Accidental Trifecta (9 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

BOOK: Accidental Trifecta
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Chapter Nine


“Juan, is everything in order?” No need for preliminaries and he needed to wrap this up before Cecelia and Carl returned.

“Señor Barnes, good to hear from you. We will have everything ready to show Dr. Barnes, no worries. The sisters are very excited to meet her, they have been researching on the internet—they have all gotten smartphones now, so they are always researching everything. Mother Mary and baby Jesus, they are making Father Joseph crazy with this.”

“Juan, while I appreciate Father Joseph’s problem, that isn’t why I called. I just needed to know if you would have everything ready for Cecelia’s tour. I want her to see the potential, but she needs to know how much you need her as well.” Cam understood what he was requesting would require a delicate balancing act, and Juan really didn’t know his wife well even though they had met a few times, but he hoped the man could pull this off.

The casual tone was gone from the man’s tone when he replied, “Señor Barnes, we need your wife’s skills as a surgeon more than I can begin to tell you. There are three young children at the clinic as we speak who might one day be able to walk if they had the proper treatment. But our doctor is old, he does what he can but he doesn’t have your wife’s expertise,” Juan paused but Cam knew he wasn’t finished, so he simply waited, “One of those children is my niece, Mr. Barnes. I assure you I will do everything I can to convince your wife that her skills are needed. We will be ready, sir. Our children—they are our future. I promise you we will be ready.”

He heard Juan take a calming breath before he added, “And Mr. Barnes, this is a small island, everyone knows there are men working on your home.” Juan paused and Cam could practically feel the local leader searching for the right words. “Your wife will be safe here, sir. No strangers will be on the island that I do not know about. We look out for our own.”

Cam felt as if the final weight had been lifted from his chest, knowing the people on the island would be watching out for Cecelia was a huge relief. In his experience, small communities were often the safest simply because strangers stood out so quickly, so knowing the locals would be on the alert would amp up their security exponentially. “Thank you, Juan. I can’t tell you how pleased I am. We’ll see you in three days.” Disconnecting the call, Cam looked around his office and smiled. His plan had taken a big hit when the threats to his family started, but he was starting to wonder if the Universe hadn’t thrown him that curve in order to bring Carl back into his life. In the end it didn’t matter, his first responsibility was his family. Their physical safety and comfort, as well as their emotional wellbeing, were all that mattered.


CeCe looked at Cam as they entered the elevator in what had to be the most opulent looking building she’d ever seen. She hadn’t recognized the name on the front, but considering her husband’s former life, it probably wouldn’t have mattered if she had. One of the things she’d learned was when it came to Cameron’s former life, very little was what it first seemed. She couldn’t help but wonder who had provided them a place to stay for the first couple of days. The man who’d met them at the door hadn’t given any indication who had arranged things, he’d merely asked for their identification. When he was finally convinced they were in fact the contacts he was supposed to meet, he’d escorted them to the elevator and upstairs.

Looking out of the glass backed elevator, CeCe wondered how secure it was even if the view was spectacular. “Dr. Barnes, I can practically hear that brilliant mind of yours whirling with questions. But first of all, let me explain the windows which are showcasing one of the most beautiful views in the city are in fact bulletproof one-way mirrors. The glass is specially treated to hide heat signatures as well. In the case of an attempted security breach, this elevator automatically descends into a subbasement safe room. The only place on earth you
be safer would be Fort Knox, but I wouldn’t bet on that.”

She didn’t even ask how he’d known she was thinking about the glass, he was obviously some sort of well-trained security expert and God knew that was certainly not her area of expertise. She simply smiled and nodded, “Thank you. I was curious and I appreciate your explanation.” As they exited the elevator, she noticed Cam and Carl worked together effortlessly to position themselves at her sides just as they had done since the three of them had left Dark Desires together hours earlier. She hadn’t realized how tired she was until she glanced at her watch.

“Pet, I know you are exhausted, but you really need to eat something before you rest.” Cam was looking at her, his concern for her wellbeing was one of the things she loved the most about their lifestyle. CeCe knew his words had been spoken with love, but they were still a command so she simply nodded.

Since she didn’t know the man leading them down the hall she was careful to keep her whispered, “Yes, Master,” quiet enough only the two men at her sides could have heard her. As soon as they entered the condo, the smell of food washed over her and her stomach growled in response. “Oh my God in heaven, is that lasagna I smell? And garlic bread?” This time all three men laughed. “Because if it is, somebody is racking up points like a champ.” When she rounded the corner and saw Tobi West across the room, she screamed and ran straight into her friend’s open arms. CeCe wasn’t sure why she was crying—whether it was fatigue or hunger, but she was thrilled to see her friend nonetheless.

“Hey, why the tears, girlfriend? Oh hell, you don’t think I cooked this do you? Because I assure you I did not, and I can prove it.” CeCe pulled back and looked at Tobi in question. “Seriously, did you see fire trucks outside?” CeCe had forgotten about all the harrowing tales she’d heard about Tobi’s culinary attempts, and just as quickly her tears were replaced by a bout of giggles.

Behind her she heard Kyle West’s voice, “It always amazes me how quickly women can switch gears, it is truly remarkable. And I heard your curse word, kitten. That will cost you five later.” CeCe didn’t know Kyle well, but the gleam of mischief in his eye told her Tobi had nothing to fear from his promised punishment. Turning to CeCe, he smiled warmly, “We’re glad you are here. Your Master felt you might enjoy having a companion and since none of the well-behaved submissives were available, I brought Tobi.” His grin told her he was teasing his spirited wife and CeCe couldn’t hold back her laugh.

“Hey! Don’t laugh at him, it only encourages him to be snarly.” When he growled something to her about additional punishment, she grinned, “Promises, promises…all the time with the promises.” When he swatted her soundly on her curvy ass, she yelped and then turned into his arms and stood on her tiptoes to press a kiss against his lips. The love between them was easy to see and CeCe wondered if their ménage relationship suffered when Tobi traveled with just one of her husbands. Tobi turned back to her and grinned, “Come on, we need to feed you so you can rest a bit before we go shopping.”

CeCe knew she had to look as confused as she felt when Kyle laughed, “Our lovely wife isn’t always good about explaining herself very well, my brother and I tease her about speaking in shorthand. And it’s one of the many reasons it takes two of us to keep up with her. The security team didn’t want to have you out on the busy streets in broad daylight—that would draw more attention than we are interested in at this point.”
At this point? What does that mean? Are they planning to draw attention at some point in the future?
Cecelia’s mind was racing with questions when she suddenly realized Kyle had stopped speaking.

Looking around she realized she was now sitting on a sofa with Tobi at her side. Her friend’s arm was wrapped around her shoulders and Carl was kneeling in front of her holding her hands in his. She felt shudders moving through her and had no idea what had happened. “Sweetness, look at me.” When she focused on his face she hated the concern she saw reflected in his blue eyes. “You back with us now?” She nodded and he pulled her to her feet, “Let’s get you fed and rested before we finish this conversation.” Walking toward a large table that was already set, he whispered against her ear, “Remember that you don’t have to go out later if you don’t want to, Cam and I will be perfectly happy to keep you

CeCe appreciated his attempt to break the ice—damn her little “checking out” moment had sure thrown a bucket of ice water on her reunion with her friend. But to her credit, Tobi seemed concerned, but not overly worried. “Come on, girlfriend, I worked my fingers to the bone on this meal.” When several of the men surrounding them laughed, Tobi’s mock outrage helped CeCe relax after the tension that had pervaded the group moments earlier. “What? Do you know how many different restaurants I had to call to find just what you all wanted—
one that would deliver since none of you wanted to give up your keys? I was definitely having a George Jetson moment, I’m telling you for sure.” CeCe burst out laughing—God she loved Tobi. The woman’s ability to lighten a moment was something to behold and their mutual friend, Gracie, swore it had saved them both more times than she could count.

Cam and Carl seated themselves on either side of her and quickly filled her plate with more food than she could possibly eat. Glancing around, she asked, “Where is Kent? Did he stay home with the babies?” She hadn’t seen him and just assumed he was back at Prairie Winds with their young twins.

“Right here, darlin’. You didn’t think I’d miss seeing you, did you?” Kent’s deep voice and southern drawl made CeCe smile. While she like both of the West brothers, Kent was more easy going and she’d found him easier to talk to. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before moving around to sit beside Tobi. Grinning at his impertinent wife, he asked, “I thought I heard something about punishment a minute ago—you get yourself in hot water while I was gone, sweetness?”

“Not really, Kyle’s hearing is failing and he wants to take that out on my backside. Completely uncalled for, I need to double check the details of that cruel and unusual punishment amendment.”

Kyle growled, “I’ll show you cruel and unusual punishment, kitten. Just keep digging, darling.” Everyone burst into laughter and CeCe felt the last of the tension drain from her as they shared a wonderful meal filled with many of her favorite foods. Stories were bantered around and she had completely forgotten why they were all together until they sat back after dessert and she saw Cam nod to Kyle.

“CeCe, we’re all working on finding whoever is responsible for the threats to your safety. Bringing us in lets Cam and Carl focus on protecting you. The rest of the Prairie Winds team will help, but we’ll also be doing the track-downs, perimeters, etc.” He paused and CeCe knew he was waiting for her to acknowledge her understanding so she nodded. Evidently he was satisfied because he continued, “No one wanted you to feel like a prisoner here, after all, it is supposed to be a well-deserved and long overdue vacation for you. But we also needed to control as many variables as we could, so, we’ve persuaded a few of mom’s and Tobi’s favorite boutiques to open up for you at midnight. We’ll let you shop while it’s easier to protect you. Kent and I have learned from experience that allowing Tobi loose on the city isn’t wise, she tends to forget where she is and becomes quite lax about her own safety. That gets her in to a significant amount of trouble that I doubt you’d enjoy.”
No shit! My Master is a real stickler about that sort of thing.

Looking sheepishly over at Cam, she noticed his half smile. “Well, that does seem to be a sticking point for my Master as well. I’d prefer not to get myself into trouble the first day of vacation.”
Can you say understatement?
The last time her Master had been
that she wasn’t taking her safety seriously, she had found herself over the spanking bench in the club for a paddling that had forced her to stand through meetings the whole next week. And for the first time she had been grateful that surgeons stood during their often-long hours in the operating theaters.


Carl leaned back against the chair in the corner of the large bedroom he was sharing with the Barnes’ and looked over at Cam, “We need to figure this out before we go any further, you know. It isn’t fair to CeCe. She shouldn’t be left swinging in the breeze on this.” Rubbing his hand over his face in a move sure to give away his frustration, he looked up at the only man he’d ever let touch him and wondered what he was thinking.

“Could you love her?” Cam’s blunt question shocked Carl. Of all the things he’d envisioned the man saying, this hadn’t even been on the horizon.


“Could you love Cecelia the way she deserves to be loved?” Carl watched Cam as he seemed to struggle with voicing whatever was playing through his mind. “To be honest, the idea of adding another person to what we have isn’t new, well, it isn’t new to me. I’ve seen the sparkle in her eyes as she talked about things Tobi and Gracie have shared with her. I’m not sure what we have is enough for her now that she’s seen what a ménage relationship looks like.” Carl was shocked at his friend’s words, from everything he’d read about Cameron and Cecelia Barnes, their relationship was the envy of envy of everyone who knew them. Hearing that Cam saw a weakness in the life he’d built surprised him.

“Does she know you thought there was something missing in your marriage?” It didn’t really matter how Cam answered the question, because the truth was, Carl
drawn to CeCe in a way he hadn’t ever been to another woman. Even reading her file as he’d flown to Houston had intrigued him.
he love her? Absolutely.
he? Only time would tell. Was he interested in seeing where things went between them—all three of them? Yes.

“That isn’t a fair question, because I didn’t feel as if something was missing or lacking, I merely wondered if what we had couldn’t be
. Surely you have heard Kent and Kyle talk about the advantages of a ménage.” When Carl simply nodded, Cam continued, “So often the strongest women are the most adept at concealing the feelings her Dom most needs to know, but with two men seeing to a sub’s needs it is much more difficult for her to conceal anything. Also, consider the differences in Kent and Kyle’s personalities—they aren’t so different from the way you and I are in temperament, they each meet very specific needs for Tobi. There are other benefits as well—obviously, but I’m most interested in providing Cecelia with the emotional intimacy I’m not able to give her.” Carl knew that admission hadn’t been easy for Cam, hell, it wouldn’t have been easy for him to admit either.

Carl wasn’t as worried about being able to connect with CeCe as he was re-connecting with Cam. He’d always carefully avoided anything resembling the relationship he’d had with Cameron Barnes. Maybe avoided was the wrong word because he’d never even been tempted. And heaven only knew how many nights he’d passed the time under the stars of some godforsaken hellhole of a country whose name most people couldn’t even pronounce wondering why Cameron Barnes had been the only man to draw him in. Was his disinterest due to the disastrous way things had gone down that night? But the more likely explanation was that he’d simply never found another man with whom he been so physically and emotionally drawn to. The connection he’d felt back then had been so strong it had been impossible to resist—the two of them had been like atomic magnets, and their relationship had filled a part of Carl’s soul he hadn’t even realized was vacant. Over the years he’d convinced himself that time in his life had been a unique mix of circumstances and the attraction was an aberration he had outgrown. He’d been so certain that if he were to meet Cam again, the attraction would have disappeared, or at least faded. He’d been wrong.

Taking a deep breath, Carl spoke, “The short answer is yes—CeCe is definitely a woman I could love, but I think you already knew that.”

Cam studied him for long minutes, not saying anything, just swirling his Glenfiddich around in his glass before lifting it and draining the last of the expensive Scotch in one swallow.
Jesus, Joseph, and Mary
even watching his throat muscles
is arousing. What the hell?
“Is it true? What you told Cecelia about not being with any other man since we were together—is that true?” Carl wasn’t thrilled that Cam was questioning his honesty, but there was a thread of vulnerability in his voice that kept him from lashing out at the perceived insult.

“Yeah, it’s true. I don’t lie. I may tell you something isn’t any of your fucking business, but I won’t lie to her or to you. Ever.” His response had likely been gruffer than necessary, but he wanted to make a point. Honesty was something he had always prided himself on—hell, it was what had sent everything into a tailspin that night at St. Andrew’s. If he’d just gone along with Cam’s version of the story, he would have walked away virtually unscathed, but he hadn’t been able to do it.

“Good enough. And just for the record, I wouldn’t have expected anything less than your complete candor.” Cam paused as he poured more Scotch into his glass before speaking again, asking the obvious question, “Why?”

And there it was—the same question he’d just been considering and had asked himself thousands of times over the years. Why was it only this man? Hell, he’d never been remotely attracted to any other man, but from the moment he’d walked into Cam’s office, Carl had been almost hobbled by a lust-fueled erection. He couldn’t even count the times he’d had to remind himself he was here on assignment. CeCe’s safety had to remain his number one priority, his chief responsibility was to the lovely woman sleeping peacefully just a few feet away, but they needed to clear the air as well.

“I don’t know.”
And no
for lack of consideration, I assure you.

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