Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening) (26 page)

BOOK: Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)
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And w
e were both completely and utterly…naked. My girly part was pressed against his thigh and my traitorous body wanted to rub itself against him.

my God…I’m a megahoe.

I moved to lift my right arm off
his stomach, but a vise-like grip entwined our fingers. Then Adam’s body rolled and took me to my back and light green eyes stared into mine. I opened my mouth to protest, but it was instantly covered with soft, demanding lips. And then I felt a hand between my legs and I acted on my earlier need to rub myself against him.

He entered me with a finger

“Adam, we can’t do this,” I whispered against his l
ips, slightly worried about my morning breath, but he obviously wasn’t complaining.

His head lifted, but
he didn’t answer me and, instead, he lowered his mouth to my breasts. He licked and sucked and flicked the tips with his tongue, showing them both the same attention. His fingers at my core had me moaning and begging, “Adam, please.”

He lifted, took my mouth again and with no warning
at all, he entered me in one smooth glide. He captured my hands in his, laced our fingers and held tight. I wrapped my legs around his hips and met his slow, torturous motions.

He loved me with his body.

I closed my eyes and reveled in the tenderness radiating off him…

Until I felt something wet hit my cheek
and my eyes flew open to see he was kissing me… crying. I broke my mouth free. He lifted his head, opened his watery eyes and they bore into mine.

I could see it all…his pain…his hurt…his longing…his regret…it was all clear as glass
and my own eyes watered.

“Adam,” I breathed.

“No, no words. I just need to feel you. Feel that you’re real. I need my soul back,” he whispered, before he dropped his head to my shoulder and breathed me in.

my God.

I closed my eyes
and my fingers squeezed his.

He continued his slow, steady rocking
for what felt like hours, but the whole time I felt so loved and so special that I never wanted him to stop.

The wall
s I’d built up over six years slowly crumbled to dust and I knew he felt it too. He picked up the pace and lifted his head to kiss me with starved hunger. My heels dug into the back of his thighs, urging him on and he took it, pumping fast.

suddenly, I wasn’t on my back, but being lifted to straddle Adam’s waist. He sat back on his heels, wrapped an arm around my hips and dipped the other into my hair. I grabbed his face and kissed him eagerly as I rode him hard. I was panting, out of control, and in this position, my sensitive flesh was being massaged just right.

“I’m so close,” I
breathed and Adam lifted his hips higher, and I ground down on him with everything I had.

“I can feel it…so fuckin’
perfect,” he groaned against my lips and a few seconds later…that was it. My arms wrapped around his neck, my nails dug into his back and I wrenched my mouth from his to bite his shoulder as I came harder than I ever had before.

His shoulder muffled
my release.

," he hissed in my ear, his fingers pressed deep into my hips and I felt him spill inside me as I continued to rock on him, desperate to prolong my orgasm.

Finally, w
hen I slowed down and it was all over, I released his shoulder from my teeth and could have sworn I blacked out. It was the only explanation. He’d always been good in bed, but I’d never had it that good.

It’s b
ecause he’s had plenty of practice since me.

I stiffened, mortified
at the thought. And then I was being picked up and carried.

Nuh-uh, no fuckin’ way, Baby. Do not get lost in that head of yours.” He tapped my ass. “Wrap around me tightly,” Adam ordered like I wasn’t already holding on for dear life. He lifted and climbed off the bed in one smooth motion.

What are you doing?”

“We’re showering,” he said as we entered the master bathroom. He put me on my feet, reached into the shower and turned it on. I
covered my breasts with my arm, stood in place and watched him in all his naked glory. The muscles in his back were perfectly sculpted, and for a man, he actually had a nice round ass. You could even see the indention that dipped between his hipbone and his waist.

His thighs were thick and I already knew he had a washboard stomach, though I couldn’t see it from where I was standing.
When he stuck his hand under the water to check the water temperature, the muscles in his triceps were outlined to perfection.

there I stood.

I didn’t have
a perfectly sculpted anything. I was short, thick in the hips, round on the bottom, heavy on the top and my triceps sure as shit didn’t show just by sticking my arm out. My only halfway decent feature was my flat stomach, but even that wasn’t defined in any way. It didn’t matter that I worked out four times a week and ate fairly decent, I was still never going to look good standing next to Adam.

I never had.

“Baby, you okay?” Adam asked, cutting off my inner bully and I met his eyes.

“Uhhh…yeah. Why don’t you go ahead and shower
? I’ll just wait --” I stopped when he took a step.

“And have you run off on me? I don’t think so. And stop hiding yourself
from me.” He grabbed my hand - the hand that was attached to the arm covering my breasts - and tugged.

“Adam, stop,
” I rushed when he started pulling me toward the shower. “I don’t want to shower with you; it’s too…intimate.”

He whipped around.

“What the fuck?” he breathed. “We just had sex. What’s more intimate than that?”

Still the same jerk,” I muttered and he stiffened. “Sex is sex, and that’s all we had, Adam. Something you do the same with everyone else isn’t considered intimate. Showering together is intimate.”

You know, Freckles, you’re right. But what we just had wasn’t sex… that was make-up sex.”

I gasped. “No it wasn’t! That was letting
-you-have-your-way-with-me-so-you’d-finally-divorce-me sex!”

When I finished
, I snapped my mouth shut and my lips thinned when I realized too late just how stupid I sounded.

“Excuse me,
” he growled.

Oh no.

“Never mind,” I rushed.

“No, explain right the fuck now, Mia, but I’ll warn you. It won’t matter what you
say ‘cause what’s done is done.”

“Now what does
mean,” I snapped back.

“What that
means is your fate is sealed. You’re staying. Whatever the fuck you have with Max… that prick,” he muttered, before continuing, “…is finished. You’ll get your stuff, your clothes and you’ll move back in here…to
house.” He pointed to the floor. “You don’t want this house anymore or if it brings back too many bad memories for you, we’ll buy a new one. But you can be mad at me, you can hold your grudge, you can continue to hate me for the past, but you’re gonna do all that in the same motherfuckin’ house I’m in.”

I stared at him in complete and utter shock. It was the only thing I could do in that moment. W
e stood in the bathroom completely naked about to throw down and I wanted nothing more than to rip his arrogant head off. I knew it was ridiculous, but a piece of me - a small sliver of a piece - missed this.

Our spark.

That was what we always had between us, a spark that, when put together, was electrifying… or electrocuting.

I was sick in the head.

“Turn off the shower,” I ordered deceivingly low.

Adam narrowed his eyes and he didn’t move right away, but after a stare down that only lasted seconds, he caved. While he did that, I snatched a towel from the rack and wrapped it around myself as though it was some sort of

Then, I stormed out of the bathroom, made it to the middle of the room, turned
, and not surprisingly, Adam was right on my heels.

Still naked.

“Can you put on some clothes or something?” I asked and he frowned and looked down at himself. He scanned the floor, picked up the boxer briefs I assumed he was wearing last night, and put them on.

Okay, spit it out so we can get this shit out of the way and move on with our day,” he said in a huff after he finished.

“You’re such an asshole
. After six years, you’re still the same asshole!”

“No, after six years, I’m still
asshole. That’s why you’re so pissed. Because you’re just now realizing you could have been with me this whole time.”

Oh my God!
You’re not my anything, Adam! What is the matter with you? You always were the caveman type, but this is taking it a little too far… even for you. It’s been six years. I’m nothing to you except the lowly wife you refuse to divorce, and you’re nothing to me except the man who ripped me to shreds. And stop pretending the sex we just had was more than it was when you’re in this house with a different piece of ass every night and have been since the day I fucking left. All I’m asking from you is to sign a little piece of paper that will get us out of the mess we never should have gotten ourselves into.”

And with that, his lips tipped up and he snorted.

My eyes grew huge, but his conceit fueled my wrath. “Have you lost your mind?” I shouted.

He shook his head and smiled
like he just had an epiphany. “Nope. What I lost was you, but now you’re back, and now I’m not letting you leave me.”

I closed my eyes and took a few…no numerous deep breaths before
I decided to continue with this insane, seemingly one-sided, conversation.

Please listen to me. I’m not just mad at you, I actually hate you. There is no
, never will be. You broke me in places that can never be repaired. You lied to me, you cheated on me… whether it was a case or not, but what’s worse is you did it all at a time when I needed you most. I was pregnant and scared - we were newly married and I was sad, because I couldn’t make you happy. I needed you. Looking back, you could have walked out the door or kicked me out at that time and I wouldn’t have been as crushed.”

“Baby --”

“And all the women after me…God! I lost my baby, and your mom passed away and only months later you were bringing women here like what we had meant nothing to you. I was such a fool!”

His c
ocky smile turned into a scowl. “Our baby,” he growled. “And what the hell are you talking about? What women?” he snapped at me, but I shook my head.

“It doesn’t matter

“Mia, what fuckin’ women? I’ve only had three other women in this house, one of them my mom, the other two I didn’t fuck.
When I got laid, I got a hotel room or I went to her place.”

I slammed my eyes shut.

“And I didn’t check the exact date, but I didn’t touch another woman until the day you asked me for a divorce. So tell me… what fuckin’ women are you talking about?”

“You’re a liar,” I whispered. “Will you ever stop lying?”

His body visibly went rigid. “I’ve never lied to you. I made bad decisions. I kept things from you that had to do with a case - one that I took for the wrong reasons. I was fucked in the head after you got pregnant and I realized too late that I was losing you, but I have
lied to you.”

I shook my head
and continued speaking in a low, painful whisper, “Eric told me. He wouldn’t lie to me. I was desperate to come back. Even after everything you did to me, I wanted to come back and beg you to take me back. That’s when he told me. To save me. It was only a couple months after your mom passed. Eric said he saw you out, followed you home and that you weren’t alone.”

I kept shaking my head. “
Eric would never lie to me,” I finished, but all Adam did was stare.

Are you fuckin’ kidding me right now?” he asked with a hint of danger.

I just shook my head.

“I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him,” he muttered, before roaring, “I’m gonna fuckin’

He walked toward me
, and for every step he took, I took a step back until my back hit the wall. He didn’t stop until he was cupping my face and tilting it up to meet his.

“Other than going to work, I didn’t leave this house for months
. I was sick and depressed… Hell, I was suicidal. I lost you and I thought I killed my baby, Mia. You seriously think I’d bring bitches home so soon after that?”

I didn’t know what to
think. Why would Eric lie? He wouldn’t.

BOOK: Adam, Enough Said (This Can't be Happening)
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