AdamsObsession (10 page)

Read AdamsObsession Online

Authors: Sabrina York

BOOK: AdamsObsession
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“Okay. Okay,” Jack muttered. He tossed his trash in the can
and skulked from the room. The others, warily sidestepping Adam, followed in
his wake.

The only one left was Sara. “No worries,” she said as she
collected the detritus of her lunch. “Katherine would never succumb to those
losers.” She winked. “Katherine’s got much better taste.”

Damn straight
, Adam thought. But something gnawed at
his gut. He quickly recognized what it was.

The younger men had been mooning over the change in
Katherine’s demeanor since her return from Vegas, most specifically the undone
second button on her blouse. Trouble was,
was the one who’d ordered
her to undo that button.
had wanted to stare at her across the
hallway, marinating in sexual tension for the rest of the day, because
was the one who had plans for her come five o’clock.

And—son of a bitch—the other little pissants in the office
had noticed.

After he’d assured her no one would notice, they’d noticed.

The little pissants.

Adam frowned. Evidently he was going to have to change his
tactics with her. He was going to have to go underground with his seductions.

And Kat?

She was going to have to go underground with him.

“Oh, and Sara?”


“Better have Shannon schedule that training.”

Chapter Eleven


SAVAGE: I need to see you tonight. Are you free for dinner?


Katherine glanced across the hall and smiled dreamily. He
was so handsome, sitting there in his office with his hair all mussed up and
his expression steamy.

I need to see you tonight
, he’d said. Not
I want
I’d like to
. I
to. How…scintillating.


WILDKAT: Of course.

SAVAGE: Would you wear what I ask?


She shivered deep down inside. Her breath hitched in her




His grin was beyond wicked. He stood resolutely. Closing his
laptop and grabbing his jacket, he stepped into the hall.

Her view was obscured as Tristan stepped between them. He
glanced at Adam’s jacket and frowned. “Where are you going?”

“I, um, have an errand to run.”

“Okay.” Tristan frowned at the printout in his hands. “I
guess we can go over the Capillon figures later.”

“Yeah.” Adam slipped on his jacket. “Let’s do that.”

Still staring at the spreadsheet, Tristan meandered back to
his office, muttering to himself. As soon as he was out of sight, Adam ducked
his head into Katherine’s office.

“I’ll see you tonight.” His eyes drifted lazily over her and
she felt the unreasonable urge to fix her hair or straighten her jacket

His eyes settled on the top of her blouse, the two buttons
he’d coerced her to undo. Katherine’s mouth watered at his expression. It had
felt awfully naughty to do that but arousing as well. She’d been twitchy all
afternoon because of it. Knowing he was ogling her, thinking about her.

And he
to see her tonight. A little thrill
surged at the thought. She sent him a slow, seductive smile.

He frowned. He stepped into her office and closed the door
behind him. “Kat?”

“Yes, Adam?” she purred.

His frown deepened. “Would you mind, I mean, while I’m


“Would you mind buttoning up again?”

Her heart plummeted. That wasn’t what she’d expected to
hear. The blood drained from her face, followed by a hot wave of mortification.
She’d gone in a flash from feeling frisky to feeling, well, chastised. And he
was the one who’d asked her to unbutton. It wasn’t fair.

“Fine.” Trembling, she quickly rebuttoned her blouse. She
would have kept on buttoning if there’d been any more. As it was, she was
buttoned all the way up to her chin. She glared at him.

“Don’t be mad.”
He was cute when he was
contrite. It made it really hard to maintain her outrage.

mad.” She wasn’t…anymore. Just hurt.

“Kat.” He said her name softly, seductively. The word was
accompanied by a gentle smile. “It’s just, I can’t stand the thought of anyone
else enjoying the view.” He surreptitiously stroked her hand, a mere delicious
drift of a touch.

She shivered, both mollified and aroused.

“I told you they wouldn’t notice.” His expression darkened.
“But they did.”

Her eyes widened in horror. “Who? Who noticed?”

He frowned. “Jack, for one.”

“Oh, dear. Not Jack.”

Adam leaned in so close their noses were nearly touching.
“Stay clear of that little maggot,” he muttered. He kissed her, hard and quick.
Then he sketched her a quick wave and with a blithe “see you tonight” was gone.

Katherine stared after Adam even when he’d disappeared from
sight. Never in her life had she met a man who could take her to such heights
and plunge her to the depths of despair with a word, a look, a touch. She
wasn’t sure he was at all good for her. But at the moment, she really didn’t
care. Being with him was without a doubt the highlight of her existence. And
she wouldn’t give him up for the world.

She could only hope he felt the same.

She could only hope they could continue to keep their affair
secret from the other employees. She shuddered to think what Jack and his
interns would make of the knowledge that she was sleeping with Adam.

And Sara? Jenny? Shannon? How would they react if they found
out? Would she lose her friends as well? She couldn’t bear it if that happened.

If that happened, she’d have to leave Trillo–Maris, just
like she’d had to leave her last job.

The difference was, this time it would destroy her.

No. There was no two ways about it. Their affair simply had
to remain a secret.


The package arrived by special messenger at four, which
created a number of problems for Katherine. For one thing, it came with a
note—signed only with the letter A—instructing her not to open it until she got
home, so she was burning with curiosity. Secondly, it created a furor of
speculation in the office. More than one person dropped by to ask about the
package, who it was from and most importantly, why didn’t she open it? She told
them nothing. She didn’t even let Sara in on her secret. How could she?

The box sat there on her desk though, driving her crazy.
Adam hadn’t come back to the office and he wasn’t answering his cell phone so
she couldn’t wheedle information out of him or beg or cajole or anything.

Needless to say, she was out the door at five on the dot.
She would have trampled an old lady in a walker on her way to the elevator, had
there been one. She hitched the box under her arm and strode quickly down the
hall, ignoring Jack as he fell in at her side.

“Hey, Kat,” he said as she pressed the button for the ground

“Hey.” What could Adam have sent her? Was it clothing? He’d
intimated she should wear what he chose… Perhaps he’d spent the entire
afternoon shopping for clothes. For her.

She quickly discarded this scenario. She just couldn’t see
him trolling the mall. She shot a glance at the box. It was fairly large for
lingerie. Or maybe…

“So it’s a date then?”

The elevator dinged and opened as she emerged from her
besotted reverie and by chance, she caught Jack’s last words. Had he been
talking the entire time? Oh. That’s what the buzzing sound in the back of her
head had been.

“What?” She fixed him with an impatient glance.

“It’s a date?” he offered helpfully.

“What’s a date?”

“You. Me. A little
. Tonight. Honestly, Kat,
weren’t you listening to anything I said?”

“Honestly? No. And I have a date tonight, Jack.” She leaned
closer to hiss, “With a man. Oh. And quit calling me Kat.”

She left him standing there in the elevator with his mouth
agape until the doors closed on him.


She made it home in record time, which was amazing because
she didn’t remember a moment of the drive. As she carried the unwieldy box up
the stairs to her condo, she was aware of the dampness between her legs. With
each step, she could feel her engorged pussy lips rubbing against her swollen
clit. And her heartbeat? She felt every pulse in her nipples as they throbbed
with an impatient fervor.

Adam certainly knew how to ratchet up the anticipation.

Fumbling with her keys for what seemed an eternity, she
finally let herself into her apartment and headed for the couch. She sat and
tore into the package. There on the top was an envelope.

, it said.

She ripped it open. As she read the note written in his
strong, masterful script, she quivered inside and out.


Dear Kat,

Inside this box there are five numbered packages. Open
them one at a time, in order. Follow the directions.

Yours, Adam


She trembled as she reached for the first package. Wrapped
in plain brown kraft paper and tied with twine, it was small and soft. As she
opened the paper, a note as well as some frivolous lace confections tumbled
out. She inspected the lingerie first, as any woman would.

Ah. Panties and a bra.

They were exquisite and exceptionally scant. A small shiver
skated through her pussy. She knew what the note would say before she read it
but still, reading it in his hand made the command all the more captivating.

, it said,
and put these on.

She did so. Immediately. She went into the bedroom, where
she had a full-length mirror, and quickly divested herself of clothing. Then,
reverently, she slipped the panties on first.

Sheer heaven.


They were sheer. She could see straight past the lace to the
curling hairs beneath the tiny triangle that barely covered her. The lips of
her pussy, fat and wet, pressed against the material. When she moved, the tip
of the triangle slipped inexorably into her slit.

Without delay, she picked up the bra.
Oh my
, she
thought, holding it up to her chest. It wasn’t going to fit.

She put it on anyway. And yes, it was tight. But she
suspected it was meant to be. The band fit her perfectly but the cups were
half-moon shaped and skimpy—her nipples kept peeping out. With a start, she
realized that was what he intended.

The thought nearly caused her to swoon, which was telling
because she was not the swooning type.

Honestly, the man stole her breath.

She rushed back to the living room—to the remainder of the
brown paper packages tied up with strings—cognizant, with every step, of the
pull and drag of lace against her most tender spot.

She quickly found package number two. It was small and soft.
She opened it and four straps of Velcro and fur fell onto her lap. How odd.
What on earth? She scrabbled for the note, three words that barely made sense.
He’d written,
Bracelets and anklets.

She held the strips up, studying them. And realization
dawned. A great wash of arousal seeped from her womb. “Oh God.”

He meant to tie her up.

Her trembling increased apace and she decided she needed a
glass of wine. She headed for the kitchen but first she stopped in the bathroom
to wipe away the worst of the dampness. Arousal was wonderful and all but this
was just embarrassing. The thong flossing her crack was positively soaked.
Though undoubtedly Adam would appreciate her productivity.

She returned to the sofa with a tumbler of merlot, warily
eyeing the straps he meant for her to wear on her wrists and ankles. Though
this had been an unfulfilled fantasy of hers for her entire adult life, the
thought of finally bringing it to fruition was a little frightening.

Still, this was Adam. He would never hurt her. He would
never laugh at her. She sat and twined the fur side of the restraint around one
wrist, securing it with the Velcro. She did the same with her other wrist and
both ankles.

Hands shaking, she took a gulp of wine. Just the thought of
what was to come had her, well, nearly coming.

She fished around in the box and found package number three.
She didn’t bother to poke around and guess. She merely ripped the paper off to
find a belt. A thick leather belt with large metal loops festooning its
circumference. And the note read,
Tight around your waist.

She complied. Once the belt was cinched around her middle,
she had to go into the bedroom and stare at herself in the mirror. She looked
phenomenal. He was transforming her, gift by gift, into a sexpot.

Package number four was a pair of stiletto heels. They were
black and shiny and terrifying and Kat couldn’t wait to put them on. This time
she made her way into the bedroom cautiously because the heels were difficult
to walk in. But when she stood before the mirror, it was worth the effort.

Without thinking, she released her hair. It fell around her
shoulders, wild and wanton.

Her nipples, ever grazing the edge of the demi-bra, were
swollen and tender. Her clit, incessantly nudged by the tight panties, ached.
Her pussy was on fire.

, she thought. When was Adam planning to
arrive? She didn’t think she could wait much longer.

But, oh. There was another package.

She hobbled back to the couch and pulled the final package
from the box. She opened it. Two items fell out. The largest was a vibrator.
But not a plain-Jane like the one she kept hidden in her underwear drawer.

This one had…accoutrements. There was a knob in the front,
clearly meant to torment a clitoris, but there was also a little protuberance
on the back for anal stimulation. Testing the waters, she turned the thing on
and watched the fake cock gyrate in the most outrageous configurations,
vibrating and undulating at varying speeds. The two protrusions, likewise,

Oh dear.
She switched it off and dropped the monster
onto the couch. What a wicked thing.

The second item stole her breath. It was a satin blindfold.
She grabbed the note, dying to know what he wanted her to do now.

But all the note said was,
Call me

She grabbed her purse and frantically fished around for her
cell phone. She found it, slipped in her Bluetooth and punched in his number.
She waited, shifting restlessly as the thing rang. And rang. Perhaps it was her
simmering impatience but it seemed as though he let the phone ring forever
before he picked up.

“Kat?” His warm voice poured over the line.


“Did you follow my directions?”

“Yes.” A breathless gulp.

“Where are you?”

“Sitting on the sofa.”

“Go to the bedroom. Take your new toys. And on the way,
unlock the front door. I’m on my way over.”

She swallowed heavily. “All right.”

“I’m going to tie you up, Kat.” His tone was as smooth and
soft as butter. “Would you like that?”

Would she? Her intellect said
no way
but the rest of
her melted at the thought. “Y-yes.”

“You said you wanted to be tied up,” he whispered. “It’s
been a fantasy of mine as well.” He allowed this little tidbit to sink in
before he continued. “But you need to understand, it’s my intention to tease
you until you beg for mercy. Would you like that?”

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