Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (57 page)

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You need a comfortable arch,” Tristan told her. “We want you to enjoy this, too.”

“I know,” she said, staring down at him.

Her hair fell in front of her face, and he swiped away the fallen locks. “Really, Ansley. We want you to always enjoy our time together.”

“I believe that,” she said, sighing as he pinched her beaded nipple. His gaze darkened as he reached up and ran his tongue over the swell of her breasts, latching on to the tight bud he worked to awaken and truly arouse.

Tristan suckled her breasts as Graham squirted lube down her crack, pressing the tip of the tube at her anal opening. A soothing sensation washed over her as Graham twirled the tip at her hole and then inched his cock toward her cheeks, rubbing his swollen head against her bottom, taking a slow approach, allowing her time to prepare, anticipate, and—
Oh fuck!

“Easy, buddy!” Elliott called out as Graham throttled her all at once.

The sudden invasion jolted her, and her palms flattened against Tristan’s chest, breaking the connection he’d had with her breast. With Graham in place from the back, she angled her hips toward him, and Tristan slid inside her walls. His cock penetrated her with one easy motion.

“Now for the tricky part,” she said, looking at Elliott.

He winked. “Trust me, honey. I’ll help you balance, and we’ll get along just fine.” He clutched her upper arm and pulled her toward him. Her body was tilted to the side.

She opened her mouth and sipped at his tip, lavishing him with as much attention as he probably wanted, swirling her tongue around his length. She pulled his dick between her lips and sucked.

In a matter of seconds, they moved together. Their motions were so perfect it seemed as if the fucking had been previously coordinated, their movements creatively designed.

Anticipation was everything, even in perfectly timed meets such as this, and every elegant stroke was nearly orchestrated. Her cunt tingled. Her nipples ached. Her hunger grew. Even though she was recently loved by Bailey, she was starving for more attention, itching for another caress, burning for their complete love.

Repetitive thumping began. The synchronized thrumming of cocks was sensual enough to call out by the names behind the simultaneous strokes. No one fought for more control.

The fucking remained a give-and-take. One would lead. The other would follow. Turnabout was fair play.

Breaking the connection between herself and Elliott, she muttered against his shaft, “Feels so good.”

Agreements resounded. Each man praised her as they screwed her. They moaned and grunted as they threw their cocks into her body with hard throttles, separate advances, and independent plunges. Hard dicks found their respective places, nudging inside her one inch at a time.

Turning her head, she watched desire fill Tristan’s gaze. She tingled from her head to her toes, but the chill bumps scattering over her skin weren’t the best part. The intimate and quite intense sexual sensations weren’t even the most important.

What kept her attention was the love she felt swelling inside her heart as Tristan pounded inside her, Elliott wiggled his cock between her lips, and Graham forced his dick between her cheeks, locking his penis inside her rear passage.

A new realm of understanding consumed her as they perfectly sealed her with their acts of overwhelming desire. As the passion between them grew, the strokes quickened. The way they screwed her, the flattering way they caressed and held her or gazed longingly into her eyes were by far their greatest gifts of compassion, their exquisite way of showing her a quite perfect love.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“I thought you weren’t going to abandon me again,” she complained, addressing them all when she joined them in the parlor later that evening.

“You were sleeping so well, we didn’t want to wake you,” Graham told her, giving her a tight hug.

“I was,” she agreed. “Then this loud noise interrupted my dreams.” She searched their eyes, locking her gaze on Tristan. “What’s going on?”

“I’ll let Elliott tell you.”

“We’re going home,” Elliott announced, clearly elated.

“When? Now?”

“Yes, honey,” Graham said, releasing her from his tight embrace.

Her heart soared. She went to the window and noticed the passing shoreline. They were traveling full-speed ahead. “How is this possible?”

Tristan patted his leg, and she sat on his lap. Curling her arm around his neck, she said, “You can’t go back there.”

“Actually, we can,” Bailey said, taking a seat beside them. “Your fathers have a lot of pull, evidently.”

“I know that. Tell me something I haven’t heard.”

“You didn’t tell us they had friends in high places.”

“On a local level, I guess they do,” she admitted.

Graham shook his head. “Turns out Kane has a friend in the mob.”

“What?” She processed. “You must be mistaken. There’s no way he has a crooked friend. Dads and Mom are against illegal activity.”

“Then let’s just say he has an acquaintance,” Tristan suggested.

Elliott winked. “That probably works better in Ansley’s world.”

“So he talked to the mob? What did he say?”

“Well, the mafia isn’t just one person, Ansley, but he was able to speak to the heads of families because of his connections. Apparently, someone high up owes him a favor. He talked to one of the bosses, told him we still have the money, offered to return every cent of what our father stole from three of the families, and we’d all call it even.”

“But you don’t have all the money. Surely you’ve spent a big chunk of it. Look at how you’ve lived,” Ansley said.

“We still have their money. We’ve lived off the interest earned at the banks as well as the profits made from other offshore investments.”

“So you can pay back the mafia?” she asked excitedly, a great sigh of relief falling from her lips.

“Yes,” Tristan replied, grinning. “But you realize what this means, don’t you?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed, kissing his cheek before leaping to the floor again where she gave a round of pecks to everyone. “We’re going home to start our lives!”

Tristan dropped his hands between splayed legs. He shot Bailey a quick glance and bowed his head. Bailey said, “I hope our jobs are still open. If we return all the money, and we plan to give them back every last cent, we’ll be broke, Ansley.”

She waved her hand in front of their faces. “Don’t think a thing about it. Your hundred million was nice, but it was hardly worth being on the run for the rest of our lives. Besides,” she said, cutting her gaze toward a smiling Elliott and Graham. “They’re rich enough for all of us.”

“I won’t live off another man,” Tristan said flatly.

“Well then, you’ll manage my trust fund,” she said.

“Your trust fund?” Bailey asked.

“Apparently you guys were under the misguided impression that Clink needed to be profitable,” Elliott said. “Fact is, that club was sold to the Daughters of Cartwell and McKay, a corporation set up as a legitimate business but with a very precise underlying motive.”

“What would that be?” Tristan asked, arching a brow.

Graham snickered. “Do you want to tell him or do you want me to?”

“You can,” she replied. “I’d love to hear your side of the story.”

“Kane Cartwell and Joshua McKay were tired of their wealthy daughters staying in mischief and spending too much of their money. After the girls graduated from college, they set up a corporation, Kane bought out two-thirds ownership of the club, and then Joshua and Kane sold Clink to their daughters.”

“So apparently these men didn’t realize what kind of trouble their daughters might find in a kink club?” Tristan asked, arching a brow.

“They thought we’d run ourselves silly trying to keep the doors open.”

“They never expected the club to become so profitable,” Elliott further explained. “They only wanted to keep their daughters busy and out of their hair.”

“In other words, I’m pretty well stacked,” Ansley said.

“I knew that,” Tristan said, focusing on her breasts.

She was glad she’d slipped on a T-shirt she’d found in the closet. Otherwise, they’d be headed for the stateroom again.

“I’m very rich, Tristan,” she stated in a matter-of-fact voice. “In other words, if you won’t let Graham and Elliott support us, you can manage my money, invest it where you want, and help at the club. We’ll work together and have a good life. Best of all, we don’t have to look over our shoulders. You don’t have to keep hiding from your father’s past mistakes.”

Tristan and Bailey stared at one another.

“What is it?” Ansley asked.

Tristan shook his head. “We’ll see how things go.”

“We aren’t used to living off a woman,” Bailey further explained.

“You won’t be living off me. You’ll be working with me, side by side.” She reached for Graham and Elliott’s hands and pulled them to her. Surrounded by all four men, she finally added, “This is what families do. They pull together. They work with what they have and make the most of the lives they’ve been granted. We’re just very lucky. We’re able to live and work together.”

“And love together,” Graham reminded her.

She giggled, giddy all over because things were finally falling back in their proper places. “Yes, Graham.” Her eyes met and held Tristan’s. “We’ll spend our entire lives loving one another. There isn’t a doubt in my mind.”

* * * *

The next day, they pulled in front of the Cartwell home. Ansley jumped out of the vehicle and met her family. They were all there to greet them—her fathers, her mother, Kimberly and Patience, the McKay men and Vicky, as well as Brock, Rory, Trixie, and the children.

“Mom!” she screamed, running into her mother’s arms. She quickly turned around and was embraced by each Cartwell, and that was when she felt a gentle tug on her pant leg.

Staring down at the little boy she loved so much, Ansley quickly knelt in front of him. “Hey, you.”

“I knew you’d be back for me, Aunt Anzzley.”

“You did?”

He nodded his little head up and down. “You couldn’t
me forever and ever.”

“No, Caz, I sure couldn’t,” she agreed, tousling his blond hair.

He threw his arms around her and kissed her cheek. “Momma and Daddies said you’re gonna babysit me tonight.”

“They did?” she asked, laughing. She couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do.

“I figured you’d had enough loving for a few days. The least you can do is let your sister have a break,” Trixie said, placing Winter in her arms. “Rory and Brock need to talk to me tonight.”

“I’ll just bet they do,” Ansley said, studying her family.

Graham and Elliott politely introduced Bailey and Tristan to the McKay family. Joshua McKay said, “I leave town and look what happens.” He nodded his head toward her arms. “You run off and get involved with a couple of fellas who want to make an honest woman out of ya.”

“Speaking of which,” Graham said, yanking free that little black box he’d presented to her nearly a week ago.

Her heart caught in her throat as she watched all four men take to their knees. “We’ve been meaning to ask you again,” Graham teased. “How about spending the rest of your life with us?”

BOOK: Acres, Natalie - Sex Club [Cowboy Sex 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
7.85Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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