Addicted to Mr. Parks (The Park #2) (29 page)

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“You are the reason my dick is so fucking hard. Look.”

I glanced down and saw his erection in his hand. “Hmm.”

Leaving my body for a second, he bent down to the left of the bed, reaching for something, then pulled up what looked like long, black belts that were already attached to the bed.

“Under-bed restrains,” he squashed my concern, then took my left wrist and placed a soft, black cuff around it and tied it to the bedframe. He then did the same thing with my right wrist and both ankles. My body was splayed out across the bed, making a star shape, all four limbs tied up and vulnerable, bare to him and his to do with what he pleased.

“Evelyn, you’re wide open and exposed for me and looking so goddam fucking hot. Make sure you scream my name.
.” Parks climbed up the bed and aimed for my mouth. Our muffled moans got tangled between our soft, caressing lips. My skin scattered with goose bumps, but my temperature heightened all at the same time.

He left my mouth and trickled soft kisses across my jaw and down my neck, nipping and licking, aiming for my breasts. The way he sucked and played with my tits had me pulling against my ties, trying to close my legs and suppress the throbbing ache, but the attempts were useless.

“You have to feel it, Princess. No suppressing.”

Oh, and did I feel it. Every muscle in my body had tightened, feeling every last spasm of the arousal that was brewing. Our moans and appreciative groans were all that could be heard through the silence of the room.

Parks always made a point of kissing the scars on my belly. It was to make me feel beautiful and show me how much he yearned for me. Scars and all.

“Stunning.” He licked and sucked his way down my legs, keeping his hands at my breasts and teasing my erect nipples as he parted my slick folds with his tongue.

.” He buried his tongue in my sex, parting my cleft and spearing at my clit. He lifted his eyes so he could see me moaning and watch me wriggle against my restrains as I churned my hips restlessly.

Every inch of me burned from the heat of his touch, the warmth and richness of his words lighting a fireball in my stomach. My chest was so tight from longing, I found it hard to breathe. The way I was tied up gave me no choice but to feel everything without trying to suppress it or support the building of an orgasm, and it was the most intense ride I’d ever experienced.

The back of my head pressed into the pillow, my hands fisting into balls. “Don’t stop,” I begged as the softness of his determined tongue licked my sensitivity, swirling around, having me crying out.

“Tell me how much you love my tongue here.” He parted my sodden folds, kissing and sucking at my sex with both his mouth and tongue.

My head was thrashing back and forth. “So much.”

“Shall I make you come?”

“Yes,” I wailed.

“Beg me.” He sucked at my entrance, almost near my clit but not quite. He was waiting for me to beg. Then he was going to take me to the place of ecstasy.

“Please. Make me come.”

“As you wish.” He smiled against me, then thrust his tongue into my core, making me convulse.

“Wade…” He had me crying out his name and my legs and arms pulling relentlessly on the ties as my orgasm jolted through me. It felt like almost too much. Then too good. Parks moaned as he sucked up every last part of me.

Sweat dampened my hair. My eyes were almost teary from the intensity. My mind was lost in him. My body on a high and never coming down.

“Fuck me, Wade,” I begged desperately.

Kneeling up, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared down at my body, his chest heaving, his eyes full to the brim with desire. Nudging forward, he teased my saturated sex with the head of his cock. “You want this?” he asked, rolling the wide head around my clit with slight pressure, which had me falling dizzy.

“God, yes.” My throat was hoarse from all the moaning he had me doing, and my mouth was dry.

He slipped himself into me slowly, only the head dipping in. “More?”

“All of it,” I begged, lifting my head up to watch him holding his cock in his hand just over my sex. He let go, his body creeping over mine, his hands on either side of my face. I tried to push up my hips to make him slide into me, but he pulled out.

“Patience, Princess.”

“I don’t have any,” I snapped. He chuckled at my outburst, then bruised my lips, kissing me so hard that when he moved away, I was breathless. Leaving me heady from the kiss, he gripped my hips and thrust my backside up so his cock slid into me effortlessly.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped as my body adjusted to the delicious assault.

Parks gained a rhythm, his strong, sexy body rolling like a wave as he dipped in and out of me, his biceps tensing and clenching, his sexy, thick, and toned thighs working hard.

“Push harder, Wade.” I was breathless.

“Harder?” His smirk was sexy, hot, and everything in between as he obliged, plunging deep and abrupt. His name fell from my mouth, wailing loud and clear. My heels were digging into the mattress. My hands fisting.

“That hard enough?” he growled. I knew he wasn’t going as hard as he could. He wanted me to beg for it. Well, challenge accepted.

“No. Harder.”

“Oh, Princess.” God, his voice was husky, and I longed for his filthy words. “You drive me crazy.” He rammed into me so hard, he pushed out the air from my lungs. He gripped fiercely at my waist with one hand to stop me rising up the bed and pressed his other against the wall above my head. I had absolutely no control over my body. It was damp from head to toe, sweating, tensing. My muscles aching deliciously all over.

As I offered my pelvis, my hips met his exquisite drives. He accepted my offer and moved his big hands around to my backside to push me up off the bed and onto his dick.

“You feel perfect. So fucking perfect,” he groaned.

My body relished the feel of him, warmed by his praise.

His tempo was precise, relentless, and fast, and I felt an orgasm building between every thrust. “Wade, I’m almost there. Harder.”

“Do you not want to feel your legs tomorrow, baby?” he panted, pushing into me so brutally he was sexually grunting. The delectable noises vibrated through my aching bones.


Parks gritted his teeth and picked up his pace. “Fucking hell.” His body was pushing and working over its limits, and I loved that he could take me over that threshold.

“Wade!” I cried out piercingly as I came around him, my orgasm jostling through my body violently. The severe pleasure that had built up was letting go and knocking me for six, and I had no control over it. My body had no way of supporting my climax.

Parks wasn’t far behind. His strong frame stiffened. His grip on my body tightened. “Oh baby,” he moaned, falling into my body, his breath humid against my neck. Liquid burst between our legs, and our bodies trembled as we rode out our orgasms together.

My body was lax, my limbs falling lifelessly against their restraints. “Wow,” I panted.

“Jesus, Princess. Sex with you feels like I was put on this earth for that purpose alone.”

I heaved out a laugh, almost feeling breathless because of his gorgeously built body lying on top of mine. “That’s a damn good purpose. Will you untie me so I can feel you?” I asked in the sweetest way. His smirk showed me he knew what I was up to. Making a point of looking at his watch, he shook his head, his gorgeous, dark hair swaying.

“I have another ten hours with you yet.”

I squealed when he caught my hip and flipped me onto my stomach. The restrains pulled tighter as they twisted.

“I don’t think I can survive this,” I teased.

His smirk was proud. “At least you’ll die a happy woman, Princess.”













Stepping off the plane was a task in itself. I’d been utterly and thoroughly worshiped, fucked, and teased for eleven hours straight, and I was sore and aching like a bitch. Never mind jet lag. When we left London it was evening, then it was morning in America. Gone was cold, windy London, and here was gorgeously boiling America. “Exhausted” was an understatement. I couldn’t even remember getting into the limo that took us to the WParks Hotel in Beverly Hills.

Dragging my feet, I walked alongside Parks into the hotel and came face-to-face with the most spectacular lobby. It woke me right up. The golds and creams were a typical colour for the WParks Hotels, and the one in Beverly Hills was huge with a sort of French theme to it. I counted sixteen glass crystal chandeliers in total. There were also giant Persian rugs on top of white marble floors and vast amounts of the biggest glass vases I had ever seen with gold and white flowers spilling over the top. Obviously synthetic, but they were beautiful.

“Ready for bed?” Parks returned to me with the key card one of the employees in the lobby took care of our bags.

“Yes.” I yawned.

Parks took my hand and led me into a gold lift. He, himself, looked a little tired, his hair sexily dishevelled and his gorgeous, green eyes a little red.

When he took me into the hotel suite, my mouth fell open. It was a room fit for a princess. A gold bedframe. Luxury gold silk sheets with endless amounts of cushions. Golden silk drapes above the bed. A chaise lounge. Old-style lamps. Luxury furnishings. It was perfection.

“It looks like something from
Downton Abbey

Parks ignored my gawking and began to undress me. “You need sleep, Princess.”

And that I did.

I remember waking up and thinking I had never slept so well. The bed was so comfortable, I wanted to live in it. Stretching out my arms and blinking at the gorgeous sun beaming in from the panoramic windows, I quickly did a check for Parks around the room with my eyes. Sitting at a desk with an open laptop was where I caught him. He hadn’t noticed I was awake, so I was revelling in watching that concentrated scowl as he tapped away vigorously on the keys.

But it wasn’t long before he sensed me watching him and turned to me. “Morning, Princess. How did you sleep?”

“Good.” As I sat up in bed, my gaze caught the antique clock hanging on the wall. “It’s two in the afternoon?”
He let me sleep in that long?

“You didn’t fall to sleep until eight a.m., Evelyn.”

Shaking my head confused, I fell back down into bed. “This time difference malarkey is crazy. How long have you been awake?” I was still damn yawning. I had a cheek.

“Couple of hours. I hit the gym and had some work to get done.”

“Do you ever sleep?”

“Evelyn,” he was typing as he spoke to me, “I have over two hundred companies to check in with. I don’t have time to sleep.”

“Two hundred? I thought you just had the law firm and your hotels.”

His soft chuckle as he shut the lid of his laptop told me he thought I was adorably clueless. “I have my fingers in a lot of pies.”

“How many employees do you have?” If I was going to date one of the wealthiest men in the world, I had to have some knowledge of how he’s accomplished what he has.

“I don’t have employees per se. My companies have employees.”

Did I say I needed to know? Maybe not. “That’s so confusing. I have no idea about what you do and how you’re so bloody rich. Don’t you ever just want to give up?” All the strength in the world wouldn’t be enough for me to get up and do exactly what Parks did on a daily basis. I had to award him a huge amount of credit for that alone.

“Evelyn—” he smirked that cocky smirk that had my insides twitching, “—I am only just getting started.” With his body wearing only black boxers, he made his way towards me as I continued to blab.

“Why do you like working twenty-four-seven?”

He gave a slight shrug and settled at the end of the bed. “It keeps my mind busy. I need that. I need that routine. I need to keep myself disciplined.”

I began fiddling with the bedsheets. “Is there something you don’t want on your mind so you busy yourself?”
Keep the mind busy and it has less time to think.
It was a practice I used to do religiously, so Parks’s behaviour sounded all too familiar.

Parks ignored me, swiped the sheets from my body, and pulled on my hand. “Let’s go shower. Laurent is on his way.”

“Who’s he again?” I remembered the name, just couldn’t remember who he was.

“My tailor.” He rolled his green eyes playfully. Of course. The man who stocked my wardrobe back home. “Your dress has arrived, and I want him to make sure you don’t need any adjustments. He’s also bringing my suit along.”

Then I was utterly perplexed again. “My dress?” I was sure he didn’t mention a dress.

“For the ball tonight.” Pulling me out of the bed gave him easy access to wrap his arms around my body and cup my naked arse.

“I didn’t get to pick it myself?”

Parks gently kissed my lips. “I didn’t want you to have the worry of having to pick it yourself.”

Hmm. “I still would have liked a choice. What’s it like?”

“Wait and see.”

My pout was evident. I hated surprises. Only because I was so damn impatient.

After a relaxing bath and a full-body massage from the angel I called Parks, I sat crossed-legged on the bed in a coral satin slip when a knock came at the door.

“Laurent, it’s great to see you.” My ears pricked up as I heard Parks greet his tailor in the background. The door was around the corner from where the bed was, so I waited for them to come into view.

“Laurent, I’d like you to meet Evelyn.”

Around came a tall, skinny man with a great tan. His gorgeous, black hair was wavy and fell just above his shoulders. He was mature and handsome, even with his crooked nose. He showed off his slim body in a black shirt, and trousers that swayed just above his ankles to expose bare feet inside a pair of shiny, blue loathers.

I climbed off the bed and waltzed towards him. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” I felt extremely awkward saying things that like. Yes, it was nice to meet him, but it just didn’t seem me.

“Oh, Mr. Parks.
Elle est` belle.
No?” he gushed with his arms open dramatically as he eyed my body. Then he walked up to me and air-kissed me four times.

,” Parks agreed to whatever Laurent had said, and his French accent had me forgetting Laurent was in the room.

“You speak French?” I gawped.

“I do, baby.” He winked.

“Now you wait until you see your dress. It is
.” Laurent kissed two fingers and hung up a huge dress bag on the doorframe, then turned to Parks. “You, out. It’s a surprise.”

Parks raised his brow. “I am fully aware of what it looks like. I chose it, Laurent.”

I watched, intrigued to see how this was going to go. Laurent seemed to know Parks extremely well and didn’t seem intimated by him at all. He was loud, fiery, and took no crap. Just the kind of person I loved. Parks also felt extremely comfortable around him. I could tell. Well, he was the man who kitted Parks out finely. But I knew he didn’t like getting told what to do.

“But you haven’t seen it on
. Now go.” Laurent ushered him out the door.

“Eyes to yourself, Laurent.” Parks chucked as he stepped out of the room.

“It’s okay.” Laurent winked for my benefit. “Vaginas are not my thing.”

I burst out laughing. “I didn’t think so.” It would also explain why Parks was comfortable with me being alone in the room with him to get undressed.

. Undressed
. My body froze as it suddenly registered that I’d have to undress in front of a stranger. Didn’t Parks remember my confidence issue because of my scars?

“Now you take off that gorgeous slip and I’ll help you into the dress.” Laurent took the dress out of the bag, not giving me any real time to look at it.

“I’d like to change myself. Thank you.”

Laurent flapped his hand. “
. It’s a difficult dress. You need help.” He was pushy, Jesus, but instead of arguing, I turned my back on him and pulled off my slip. Laurent held the dress for me to step into, and when I was inside, I quickly pulled it up over my stomach, then waited for him to zip it up. He told me to close my eyes and steered me over to the mirror in the dressing room.

“Okay.” His palm uncovered my eyes. “Open.”

“Wow.” My breath was truly taken away as I stared at my reflection. Words couldn’t describe my love for the royal blue Michael Costello dress. It was a mermaid-style, and my boobs had no straps for support, but the sweetheart neckline pushed them up perfectly. The thick material sucked my waist in to make it look smaller and clung to my hips and thighs. It ruffled past my knees and onto the floor, making a small train behind me.

Laurent carried on fidgeting and fussing with the dress for a while. He’d walk around me, step back to have a think, then he’d smooth it out here and there, pulling and tugging.

When he was finally done, he stood back, studied me, and smiled at last. “
Belle, belle, belle
,” he sang, then called Parks with a clap of his hands. “Mr. Parks.”

Parks walked through the bedroom door impatiently and paused in his stride as he saw my image. His gaze rolled avidly down my body, taking time on my embossed curves. I felt a little timid under his scrutiny. And hoping he loved it.

“Evelyn…you look sensational.”

“Was that a stutter, Monsieur?” Laurent teased. Parks walked towards me, forgetting Laurent was present and took hold of my waist before dragging his hands down my hips.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, still looking me over with masculine triumph, as if to say,
Hell yeah, that’s my lady.

Laurent glowed, clapping his hands once. “I see you have no concerns?”

Parks halted him with a finger. “I have one.” He looked back down to my prominent breasts. “Do you think you could take this part up, right here?” In a serious manner, he took hold of the material that held my breasts up perfectly and pulled it up to cover my cleavage.

Laurent swatted his hands away as if insulted. “Ah,

“You’re unbelievable.” I smirked. “But thank you.” I aimed that at both men. “It’s amazing.” I planted a soft kiss on Parks’s lips, only for Laurent to point at his own cheek. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave him a small peck.

“You’re welcome, Princess.” Our smiles lingered on each other for a moment. We felt the heat, the passion, and lust diffuse as our feelings grew by the second.

Parks pushed a stay piece of hair behind my ear before Laurent nuzzled between us. “You keep look at each other like that and we’re going to have a
on our hands.”

Parks’s sexy scowl warned Laurent, who just laughed.

“Now for you, monsieur.” Laurent took out a measuring tape from his pocket and draped it around his neck.

“What are you wearing?” I piped up as Parks unzipped the dress for me to take off.

“A tux. Tom Ford.”

“Tom Ford?” I arched a brow, impressed. “His suits are crazy money.”

“Five thousand dollars to be exact.” Parks shot Laurent a glare, so he zipped his mouth up with an imaginary key and stalked out of the room to fetch the suit.

Leaving the two men alone, I headed back into the dressing room, hung up my dress, and slipped into a silk, black robe. Making use of the time alone, I quickly texted Steph to see how she was and texted Tabby back as she asked me again if we could plan our girly night. She was persistent, I’d give her that. But I felt she was clingy because she had nothing and no one. All she needed was a friend. I also had a text from Nia I’d forgotten to reply to. She was asking me how I was and said she was trying to get Parks to talk to her. Her text made me think she wanted me to push him her way a little more. But I didn’t think I was the right person to encourage a talk with a therapist when I was so dead against it in the beginning too.

Parks was just taking off a white dress shirt when I reentered the room. I didn’t get to see his suit, but that added to the intrigue for the night.

“My work here is done. I am genius.” Laurent beamed.

“Thank you.” Parks walked him to the door. “Your hair and makeup team will arrive shortly, Evelyn. Do you mind if I get back to some work while they’re here?”

“Hair and makeup team?” My question was squashed by another knock on the door, then in came two extremely attractive blondes with kits and suitcases full of, presumably, makeup and hair accessories.

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