Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (17 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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From that day forward we were inseparable.

I’m like an addict; I’m hooked, and she won’t be able to escape me.

Alison will be mine again…

It’s just a matter of time.


Chapter 14

We just arrive at the clubhouse and find there are tons of people drinking. One couple is in the corner and by the looks of it, he’s finger fucking her. I look down at Alison, praying she doesn’t flip out. She stares at the couple for a moment with a shocked face before turning her head away and blushing.

Well, that’s not what I expected her reaction to be. Hummm... It seems like she likes to watch. Interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind.

I move towards the bar with Alison in tow and I grab a seat at the bar beside my father, who is chatting with David. I pull Alison onto my lap.

“Would you like something to drink Peaches?” I ask as I run my hand down her back and over her ass, giving it a light grab, causing her to squeal.

“I don’t know if I should be drinking tonight…There’s a lot of people here, and I don’t want to make an ass out of myself,” she mumbles out as she drops her head.

“Yo David, get Alison here something sweet to drink, and I’ll take a beer,” I shout out over the music. I look around the clubhouse to see who is here; pretty much everyone is here partying and having a good time.

I pray that Porsche doesn’t show up to stir up trouble. I don’t need the fucking drama tonight.

Alison leans her head onto my shoulder. Her hand reaches down, and she grabs me through my jeans.

Fuck. Running my hand through her hair, I give it a light tug. Her breathing becomes erratic as I bring my lips to touch her ear. “It’s not nice to fucking tease, Peaches,” I hiss out through my teeth as she applies more pressure to my groin area.

David stops in front of us and he places Alison’s fruity drink in front of her.

“What is it?” She asks, looking at the red liquid in the glass.

“It’s a sex on the beach.” David winks.

“It’s sweet, and you don’t really taste the alcohol so you should like it.”

She smirks shaking her head as she looks up at him.

“I know what a sex on the beach is.”

Her teasing tone embarrasses him; his cheeks reddening as he turns and walks away.

Well damn, my girl got David all baffled. I laugh at his reaction until hear the one voice of the person I prayed would not here tonight…. It’s the devil herself, Porsche.

Well there’s not much I can do. Only a vote can kick her ass out, or if she does something to the club. Then we can give her the boot, but besides that I can’t do a fucking thing about her being here.

I just hope she doesn’t fuck with Alison or me tonight, because I won’t put up with her shit.

Alison tenses when she hears Porsches laugh. I give her a tight squeeze of reassurance. She bites her lip as leans up, her lips barely touching mine as she strokes the tip of her nose against mine.

I bring her closer and inhale her scent. Her hair smells like peaches, and I want to devour her right here. Jesus Christ. I feel my semi-hard cock come alive in my jeans, pushing against my zipper, trying to break free from its confinements.

She gasps as she feels my erection underneath her thighs, then smirks and wiggles a bit on my lap; little vixen is asking for it.

I slap her ass and she squeals. “Hey, what was that for,” she shouts as she rubs her ass cheek.

“Don’t wiggle your sweet little ass on my lap when I’m hard as fuck to just tease me, sweetness, because I swear I will take you back to my room right now and fuck the living shit out of you.” Her eyes widen in lust, and she bites her bottom lip.

She flutters her eyelashes at me. “Is that a promise,” she asks seductively.

I groan. Fuck, she’s pretty much begging me to take her to my room and fuck her. My father seems to have just noticed that I’m sitting beside him. He slaps my shoulder. “Hey son,” he slurs. Fuck he’s tanked.

I laugh as I slap his shoulder as well. “What’s up, Pops?” I ask as he waves David over.

“Another shot of whiskey,” he says, then turns and notices Alison sitting on my lap.

“Shit, wait. Make those three shots of whiskey, one for my son, one for myself and one for the pretty lady,” he explains as he gives Alison a grin. She blushes, looking away and my father erupts in a fit of laughter.

“Don’t be shy, baby girl. You will learn fast that I love teasing.”

She smiles, nodding as her cheeks are still beet red from his prior comment. That’s one thing about my father. He loves to tease and flirt.  How Gale puts up with his stubborn old ass, I will never know. But he wouldn’t touch or harm a woman.

He raised me to respect women. I know what you’re thinking. I’m a man whore, and will sleep with anything with two legs. Well, they knew what they were getting into before they jumped on my dick. I made it clear there was no intention of a relationship. Pure fucking, no strings attached.

But that’s all changed now because of the little vixen that is sitting on my lap. Smiling to myself, knowing that this sexy, feisty woman sitting on me is all mine.

Then my mind goes back to when we were at the club and that fucker Mark wouldn’t stop trying to talk to her. I grit my teeth at the memory. I have a feeling that won’t be the last time we see Mark.

I need to forget about that. There’s no way in hell he will get the chance to be alone with Alison.

We’re still sitting at the bar a few drinks later okay a lot of drinks later laughing at jokes that David divulges while we’re taking our shots. Alison is now sitting on the stool beside me, swaying a bit. Shit, her eyes are hooded under her drunken countenance. I think she has had one too many. Man, she’s a lightweight. She’s only had three shots and one fruit drink.

She’s ballsy when she drinks. She hasn’t been able to keep her hands to herself. She keeps rubbing my dick on top of my pants, sneaking kisses on my neck. She even nibbled on my earlobe. Sweet Jesus, she is torturing me. She will pay for that later.

I’ve lost count on how many beers and shots I’ve had. I need to take a piss so fucking bad, but I don’t want to leave Alison alone. My father wouldn’t be much help, seeing as Gale just showed up to take him to bed. He stumbles as he walks toward the hallway to their room.

I signal David over and he leans over a bit on the bar. “What’s up man, need another beer?” he asks as he takes the empty beer bottle that’s in front of me.

“No man, I’m good. Can you just keep an eye on Alison while I take a piss?” I ask as I stand from the stool.

“Sure man, no problem,” he says as he starts chatting with Alison, who is now so drunk I’m sure she can’t walk. Well I guess sex tonight is out of the question. I’m sure she will pass out as soon as her pretty little head hits the pillow.

I head toward the bathroom and I hear giggling and moaning. I stop short as I turn my head. What the fuck? It sounds like it’s coming from my room, but I swear I locked the fucking door earlier, before leaving for the club.

I turn the handle slowly and open the door wide, only to find Porsche and that fucker Mark from the club fucking on my bed. What the hell is that asshole doing in this clubhouse?

“What the fuck is going on here?” I shout out as I clench my fists. I’m not pissed that Porsche is fucking another guy. Oh hell no, she can fuck whoever the fuck she wants. But in my room and with that motherfucker that wants my Peaches, I don’t think so. The dude has a fucking death wish.

Porsche freezes as she hears the deadly sound of my voice, looking at me with her mouth parted, and her eyes widen in shock as she tries to scramble off Mark.

“Ace, it’s not what it looks like. I’ve been lonely, and you haven’t touched me since she’s been around,” she whispers out as she tries to justify why she’s fucking him. Well, I don’t give a fuck if she’s fucking him, but in my room and on my bed, that’s a different story.

The fucker is still lying on my bed with a smug look on his face.

“What the hell are you doing in my room with that son of a bitch? And on my fucking bed on top of that. What the fuck is wrong with you?” I spew out, my body shaking as I try to calm myself.

I feel a pair of hands touch my arm, and turn my head growling out, “What?” I see it's Alison, and she has a silly smile plastered on her face. My anger dies down.

She looks around me and her eyes widen as she takes in the view of Mark naked, laying on the bed and Porsche naked, as the day she was born, standing a few feet away.

I cut my eyes to the bed. I notice Mark’s face fall when he notices the person standing behind me is Alison. I chuckle to myself. Take that, mother fucker.

“I’m giving you fifty seconds to get your fucking asses out of my room.”

They hurry to get their clothes that are scattered all over the floor. Porsche runs out of my room with tears running down her face, but I could care less. Just as Mark goes to move by me, I grab him by the neck of his shirt, slamming him into the wall.

“And you mother fucker, don’t ever and I mean EVER come back here again,” I seethe out, slamming him into the wall once more before releasing him.

“DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?” I shout in his face.

He nods as he grits through his teeth.

“I understand,” He sneaks a quick glance at Alison before he leaves.

I’m shaking with anger. Alison wraps her arms around my waist from behind.  I release a breath. I feel better with Alison’s arms around me.

I look towards my bed scoffing. Well I won’t be staying in here tonight. Good thing we have spare rooms because there is no way in hell I’m sleeping on that bed now, even if I did change the sheets.

I’m going to burn that fucking thing out back tomorrow and order a new bed.

I spin around in Alison’s arms, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Come on, we’re going to go to bed,” I say as I grab her hand to usher her out of the room.

“Where are we going to sleep?” she asks as she looks at my bed with disgust.

“Don’t worry, were not staying in here,” I say as we head out of my bedroom.

As I wake up the next morning with Alison’s leg over my stomach, her lower half of her leg brushes against my rather huge hard on. 

I groan as she tucks herself into my side. Torture. It’s pure fucking torture.  She wiggles a little before she wakes up, looking into my eyes as she smiles.

“Good morning,” she whispers as she tries to hide her body under the covers.

“How’s your head this morning, Peaches?”  I ask as I move her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

She gives me the brightest smiles. “Actually, my head doesn’t feel too bad. I’m surprised because of the amount I drank last night.” She giggles.

It looks like she can handle the liquor in her system better than I thought. I lean down to give her a kiss but she backs away. I narrow my eyes in question and she shakes her head.

“Morning breath,” she says softly. I chuckle at how cute she is.

“Peaches, I don’t give a fuck. I want your lips. I could care less about morning breath,” I whisper huskily in her ear. 

I place my hand gently under her chin, leaning down until my lips barely touch hers. She reaches down between us and places her hand into my boxers. She slowly starts stroking me from the base of my cock to tip. I groan loudly as she continues her assault.

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