Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (24 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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My eyes widen, as I try to process what he just shouted at me. I move slightly away from him. So he doesn’t use me as a punching bag, I place a protective hand over my belly.

“Ummm…Mark. You and Porsche tried to break Ace and me up?” I nervously look for something to maybe hit him with if need be, before he does something unquestionable. He starts pacing as he pulls on his hair, mumbling things I can make out.

“Why Mark?” He stops pacing and looks up at me.

“I fucking love you Alison. You’re still with that bastard; I’m not going to let him have you, over my dead fucking body. You’re mine, precious. I popped you sweet cherry remember. I own that body of yours.” he growls out as he grabs both of my arms bringing me to him,   he leans down and kisses me savagely.

I’m trying to break free from his hold but it’s no use. I bring my knee up and hit him hard where the sun, don’t shine. He releases me with a grunt. He falls to the ground on his knees groaning painfully, his eyes start to tear up as he holds his precious jewels.

” I run to the kitchen to grab my phone, trying to call Ace, but there’s no answer. I try to call Blaze but just as I’m about to press call. Mark grabs me by the back of my head, fisting my hair pulling my head back roughly. I cry out in pain, he grabs the phone from my hand and throws it on the table.

“Now that wasn’t very nice, Alison. Tsk tsk. I think you need to be punished.” He hisses in my ear as he drags me out of the kitchen, pulling me down the hall to my room.

Fear strikes me… What does he plan to do to me? Is he going to rape me? Sobbing as he drags me to my room. “Please let me go… I won’t tell anyone.” I try to breathe but it’s getting difficult. I can’t see from because of the tears clouding my vision.

He gives a vile laugh as he opens my bedroom door. Walking over and throwing me on the bed. I move all the way up on the bed, bringing my knees to my chest as I continue to sob. I hear him undoing his belt. My eyes widen and I look up. Oh my God, he’s going to force himself on me.

He drags his zipper down and pushes his pants down his legs, his hard shaft springs out. Shaking in fear, I do the only thing I think will help me. I scream. “
”. He gives me an evil crooked grin.

“No one is coming to save you, baby. You’re all mine.” He gives a sinister laugh. “He won’t want to touch you after I’m done with you.” I close my eyes. Praying this is all just a bad dream.

He comes closer to the bed; kneeling down. He grabs my legs, pulling me to him, I scream out.

“STOP….PLEASE,” He laughs at my tear soak face.

He reaches for my pants pulling them off. I try to fight him off of me. He slaps me, my head snapping back. I’m stunned by the force, I groan as I’m momentarily out of it. He continues to strip me, trying to get my panties off, but I hear yelling behind him. I’m praying that someone really did just yell and it’s not in my head. I look up, I see Blaze standing in the doorway staring at Mark with a murderous glare.

?” He roars as he charges Mark. He tackles him off of me and onto the floor; he grabs him by the neck slamming him into the wall. I try to hide myself with a blanket as I shake in shock on my bed. I hide my face into the pillow.

I hear Blaze grunt, then Mark moaning in pain. Looking up from my pillow, I see Blaze standing over Mark, who’s bleeding pretty badly from his eye and nose. Blaze comes toward me; my eyes widen and I move away shaking.

Blaze’s eyes soften. “Alison,” He says softly. I shake my head; I need Mark out of this apartment now.

“Blaze… Please… get… him… out… of… here” I say between sobs. I try to breathe, but it’s hard to catch my breath. My body feeling numb as I stare at the person on the ground, who tried to take something away from me… That I would probably never get back my self-confidence, my future… Myself.

“Do you want me to call the police?” He watches me warily. Shaking my head as a whimper escapes my throat.

“No…Please,” My voice sounding so small and fragile. He looks down at Mark on the floor then looks back up to me.

“Are you sure Alison?” His voice soft. I nod once more. Blaze nods grabbing Mark off the floor throwing him out of my room. Mark hits the wall outside my bedroom and groans. Blaze picks him up off the floor pushing him towards the front door. I hear Blaze shouting at him if he comes anywhere near me again he will kill him.

A few minutes go by before Blaze comes back. I stare at his hands, his knuckles red with blood; he looks down to see what I’m staring at. He notices his hands. “Shit, give me a minute I’m going to wash my hands.” He hurries out of my room toward the bathroom.

How could Mark turn so evil and do this to me? Try to rape me? Feeling sick to my stomach, I run to the garbage can in my room and throw up my snack from earlier.

Blaze comes in and sees me over the garbage. “Shit. Alison, are you okay?” He kneels beside me. He keeps his hands to himself.

“I will be. Just give me a minute… Can you run to the bathroom and get me a wet cloth please,” I try not gag on the smell.

“Yeah sure, just give me a sec.” He gets up off the floor, leaving my bedroom once again. I hear the water running then it shuts off. Blaze comes rushing in with the wet cloth, handing it to me.

“Thank you,” I wipe my mouth with the cool cloth.

He puts his hand out to help me up. I hesitant for a second, but I know Blaze wouldn’t hurt me. He saved me from Mark. I place my hand in his and he helps me off the floor. He brings me to him, hugging me as I start to sob.

He leans back releasing me, lifting my chin with his hand. “I’m so sorry. I should have been here earlier, but I got caught up with something.” He closes his eyes and sighs regretfully.

Swallowing the rather large lump in my throat, “I’m just glad you got here before he could…before he could…” I can’t even say the words. He walks us over to the bed; my body starts to shake as I look down at it. I shake my head; I can’t lie down on my bed right now. I don’t even want to be in this room.

“I can’t be in here right now,” releasing a shuddering sigh, he looks down at me with concern. He nods putting his arm around my shoulders. He walks with me to the living room, sitting down on the couch, my legs are shaking. I place my hands on my knees, trying to stop my legs but it’s no use.

He takes a seat beside me. He places his elbows on his knees, rubbing his face. He looks up at my face, wincing, he reaches up and lightly touches the side of my face where Mark slapped me.

“Alison, you have to call Ace,” He looks at me. My eyes widen and my face pales. I start to panic, Marks works repeating in my head, He won’t want you… Ace can’t know about this.

He will never look at me the same or even worse he will kill Mark. He could end up in prison and what happens then? He would be locked up and they will throw away the key. I will be rasing our son or daughter alone. I will never see him again, shaking my head. “No…Ace can’t know. Please Blaze promise me you won’t tell him.” I try to hold back more tears that are trying to escape my eyes.

He sighs cursing as he looks at me. “I won’t tell him…But you need to talk to him. Let him know what happened.” He says frustrated from the fact I won’t let him call Ace. Deep down he must know that I don’t want to tell him and if I could forget about this whole ordeal I would. I don’t want Ace to look at me differently.

“He’s going to know something happened. Your cheek is really red and a little swellon. I’m pretty sure it’s going to bruise.” He mentions as he looks at my cheek once more. I didn’t realize he might be able to notice my cheek. I haven’t check to see how bad it is. Biting my lip not sure what to do now… Yes of course, Ace will notice my face. I guess I will have to worry about that when the time comes. I really don’t want to deal with that right now.

Blaze must notice I won’t budge on my decision, so he changes the subject. “So, Ace and you worked things out?” He asks leaning back on the couch.

I can’t help but give a small smile as I remember how happy Ace was. “Yeah, we talked about it. We’re going to take things slow.”  He nods clearing his throat.

“Are you happy about the baby?” I snap my head up to look at him. I put my hand on my stomach, smiling as I look down at my stomach.

“Yes, at first I was scared shitless. Well I still am I guess but yeah. I’m happy.” I rub my belly; he smirks looking down at my hand.

“Well I can tell you, when you were in the hospital Ace was so worried about you, and when he found out about the baby. He was shocked. As soon as the shock wore off. He was happy that he’s going to be a father.” He exclaims as he gets up from the couch, slapping his hands together.

“I will be staying here tonight. I don’t want Mark coming back here if I’m not here.  I don’t know if I could live with myself if I knew something happened to you while I was gone. Just give me a minute I will text Pit, let him know I won’t be back to the clubhouse tonight.” Before I can protest, he walks out of the room.

I grab a spare pillow and blanket out of the closet. I bring it to Blaze; he’s sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, leaning his head on the back of the couch.

I clear my throat softly. His eyes open, he snaps his head forward as he sees me standing there. He gets up from the couch and walks over to me, grabbing the pillow and blanket I hand out to him.

“Well, I’m off to bed now…Thank you, for being here for me Blaze it means a lot,” I stare at the floor, shifting from foot to foot. He saw me at my worse and he doesn’t look at my differently.

I look up and see Blaze has a smile on his face. “Thanks for the pillow and blanket. And I’m just glad to be here. Make sure that
doesn’t come back,” He snarls putting the blanket and pillow on the couch. He lies down, putting his head on the pillow moving his head side to side, he hits the pillow a few times flatten it.

As I turn to leave the living room. Blaze calls out. “I locked up and I double checked everything. Sleep tight, Alison. If anything, just shout.” He mentions as he turns on the couch, placing his arm under the pillow.

I exit the living room. Slowly making my way to my room, as I look inside flashes of earlier pop into my head, my eyes start to water. I shake my head. I’m not staying in here tonight. I leave my room; heading to the kitchen, I grab my phone off the table. I head down the hall towards Tammy’s room. I open the door, I wish Tammy was here. I can’t wait for her to come home.

I send Ace a quick text, letting him now that we can see each other tomorrow. I grab the top of the blankets, bringing them down. I hop in and sigh as I smell her perfume, it soothes me. Closing my eyes, I finally drift off to sleep.

Mark is standing there above me, smiling down at me wickedly as he grabs my panties ripping them from my body. I try to scream, but nothing, not a sound leaves my mouth. Shaking my head back and forth as I sob, he pins me down with his thighs.

He unzips his pants; he grabs his shaft in his hand, bringing it to my entrance and forces himself into me. I scream out but nothing I say will be heard, it’s like I’m mute as I call for help. He thrusts and thrusts, I try to move… Kick him, do anything I can to get him off of me but nothing works.

I feel someone shaking me, my eyes flutter open.  Blaze is standing there with a concerned look covering his face as he lets go of my arms.

“Alison. Jesus Christ. Are you okay? I heard you screaming.” He puts his hands over his face sighing.

My body is shaking from the horrible dream, it felt so real. He might not have raped me earlier. But it feels like he did. I start to cry as I think of the dream; Blaze lies down beside me, holding me as I cry, telling me everything will be okay. I want to believe him I really do, but he doesn’t know... I drift off to sleep after I finish sobbing. Praying to God that I don’t have another nightmare


Chapter 17

When Alison’s parents showed up at the hospital, I was worried they were going to hate my guts, seeing as I could their little girl pregnant. Her mother was very welcoming to me. She hugged me when she found out.

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