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Authors: Sabrina York

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Adam’s Obsession

Sabrina York


Hopelessly shy and utterly
repressed, Katherine Hart slakes her taboo desires online, where the anonymity
allows her to indulge without embarrassment. Her virtual lover, Savage, is
willing to meet her every need, especially once he discovers her naughty little
secret—more than anything, she craves a masterful man. Fortunately, Savage is
just that. And then some.

When Adam Trillo—aka Savage—discovers the shameless, erotic
woman he’s been tangling with online is actually his demure coworker, he’s
determined to seduce her in real life. He longs to release the wild Kat he
knows lurks just below the surface. With a relentless mix of domination and
persuasive charm, he draws her into his web until she’s helpless to deny their
mutual passion. Particularly when she’s tied to his bed.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Adam’s Obsession


ISBN 9781419938573


Adam’s Obsession Copyright © 2012 Sabrina York


Edited by Carrie Jackson

Cover design by Syneca



Electronic book publication April 2012


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Adam’s Obsession

Sabrina York



This book is dedicated to the best critique partners a
writer can have—Celeste Deveney, Wendy Delaney, Kathy Klein, Natalie French,
Monica Britt and Mark Henry.





I would like to express heartfelt thanks to Carrie Jackson
for embracing Adam—and his obsession—and to Kelli Collins for judging the
Celtic Hearts Novellas Need Love Too Contest, which brought this book to their
attention. Thanks to Syneca Featherstone and the Ellora’s Cave art department
for an awesome cover.

To all my friends in the Greater Seattle Romance Writers of
America and Rose City Romance Writers groups, thank you for all your support
and encouragement. And smooches to Cherry Adair for regularly booting me in the
butt to finish the damn book.


Chapter One


Katherine Hart let herself into her condo and tossed her
purse and keys on the table by the door. She kicked off her shoes, rushed into
the bedroom and turned on her laptop. It might have been her steaming
impatience but it seemed to take forever so she headed into the kitchen to pour
a glass of wine. She yanked her hair from its prim bun and released the buttons
of her Armani blouse along the way. It fluttered, forgotten, to the floor.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and made a face. She
was late.

As she scampered barefoot across the plush carpet back into
the bedroom, the computer chimed that it had completed its annoying cycle and
Katherine logged online. While she waited for Internet Explorer to surface, she
changed into her silky teddy—the one
liked her to wear because it
made her nipples hard. She knew what was coming so she didn’t bother with the
matching panties.

This sharp edge of anticipation always surprised her. She’d
never even met the man, for heaven’s sake. Then again, Savage made her hotter
than any man she’d met in real life.

Well. Except for one guy.

Katherine plopped on the bed and sipped her wine, staring at
the computer, willing it to work faster. When the window finally opened, she
logged on to the Playground—billed as a hot chat site for sexy singles—and
skimmed her “friends” column. Her stomach plunged—just a little—when she
realized Savage wasn’t logged on.

He wasn’t there.

She took another fortifying snort of wine and wandered
through the rest of the site, scanning for other friends and acquaintances. She
popped over to check a few news and rumor sites she liked to keep up with but
all the while, a hard ball sat in her belly. All the while, a little voice kept
He didn’t come.

He didn’t come.

She’d spent the whole day thinking about this. About him.
Obviously, he had not.

Though she knew she shouldn’t, she padded into the kitchen
and poured herself another glass of wine. After a fleeting internal debate, she
brought the bottle with her into the bedroom.

She was well into her third glass of Riesling when a soft
chime alerted her that she had a private message. Her heart leapt as she
flicked over to the window. It thudded at the sight of his screen name.

He was here.

Breathless with anticipation, she clicked on the box.


SAVAGE: You’re late, babe. We were supposed to meet at six.
Where’ve you been?

WILDKAT: Sorry. Traffic was horrible. It’s raining here and
people forget how to drive when it rains.


The San Fernando Valley was notorious for rain-engendered


SAVAGE: No excuse. It’s raining here too but I managed to
make it on time.

WILDKAT: I came straight home.

SAVAGE: Come on, Kat. I was here at six. Waiting for you. I
made dinner and checked the sports news and went through my mail—and you still
weren’t here. I think you were just dawdling.

WILDKAT: I wasn’t. I swear.

SAVAGE: Do you know what I think?


SAVAGE: I think you’ve been a bad girl. I think you need to
be punished. I think you need a spanking.


Katherine’s breath caught as Savage unerringly zeroed in on
her deepest fantasy, stroked her secret passion. She’d always dreamed of a
masterful lover, someone who would command her, take her, mercilessly make her
come, but she’d never had the courage to suggest it. At least not after that
disastrous episode when a guy laughed in her face.

Then again, pretty much everything with Stu had been
disastrous. Hence the pretend relationships with pretend men in a make-believe


SAVAGE: Wildkat? Are you still there? Did the spanking thing
scare you away?

WILDKAT: Yeah. I’m here. Sorry. You just caught me off

SAVAGE: Did I shock you?

WILDKAT: A little.

SAVAGE: In a good way or a bad way?


Katherine’s fingers froze over the keyboard. Her answer
could very well ignite a dramatic change in their play. The thought scared her
half to death. The other half was quivering with excitement. This was a chance
to experience something she’d never have the courage to try in real life.

She reminded herself of her New Year’s resolution. This was
the New Katherine—a woman who would bravely and fearlessly reach for her
dreams. Their flirting had just taken a sudden, frightening, exhilarating turn.
But it was a turn she wanted to take. With him.

Trembling, she typed her response.


WILDKAT: In a good way.


There was a long pause.


WILDKAT: Savage? Are you still there?

SAVAGE: Yes. You caught me off guard as well. I nearly came
when I read that.

WILDKAT: You did?

SAVAGE: I got this image in my head of you bent over my
knees with your creamy ass cheeks up in the air. I’ll bet they’re round and
firm. Itching to be smacked.


Katherine’s breath hitched as the vision consumed her. A
thrill ran through her body from her nipples to her pussy and she quivered as a
miniature orgasm rocked her.


SAVAGE: Do you like to have your ass paddled? Do you like
when it gets red and hot?

WILDKAT: I don’t know.

SAVAGE: Have you ever been spanked?

WILDKAT: No. But I’ve fantasized about it.

SAVAGE: Kat. Kat. Kat. We’ve talked about this. Why haven’t
you acted on your desires?

WILDKAT: God. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. I’m too


Damn but it was humiliating, having to admit that to him.
She didn’t want to be like this, so rigid and reserved. But she was. She always
had been. He was the first man who’d ever made her feel like the wild woman she
desperately yearned to be.

And he wasn’t even real.

Well, he was
. But he only lived on her computer
screen. Oh. And in her fantasies.


SAVAGE: But your name is Wildkat. That’s the name
chose. Do you know what I think?


SAVAGE: I think you chose that name because that’s who you
really are. Who you really want to be, in the deepest, darkest corners of your
soul. I think your Wildkat is trapped down there. Caged. And you know what else
I think?


SAVAGE: I think you need to let her out. Let her run free.
Can you do that? Can you? Do you dare?

WILDKAT: Only with you.


He didn’t respond. At least not right away. Katherine
wondered if he’d logged off or gone to the bathroom or something. And then he


SAVAGE: You can always be your true self, your wild self,
with me. No restrictions. No hang-ups. We’ll never meet so I’m completely safe.
You can tell me anything, everything, with no worries. And I’ll never judge
you. I promise.


It was a tempting offer, one Katherine would be a fool to
refuse. The opportunity to be
with no fear, no repressions, no
restrictions. Nothing but pure, unadulterated passion.


WILDKAT: Only if you do the same.

SAVAGE: I’d like that. You can be my sex therapist.

WILDKAT: Do you need one?

SAVAGE: Ha! I need something. My cock is hard as a rock.

WILDKAT: Mmm. What would you like me to do about that?

SAVAGE: Honestly?

WILDKAT: We did agree we’d be honest.


When his response appeared on the screen, the muscles in her
pussy clenched. She shivered.


SAVAGE: Honestly? I want to punish you for being late.


Katherine bit her lower lip to restrain a blossoming grin.
It didn’t work.



SAVAGE: You were a bad girl. Weren’t you?


She hesitated, savoring the excitement, and then finally


WILDKAT: Yes. I was a bad girl.

SAVAGE: What are you wearing?


It was a cheesy question, one they’d joked about more than
once, but at the moment, the implications of the query only made her wetter.


WILDKAT: My teddy.

SAVAGE: The black satin?


SAVAGE: The one that makes your nipples so hard when you rub


SAVAGE: Jesus. God.

WILDKAT: Do you want me to touch myself?

SAVAGE: No. Not yet. Do you have a belt?

WILDKAT: A belt? Yikes!

SAVAGE: Come on, Kat. Play along here.

WILDKAT: Yes. I have the belt to my robe.

SAVAGE: Is it soft?

WILDKAT: Yes. And thick.

SAVAGE: Good. Go get it. And while you’re up, get that
vibrator you used the last time.

WILDKAT: The one with five speeds?

SAVAGE: Yeah. I hope you changed the batteries.


The last time they’d used that vibrator, the poor thing ran
out of juice. Katherine had come so many times she’d had to change the sheets.

It’d been worth it.


WILDKAT: Yes. I have extra-strength batteries in there now.

SAVAGE: LOL. Now get going. Don’t make me wait again.


Katherine rushed to collect the items he requested. She was
a little unsteady on her feet because of the wine but also because imagining
what he might have planned made her a little lightheaded. If she knew one thing
about Savage, it was that he was one creative man. When he got sexy-creative,
it could be mind-blowing.

She dropped the belt and the vibrator next to the laptop on
the bed and sat down.



SAVAGE: One more thing.


SAVAGE: Your hairbrush.

WILDKAT: My hairbrush?


What the heck did she need that for?


SAVAGE: Are you questioning me? You can be punished just for
that, you know.

WILDKAT: No. I’m not questioning you, Savage. Sorry. It’s
right here.


She grabbed her hairbrush and dumped it on the small pile.



SAVAGE: Are you ready for your punishment?


Katherine sucked in a deep breath and willed herself to stop
shaking. She really should have gone to the bathroom and mopped up before
coming back to the bed. She could feel the cream oozing out of her pussy and
dampening the bedspread.



SAVAGE: Okay now. Here is the crux of the entire punishment.
You have to agree to play by the rules or we may as well stop now. Do you

WILDKAT: Do I get to hear the rules first?

SAVAGE: No. You either agree…or we stop here.

WILDKAT: That doesn’t seem fair.

SAVAGE: Do you trust me?


She did. That was the weird thing. She’d never met the guy
and they’d only talked online for a month or so. But she did trust him. Utterly
and completely.



SAVAGE: Then agree to the rules.

WILDKAT: All right. I agree to the rules. What are they?

SAVAGE: There are only two rules. First, you do whatever I

WILDKAT: And the second rule?

SAVAGE: The second rule is, you don’t come until I say you

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