to let her walk back out the door with her application packet without talking to her. And I damned well wasn’t letting any of the newbie Doms that had suddenly found their way to the reception area get their hands on her.”

Carl didn’t speak, he simply waited as Cam seemed lost in the memory of that night. “I know you have probably heard about love at first sight and like me, you probably scoffed at the idea. Don’t. It’s real. From the moment I looked up and saw her standing in front of me, she was mine. I fell in love with her as soon as our eyes met and I swear to you I felt lightning race up my arm when she shook my hand.” Carl wanted to laugh at Cam’s pained expression, “Christ, I sound like a fucking Hallmark card, but I’m telling you it’s true. I kept her here that night for hours, helped her fill out her packet, she’d already done a physical so all that remained was the background check. I didn’t play with her that night, but it took every ounce of restraint I possessed. Hell, Fischer would have had a stroke if I hadn’t followed my own rules.” Cam’s laugh was strained and Carl nodded in understanding. Kyle and Kent hadn’t let either he or Peter play until their background checks were done and they’d been teammates and friends for years. Not that a background check on a Navy SEAL is going to tell you jack shit, but it looks good on paper if anybody wants to question it.

“There is something about the threats you received that bothers me. They are worded more to gain
attention than to really show intention to harm CeCe or Chloe.” It was an understatement and they both knew it. The threats were seriously lame and definitely focused on Cameron rather than the intended “victims”. Carl’s best guess was that it was some woman Cam had failed to “notice” and she would eventually show herself—but he certainly wasn’t willing to bet CeCe’s or Chloe’s life on it.

“Jax and Micah drew the same conclusion, but I haven’t seen that yet. I’m not sure I am able to look at it objectively, I’m terrified of losing either Cecelia or Chloe, but my instincts tell me Cecelia is more of a target, which leads credence to your observation.” Carl respected Cam’s admission that he was unable to be objective in his analysis, many Dominant men wouldn’t admit to being fallible. But Cameron Barnes had been an agent for a lot of years, and survival in that world depended on acknowledging your own weaknesses—so you could compensate for them because it often meant the difference between life and death. Cam’s willingness to request the help of a seasoned team of security specialists was testament to how seriously he was taking the threats.

“The envelope just showed up on your desk? And your security feeds don’t show any activity in the area during that time?” Carl knew what was in the report, but after seeing all the surveillance equipment at Dark Desires, he had trouble imagining anyone eluding all the cameras and making their way into and out of the owner’s inner sanctum without drawing attention.

“Yes. And no. Well, the security feeds for the entire building show plenty of
for those minutes, but not anything particularly useful.” Cam snorted in frustration, “We have a particularly interesting five minute segment of
Debbie Does Dallas
spliced in to the same time frame for every camera in the building. So whoever we’re dealing with knows what they are doing and just how long it would take to make their way to my office and get out.”

“Did you walk it through?” Timing would be an important element. Whoever tapped into the security feeds wouldn’t have wanted to leave the porn film on any longer than necessary.

“Yes. And from the front door, it takes three minutes and from the side entrance that is used by staff, it would take four.” Carl was betting his friend had a theory, so he’d wait to hear the rest of what Cam had to say before offering his own opinion. “Personally, I’d put my money on the side entrance. The front entrance is caught in a sweep from the street cameras which are not connected to our system, and the side entrance is hidden by landscaping as a part of the design.”

“I think maybe you should have Micah re-run the background checks on each of your employees. He still has a lot of military contacts, their systems are more difficult to skirt. Do you by chance remember anyone whose record appeared almost
too clean
” Everyone knew that a created background was usually squeaky-clean and therefore highly suspect, but for some reason those didn’t always flag, so they often eluded investigators. Cam simply nodded and began typing into his phone. When he had finished, Carl met his gaze and asked, “What about you? Anyone since we were in school?” He hated how needy the question sounded, but he deserved an answer—it was only fair.

Cam’s eyes dilated as their eyes stayed focused on each other, the lust Carl saw in Cam’s eyes felt like a blast of heat blowing through the room. “No.” Carl hadn’t known how much the answer meant to him until he felt his body let out the breath he’d been holding. Cameron’s answer had almost been too forceful, so Carl just continued to watch him closely. Carl knew there had been rumors around the school that he wasn’t the only one Cam had topped, but he’d never taken any of the stories seriously. The two of them had spent so much time together, Carl wasn’t sure when his friend would have had time to see anyone else. But over the years, Carl had learned most relationships don’t remain exclusive forever. Hell, almost every couple he’d ever known had dealt with the subject of infidelity, and it didn’t matter if they were in a traditional marriage, ménage, or same sex relationship.

Cam had just opened his mouth to speak when they heard Cecelia gasp as if someone had frightened her followed immediately by a blood-curdling scream Carl was sure would bring the entire team bursting into the room. Before he and Cam made it to her side the door was flung open and men with guns drawn ran in tracking the entire room before settling on the three of them.

It wasn’t a surprise to anyone when the team’s newest member, Mitch Ames, was the first to speak, “Well damn, nobody to shoot? What am I supposed to do with all this adrenaline now?” He grinned at Kyle, “Boss, this job may not work out if’n I don’t ever get to shoot anybody.”

Carl saw the mortified look on CeCe’s face ease when Kent’s snort of laughter broke the ice, “I better get back to Tobi, she was spittin’ mad as a wet kitten when I locked her in the closet in our room. Unless of course Mitch here wants some excitement after all.”

“Nope. I may be an adrenaline junkie, but my mama didn’t raise me to be suicidal or stupid. Wet kittens are lots more dangerous than gators.” Mitch Ames could play that poor southern boy routine until the end of time and Carl wouldn’t buy it. The man might have been raised in the bayou, but his mama and daddy were anything but poor, they owned one of the largest oil companies in the south and God only knew how many off-shore rigs they owned as well. Mitch had joined the Army after a night of drinking during which he’d gambled away his car and his girlfriend had shoved him out of the cab too close to a recruiter’s office. His family’s money could have gotten him out of the commitment he had signed, but that wasn’t Mitch. The man had excelled, becoming a Ranger then a Green Beret. He was the Prairie Winds' team newest member.


“Damn skippy.” The exchange hadn’t taken long, but Carl could feel CeCe’s muscles relaxing under his hand and he was grateful for Mitch’s insight. The man was going to be a huge asset to the team, his easy manner might appear effortless, but Carl knew better. Mitch had chosen to leave the Special Forces because he’d been disillusioned by all the restrictions and limitations he felt prevented his team from being as effective as they could have been. From what Carl heard, Mitch’s team had gotten to a young female hostage too late because they’d been held up by administrative red tape. Kyle told the team that Mitch’s re-enlistment paperwork was shredded and returned to his commanding officer within hours of his team’s return to Fort Bragg.

The room emptied and Carl could practically feel CeCe’s adrenaline crash coming on. Hoping to get some answers before that happened, he turned so he was facing both CeCe and Cam. “Want to talk about it?” He hoped to vanquish whatever demons had brought her awake screaming as if the hounds of hell were chasing her. To his credit, Cam just held her hand offering his support, but not giving her an out to answering the question.

The small wrinkles that formed between her eyes let him know she wasn’t entirely convinced talking about it was the way to go, and he had to bite back his smile. She really was cute as hell when she was frustrated. He could almost hear the gears of her mind speed shifting. “Well, I was on the beach and a man walked up and stood over me. The sun and shadows kept me from seeing his face, but there was something familiar about him. He just said he needed to ‘clear the path’ whatever that means. And then he raised the gun he was holding and I started screaming.”

CeCe was trembling so hard Carl wondered if her teeth were rattling. Cam pulled her into his arms and just held her for long minutes. Carl mouthed
and Cam simply raised a brow in question. When she seemed to have stopped shaking, Carl watched as Cam opened his arms and sat back. “Are you sure it was a man? Have you had this dream before?”

“Yes and no. It’s so strange because I so rarely remember dreaming. I know they say everyone does, but I just never remember doing it. And, it just seemed so real…please don’t tell my sister—you know how she gets.”

At Carl’s questioning look, Cameron answered, “Cecelia’s sister, Camille, is quite superstitious, and fascinated by all things
. Fischer tends to avoid her as much as one can avoid a sister-in-law simply because she asks him more questions than an annoying three-year-old does. She badgers him until he wants to throttle her. Adam swears she is far worse than their children ever were.”

Carl leaned his head back and laughed. Once he’d recovered he grinned at CeCe, “I promise not to blab to your
sister on one condition. Take a shower with us before Tobi comes bursting through the door and drags us out into the night in pursuit of God only knows what.”


The shower in the West’s penthouse was pure decadence. It reminded her of one she’d seen in a magazine a few months ago. That shower had been a virtual tropical paradise and CeCe had practically drooled over the pages. Her Master had almost caught her, but she’d managed to simply dog-ear the page and slide the book into the stack when he’d come into the room. She knew him too well, if he’d seen her lusting after the little slice of heaven he would have moved heaven and earth to make it a reality. God she loved him, but the man didn’t understand that she loved him for who he was, not what he could do for her. Maybe she could tackle the beach house’s master suite as a do-it-yourself project? Her mind was swirling with all the possibilities as she stepped in to the room-sized shower. There were multiple rain showerheads pouring down from the ceiling in addition to a dozen or more heads disguised as rocks jutting from various heights in the rock walls. Two stone benches on either end provided more than enough fuel for her imagination.

Cam’s deep voice warmed her ear, “What is going through that brilliant mind of yours, my sweet slave? I can practically hear your mind whirling around. Do you like the shower?”

“Yes, Master, very much. And I—well, I was thinking how I could remodel the one in the beach house and maybe add tropical plants. I did some remodeling to my apartment when I was in college, so I think I might be able to manage it.” CeCe could hear how breathless she sounded and hoped he would attribute her blush to the hot water raining down on her.

“Hmmm, I’m not sure that’s how Master Carl or I envisioned our time there. But I admit, remodeling the master bath is a great idea. Perhaps I can even add a few extra features that you might enjoy, I do know how you love watersports.” CeCe felt her sex flood as her arousal skyrocketed, the man’s voice was like sex set to sound.
That “I’m going to fuck you until your bones melt” voice makes me want to drop to my knees and offer him everything
. But hell, who needs to offer when he is more than willing to demand it all and then some?

Chapter Eleven


For the first time in years Cam felt the thrill of excitement and anticipation. He rarely got to surprise anyone and least of all Cecelia, because she never asked for anything. He swore she was the least demanding woman in the world and it was far more frustrating than he could have ever imagined.
How do you lavish someone with gifts if they don’t want anything? What the hell good is all this damned money if I can’t spoil her rotten?

Thinking back on the day he’d seen her reading in the den, he smiled to himself. He’d known she hadn’t heard him approach. She was usually so focused on him as her Master that he rarely found opportunities to watch her when her focus was not on pleasing him. Even after Chloe was born, he could count on one hand the number of times he’d been able to stand in the shadows and watch her rock their child during the hours before the sun rose. She’d been completely engrossed in the magazine spread across her knees, her face had been full of wonder as she’d drawn her fingers over the color photos that filled the slick pages. From his place in the doorway he hadn’t been able to see what had her so enraptured. But the moment she’d heard him she had quickly folded over the corner of the page to mark her place before sliding the book under several others and then dropping to her knees with her palms resting on her wide spread thighs.

Cam hadn’t demanded she show him what she had attempted to hide, he’d simply waited until she’d left for work the next morning to look for himself. He’d recognized the incident for what it was, just one more symptom their relationship wasn’t meeting all of her needs. When he’d seen the tropical paradise-inspired bathroom, he’d known exactly how to make that dream a reality. Now he could hardly wait for her to see the renovations he’d just completed at the beach house.

“I am looking forward to our vacation, pet. But I don’t want to waste our time now thinking about what’s to come, I want to enjoy
moment also.” He turned her, pulling her back against his abdomen. He’d often forgot how tiny she was and she’d obviously lost quite a lot of weight in recent weeks, something else he’d be monitoring very closely while they were vacationing. He looked over to see the head of Carl’s cock pointing straight up as if its purplish hue might persuade its owner to relieve some of the pressure. Looking up, Cam was surprised to see his friend’s eyes focused on his own rather than the lush woman standing naked in front of him.

“Pet, I want you to bend at the waist and spread your legs for me. Push that sweet ass up so your pussy is open to your Master. And while I fuck you, you’ll serve Master Carl.”

“Yes, Master.”

When she started to bend, he tightened the arm he had wrapped just under her breasts, “And I want you to give him one of your special massages, pet. Two fingers. Let’s begin to prepare for what we all want, shall we?” Carl’s eyes blazed with lust so strong Cam felt as if he might burst into flames.
Just wait until our little sub gets her fingers inside your ass
my friend. She is going to send you into space. Our lady might be a pediatric surgeon, but she knows exactly how and where to press those sweet fingers of her. You’ll be lucky to remain on your feet

Cecelia nodded quickly and hurried into position as if she feared Carl might change his mind. Cam could have assured her he wouldn’t, but he didn’t bother. Now that Cam knew Carl hadn’t ever submitted to another man, he could hardly wait to top his friend again. He didn’t plan to top them both until they were safely inside their St. Maarten estate. Both he and Cecelia referred to it as a beach house, and
that was true, even though it was probably misleading. But the entire property included two additional homes, one was occupied by the couple who cared for the house and grounds, the other was a combination guest/safe house.

The underground tunnel connecting the guesthouse to the main house had been one of the property’s major selling points, it was also one of its best-kept secrets. The advance team Cam had sent to the island reported all the upgrades had been completed and there wasn’t any place safer for a thousand miles in any direction. When he’d first purchased the property, the house had been lovely, but dated. He’d made improvements steadily over the years trying to maintain a balance between keeping the locals employed and happy versus alienating them by making too many changes too quickly.

Pushing himself into her slick sheath nearly caused his knees to buckle. Her body was hot and her pussy was soaked with sweet desire. Hearing Carl’s groan as she took him to the back of her throat let Cam know he wasn’t the only one who would be struggling to maintain their control. Cam leaned forward enough to gain another half inch and sighed when he felt the tip of his cock press against her womb’s opening. “Jesus, you are so hot, pet. You undo me.”

He watched as she nudged Carl’s legs further apart and he saw his friend’s eyes widen as she slid her small hand between his legs. “Holy fucking hell.” Carl’s startled words sounded as if they’d been growled rather than spoken. Having been on the receiving end of this particular “gift”, Cam knew exactly what Carl was feeling.

“Let her pleasure you. She is going to rock your world. Brace your arms against the walls.” Carl raised a brow and Cam laughed, “Trust me.” In order to properly brace himself, Carl had to move his legs apart even more and Cecelia didn’t miss the window of opportunity. Taking advantage of his distraction, she had obviously slid a second finger inside Carl’s anus.

Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. Baby, you are playing with fire here. You are going to—” Carl's words cut off and Cam watched as Carl began to implode. The muscles lining Cecelia’s pussy began rippling before he’d even started the pounding pace he knew would launch her over with both of them.

Carl was already shouting his release when Cam yelled, “Come—both of you come now.” Cecelia nearly choked on the jets of Carl’s release hitting the back of her throat when she tried to scream as her release swamped her at his command. Cam only outlasted them by a fraction of a second. His release had come on so quickly he had barely had time to order theirs before he’d been pulled under by the tidal wave that slammed into him. He slid his feet further apart to keep from tumbling forward and sending them all to the floor like falling dominos.

Somewhere beyond the roaring in his ears, Cam heard Carl softly praising Cecelia, “Baby, you almost burned me alive. I’m not sure I’m going to survive you.” He pulled her up into his arms and held her against his chest while Cam tried to catch his own breath.
Christ al-fucking-mighty
the two of them
going to kill m


CeCe hadn’t been able to move for several minutes, but the pounding on their bedroom door brought her out of the sex-drunk stupor she’d been languishing in. Carl’s chest shook with his soft laughter, “That would be Tobi. Told you we didn’t have long.” He handed her back to Cam and stepped from the shower. Once he was dry, he held open a large towel and Cam set her outside the shower.
Thank God we’d finished, I don’t even want to think about how loud we must have been.

Once they’d dressed, she let Cam lead her out to the living room. All the men had sly smiles, but were polite enough not to mention them screaming the walls down a few minutes earlier. Tobi wasn’t nearly as tactful. “Holy hot cakes, that must have been some nap. I’m sure that must have done wonders for your…um, well, stress level. Yeah, that’s the ticket. I’m sure that was a great stress relief. Hells bells and cotton balls who needs sleep when you’re getting bangin’ sex, right?”

“Tobi.” Kyle’s growled warning fell on deaf ears.

“What? I didn’t ever use any bad words. Hell is in the Bible, so it doesn’t count.” She’d crossed her arms under her ample breasts and stared at her husband. When he finally shook his head and turned away, Tobi looked at CeCe and winked. “I’m ready to go spend some money, what do you say? Your husband paid Gracie and I both a lot of money to set up those shops in his club and I can hardly wait to spend some of it.”

As they made their way to the elevator, CeCe notice that she and Tobi were flanked on all sides by the men and wondered how they’d ever get any shopping done when she could barely see beyond the walls of hard male bodies they were enclosed in. Tobi must have noticed because she giggled, “Don’t worry, they’ll open up enough for us to see the clothes the owners have waiting for us. Lilly called ahead with our sizes and preferences, and if I know my friend and mother-in-law, we’ll probably be treated like Queens.” When CeCe laughed, Tobi looked over and grinned, “Oh, sister, you think I’m kidding and I am so
. You really haven’t
until you have gone with Lilly. It’s a whole new world. Heck, we even had beer and pizza delivered into one of So-Ho’s chicest boutiques the last time we were here. It was awesome.”

“Kitten, you might want to tell Cecelia how that ended.” Kyle’s words sounded pleasant enough, but CeCe heard the steel beneath them. Whatever had happened must have gotten Lilly and Tobi both in serious hot water.

Tobi’s pretty face scrunched up and her hands unconsciously rubbed her backside. When CeCe looked up, every man in the elevator was fighting a smile. Their feeble attempts hadn’t gone unnoticed by Tobi either. “Sure, you guys go ahead and laugh. But I will find out who the rat fink was…someday I’ll find out and then I’m going to call up the hounds of hell, I promise you that.” She looked over at Kyle and grinned, “Bible words are safe.” CeCe giggled, earning her a glare and a wink from Kyle.

there probably should have been more pizza and less beer, but well, in our defense it really was great beer. Whoever Lilly had called to deliver it brought some kick ass—ets stuff.”

Tobi looked up at Kent, batting her eyes, he shook his head and chuckled, “I know the word ass is in the Bible, but I’m fairly certain that wasn’t the way you intended. But, we’ll leave that one open to negotiation. Now finish your story.”

They had gotten off the elevator and made the short walk to the SUV and were almost out of the parking garage when CeCe saw Tobi’s shoulders sag. “Okay, point taken. Well, one thing sort of led to another and we ended up dancing on the counter—in our underwear.” CeCe gasped and her friend grinned. “Oh, it gets worse.” She looked at Kent and then Kyle and shrugged, “Your dads really have incredible timing.” Tobi returned her attention to CeCe and laughed, “Boy were they ever surprised when they walked in. They made sure to delete the videos on everybody’s cameras and all the pictures, too. I don’t even want to know how much they paid the management before we left, but the sales staff was sure anxious for us to come back again.”

Kent chuckled, “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the dads that mad. It was almost scary.”

CeCe grinned at the pained look on Tobi’s face, “You still don’t know who tipped them off?”

“No. I could probably crack the code into NORAD before I’d get one of them to confess. But someday, somehow, someone will slip up, and then there won’t be a hole deep enough for them to hide in. And I shudder to think what Lilly will do to them.” By the time Tobi had finished her story, they’d stopped in front of a small boutique. As they were crawling out of the SUV, Tobi leaned over and whispered, “I’ll dig the rat-bastard out and roast his nuts on a hickory stick over a campfire before I shoot him.”

Tobi and CeCe both giggled until they heard Kyle’s sharp voice behind them, “That’s ten, kitten.”

Kent leaned down and kissed her on the top of her blond head, “Aww, sweetness, you were so close, too.” Everybody was still laughing as they entered the brightly lit store.

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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