Read Accidentally Wolf Online

Authors: Erin R Flynn

Tags: #Suspense

Accidentally Wolf (5 page)

BOOK: Accidentally Wolf
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Most people don

t feel that way about preternatural creatures. We

re something that humans don

t understand.

I guess, just never sa
it that way.

And I hadn

t. People were people. So what if a few nights of the month they were furry or had powers becau
se of their religion like some Voodoo P
I didn

t give a shit what people did off the clock.

I would think that

s what makes you so good at your job, Thomas,

he said softly.

Maybe you

re not cold at all

re just not as judgmental as the rest of humanity.

Hell if I know, sir.


ll have our most recent up
date files on all supernatural creatures sent over to your email, Thomas. Also I

ll have the local
call you


I asked
interrupting him.

The local werewolf pack leader,



ll have him call you.

Wait, why would he call me?


m obligated to let him know of another wolf in the area,

he replied.

As Chief of the FBI or as a local vampire?

I had a feeling I wouldn

t like the answer and there was going to be a lot more bullshit politics that came with being a shifter. Something I had no patience for and wouldn

t just fall in line with it because someone told me to. My job had me following rules and orders all the time. That was fine. I signed up for that. In my personal life? No

Local vampire, why?

e asked hesitantly.

A local vampire wouldn

t have access to FBI personnel files, sir,

I answered.

I don

t think you

re at liberty to share that information.

You don

t want the local
to know who you are? Why not?

Monroe sounded curious, not annoyed that I was questioning him or judgmental at my break from the normal behavior he was used to.

Look, to be frank, sir

I t
a deep breath before continuing.

I may be a
, we

ll find out soon enough. But that doesn

t mean that I want to get involved in becoming buddies with the local shifters. I don

t have time for a social life. I take my job very seriously
I don

t need to join a frat full of werewolves.

If that

s what you want, Thomas,

he replied sighing.

Most new shifters want to meet others of their kind. They can help your transition into your new life in ways reports can


I appreciate your concern, but
for now, I think I

ll stick to doing things my way.

Okay, Thomas, if you need anything let me know.

Thank you sir, have a nice day

was so
ready for this conversation to be over.


he finished
hanging up.
The click registered in my ear, and I set the phone down on the counter.
I couldn

t really blame him for not sounding too happy with me, but that didn

t mean I was going to back down and let the local pack
involved in my life.

As I sat down with my breakfast, I was very aware of my injuries healing. It felt like having tight muscles
just c

t seem to stretch out, all over my back. Added to that, I seemed to feel itchy without the need to scratch. I booted up my laptop at the kitchen table, while enjoying my simple bagel and coffee. It seemed I was starving. Guess a day of
nothing more than
IV fluids could leave
feeling hungry.

After my computer was up and emails
loading, I decided to scramble up a few eggs. Normally I wasn

t much into breakfast, but I seemed to be really hungry. Once the extended version of my breakfast was ready, I sat down to read all the reports Chief Monroe had already emailed.


s when I learned the
feeling I had earlier was the need to shift. When I got annoyed or angry
it seemed my inner wolf would want to come out and play. So, that would be the control I needed to learn, otherwise every time I got pissed off I would shift into a wolf.

The next time I looked up from my reading, it was dark outside. I had finished every report I had been sent, along with most of the food in my refrigerator. Well, no time like the present to try out what I had learned. I stood in the middle of my living room
and tried to imagine myself as a wolf. I rode the feeling and
the energy crawl along my skin.

I heard clothes ripping and wanted to smack myself in the head for not thinking of undressing first. There were shooting pains throughout my body as I felt myself reconfiguring. Moments later
I was on all fours and very fu
ry. Wow, this was something I

d never experienced before. I closed my eyes and focused on being human again.

It was slower this time, but again I felt the pain of my body changing forms. I collapsed on the floor, naked among
the delicate
cotton shreds of
what were once my pajamas. Needless to say
I felt completely exhausted and shocked.

According to everything I had just read, I wasn

t supposed to be able to do what I just did. The reports said it took the first full moon for a
ycanthrope to be able to shift. Even then
they were trapped in their animal for six to eight hours before the
y got their wolf out of their system and
changed back
, tired and drained of energy

So what did that mean for me?

I didn

t have a clue. But it scared the shit out of me. As I stood up and headed for bed, one thing became clear to me. I wasn

t about to tell anyone I could shift like that. Either something was wrong with the reports, which didn

t seem likely. Or I was way more powerful than a new shifter should be. Whatever it was, it didn

t seem like something I should share.


The next week all I did was work at my new shifting capabilities. I found I could shift between human and wolf with only minimal cost to myself. Something to eat and a nap and I was back to full strength,
no real lasting effects. I also learned
after trial and error
that I could change into a third form, half
wolf half

In that form, I was at least seven and a half feet tall, covered in
fur with quite the muzzle. But at least I could talk, whereas I couldn

t in straight wolf form. Since I was covered in fur, I didn

t feel as naked. Granted I was, but fur covered
my groin
from view and my nipples. My breast

t seem to grow with me, rather becoming more compact and closer to my body. It was like I went from my normal 36D to a 40B.

After that week
I figured it was time to finally leave my apartment. I had long since healed, and I was completely out of food. Ordering take
out was how I

the last few days and I was tired of it.

Since it was Friday, I decided my old office would be fairly empty
hich made it a perfect time to
clean out
my old desk. I headed downstairs and got into my
pearl blue 201
Dodge Charger. Not having many expenses and drawing in a decent paycheck, my car was the one thing I
went all out
on. Plus I just loved the power of a Hemi V8.

After the short drive, I pulled into the office
building parking lot. Only to find my normal designated spot was taken by Agent Frank

s car. Well

t that just the icing on the cake? I get hurt saving his ass, get transferred, and he gets my parking space. Guess that made me a visitor now, so I pulled into one of the spots at the front of the building.

I headed up to the third floor where my office used to be. Getting off the elevator
I walked quickly in that direction but came to a halt when my office came into view. Agent Frank was packing up my office, clearly visible through the glass walls. Now I was pissed. I stormed over to the doorway and barely held back the growl I felt trying to escape me.


t waste any
time, do you Frank

I sneered
stalking over to him.

Jesus, Thomas, I didn

t see you there,

he answered
taking a step away from me.

I was just trying to help. I figured you wouldn

t want to spend time here packing everything up.

Yeah, of course. That way you could move in quicker

I didn

t bother to hide the venom dripping
my tone. What a douche. I can

t believe I

d thought us to be friends.


s not like that, Thomas.


I asked with feigned shock

lready in my parking spot and now cleaning out my office. Great way to spend your time since you didn

t spend it visiting me in the hospital. Or calling to see how I was after getting hurt saving your sorry ass.

Look, I appreciate what you did for me, I do,

Frank answered me.

I hear a

But you should have known they were shifters.

His eyes narrowed in accusation like I

d set this whole thing up. Yeah, because if I was sitting at home at night making nefarious plans
they would end up with
life getting ruined.

BOOK: Accidentally Wolf
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