Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC (22 page)

BOOK: Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC
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My parents stick around in my room for a bit before returning to check on Tammy before they head back to their hotel room. I ask my father why he never mentioned he was in a MC. He tells me he didn’t want to mention it because he got out of it when Tammy was born, he didn’t want us to know about.

My parents met when my father was the VP in an MC, but things were pretty rough at first for my parents. My mother wasn’t a club whore or anything; they met when my mother decided to go to one of their parties they were having with a friend of hers.

Supposedly it was love at first sight. My mother’s parents didn’t approve of my father being in an MC and disowned my mother.

My father took care of her and loved her, finding out their story; maybe I shouldn’t have judged Ace so quickly.

I’ve been in the hospital for two days since I woke up from the accident, I’m going stir crazy. I need to get home and out of this hospital gown. I need to be in my nice comfortable bed, not this hard mattress I’ve been on. Jesus, my back is killing me.

I can’t wait to get home, take a nice long hot shower.  Wash away the aches and pains in my back and this disgusting hospital smell. 

I got news this morning when I woke up, that Tammy has woken up. I’m thrilled, to say the least. I was so worried that Tammy wouldn’t wake up from the coma. With how bad the swelling got, they weren’t sure if she would wake up for another two weeks.

I prayed and prayed for her to wake up, and it seems my prayers were answered. I haven’t had the chance to go and see her yet since she’s been up. My parents have been to see her and they warned me that she doesn’t remember much about anything except my parents and me. She has memory loss.

Hearing my parents say she has memory loss, my heart hurts for Viper. My parents told me that when she woke up and Viper was by her side asking her if she was okay.  She replied that her head hurt and when he went to touch her face she shied away from his touch. Viper was confused by that and asked why she moved away from him, and she said ‘I’m sorry, but who are you?’ And right there my parents said that his shoulders dropped, and the look on his face was pure hopelessness.

I hope my sister gets her memories back soon. I know Viper loves her and Tammy well she’s just stubborn but I know she loves him too, even if she won’t admit it. Her not remembering him has got to be hitting him hard. He told her everything about them. But still, there was nothing… It’s like her memory was wiped clean of him.

I get dressed in the clothes my parents brought me this morning. I put on the shoes that I was wearing the day of the accident; I’m surprised they aren’t ruined. I look down at my feet, my eyes stop on my flat stomach, where my little precious baby is growing inside of me, placing my protective hand over my stomach.

I smile knowing, I’m going to be a mother. I might have been scared before the accident but now my head is much clearer than it was. I’m not going to live life being scared.

I open the door; I’m going to visit with Tammy. I halt as I come face to face with Blaze.

“Hey, you don’t look like shit today,” he mocks as he snickers, he’s been bugging the crap out of me the past two days, between being stuck here in the hospital and him, I’m going to end up in the loony bin.

I start laughing, shaking my head. I give him an evil smirk as I punch him in the arm.

“Ouch, what did you do that for?” he asks as he rubs his arm. What a big baby, I didn’t even hit him that hard.

“Oh hush, you big baby,” I mock him in return. We’re both laughing as we walk towards Tammy’s room, which is at the end of the hall. I notice her door is open as we walk up, and I hear her speaking to someone when that someone replies to her I know right then its Viper. Of course, he would be here, he hasn’t left her side and now with her memory loss he won’t either. I’m sure he’s trying to jog her memory.

I head into her room; she turns and smiles at me.

“Hey sis, I heard I’m going to be an auntie,” she squeals out as she bouncing up and down on the bed. Nodding my head as I walk over to her, I give her a big hug.

“You’re looking good Tammy,” I say as I hold her hand, Viper staring down at her with so much love in his eyes.

“Viper was just telling me about how we met, but I’m still not able to remember anything,” she says as she frowns, putting her head down like she’s ashamed by not remembering, but it’s not her fault.

I look at Viper and Blaze, who are there talking on the other side of the room, clearing my throat.

“Ummm…Guys, can I have a moment alone with my sister?” I ask.

They both nod and leave, shutting the door behind them. I take a seat on the bed beside Tammy. I mention that she and Viper were together, but she kept pushing him away before, because she was afraid. I tell her that he loves her and that she loves him but her stubborn ass didn’t want to admit it. 

I chat a bit with Tammy before Viper comes back with something to eat for, well that’s my cue.  I need to get home anyways.

Giving her one last hug, “I love you, Tammy,” I whisper in her ear as she tightens her hug.

“I love you too Ali," she replies as she places her hand on my stomach, “And Auntie Tammy loves you too, Peanut.” My eyes begin to water; I need to get out of this room before I break down crying again. My emotions are all out of whack, hormones…

As I make my way out of her room, I head down the hall back to my room and I see Blaze is waiting for me, “What are you doing here?” I ask warily not sure why he’s waiting here for me.

“Well doll face, I’m your escort home,” he snickers out as he tries to contain his laughter.

Blaze drives me home from the hospital as we pull up at my apartment. Ace is standing there leaning on his bike. I guess I have no choice but to listen to what he has to say. He’s been to the hospital every day I was there, not wanting to leave my side but I couldn’t deal with him being there. It was all too much to bear.

Now my head is clearer than it has been, so I have to see what we can do about all this mess.  Finding out that Porsche has been kicked out of the club makes me do the happy dance inside. But at the same time did Ace do that because I caught them in the act?

I’m so confused. I’m unclear with what to do. Should I believe him or just cut my losses? It’s a tough decision considering he’s the father of my baby.

I dismount Blaze’s bike, stepping away from him, “Are you going to be okay?” he asks as he nods towards Ace, who stepped away from his bike and walking towards us. I nod my head.

“Thank you for the ride Blaze,” I say as he gets on his bike, and peels out of the driveway leaving me alone with Ace.

“You look good,” Ace mentions as he looks me over to see if I’m in any pain, his eyes linger on my stomach for a few brief moments before, he looks up at me.  

“Thanks.” I utter out as I make my way past him to the door, Ace following close behind me.

“Can we talk, Peaches?” he asks as he places his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from walking away from him.

I let out a soft sigh as I come to a halt, turning to face the father of my baby, the man that I’m in love with… But all I can see is flashes of him and Porsche in bed together as I look at him. I blink my eyes repeatedly to get the images to disappear; he stands there looking so broken.

I take a good look at him, he looks thinner; he looks like he hasn’t had a good night sleep in days, he has huge bags underneath his eyes. My eyes take him in, and I feel myself softening at his appearance, knowing he has been affected by all this as well.

I place my hand in his, giving a light squeeze as I walk towards my apartment, holding his hand in mine. I give him a reassuring smile.

I need to show him that I can forgive him, even if nothing happened… He needs to know that I’m willing to work to save our relationship.  I need to know if he will be here for the baby. Even if we might not get back together I need to know that I have his support.

As I open the apartment door, I sigh as I make my way towards the kitchen to get something to drink. Ace closes the door, removing his boots, placing the on the mat. He follows me into the kitchen a few minutes later.

We stand there in silence, staring at each other.  I’m taken back by the intensity of his stare. My eyes start to get dry itchy even, from not blinking as we continue to do our little staring contest. I blink my eyes multiple times, clearing my throat. I think we’ve stared at each other plenty.

“Are you able to wait for a bit while a take a shower? I need to wash away the hospital smell.” I place the bottle of water on the counter. I can’t wait to get under the warm water, soothe my sore muscles.

“Sure, take your time. We’ll will after you get out.” He shifts from side to side, looking around the kitchen as if he is unsure what to say.

“Can I wait in your room?” he asks warily. I nod my head

“Sure, I shouldn’t be too long,” I mention as I walk passed him, heading to my room to get a change of clothes. He follows me into the room and takes a seat on my head.

He grabs my hand as I walk by him to go to the bathroom, stopping me “I love you Peaches, I truly do,”  His voice cracks as if he’s trying to hold  back a sob, that wants to break out of his throat. 

My throat tightens as I hold back my tears, “I love you too Ace, I never stopped. Even when I saw you in bed with Porsche… Yes it broke my heart, but I still love you.” I don’t say anymore as he releases my hand. I make my way to the bathroom closing the door behind me; I grab two towels behind the door. I take a deep breath in and blowing it out as I try to calm myself.

As I turn on the shower, I let it warm up as I remove my clothing. I place them in the hamper in the corner of the bathroom. Stepping under the spray, I groan as I feel the warm water rolling down my achy muscles. Soaking my hair, I reach for my shampoo, working the shampoo into my hair, after rinsing my hair. I grab the body wash and sponge, rubbing it between my hands, making sure it’s lathered up. I wash my body, scrubbing my face.

I turn the water off, reaching for the towel wrapping it around my head. Stepping out I grab another towel wrapping it around my now relaxed body.

As I stand in front of the mirror, I clear the condensation with my hand. I stare at myself in the mirror brushing my teeth my mind wanders around two things. How did I get here? Being pregnant, and being in a complicated relationship. Drying myself, I grab my clothes from the counter and get dress quickly. Once I’m done I head back to my room where Ace is now lying down with his eyes closed. I hear light snores… He fell asleep.

I don’t want to wake him; it seems he hasn’t slept much in the past few days, I’m pretty tired myself. I lay beside Ace closing my eyes drifting off to sleep within a matter of minutes.

I awaken from movement beside me; I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep for. Opening my eyes I look down and see Ace’s arm on my hip with his hand protectively on my stomach, I smile at the tiny gesture of his hand resting on my flat stomach. 

I try to move, but he pulls me in closer to him.

“Ace,” I whisper softly trying to wake him, he groans stirring a bit but he doesn’t wake up,
“Ace,” I whisper a little louder than before. He still hasn’t moved his arm, I slap his arm lightly, “Ace,” I repeat once more. He mumbles something I can’t make out, shaking him again.

“Peaches, I love you baby, don’t ever leave me.” Giggling to myself, it’s cute to know that he was dreaming about me.

“Ace,” I snap, he jots up in the bed looking around shaking his head.

“Shit, Sorry I must have fell asleep,” he mumbles out.

“Don’t worry you needed the rest.” I sit up and move to the edge of the bed, stretching as I get up.

“You said you wanted to talk.” I turn on the bed to face him. He looks up at me and scrubs the sleep off his face.

“Yeah… I wanted to talk to you about when you came by the clubhouse and saw Porsche in bed with me. I want to make sure you know that, absolutely NOTHING happened. I swear!” he replies warily as he looks at me.

“Porsche has been banned from the clubhouse. She is no longer welcome there, and will never be allowed to step foot back there ever.”

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