Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (56 page)

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You’re right,” Tristan said, his heart melting. “If it’s any consolation, we missed you.”

She balked at that.

“What you need to know is this. Regardless of where you are or how long you’re left by yourself, one of us or all of us will always return for you,” Graham tried to reassure her.

Her tense expression relaxed.

For good measure, and sport, Tristan added, “We’ll try to do our jobs as your men so you never have the need to find another one.”

Ansley arched a brow.

“A little something I learned from you,” Tristan said, remembering the conversation she once had with Jordie Anne. At the time, he believed her comment about wandering spouses was incorrect. He still felt that way, in general, but he’d decided in regards to his relationship with Ansley she’d never have a reason to stray. He was in a very unique position. He could guard and love her, nurture and protect her. He would spend every day of his life making sure she was the happiest woman in the world.

“I can teach you many things, Tristan Voorhees, if you’ll let me,” she promised.


“But I still want to know what was so important that you left me down here so long.” Her eyes searched his. Then she gaped at the others.

“We weren’t far. In fact, we were upstairs watching you,” Elliott said proudly.

Satisfied when her cheeks turned pink, Tristan added, “There’s a hidden camera in this stateroom.”

The soft, tinted color of her complexion turned a little brighter, somewhat redder. She pushed her hair over her shoulders, left the mattress, and sashayed over to him. Curling her arms around his neck, she whispered, “Did you like what you saw?”

He growled. Dipping his head, he latched on to an extended nipple. “More than I can explain.”

“What gets you off the most, Tristan?” she crooned, running her fingers through his hair.

He looked down the bridge of his nose. “You. Everything about you makes me hard, completely rigid.”

“Show me,” she said, sliding her fingertips across his bottom lip.

“First,” he said. “You show me.”

She took a calculated moment and then leapt into action. As she fell to her knees, she clutched balls of material in both hands, dragging his pants to the floor with her.

His cock sprang to life, extending forward and separating her lips as soon as she reached for him with her tongue. Catching the tip with her mouth, she slipped her lips over the crest, sliding her tongue down his length then rising up and tipping his cock with a mind-blowing, torturous rub.

“Vixen,” he crooned, grabbing her by her hair.

“Yes, Sir,” she returned. “Wait until I’m finished with you.”

“What’s that?”

“Give me permission to play at will?”

Tristan studied Elliott, who was spread out on the bed, shaking his head in a rapid fashion. “She’ll bring you to tears.”

Now he was intrigued.

“Say yes,” she rasped, lapping at the end of his dick. “I’ll make you smile, Sir.” Her head immediately fell over his cock and she sucked him to the back of her throat.

“Shit,” he grumbled, his chin tilting downward. “How in the hell could I say no to this?”

* * * *

Ansley planned to wear him out. Tristan, since he was a Dom, had likely never been penetrated anally. And she had a digit with his name on it.

She swirled around his cockhead, aware of Bailey in her peripheral vision. He approached cautiously, and her pussy clenched in anticipation.

Bailey moved behind her. He played with her hair, running his fingers over the top of her crown as her head bobbed up and down.

Tristan’s pre-cum washed over the tip of his dick. More than a speckle, she mused, swiping the end and moistening her lips with his salty taste, savoring every drop.

Tristan placed his hand on the top of her head and encouraged her to take the best of him, staring down at her like he’d never found a more beautiful woman ready to serve him. She became greedy and hungry, eager to swallow his release, so anxious to please him.

Sucking him to her throat, she wrapped her tongue around his shaft and pulled him between her cheeks, muttering against his size but not necessarily making any particular promises. He spread his legs for her, and as his thighs parted, she rose to the tip, dragging her finger back and forth as she moistened two fingers while looking up, staring into his eyes.

“Ah, sexy baby,” he whispered, launching a round of sudden pushes forward, rolling his hips continually as she consumed him.

Without dallying long, she played with his puckered ring, the outer layer of skin at his rectum. He stilled against her and his Adam’s apple jerked as he swallowed. “Now what?” he asked, breathless.

Rolling her tongue over and under his cockhead, she sipped at the small opening, wanting another taste of him, realizing a shot of his release would soon drizzle over her tongue, slide to the back of her throat, and guarantee he’d met a satisfying conclusion. Smiling against him, she said, “Now you come for me.”

With that, she ducked her chin, swallowed his length, and tucked her two fingers inside his hole, twirling them as high as they would go as he cried out with the invasion and fucked her mouth as if he couldn’t, wouldn’t, postpone his release.

“Yes! Ansley!” he screamed, taking her head between his hands. “Right there, baby. Oh fuck yeah!” He crammed his cock down her throat as her fingers plunged higher, swirling inside his channel.

“Damn, baby, I’m coming.”

She braced for his release, tightening her jaws around his thick dick as he exploded between her cheeks. Her fingers barely remained buried as his body motions became unpredictable.

“Yes, Ansley. Oh yes, sub,” he crooned.

His warm spill filled her throat, and she sipped his tasty release, a mixture of salt and a bitter taste similar to coffee. He was rich with flavor and, better still, as hard as he’d been when she’d first drawn him between her lips.

Slowly he withdrew from her mouth and nodded to Bailey. And immediately she was carried off to bed and surrounded by arms, limbs, and men ready for plenty of good loving.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Tristan had known it would be like this. He’d known since the day Bailey called him and said, “I’ve found the one.”

Bailey wasn’t the kind of guy who fell in love. And Tristan wasn’t the type of man to follow his brother into a full collapse of the heart, but there they were, totally submersed in Ansley and the love she gave them.

Ansley parted her legs. Bailey lay between them, using his fingers to spread her. “Relax.”

With his tongue extended, he lapped at her with painstakingly slow strokes. Tristan watched as her eyes widened, as she began to writhe under the oral attention.

“Take your time, Bailey,” Tristan said.

She reached for her clit and Graham smacked away her hand.

“I’m really starting to tire of that little thing you do when I’m trying to get somewhere,” Ansley complained.

“Where are you trying to go, exactly?” Graham teased her.

She grinned. “Wanna
along for the ride?”

“You know I do,” Graham replied.

Elliott stretched out next to her, taking a position at her right. Graham grabbed his place on the left. She cupped their balls and walked her fingers up their shafts before grabbing hold of them with a firm pull.

All the while, Bailey stayed busy, his tongue stroking inside her walls, lapping at her folds. He’d nibble her clit, tweak the hard button until she’d buck under him. Then, he’d reward her with a smack across that pretty, waxed hill.

“Fingers,” she said, giving orders.

“Not yet,” Tristan said, seeing for himself how much restraint Bailey used. He’d lick her pussy and really thrust in there with his fingers and tongue, then he’d pull back, hold himself at the base, and wait a few seconds before he buried his tongue inside her again.

The expression on Bailey’s face told a true tale once he rose over her and used his knees to spread her wider. He was a man hopelessly in love. And like Tristan, from the beginning, he’d never even tried to save his heart.

She’d owned their souls right from the start.

* * * *

“No condoms?” Ansley searched Bailey’s eyes as he lowered himself to her.

“Not unless you want one used,” Bailey said, his heart striking a harder beat. This was what she’d said she wanted, and at the moment, he couldn’t think of anything that he wanted more than pleasing her.

If she wanted to be fat and sassy with their children, he couldn’t wait to donate the first seed.

“No rubbers, please,” she said, wrapping her legs around his hips.

He entered her with one sudden thrust and cried out as she squeezed his shaft, milking him with that sleek pussy, pulling him deeper inside until he was surrounded by her hot walls, nearly begging for mercy himself. Her hips shot off the bed and she set the tempo, a quite demanding pace, throwing her body forward as her feet flattened against the mattress and her lower body rose to accommodate his.

“You sexy siren,” he crooned, dropping his hand between her legs and rolling her clit as he fucked her.

“Oh God, this is so good,” she said. Her half-lidded eyes were as filled with lust as he imagined his own were. He was so in love with her that being inside her was like a fantasy, too good to be true.

“Love me, Bailey,” she said, working her hips as he fucked her.

“Like I’ll never love another,” he promised, lapping at her nipple, drawing the tight bud between his lips.

He pumped his cock inside her, feeling the pressure of his release building in his balls. “I won’t last.”

“No,” she said, reaching between their bodies. Holding his base with two fingers, she massaged the area right above his balls, applying a tight squeeze as he throttled her with hard-hitting intimate punches. “You won’t.”

He hammered inside her as she tightened her fingers around him. The sensations were intense as her hand dipped underneath him. She reached for his balls, but when she couldn’t quite manage the position, she returned to the lower half of his shaft and held him, forcing him to thrust between her wandering fingers as he entered her pussy, tapped her wet walls, and sank deeper inside her cunt.

“There,” she said, dropping her hand to the side and reaching for Graham again. “Right there.”

His breath became ragged, and he reached for the headboard. Looking down on her, he hammered between her folds and sank deeper and deeper until his hot release came forward, spiraling through the tip without any further provocation. “Good God!” he screamed, stamping her with his seed, sinking between her swollen, intimate lips, and collapsing against her breasts.

Her orgasm didn’t come, but he’d fully expected her to hold out. As she wrapped her arms around his back, she whispered at his ear, “I love you, Bailey.”

* * * *

And then there were three.

After Bailey’s good loving, Ansley had anticipated another round. She wasn’t disappointed.

Towering over Tristan, Ansley let Graham work her hips from behind, positioning her the way he must’ve felt was best for all parties. Elliott rose to his knees and stayed at her left, working his hand over his well-lubricated cock.

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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