Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (15 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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“Hey Ace, I’m pretty sure these bikes belong to members of Pandora MC,” He rumbles out as he looks over to me, nodding his head to the door.

“Let’s go check on the girls,” He exclaims.  I hop off my bike and follow behind him as we walk through the doors.

As we enter the club I look around, I see the Pandora members in a corner laughing. I take a step closer to look, I see there is a server there, shit it's Tammy. I take a quick look back at Viper, his whole body is tense. Shit, this won’t turn out good.

I look back over at the Pandora’s to see if Tammy is still there.  As Tammy turns to leave their table, one of the Pandora guys grabs Tammy on the ass and pulls her to him; animalistic growl sounds come from behind me. I turn to tell Viper to relax but he’s no longer standing there.  I turn forward and see Viper walking towards the group. He’s ready to kill the fucker that grabbed Tammy.

I run after him and grab his arms pulling him away from the group, “Viper, calm the fuck down; you don’t want to do this here.” I hiss in his ear.

He’s shaking with rage as I hold him back, “That fucker shouldn’t have touched her. She’s mine.” He roars out as he tries to fight out of my hold.

I pull him towards the bar away from Tammy and the Pandora’s. Viper huffs as he takes a seat at the bar, I look up and see Alison giving me a shy nervous smile.

“Hi, Ace. Viper,” She nods as he grunts.

I laugh shaking my head; I turn to see Tammy is coming our way.  She walks up to Viper and gives him a nudge with her elbow, he grunts at the impact and turns, his eyes soften as he sees Tammy.

“What are you guys doing back? I thought you were leaving for a few days?” She asks while staring at Viper, he growls out as he stands up in front of her.

“You trying to hide the fact that you're letting the Pandora’s grab you. Are you fucking him when I’m not around?” He hisses at Tammy.

Whoa, that’s low.
I drag his ass away from Tammy, “What the fuck man? Why in the hell would you think she was fucking someone else? She works at a strip club man, you know she just serves drinks,” I mention as I look back at the bar and see Tammy’s hurtful eyes hit me.

“Man, you better fucking man the fuck up. She’s not here fucking other people, she’s a server.”

Viper shakes me off and walking over to Tammy, he whispers something to her that I can’t hear. He takes her to the back behind the bar into the storage room.  I turn my attention back to Alison; she’s serving a few people their drinks. I take a seat at the end of the bar. I see one Pandora that keeps staring at my girl.
What the fuck?

I bring my attention back to Alison, she looks up and sees me waiting, she walks over to me giving me the cutest little smile, “I’m glad you’re back, I thought you were going to be away for a few days,” She whispers out as she wipes down the bar.

“Plans fell through, so I’m all yours,” I whisper seductively, as I give a wink for good measure. She blushes beet red and giggles. That sound right there, is what I want to hear.

I see Alison tense up as someone walks over and sits down beside me.  I turn sideways to see who it is; it’s the Pandora member that was staring at my girl a few minutes ago. I clench my fist on the counter; I’m ready to knock this fucker out if he tries anything.

As I look up to check Peaches’ reaction her eyes are wide, she must know this kid. The fucker has a lot of balls to be sitting next to me. I haven’t officially claimed Alison, but I plan too.

“Remember Alison; I want to talk to you after work.” The fucker says as he gets up from his seat, he gives her a wink and walks away.

I’m raging mad, I want to knock that little son of a bitch out. Who the hell does he think he is coming over here and talking to her like that, with me sitting right here. Ballsy little fucker, but I can tell you one thing…That fucker won’t have a chance at talking to her after work, if I have anything to do with it.

I try to forget about it, he’s not worth getting upset over. I glance at Alison who is standing in front of me behind the bar; she opens her mouth to say something but snaps her mouth shut.

I look back over to where the fucker is sitting with his friends, he turns and winks at me; motherfucker is asking for a beat down.

“Peaches, what the hell was that about?” I ask, my voice harsher than I intended. She flinches at my tone and takes a step back.

“He was my boyfriend in high school. He was a year ahead of me, when he graduated things didn’t end well for us… I caught him cheating one night at a party.” She says in a low voice.

“I don’t know why he wants to talk to me; I told him earlier that I’m seeing someone. He also knows it’s you, and he said some things that I got upset about… Let’s just drop it and forget about him.” She replies quickly.

Well fuck that, I’m not going to just drop it. After hearing her say that he made her upset, I was ready to get out of my seat and walk over to that little fucker and show him not to mess with what’s mine. But that look on her face… I couldn’t, I don’t want her upset more than she already is.

“If he tries anything Peaches, I can’t promise that I won’t do anything,” I assure her. She nods her head; I smile as I lean forward on the counter of the bar.

“Peaches, I’ve wanted to taste your lips since I got here, come here,” I beckon her; a lascivious look appears in her eyes as she leans forward, her soft lips meet mine. I lean more into the kiss applying more pressure. As I bite her bottom lip, she gasps; I dive in stroking her tongue with mine.

I capture her sweet moans with my mouth; I can’t get enough of her. There’s nothing more I want to do than grab her and fuck her right here, but I don’t want these fuckers seeing her bare.

She pulls back from the kiss in a daze, “Wow,” She mutters as a smile breaks out on her beautiful face.

I feel as if I’m being watched, I look around, and my eyes settle on Alison’s ex. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now. I smirk at the little bastard, now he knows for a fact she’s mine, and he better stay clear of her. Everyone in this bar that has been watching now knows she’s mine.

I’m just about to open my mouth to speak, when Viper and Tammy show up. They both look like they did a lot more than just talking, lucky fucker. I can’t wait to get Alison home to feel her under me, as she moans my name as I make love to her. My dick hardens just at the thought of having her beneath me.

Viper takes a seat beside me, as Tammy grabs her tray and gets back to work. I look at Viper, I see a hickey on his neck, “Have fun?” I ask as I try to contain my laughter.

“Shut the fuck up,” He replies with a grin.  Alison asks if we want anything to drink, we both reply at the same time ‘Beer’, Alison shakes her head laughing as she grabs two beers. She untwists the caps and sets them down in front of us. Just as I take a sip of my beer, Viper nudges me.

“Hey man, there’s a Pandora coming our way,” He mumbles under his breath.

I have a feeling I know which fucker it is, I turn my head in the direction the Pandora’s are, and sure enough that fucker is walking back over here.  Alison looks at me with pleading eyes; she doesn’t want anything to happen in the club. I’m sure she doesn’t want to get her sister in shit. I got that but if that asshole starts anything, well it’s free game, that’s the way I see it.

Her ex takes a seat beside me; Viper tilts his head in question. I shake my head, “I’ll tell you later,” I mumble out, loud enough just for Viper to hear.

The little shit is staring at Alison, I grab my beer I take a large gulp, waiting for the fucker to say or do something. Come on dick head just try something.

I’m edgy now knowing that he’s her ex. What in the fuck would he want to talk about, there’s only one thing he could want, and that won’t be happening, he’s too late… She’s mine and I’m not letting her go.

“Mark, I don’t want any trouble. Can you please just go back to your table and seat with your buddies? I already told you I’m seeing Ace,” She exclaims as I turn myself on the stool and I stare at the fucker.

“Hey Man, I heard you were talking to my girl before I got here, you wouldn’t know why she was upset would you?” I hiss out.

He laughs; the motherfucker has the balls to laugh at me to my face. As I start to stand Viper puts his hand on my chest and pushes my ass back onto the stool, “Jesus Christ Ace, he’s a fucking kid who is just trying to fuck with you, leave him alone,” He says as he looks between Mark and me.

I try to shake off the urge to beat his face in, after I take a deep breath through my nose I settle down, I start talking with Viper. Mark hasn’t moved; he’s still sitting beside me. On occasion I see him checking Alison out, especially if she bends down for anything, causing my blood to boil, fucker has no respect.

“Alison, can we talk after your shift?” Mark asks as he looks at me with a smirk. Alison seems to be frozen; she’s not sure what to do.

She shakes her head. “No, I won’t be talking to you after my shift, I’m done Mark, there’s nothing to say,” She mutters out as she backs away from the bar. That’s weird, it’s like she’s afraid of him.

“Come on Alison, I just want to talk to you,” He replies, man this fucker doesn’t know when to quit. I turn around and I get up from my seat this time. Viper tries to stop me, but I throw his arm off.

“Listen here you little shit. She told you no, countless times. So leave her the fuck alone, or you will have me to deal with. Got it?” I snarl out inches away from his face.

He backs away from me, throwing his hands up “Yeah, yeah I got it.” He says. He turns to leave; then he stops taking a quick look at Alison. Alison is standing there holding herself with her arms with a worried expression on her face.

He winks at her as he walks back to his table, that son of a… I walk up behind him, just as I’m about to grab the little bastard, I feel arms wrap around my arms pulling me back.

“What the fuck, get off of me Viper,” I hiss out in annoyance.

“Calm the fuck down man,” He grunts as he tries to keep his hold on me. I calm down once I hear her voice.

“Ace, please just leave it. He’s just trying to get you worked up,” She mentions as she steps in front of me chewing on her bottom lip... She must have come out from behind the bar when I was following Mark. I grab her and I bring her to me. I place my lips on hers; she grips the back of my head with her delicate fingers holding me in place. She bites my bottom lip, growling as I pick her up and sit her on the stool.

“Now Peaches, that wasn’t very nice. If you keep that up I will fuck the living shit out of you but right now isn’t the best time,” I mention as I nod my head toward Mark and the Pandora’s.

She pulls away, shyly looking everywhere but at me, “I don’t want to provoke him Ace, let’s finish this later,” She purrs out as she gives me a quick little peck on my lips. She turns around and heads back behind the bar.

I growl out as I pull her to me, I place my lips over hers, kissing her softly before I let her go. Man, she’s trying to kill me; I can only take so much before I begin ripping her clothes off.

Mark hasn’t tried anything else since he went back to his table with his buddies. Alison has been working non-stop, the club is fucking packed. I’ve been sitting here talking with Viper for the last hour.

Alison is shooting out drinks left and right to people sitting at the bar, having small talk with a few regulars I’m guessing. I know that Alison has helped out at the club before. Viper told me before that Tammy’s sister helps out once in a while when they’re short staffed.

There’s one thing she doesn’t know; the club owns this strip club. I’m sure she wouldn’t like it too much if she knew I fucked every single woman here at least once. Well except for Tammy, I haven’t touched her; Viper would have blown a gasket. Bro’s before Hoe’s thing, blah blah blah. 

Porsche is dancing tonight; I can see Alison looking up every once in and while checking to see if I’m watching, but the truth is the only girl I’m watching is Alison as she moves gracefully behind the bar.. I can see her head spinning with doubts.

What can I do to prove to her that I’m in this, even if I haven’t done the whole relationship thing before, I fucking want her. I will remind her tonight just how much I want her. Flashbacks of her sweet little moans as I fucked her and how tight her pussy was, great I feel my pants getting a little tighter.

I turn to Viper, “Hey man, are you going back to the clubhouse after this?” I ask as I take a sip of my warm beer.

“Not tonight, I’m heading to Tammy’s place. So I suggest you and Alison head to the club because I know for a fact, we’re not going to be getting much sleep tonight. What happened in the storage room was just an appetizer.” He chuckles, smirking as he stares at Tammy. I shake my head laughing.

The club is closing up; Tom kicked everyone out, locking the door behind us. I hear a squeal, I look to my right and I see Viper grabbing Tammy’s ass as he kisses her neck, I chuckle as I put my arm around Alison and we move towards my bike.

There’s a party like usual happening tonight at the clubhouse.  Alison runs her hands over the bulge in my pants as we make our way to the clubhouse.
She’s going to be the death of me. The sooner I get her to the club… The sooner I can get her underneath me moaning and screaming my name in ecstasy, the better… 


Chapter 13

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